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"Manhole Covers" now Identify as "Equipment Access Covers". MISGENDER THEM AT YOUR ON PERIL!

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5 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

so they have to fake it, they have create a false persona, to try to fool you

I was married to one, so can relate.

4 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

progressive is the opposite

I just never remember progressives being this bad in my lifetime.

I am old enough to remember politicians that were like watching paint dry. 

A harsh comment would be something like: "that was absolutely reprehensible" as you could hear collective gasps.

Being told what you did was "appalling", seemed to be career ending.

Many hate Trump, but he truly exposed how corrupt political systems are. 

Cheating on your wife, bribery all of a sudden, are unacceptable.

Yeah, okay.

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2 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

I was married to one, so can relate.

I just never remember progressives being this bad in my lifetime.

I was there at the birth of this cultural revolution when I was just a boy

my mother being a cultural revolutionary Communist in the 1970's

so for me, this has been going on for almost half a century

the inflection point was in 2008

when the Banksters blew up the world

they needed to save their necks in the face of a revolt

so they flipped sides to join the cultural revolutionaries, cynically to keep the revolt at bay

this amplified the cultural revolution into a position of preeminent power

a unholy alliance between Wall Street, Silicon Valley & the Communists

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9 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

I was there at the birth of this cultural revolution when I was just a boy

my mother being a cultural revolutionary Communist in the 1970's

so for me, this has been going on for almost half a century

the inflection point was in 2008

when the Banksters blew up the world

they needed to save their necks in the face of a revolt

so they flipped sides to join the cultural revolutionaries, cynically to keep the revolt at bay

this amplified the cultural revolution into a position of preeminent power

a unholy alliance between Wall Street, Silicon Valley & the Communists

When I see the current woke movement, they have hints of the Black Panthers but a tad less radical, in my opinion. 

Hints of Mao Zedong ideology. 

So its essentially something I have seen since childhood. I was nerdy, so loved reading about sociology and hit a phase where I was curious about dictators and how they managed to control the populations they governed. 

Wish I hadn't, as it makes tactics I see blatantly obvious.

Kind of funny, I was having that conversation with the wife the other day.

In the west, we hate Rodrigo Duterte, as he ruled the Philippines with an insanely brutal iron fist.

People in the west are quick to decry the loss of rights. Dictatorship. 

But what if what you felt were rights  were politically designed to keep you docile?

Fluoride in your water, wasn't for your teeth? 

Like the sheer outrage, at people pointing fingers, and realizing there were 3 pointing right back all along. They just had no idea, because our terms sound nicer.

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23 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

I just never remember progressives being this bad in my lifetime.

There have always been good and bad people on both sides but I don't ever remember a time when so many conservatives were as studiously bat shit crazy as they are now.

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Just now, eyeball said:

I don't ever remember a time when so many conservatives were as studiously bat shit crazy

All I see is either side trying to one up the other. 

Start with making gender limitless. Teach this in school. Eradicate manhood, by calling anything short of what is b***h like  toxic.

The other side, counters with insulting actual trans people. They are he's not she's.

Removing birthing rights.

The other side, will amplify their divisiveness, and the cycle continues.

They either just talk in shock value. hashtags.

#MAGA....#Mybodymychoice...#LibsofTikTok and so on, just so you know who to be angry at. 

All the while, travel outside of this and the world lost the memo of needing to be angry at your fellow constituents.

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17 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

When I see the current woke movement, they have hints of the Black Panthers but a tad less radical, in my opinion.

I had no particular quarrel with the Black Panthers

ultimately black Americans invoking their second amendment rights to open carry in self defence

in the face of Jim Crow

yes, they were leftists

but they were not totalitarian lunatics trying to destroy Western civilization itself, like the Woke

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34 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

So its essentially something I have seen since childhood. I was nerdy, so loved reading about sociology and hit a phase where I was curious about dictators and how they managed to control the populations they governed.

well I was a precocious Generation X Latchkey Kid raised by leftist intellectuals

so I was well ahead of my peers in terms of historical & political awareness

but I can't say I was nerdy

because girls loved me

I've haven't gone without a beautiful girlfriend since grade 6

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42 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

Like the sheer outrage, at people pointing fingers, and realizing there were 3 pointing right back all along. They just had no idea, because our terms sound nicer.

I'm an Evangelical Protestant

so that's not my game

love thine enemies, my Saviour commands

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39 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

Start with making gender limitless. Teach this in school. Eradicate manhood, by calling anything short of what is b***h like  toxic.

The other side, counters with insulting actual trans people. They are he's not she's.

Removing birthing rights.

see, again, that's exponentially more radical than the Black Panthers

there ain't no Black Panther who would put up with that lunacy

once these Commie white people go to transgenderism

that's where they lose the black vote

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20 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

I had no particular quarrel with the Black Panthers

but they were not totalitarian lunatics trying to destroy Western civilization itself, like the Woke

The Black Panthers are the woke, always have been.

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2 minutes ago, eyeball said:

The Black Panthers are the woke, always have been.

Woke meant something very different back in the day

Woke has since been hijacked by white Millennials to mean something else

Black Panthers wouldn't be caught dead hanging out with these pampered white kids on a university campus

particularly when it comes to the first & second amendments

no way, no how, any Black Panther would take a stand against free speech, nor for gun control



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20 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

Woke meant something very different back in the day

It's always meant the same thing, social justice - but the word social has always freaked you people out and you're way more into vengeance than justice so...

It's the meaning of the word conservatism that's changed. It means brain damage now.

Edited by eyeball
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1 minute ago, eyeball said:

It's always meant the same thing, social justice - but the word social has always freaked you people out and you're way more into vengeance than justice so...

