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Media Endorsement


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La Presse endorsed the Conservative Party in Quebec.

All Radio Talk programs that aired live on CPAC station have all been vocal in pointing out the corrupt Liberals and supporting the need for change. They are very pro-Conservative.

Yesterday I watched only a portion....it was a station from KELOWNA, B.C. The announcer had a guest (I think he's from a local paper), fielding questions from viewers. Both sneered at the Gomery Report.

They said it is hard to imagine that as a Finance Minister. Paul Martin knew nothing about what was going on. They said: Either that...or he's incompetent!

Last night on Duffy, three announcers were guests. All three were happy about the Conservatives. One went so far as to rant about what he called the "ethically-bankrupt Liberals!"

There is real active "revolution" out there aimed at pushing the Liberals out the door. I would like to think that they are not only wishing for the Conservatives to win....but wanting to see a Conservative Majority.

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are you sure you don't collect a cheque from the CPC?

Media good.. media bad.. media good... I just can't keep up with you people.

aw, come on, Shakey, get on board the love train! :wub:

Quebec voters have firmly rejected the Liberals and are turning to Harper as the federalist choice in Quebec. The Liberals have alienated too many Canadians from the federal government. Harper is the only leader who can reduce regional tensions in Canada. Hands across the country! :wub:


{feel the blue tide of pan-Canadian love! :wub: }

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La Presse endorsed the Conservative Party in Quebec.

All Radio Talk programs that aired live on CPAC station have all been vocal in pointing out the corrupt Liberals and supporting the need for change. They are very pro-Conservative.

Yesterday I watched only a portion....it was a station from KELOWNA, B.C. The announcer had a guest (I think he's from a local paper), fielding questions from viewers. Both sneered at the Gomery Report.

They said it is hard to imagine that as a Finance Minister. Paul Martin knew nothing about what was going on. They said: Either that...or he's incompetent!

Last night on Duffy, three announcers were guests. All three were happy about the Conservatives. One went so far as to rant about what he called the "ethically-bankrupt Liberals!"

There is real active "revolution" out there aimed at pushing the Liberals out the door. I would like to think that they are not only wishing for the Conservatives to win....but wanting to see a Conservative Majority.

Media should be neutral in my opinion, not endorsing any parties. Why? Well because the media has a very powerful effect in persuading the general populace. The media should be reporting the news, not influencing it.

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La Presse endorsed the Conservative Party in Quebec.

All Radio Talk programs that aired live on CPAC station have all been vocal in pointing out the corrupt Liberals and supporting the need for change. They are very pro-Conservative.

Yesterday I watched only a portion....it was a station from KELOWNA, B.C. The announcer had a guest (I think he's from a local paper), fielding questions from viewers. Both sneered at the Gomery Report.

They said it is hard to imagine that as a Finance Minister. Paul Martin knew nothing about what was going on. They said: Either that...or he's incompetent!

Last night on Duffy, three announcers were guests. All three were happy about the Conservatives. One went so far as to rant about what he called the "ethically-bankrupt Liberals!"

There is real active "revolution" out there aimed at pushing the Liberals out the door. I would like to think that they are not only wishing for the Conservatives to win....but wanting to see a Conservative Majority.

Media should be neutral in my opinion, not endorsing any parties. Why? Well because the media has a very powerful effect in persuading the general populace. The media should be reporting the news, not influencing it.

What does it matter really? Anyone with half a brain can see who's slanted what way on any given given day anyway. It's not hard to surmise from the way they slant whom they support. I don't see how not saying it out loud is anything better than pseudo-neutral.

Let them say their piece.

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I agree with Rovik that media should be neutral.


When MAJORITY of the media coming from all forms (journalism, radio, tv, newspapers) start pointing out...and ganging up...in OUSTING the current regime.... one can only see that this is no petty "slant" or "biased" information. The media clearly knows where the true evil is coming from. They smell and see something terribly rotten.

After all, without the media, we wouldn't have known about oppressive regimes and atrocities happening all over the world.

The media is doing its utmost to help Canada.

