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Is Caitlin Clark not Gay or Black Enough for the WBNA?

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For those of you not familiar with the name, Caitlin Clark is a young rookie phenom in women's basketball.

Her skillset is just not something you see often, regardless of gender.

IE lethal shot, pin point accurate passing, elite handles on the ball, and three throw shots she can drop at will.

One issue. She's elite, but white.

Not even a full season in, and she has gotten ratings that rival NBA games, when she plays.

This is for a sport that averaged 200k to 500k views per game (dismal numbers for pro sports like basketball).


Skyrocket that to 1.5 to 2 million views, seemingly overnight, to sellout crowds to watch her play.

This translates to millions of dollars of extra sponsorship bucks. Millions of more eyes on your sport. Better salaries for players, etc.

Whats not to like?

There lies the problem. The backlash for her skill, has been swift. Veterans to current players publicly throwing shade her way, to dirty plays being made on her, by players not even attempting to hide how much they hate her.

Then there's the Olympic team snub. Some say its because she doesn't match the woke agenda they are pushing. IE being a racial minority, and part of the LGBTQ movement. 

Shes polite, courteous (even when having to answer to venomous comments about her by league peers) and shows love to her fans. But is also a proud catholic.

Is it possible to be too white for basketball?

Is Caitlin Clark not gay or black enough for the WNBA?

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Is it possible for you to provide a cite for this brewing conspiracy that you're about to enjoy your anger about? 

Is it only me that are the people who complain but complainers starting to run out of complainers to complain about? 

Have a complaint about that! 😂

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4 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Is it possible for you to provide a cite for this brewing conspiracy that you're about to enjoy your anger about? 

Is it only me that are the people who complain but complainers starting to run out of complainers to complain about? 

Have a complaint about that! 😂

Perhaps you don't follow American pop culture stuff or recent political events, but in the past couple of weeks, this has been all over the news with how certain talking heads are upset that only after a pretty white girl like her makes it to the WNBA does it become more popular and other black WNBA players have been targeting her with hard fouls and others celebrating that and other famous figures celebrating and encouraging that behavior. 


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3 minutes ago, User said:

1. Perhaps you don't follow American pop culture stuff or recent political events, but in the past couple of weeks, this has been all over the news with how certain talking heads are upset that only after a pretty white girl like her makes it to the WNBA does it become more popular and other black WNBA players have been targeting her with hard fouls and others celebrating that and other famous figures celebrating and encouraging that behavior. 


1. Admittedly I don't.  Should be easy to find a culprit though if it's all over the news.


And for anybody who follows what's going on... I would submit that it's  increasingly impossible to do so because of all the bubbles. You really can only safely make statements about cultural impacts that fall close to your own identity I would say. 

Know what I mean?

Edited by Michael Hardner
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1 minute ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. Admittedly I don't.  Should be easy to find a culprit though if it's all over the news.

Do you really not believe this? It seems your requests are coming across more as sea lioning right now... 


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1 minute ago, User said:

Asking for a cite?  What are you talking about? Most of the time when people provide a link I just read it and move on...

Thing about this poster is he's always protesting about a cloud of people that's hard to pin down, and then you start reading his posts and they're about his ex-wives or somebody his wife works with or something.. 

I Want to know if these things are real.


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4 minutes ago, User said:

Okay... I read the the comments from the lady on The view. First of all, I hate that show. It's a bunch of baiting and divisive blather that does nothing to inform or entertain.

Basically it's the housewife version of what this forum is becoming. 

As for the comments, yeah maybe she has a point. Christy Yamaguchi... Not sure of the spelling... Suffered from not being able to command a certain price for her face because it wasn't truly American to some. 

So what? 

These are comments for sociologists not for unemployed daytime TV watching divorces and hearing aid wearers. 

I don't appreciate potshots. 

But let's just not complain about the complainers... We can do better if we put our minds to it including me.

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49 minutes ago, User said:

Perhaps you don't follow American pop culture stuff or recent political events, but in the past couple of weeks, this has been all over the news with how certain talking heads are upset that only after a pretty white girl like her makes it to the WNBA does it become more popular and other black WNBA players have been targeting her with hard fouls and others celebrating that and other famous figures celebrating and encouraging that behavior. 

So what?

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1 minute ago, Michael Hardner said:

Some are upset at people being upset!!!



I don't even think anyone is upset at Clark at all but then some people do get upset when injustice or double standards are pointed out to them.

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4 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Some are upset at people being upset!!!




And you are upset about it... 

1 minute ago, Black Dog said:

I don't even think anyone is upset at Clark at all but then some people do get upset when injustice or double standards are pointed out to them.

Oh... and what is this injustice you are upset about?

10 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

So what?

Try to follow along. 

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4 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Is it possible for you to provide a cite for this brewing conspiracy

Confused how its conspiracy, when its clearly in the news.

What news clip do you want? The View's Sunny Hostin puts it bluntly:

“I do think that there is a thing called pretty privilege. There is a thing called white privilege,”

Or even more blunt:

“There is a thing called tall privilege, and we have to acknowledge that, and so part of it is about race, because if you think about the Brittney Griners of the world, why did she have to go play in Russia? Because they (the WNBA) wouldn’t pay her.”

