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What's going on in Alberta?

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I, and I'm sure everyone in Canada hears how Alberta's economy is white hot right now. How taxes are low there (ie. lower provincial income taxes, and no PST!), and how Alberta needs more tradespeople/business people.

As an Ontarian and a younger person (22) nearing the completion of my degree, seeing the bleed of many good jobs out of this province, and the rise in lower earning retail careers/jobs, I'm eyeing a move to Alberta.

What I am wondering is what if any differences at a street level should I expect out there...I'm sure there are many transplants on this forum, so I'm just wondering? I'd like to hear transplant experiences, and advice.

If I don't hear anything I guess it's just the conservative utopia it appears to be :D

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Well I didn't live in Alberta, but I have been numerous times so I'll try and give a few points about differences. Personally, Alberta is a fairly "boring" place compared to other regions in Canada. If you just want to make money in your life, then I guess its a good place to go... although the lifestyle is fairly strenous (Albertans work the longest amount of hours per year in Canada). The winters are also quite unappealing, but that is offset by the "friendliness" of the people (generally). Depending on where you are in Ontario (GTA, Ottawa, etc), it could either be a bigger or smaller experience.

If on the other hand you want the fun lifestyle and low taxes/earning potential, then I would suggest the Lower Mainland of BC... it enjoys the lowest income taxes in Canada (up to $70k I believe, lower than even Alberta), as well as no snow and plenty of opportunities for tradespeople/business. The one "downside" is depending on whether or not you like crowded places -- Vancouver is a crowded zoo.

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Well I didn't live in Alberta, but I have been numerous times so I'll try and give a few points about differences. Personally, Alberta is a fairly "boring" place compared to other regions in Canada. If you just want to make money in your life, then I guess its a good place to go... although the lifestyle is fairly strenous (Albertans work the longest amount of hours per year in Canada). The winters are also quite unappealing, but that is offset by the "friendliness" of the people (generally). Depending on where you are in Ontario (GTA, Ottawa, etc), it could either be a bigger or smaller experience.

If on the other hand you want the fun lifestyle and low taxes/earning potential, then I would suggest the Lower Mainland of BC... it enjoys the lowest income taxes in Canada (up to $70k I believe, lower than even Alberta), as well as no snow and plenty of opportunities for tradespeople/business. The one "downside" is depending on whether or not you like crowded places -- Vancouver is a crowded zoo.

Well apollo,

I gotta wonder if you were truly here.

BC is one of the most expensive places to be in Canada. You conveniently forgot to mention the PST that's added to the already inflated price of everything out there. The lower mainland is a hole. Too many people and cowshit stink from too many dairy farms per square acre. The only place I've been that stunk worse was Quebec, from Montreal to New Brunswick on my bike in September 2 years ago. Skunk-cowshit-skunk-cowshit. Every farmer must have been cleaning barns. PHEW!!!!

But I agree on one thing. Alberta is very boring. Major boring. You wouldn't like it here. Best to stay home.

Of course, if you want to discover what it's truly like here, we'll welcome you like any other displaced easterner. If you don't like it here, then it's not for you.

There's one major difference. Ontario and Quebec are in the exact same direction when you point at them from here. They are not different to us.

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But I agree on one thing. Alberta is very boring. Major boring. You wouldn't like it here. Best to stay home.

You trying to keep me out...lol

While it's mostly the ecomony that attracts me to Alberta (that coupled with my work ethics could create a dynamic duo!) I also wish to move there since it appears to offer different attitudes, ideas, and ladscapes than from where i'm from. Basically I'd like a move not just to further my career and income (although that is my primary goal) but for experiences sake, and the sake of adventure as well.

If it's that boreing maybe I'd reconsider...but how could such a booming place really be that boreing?

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Of course, if you want to discover what it's truly like here, we'll welcome you like any other displaced easterner. If you don't like it here, then it's not for you.