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What does it matter really? Anyone with half a brain can see who's slanted what way on any given given day anyway. It's not hard to surmise from the way they slant whom they support. I don't see how not saying it out loud is anything better than pseudo-neutral.

Let them say their piece.

What you are suggesting goes against their own Code of Ethics.

Read the Code of Ethics from this site Link to Society of Professional Journalists Webpage to see what I mean.

I perceive a huge media bias towards the Conservatives in this election, just as there may have been towards the Lberals in the last election and again, i think this is wrong and against their own Code of Ethics.

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Huge is painfully off track.

Watch CBC and Newsworld. You would be very hard-pressed to see anything but their typical Liberal rah rahing. However, as a news organization they have to report the serious drop in support the Liberals are experiencing.

Given how HUGE this bias is it shouldn't be hard for you to find an example to post. Should it? :lol:

I perceive a huge media bias towards the Conservatives in this election, just as there may have been towards the Lberals in the last election and again, i think this is wrong and against their own Code of Ethics.
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I perceive a huge media bias towards the Conservatives in this election, just as there may have been towards the Lberals in the last election and again, i think this is wrong and against their own Code of Ethics.

Thanks to the media and their owners I was able to make a sizable bet on a CPC majority back in early December when it still paid a bundle. Now all you get on them is 1 to 9.

I never make big bets on sports because they have referees, and "the trouble with referees is that they just don't care which side wins." B)

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They certainly will reduce regional tensions, kimmy. When there are no regions and no national government, there will be no tensions.

As long as we have a country we will have regions and we will have to deal with their differences, If we can't manage it, we don't deserve to be a country.

A lot of people are getting tired of the Liberal arrogance that claims they are the only ones who can make this country work in spite of what they have done to divide it with their corruption. It shows in the polls.

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That is why I don't understand what eureka said. Is it misplaced Liberal arrogance or faux intellectual arrogance that forces him to make such pronouncements?

As long as we have a country we will have regions and we will have to deal with their differences, If we can't manage it, we don't deserve to be a country.

A lot of people are getting tired of the Liberal arrogance that claims they are the only ones who can make this country work in spite of what they have done to divide it with their corruption. It shows in the polls.

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They certainly will reduce regional tensions, kimmy. When there are no regions and no national government, there will be no tensions.

Ah, eureka...

Paul Martin is every bit as much a "headwaiter to the provinces" as Harper; he may be moreso. Harper's ideology says that the provinces should have the financial ability to take care of the jurisdictions given them in the constitution. Paul Martin's ideology might be different from that, but we really don't know, as he lacks the courage of whatever convictions he might have. Over and over we've seen Paul Martin bend over backwards to accomodate each and every premier who has come to him with any kind of personal gripe.

You don't have a strong federalist to vote for in this election. Failing that, why not at least vote for one who can end regionalism in Canada instead of continuing to increase it? Another Paul Martin government would push this country to the brink. It would put us on a short countdown to a big detonation between Quebec and Ottawa. It would set in motion a fracture that we'll never recover from.


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Huge is painfully off track.

Watch CBC and Newsworld. You would be very hard-pressed to see anything but their typical Liberal rah rahing. However, as a news organization they have to report the serious drop in support the Liberals are experiencing.

Given how HUGE this bias is it shouldn't be hard for you to find an example to post. Should it? :lol:

I perceive a huge media bias towards the Conservatives in this election, just as there may have been towards the Lberals in the last election and again, i think this is wrong and against their own Code of Ethics.

Well if CBC is bias toward the Liberals, than that would be wrong as well. Though I had to admit, the CBC has been much more balanced toward all three parties than CTV has.

Craig Oliver and Robert Rife have been praising the Conservatives and must of their political columnist guests have been pro-Conservative, so yes, I say huge.

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To repeat, do you have an actual example to point to? Or is your word enough?

Well if CBC is bias toward the Liberals, than that would be wrong as well. Though I had to admit, the CBC has been much more balanced toward all three parties than CTV has.

Craig Oliver and Robert Rife have been praising the Conservatives and must of their political columnist guests have been pro-Conservative, so yes, I say huge.