Of course, there are hundreds of quotables from multiple sources, but the points are similar. Britney Griner doesn't get views, because her skillset doesn't come close to Clark's.

Griner can bring a house down under pressure, and she gets attention.


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4 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Asking for a cite?

Asking for a cite, and then playing it like you don't even know what a basketball is or a woman:

"I never heard of this WNBA thing, but I know for sure this poster is.."

At least try to make it seem like you're genuinely trying to engage in a conversation.

4 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Thing about this poster is he's always protesting about a cloud of people that's hard to pin down, and then you start reading his posts and they're about his ex-wives or somebody his wife works with or something..

Not one word about my posts being dishonest. Interesting. I guess that's just some of us. 😜

3 hours ago, Black Dog said:

So what?

Tell that to Americans, who have made this front page news. So clearly many feel a certain way about it.

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41 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

1. Asking for a cite, and then playing it like you don't even know what a basketball is or a woman:

2. "I never heard of this WNBA thing, but I know for sure this poster is.."

3. At least try to make it seem like you're genuinely trying to engage in a conversation.

4. Not one word about my posts being dishonest. Interesting. I guess that's just some of us. 😜

5. Tell that to Americans, who have made this front page news. So clearly many feel a certain way about it.

1. 2. Huh?

3. I don't know how to make you think that.

4. I didn't say you're dishonest.

5. Some things that a wing nut said on The View is front page news?  I don't believe it.

Anyway, I got the cite and commented on another post anyway.  Not hard to produce a cite, not sure why people act like I'm challenging them to a duel.

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1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

5. Some things that a wing nut said on The View is front page news?  I don't believe it.

OK, now you are just sea lioning... 

This was widely reported on at the time:


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2 minutes ago, User said:

Front Page?

I'm not saying that I'm in touch - I'm not - but I can't believe that.


Edited to add: I wasn't asking for a cite again and I'm not now.  I appreciate the link, and I learned about what The View is up to.

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2 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Front Page?

I was not around to screen capture the front pages of all of those news outlets that reported on this... but yeah, lets keep pretending that it was not up on the front page of any of them or that you are not here downplaying what is quite obvious and easily looked up as I just did for you. 

You are sea lioning. 

And that is just this one story among the many that have been popping up. 


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4 hours ago, User said:

You are sea lioning. 

He's definitely talented at this, I will give him that.

I have never seen someone so conveniently "ignorant" to anything that is going on, be so meticulous in trying to placate others with aha moments they try to find if you play their game, and provide them with ammunition.

Like I said before. Used car salesman of posting type tactics.

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4 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Front Page?

This is all over the news, whether you wish to acknowledge it or not. When Carter body checked Clark and doubled down after being asked why, this was in the news everywhere.

Your "prove it" is incredibly lazy, and brings nothing to the debate. You're just doing this for kicks, trolling in your a own way.

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6 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

I didn't say you're dishonest.

Am pointing to the obvious. Nowhere in your post did you state I was dishonest, because am an honest person. I make a living this way.

Your track record on honesty is incredibly sullied, and you have been called out on it. I was just pointing it out, and now spelling it out for you.

6 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Not hard to produce a cite

You ask for plenty bringing nothing to the debate. 

You belong in the sea, not on repolitics.com.

If I have to spell this one out to you, you prove my point.

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7 hours ago, User said:

1. ... but yeah, lets keep pretending that it was not up on the front page of any of them  

2. You are sea lioning. 

1. Asking is not pretending. 

2. I explicitly said I didn't want any more sites and graciously thanked you for explaining this to me. 

You strike me as another in a long line of people who come out of nowhere to want to fight with me. For some reason. 

I'm not interested.

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1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

Asking is not pretending. 

There is asking, and then there is:

16 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Is it possible for you to provide a cite for this brewing conspiracy that you're about to enjoy your anger about? 

Thats not asking. That's dismissing the notion of the mere possibility that the post at hand could be accurate. Passive aggressively, to boot.

It comes across as deliberate, and has fishy undertones if you like. Sea lioning, to be more precise.

1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

come out of nowhere

Either you have little self awareness, or are trolling. You can't possibly genuinely believe its out of nowhere.

I highlighted your post. You set the trap to try to derail the thread, and are butthurt when you get return fire.

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36 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

1. That's dismissing the notion of the mere possibility that the post at hand could be accurate.

2. Passive aggressively, to boot.

3. It comes across as deliberate, and has fishy undertones if you like. Sea lioning, to be more precise.

4. Either you have little self awareness, or are trolling. You can't possibly genuinely believe its out of nowhere.

5. ... and are butthurt when you get return fire.

1. No, I am just fed up with seasoned posters who can't provide the basics, and it makes me into a rude poster.

2. Sarcasm actually.

3. Sea Lioning is repeatedly asking for cites, I had to look it up.  I asked for the one from you, and a white knight swooped in and helped you.

4. I never believed that it was out of nowhere.  I just wanted to understand context.

5. I'm never butthurt by you, but I'm frequently confused.

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