There's one major difference. Ontario and Quebec are in the exact same direction when you point at them from here. They are not different to us.

Uh, I must have missed something. Since when was I an Easterner? I am temporarily located in Toronto for 1 year... I don't think that qualifies someone as an easterner/ontario/quebecer ?

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Of course, if you want to discover what it's truly like here, we'll welcome you like any other displaced easterner. If you don't like it here, then it's not for you.

There's one major difference. Ontario and Quebec are in the exact same direction when you point at them from here. They are not different to us.

Uh, I must have missed something. Since when was I an Easterner? I am temporarily located in Toronto for 1 year... I don't think that qualifies someone as an easterner/ontario/quebecer ?

We even consider some people who have ever left Alberta and visited relatives in Winnipeg over Christmas to be easterners. :lol:

Be an easterner. That's better than a dope smoking hippie from BC. :lol:

Tongue in cheek here, relax!

Did I mention that to be an Albertan is to realize you live in the best place possible, in the world?

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While it's mostly the ecomony that attracts me to Alberta (that coupled with my work ethics could create a dynamic duo!) I also wish to move there since it appears to offer different attitudes, ideas, and ladscapes than from where i'm from. Basically I'd like a move not just to further my career and income (although that is my primary goal) but for experiences sake, and the sake of adventure as well.

You're young and new to this game, so here is a life lesson for free: nearly everything is easier when you have money. Looks like you knew that already, just thought I'd reinforce it!

You sound like just the type of adventurous, open sort who will thrive in Alberta.


Your first assignment after you arrive is to forget all the BS you've read about Alberta in the Globe and Mail. Discover the truth for yourself.

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I, and I'm sure everyone in Canada hears how Alberta's economy is white hot right now. How taxes are low there (ie. lower provincial income taxes, and no PST!), and how Alberta needs more tradespeople/business people.

As an Ontarian and a younger person (22) nearing the completion of my degree, seeing the bleed of many good jobs out of this province, and the rise in lower earning retail careers/jobs, I'm eyeing a move to Alberta.

What I am wondering is what if any differences at a street level should I expect out there...I'm sure there are many transplants on this forum, so I'm just wondering? I'd like to hear transplant experiences, and advice.

If I don't hear anything I guess it's just the conservative utopia it appears to be :D

I'm from Toronto originally (Port Hope actually), and now live in suburban Calgary, going to school. I also operate a small business in the oil and gas services sector.

Heres a few things:

- Alberta's parks system is wicked awesome. I'm an avid outdoorsman, mountaineering, cross-country skiing, and a bit of hunting. If you like the outdoors and things like that, Alberta is the place to be. The mountains are just an unbelievable recreational resource, and I bet if your at all outdoors minded, you'll be completely into experiencing the amazing diversity that is Alberta.

- If you don't like pickup trucks, your in the wrong place. In fact, if you don't have one, you shouldn't come here. :lol:

- Less pollution. It's nice to be able to breathe. No smog days!!

- There is alot of nothing. The drive from Calgary to Edmonton is quite different than the Toronto to London or Toronto to Ottawa journey. If you've never been to Alberta or Saskatchewan, that farm after farm for miles and miles is pretty accurate.

- The nightlife in Calgary is apparently just starting to take off (I'm a relative newcomer to this part of Calgary), and its a great experience right now. It's safe, yet fun. I'm not normally too concerned about getting shot or stabbed, its pretty nice. I don't get the same feeling of security in Toronto bars/clubs.

- Moooonnnneeeyy. People have it, and show it. Luxury cars/trucks/SUV's are common fare, even more so I'd say than Toronto.

- In the 'burbs, all the houses look the same. It's the price you pay for rapid development. Trying to explain where I live on my street to vistors is nearly impossible.

- Our overpasses have street lights on top. Yup, get used to ridiculous traffic measures throughout the city. You'll be scratching your head for the first few months coming from Ontario.

- Public transit is useless, have a vehical.