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Huge is painfully off track.

Watch CBC and Newsworld. You would be very hard-pressed to see anything but their typical Liberal rah rahing. However, as a news organization they have to report the serious drop in support the Liberals are experiencing.

Given how HUGE this bias is it shouldn't be hard for you to find an example to post. Should it? :lol:

I perceive a huge media bias towards the Conservatives in this election, just as there may have been towards the Lberals in the last election and again, i think this is wrong and against their own Code of Ethics.

Well if CBC is bias toward the Liberals, than that would be wrong as well. Though I had to admit, the CBC has been much more balanced toward all three parties than CTV has.

Craig Oliver and Robert Rife have been praising the Conservatives and must of their political columnist guests have been pro-Conservative, so yes, I say huge.

CBC balance toward all three parties??? :lol::lol::lol:

Maybe you have a different CBC where you are...

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What does it matter really? Anyone with half a brain can see who's slanted what way on any given given day anyway. It's not hard to surmise from the way they slant whom they support. I don't see how not saying it out loud is anything better than pseudo-neutral.

Let them say their piece.

What you are suggesting goes against their own Code of Ethics.

Read the Code of Ethics from this site Link to Society of Professional Journalists Webpage to see what I mean.

I perceive a huge media bias towards the Conservatives in this election, just as there may have been towards the Lberals in the last election and again, i think this is wrong and against their own Code of Ethics.

Obviously CBC doesn't care about that code of ethics. And they're public-funded to boot!

Most of the media who are now pro-Conservatives have been known to be slanted towards the Liberals in the past. That they, in droves, had gone the other way tells how disenchanted (to put it mildly perhaps) they are with the Liberals right now. No one can even say it's a conspiracy.

Media's drastic action tells so much about the Liberals, I must say.

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The way Mansbridge made it sound like Harper was trying to weasel out of the town hall was sad. He had a scheduling conflict that was eventually resolved. No big conspiracy...

I don't think anyone who saw Peter Mansbridge questioning Martin about the military ad would say the CBC's coverage is biased towards the Libs. Harper finally agreed to do a Town Hall himself, and I bet he's softer on him than he was on Martin.
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What does it matter really? Anyone with half a brain can see who's slanted what way on any given given day anyway. It's not hard to surmise from the way they slant whom they support. I don't see how not saying it out loud is anything better than pseudo-neutral.

Let them say their piece.

What you are suggesting goes against their own Code of Ethics.

Read the Code of Ethics from this site Link to Society of Professional Journalists Webpage to see what I mean.

I perceive a huge media bias towards the Conservatives in this election, just as there may have been towards the Lberals in the last election and again, i think this is wrong and against their own Code of Ethics.

Look at the media today. How many of them are perceived as left/right wing rags? They obviously had to slant one way or the other to get those monnikers.

So, since when has ethics had anything to do with it. What's the difference between being slanted and lying about it and being slanted and being intellecually honest enough to admit it? I think he who admits his bias is of higher integrity than he who lies about it.

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What does it matter really? Anyone with half a brain can see who's slanted what way on any given given day anyway. It's not hard to surmise from the way they slant whom they support. I don't see how not saying it out loud is anything better than pseudo-neutral.

Let them say their piece.

What you are suggesting goes against their own Code of Ethics.

Read the Code of Ethics from this site Link to Society of Professional Journalists Webpage to see what I mean.

I perceive a huge media bias towards the Conservatives in this election, just as there may have been towards the Lberals in the last election and again, i think this is wrong and against their own Code of Ethics.

Look at the media today. How many of them are perceived as left/right wing rags? They obviously had to slant one way or the other to get those monnikers.

So, since when has ethics had anything to do with it. What's the difference between being slanted and lying about it and being slanted and being intellecually honest enough to admit it? I think he who admits his bias is of higher integrity than he who lies about it.

You're absolutely right! I take back what I said about agreeing with Rovik.

Tis true come to think of it. If it's against ethics, why would any paper want to be perceived as left/right-leaning?

I guess, it is about news reporting that a journalist had to be accurate and straightforward....but editorials and comments are a different matter.

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