It's the meaning of the word conservatism that's changed. It means brain damage now.

whatever, bro

I grew up in the hood, Regent Park, Flemingdon Park, Oakwood,  with the Jamaicans

and I never met one who was Woke

in fact, every Jamaican I ever knew, including closest friends in the army, was a conservative

as in a God Fearing Protestant Baptist conservative

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17 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

I grew up in the hood, Regent Park, Flemingdon Park, Oakwood,  with the Jamaicans

and I never met one who was Woke

Cool. I grew up closer to Yorkville. I went to the free school in Rochdale at the corner of Bloor and Huron. The Hell's Angles provided security. They weren't too woke either but they didn't mind us kids.

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2 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

I stayed away from the HAMC

every gangster I ever knew was Jamaican or Somal

River & Gerrard


A little after my time. I also went to Jarvis Collegiate High School in the boomer-pig-in-a-python days. Average of 50 students per class...nothing but paper-airplanes and spit-balls all day. Little security or social justice to be found.

I escaped to the west coast. I was the first logger with a ponytail on the crew. Not much social sympathy there either, I sure got yelled at a lot.

After a while I was allowed to yell at the greenhorns too.

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45 minutes ago, eyeball said:

 you're way more into vengeance than justice so...

the God of the Hebrews is a vengeful Lord upon the wicked

justice is served by His Almighty wrath therein

so no need for me to take any action

I am merely a pilgrim on the road to Calvary Hill

singing of the Good News as I go

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5 minutes ago, eyeball said:

A little after my time.

well first, in the early 80's,  there was a massive influx of West Indians to Regent Park

but then they all moved off to the new housing development at Jane & Finch

over time, the West Indians were replaced by a massive influx of Somalis to Regent Park

so this is a multigenerational story

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21 hours ago, Perspektiv said:

at how they decry fat shaming, slut shaming,

I get that we shouldn't be positively rude to obese people, but we shouldn't pretend that it's a perfectly fine option either.

It's an unnecessary curse and the worst part is that people pass it along to their helpless children who grow up feeling 'less-than'. Overall it costs western governments billions. IIRC the US spends more money on heart disease due to obesity than they do on their military.

IMO it's a parent's bare minimum responsibility that they get their children to 18 with a HS diploma, at least one extracurricular activity that they're good at, and with them being at least borderline athletic. I'm not talking about jogging five 6-minute miles a day or throwing a ball 80MPH, but they should be able to participate in normal sports if they want to. 

We have some good friends who are lovely people, high wage-earners, etc, but it's a crime how their kids eat. Mac 'n cheese is a staple food in their home. When they make chilli it's just spicy ground beef with a handful of tomatoes. Their breakfast is just the you-know-what cereals. If you tried to make them eat a vegetable I know they'd cry, but they just don't have to so it's not an issue. 

The argument against slut-shaming is ridiculous. Somewhere between islam, where women get beaten up for not covering 99% of their body, and NA, where women are expected to show 99% of their body, there's a healthy balance. 

Hollywood and pop culture, especially hard rock and hip-hop, seem to be designed to guide kids towards failure. I could go on about it for hours, but I basically tell my son that society needs people to fail, because if everyone had PhD's there'd be no one to do all the dirty work, and that's why there are a lot of messages out there that are just bad for kids. 

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18 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

you are not the perpetrator, you are the victim of his deception

Not even his own deception. The MSM in Canada was like the Trudeau cheerleading squad from 2012-present. Trudeau was the golden child and everyone else was basically evil.

My favorite CBC quote was after the 2019 election when they said "Scheer needs to step down because he couldn't beat Trudeau despite all his scandals". My eyes nearly popped out of my head when I read that. CBC literally did everything that they could to make Trudeau's scandals go away. I honesty felt like CBC thought that he was perfect up 'til that point. 

CBC "Ooooh the Scandals" 🤣

I swear that Rosemary Barton would drop to her knees and toss his salad on live TV if she got the chance. 

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4 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Not even his own deception. The MSM in Canada was like the Trudeau cheerleading squad from 2012-present. Trudeau was the golden child and everyone else was basically evil.

My favorite CBC quote was after the 2019 election when they said "Scheer needs to step down because he couldn't beat Trudeau despite all his scandals". My eyes nearly popped out of my head when I read that. CBC literally did everything that they could to make Trudeau's scandals go away. I honesty felt like CBC thought that he was perfect up 'til that point. 

CBC "Ooooh the Scandals" 🤣

I swear that Rosemary Barton would drop to her knees and toss his salad on live TV if she got the chance. 

I actually find it creepier that CTV, Global & CityNews do it now

I've despised the CBC for decades

but everything is the CBC at this point

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44 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

I actually find it creepier that CTV, Global & CityNews do it now

I hate to keep using the word cult, I've been doing it a lot lately, but I can't see how the bloom isn't off the rose at this point.

If it's not a cult, I don't know how else to describe it.

He's proven that he's not a good, decent person at all, and that was his whole shtick to begin with. He's also corrupt, with serious scandals under his belt. He's inept. He has a weird affiliation with terrorists, as does Jagmeet. He's arrogant. He's inaccessible to the media. He's just gross.

At his level best he's a smarmy, unscrupulous dweeb and the media still can't get enough of him. 

In the age of leftists tripping over themselves trying to find new ways to say "We hate white privilege males", he's the epitome of a silver-spoon white-boy that gets by on looks and a fake smile, and he's also their alpha and omega. 

Can you imagine if there was a press conference with President Newson and PM Trudeau? You'd need a mop the size of a dumpster to follow around all those media trollops who claim to hate white men.

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