- Mormons abound, they will visit you regularly. Nice people though, no complaints.

- Further on the topic, religious people abound. But most keep to themselves. It makes a very respectful community feeling, and no one is pushed into anything. You will see more public religious (99% Christian) displays in Calgary than in Toronto from my experience though.

- Calgary Stampede is amazing. The whole city just shuts down and parties. If you choose not to move, still come out for the Stampede, it'll change your mind.

- Alot of casual dress downtown, alot of cowboy hats and boots.

- Roads don't get plowed, snow tires are a necessitity.

Thats about it for my long list of Calgary attributes from the 'street level'

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As an Ontarian and a younger person (22) nearing the completion of my degree, seeing the bleed of many good jobs out of this province, and the rise in lower earning retail careers/jobs, I'm eyeing a move to Alberta.
You wouldn't be the first to think about this. Horace Greeley said, "Go West Young Man!"

Keep in mind that Alberta has traditionally had a boom/bust economy. There are lots of places in Canada like that. "When you've got it, spend it. And when you don't, well that's life." Alberta has more than its share of risk-takers.

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Great post geoffrey, lot of relavant info.


If you don't like pickup trucks, your in the wrong place. In fact, if you don't have one, you shouldn't come here.

:( and hear I never thought driving a sporty coupe would be a liability, guess I was wrong. I've always been torn between choosing a sports car or Truck/SUV(of the GM variety of course), if i move i'll have to embrace the unrealized half of my desires.

Hmm perhaps this tug of war between vehicle types, is symbolic of my inner struggle to determine where i want to live.....deep i know :lol:

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Great post geoffrey, lot of relavant info.


If you don't like pickup trucks, your in the wrong place. In fact, if you don't have one, you shouldn't come here.

:( and hear I never thought driving a sporty coupe would be a liability, guess I was wrong. I've always been torn between choosing a sports car or Truck/SUV(of the GM variety of course), if i move i'll have to embrace the unrealized half of my desires.

Hmm perhaps this tug of war between vehicle types, is symbolic of my inner struggle to determine where i want to live.....deep i know :lol:

You can get away with a sport coupe, as long as its European.

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But I agree on one thing. Alberta is very boring. Major boring. You wouldn't like it here. Best to stay home.

You trying to keep me out...lol

While it's mostly the ecomony that attracts me to Alberta (that coupled with my work ethics could create a dynamic duo!) I also wish to move there since it appears to offer different attitudes, ideas, and ladscapes than from where i'm from. Basically I'd like a move not just to further my career and income (although that is my primary goal) but for experiences sake, and the sake of adventure as well.

If it's that boreing maybe I'd reconsider...but how could such a booming place really be that boreing?

Well quite a few of the young people in my family work in the oil patch, an older on too, my son. Well its certainly is not boring if you like booze, drugs and gambling.

My grandson runs his own crew and does not allow any of his people to do this if he can stop it. But people do have free time and so it goes.

Housing is expensive and hard to find. It is like being in the lumber camps of Ontario long ago, men are living in bunk type conditions

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But I agree on one thing. Alberta is very boring. Major boring. You wouldn't like it here. Best to stay home.

You trying to keep me out...lol

While it's mostly the ecomony that attracts me to Alberta (that coupled with my work ethics could create a dynamic duo!) I also wish to move there since it appears to offer different attitudes, ideas, and ladscapes than from where i'm from. Basically I'd like a move not just to further my career and income (although that is my primary goal) but for experiences sake, and the sake of adventure as well.

If it's that boreing maybe I'd reconsider...but how could such a booming place really be that boreing?

Well quite a few of the young people in my family work in the oil patch, an older on too, my son. Well its certainly is not boring if you like booze, drugs and gambling.

My grandson runs his own crew and does not allow any of his people to do this if he can stop it. But people do have free time and so it goes.

Housing is expensive and hard to find. It is like being in the lumber camps of Ontario long ago, men are living in bunk type conditions

Housing is cheaper than in Toronto or Vancouver. I'm not getting the impression from this guy that he's going to go do hard labour up in Fort Mac.

You can get a nice 3-bedroom in the suburbs for about $230k-$240k, in Calgary. I think its cheaper in E-town but I may be wrong.

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Housing is cheaper than in Toronto or Vancouver. I'm not getting the impression from this guy that he's going to go do hard labour up in Fort Mac.

You can get a nice 3-bedroom in the suburbs for about $230k-$240k, in Calgary. I think its cheaper in E-town but I may be wrong.

I've done physical labour before, and have nothing against it, infact many of those guys earned my respect. But I definitely don't intend on moving out there to persue a career in physical labour, infact what I heard from the guys I worked with and I agreed was, "If you can avoid a career doing this type of thing do it!". With that in mind Fort Mac isn't out of the question if the right job comes up. After all as fellowtraveller so eloquently put it:

....nearly everything is easier when you have money.

In windsor a 3-bedroom in nicer area's will run slightly less (apx.$200k)...but a difference of $30-$40k doesn't seem to be bad in comparison to what I know about Toronto.

Plus I'm not really a fan of Toronto, with its overly liberal/ndp core i'll probably end up getting myself lynched or something... :lol: (ex.me- "I don't believe in affirmative action in it's present form"....angry T.O. mob - "Go get the chains boys, we don't like this type in these parts!")

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Vehicle choice isn't *that* biased. You could probably get away with driving a Japanese sports car. :lol:

If you drove a North American made sports car people would just think you are crazy.

Seriously though, you do see a lot more pickups in Alberta but nobody really cares what you drive.

:( and hear I never thought driving a sporty coupe would be a liability, guess I was wrong. I've always been torn between choosing a sports car or Truck/SUV(of the GM variety of course), if i move i'll have to embrace the unrealized half of my desires.

Hmm perhaps this tug of war between vehicle types, is symbolic of my inner struggle to determine where i want to live.....deep i know :lol:

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I, and I'm sure everyone in Canada hears how Alberta's economy is white hot right now. How taxes are low there (ie. lower provincial income taxes, and no PST!), and how Alberta needs more tradespeople/business people.

As an Ontarian and a younger person (22) nearing the completion of my degree, seeing the bleed of many good jobs out of this province, and the rise in lower earning retail careers/jobs, I'm eyeing a move to Alberta.

What I am wondering is what if any differences at a street level should I expect out there...I'm sure there are many transplants on this forum, so I'm just wondering? I'd like to hear transplant experiences, and advice.

If I don't hear anything I guess it's just the conservative utopia it appears to be :D

Dude here is the real deal:

I just LEFT Alberta for the Lower mainland which is AWESOME. The other day i played 9 holes in the morning and skiied the mountains in the afternoon!

The politics here suck (everyone is a limpwristed liberal).

Alberta is the PLACE TO BE if you want to start a life, live well, earn alot of cash and f*ck the rest of the country lol. You can live in Calgary or Edmonton in a beautiful two story home for PEANUTS compared to other places. Plus, the low taxes and low cost opf living allow for plenty of leftobver cash to go south once or twice to split up the at times BRUTAL winters (and very long ones).

Personally I'll take the higher taxes and cost of living to live in the world's most beautiful city (Vancouver), but Alberta is a decent spot to build a life and raise a family.

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I, and I'm sure everyone in Canada hears how Alberta's economy is white hot right now. How taxes are low there (ie. lower provincial income taxes, and no PST!), and how Alberta needs more tradespeople/business people.

As an Ontarian and a younger person (22) nearing the completion of my degree, seeing the bleed of many good jobs out of this province, and the rise in lower earning retail careers/jobs, I'm eyeing a move to Alberta.

What I am wondering is what if any differences at a street level should I expect out there...I'm sure there are many transplants on this forum, so I'm just wondering? I'd like to hear transplant experiences, and advice.

If I don't hear anything I guess it's just the conservative utopia it appears to be :D

I'm from Toronto originally (Port Hope actually), and now live in suburban Calgary, going to school. I also operate a small business in the oil and gas services sector.

Geoffrey, I lived for a few years in Canton, just north of Welcome.... I imagine that you went to Dr Hawkins and PHHS??? When were you there? The Ganny ran through my backyard so I have many happy memories of fishing and generally having the time of my life... Ever do the Float Your Fanny Down The Ganny?

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Dude here is the real deal:

I just LEFT Alberta for the Lower mainland which is AWESOME. The other day i played 9 holes in the morning and skiied the mountains in the afternoon!

The politics here suck (everyone is a limpwristed liberal).

Alberta is the PLACE TO BE if you want to start a life, live well, earn alot of cash and f*ck the rest of the country lol. You can live in Calgary or Edmonton in a beautiful two story home for PEANUTS compared to other places. Plus, the low taxes and low cost opf living allow for plenty of leftobver cash to go south once or twice to split up the at times BRUTAL winters (and very long ones).

Personally I'll take the higher taxes and cost of living to live in the world's most beautiful city (Vancouver), but Alberta is a decent spot to build a life and raise a family.

Welcome to Lotus Land! :D

Waddya mean Limp Wristed Liberals! :blink:

Out here on the fringes (waaaay out in The Valley) we all vote conservative. (not me personally, but they always get elected -- Chuck Strahl has been our MP since '93.)

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Geoffrey, I lived for a few years in Canton, just north of Welcome.... I imagine that you went to Dr Hawkins and PHHS??? When were you there? The Ganny ran through my backyard so I have many happy memories of fishing and generally having the time of my life... Ever do the Float Your Fanny Down The Ganny?

I definitely went fishing at the Ganny, weekly. Kind of scared me in the papers hearing about the three-headed fish from up by the nuclear waste plant (at Pickering I think), but what can you do right?

I didn't go to either of these schools, I went to St. Mary's elementary (I seem to have forgot the name), I am somewhat hesitant to admit that I went to TCS for a brief stint before leaving... don't want to contaminate the rest of my posts though ;). Didn't do high school there, that was Calgary. I was in Port Hope '90-'99.

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Geoffrey, I lived for a few years in Canton, just north of Welcome.... I imagine that you went to Dr Hawkins and PHHS??? When were you there? The Ganny ran through my backyard so I have many happy memories of fishing and generally having the time of my life... Ever do the Float Your Fanny Down The Ganny?

I definitely went fishing at the Ganny, weekly. Kind of scared me in the papers hearing about the three-headed fish from up by the nuclear waste plant (at Pickering I think), but what can you do right?

I didn't go to either of these schools, I went to St. Mary's elementary (I seem to have forgot the name), I am somewhat hesitant to admit that I went to TCS for a brief stint before leaving... don't want to contaminate the rest of my posts though ;). Didn't do high school there, that was Calgary. I was in Port Hope '90-'99.

See now thats funny... I went to Rosseau Lake College....

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Geoffrey, I lived for a few years in Canton, just north of Welcome.... I imagine that you went to Dr Hawkins and PHHS??? When were you there? The Ganny ran through my backyard so I have many happy memories of fishing and generally having the time of my life... Ever do the Float Your Fanny Down The Ganny?

I definitely went fishing at the Ganny, weekly. Kind of scared me in the papers hearing about the three-headed fish from up by the nuclear waste plant (at Pickering I think), but what can you do right?

I didn't go to either of these schools, I went to St. Mary's elementary (I seem to have forgot the name), I am somewhat hesitant to admit that I went to TCS for a brief stint before leaving... don't want to contaminate the rest of my posts though ;). Didn't do high school there, that was Calgary. I was in Port Hope '90-'99.

See now thats funny... I went to Rosseau Lake College....

Let's just keep that hush hush. :lol:

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