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Liberal set to drop nuclear bomb


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According to M Duffy, the Liberals will be releasing something, which they (Liberals) say could turn the tide. It's supposed to happen tomorrow.

Btw, journalist gave his analysis (based on what he'd been hearing from people), that some "silent" things are secretly hurting Paul Martin. It's family values.

Then he cited the recent swing club ruling, polygamy issue, etc., as examples....and said: these are not our values.

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According to M Duffy, the Liberals will be releasing something, which they (Liberals) say could turn the tide. It's supposed to happen tomorrow.

Btw, journalist gave his analysis (based on what he'd been hearing from people), that some "silent" things are secretly hurting Paul Martin. It's family values.

Then he cited the recent swing club ruling, polygamy issue, etc., as examples....and said: these are not our values.

Paul Martin will say that he will not stay for more than one term and that he intends to resign during the next mandate of a Liberal government. Trudeau did that in 1980 and it worked.

Even Martin did almost that in his speech in April when he said that he would hold an election within 30 days of Gomery II.

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According to M Duffy, the Liberals will be releasing something, which they (Liberals) say could turn the tide. It's supposed to happen tomorrow.

Btw, journalist gave his analysis (based on what he'd been hearing from people), that some "silent" things are secretly hurting Paul Martin. It's family values.

Then he cited the recent swing club ruling, polygamy issue, etc., as examples....and said: these are not our values.

I just saw that show as well. Interesting to see what the Liberals concoct tomorrow and will it backfire as their ads did.

I have to note, media shouldn't lean toward any party but I have to saw that the CTV seems to be pro-Conservative. It seems that most of the commentators that Duffy has on are pro-Conservative, there are some pro-Liberal and once in a blue moon, pro-NDP. And Robert Fife, he positively glows when he is talking about Harper and the Conservatives. I think that the media should be neutral and provide all parties with equal opportunites but I don't see this. Conservatives are always blasting the CBC for being pro-Liberal (and I agree this does comes across sometimes) but the CTV can't be more pro-Conservative unless Stephen Harper, himself was the main news anchor.

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Paul Martin will say that he will not stay for more than one term and that he intends to resign during the next mandate of a Liberal government. Trudeau did that in 1980 and it worked.

Except when Pierre Trudeau did that, he did it because everybody was pleading with him to stay. So he did, all the time thinking .... "Ok you mother f****** (fuddle duddles) but that's it, after that I'm out of here. Last chance for you peons to be led by me."

Martin is pleading for just one more term for the Gipper ( PM Sr)..

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I have to note, media shouldn't lean toward any party but I have to saw that the CTV seems to be pro-Conservative. It seems that most of the commentators that Duffy has on are pro-Conservative, there are some pro-Liberal and once in a blue moon, pro-NDP. And Robert Fife, he positively glows when he is talking about Harper and the Conservatives. I think that the media should be neutral and provide all parties with equal opportunites but I don't see this. Conservatives are always blasting the CBC for being pro-Liberal (and I agree this does comes across sometimes) but the CTV can't be more pro-Conservative unless Stephen Harper, himself was the main news anchor.

The promo for the ConservaTiVe news that just ran started with a soundbite of Harper saying something ambiguous like "choose good over evil" and then Lloyd Robertson voicing over something like "The Conservatives push to bring freedom to the Maritimes." There was no other mention of any other political party. Go Big Blue!!

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Do you think Martin resigning would be the 'bomb' I don't think so. I'm not surprised that they have something to trot out the last week. Any other ideas of what it could be?

I doubt the bomb has anything to do with Martin or the Lieberals.

I expected them to release something this week similar to the "Randy White Tape" of 2004. I think it will be something along those lines, but what exactly, I don't know. Could be anything. Non-politically advantageous comments from some of their candidates. Secret documents or correspondence or funding from non-politically advantageous organizations. Whatever it is, we'll find out soon enough.

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I have to note, media shouldn't lean toward any party but I have to saw that the CTV seems to be pro-Conservative. It seems that most of the commentators that Duffy has on are pro-Conservative, there are some pro-Liberal and once in a blue moon, pro-NDP. And Robert Fife, he positively glows when he is talking about Harper and the Conservatives. I think that the media should be neutral and provide all parties with equal opportunites but I don't see this. Conservatives are always blasting the CBC for being pro-Liberal (and I agree this does comes across sometimes) but the CTV can't be more pro-Conservative unless Stephen Harper, himself was the main news anchor.

The promo for the ConservaTiVe news that just ran started with a soundbite of Harper saying something ambiguous like "choose good over evil" and then Lloyd Robertson voicing over something like "The Conservatives push to bring freedom to the Maritimes." There was no other mention of any other political party. Go Big Blue!!

I can't believe the left is complaining about CTV being pro-right wing.

The left need look no further than CBC and the Globe and Mail, two of the most leftist anti-CPC outlets in this country. And I shouldn't forget the Toronto Sun, what with Sheila Copps writing her "daddy dearest" letters about the Martin Liberals and her seemingly unabashedly pro-NDP views.

If CTV is as unabashedly pro-CPC as CBC and the Globe and Mail are, we might actually has some biased journalism in Canada...go CTV go!!! :)

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I have to note, media shouldn't lean toward any party but I have to saw that the CTV seems to be pro-Conservative. It seems that most of the commentators that Duffy has on are pro-Conservative, there are some pro-Liberal and once in a blue moon, pro-NDP. And Robert Fife, he positively glows when he is talking about Harper and the Conservatives. I think that the media should be neutral and provide all parties with equal opportunites but I don't see this. Conservatives are always blasting the CBC for being pro-Liberal (and I agree this does comes across sometimes) but the CTV can't be more pro-Conservative unless Stephen Harper, himself was the main news anchor.

The promo for the ConservaTiVe news that just ran started with a soundbite of Harper saying something ambiguous like "choose good over evil" and then Lloyd Robertson voicing over something like "The Conservatives push to bring freedom to the Maritimes." There was no other mention of any other political party. Go Big Blue!!

I can't believe the left is complaining about CTV being pro-right wing.

The left need look no further than CBC and the Globe and Mail, two of the most leftist anti-CPC outlets in this country. And I shouldn't forget the Toronto Sun, what with Sheila Copps writing her "daddy dearest" letters about the Martin Liberals and her seemingly unabashedly pro-NDP views.

If CTV is as unabashedly pro-CPC as CBC and the Globe and Mail are, we might actually has some biased journalism in Canada...go CTV go!!! :)

BTW My take on the nuclear bomb? Martin resigns and Ignatieff takes over just like that.

THAT would be the shock of it all... :lol:

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If CTV is as unabashedly pro-CPC as CBC and the Globe and Mail are, we might actually has some biased journalism in Canada...go CTV go!!! :)

If the CBC tried something as openly partisan as that ConservaTiVe news promo the conservatives would be going apeshit.

During a later break the ConservaTiVe news promo said something to the effect of "We'll ask Paul Martin what's been going wrong, or what's been going right."

The CBC was being criticized on here the other day because Paul Martin accepted an invitation for an interview but Stephen Harper did not. Not only is the reporting biased, but so is the perspective of the conservative supporters.

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If CTV is as unabashedly pro-CPC as CBC and the Globe and Mail are, we might actually has some biased journalism in Canada...go CTV go!!! :)

If the CBC tried something as openly partisan as that ConservaTiVe news promo the conservatives would be going apeshit.

During a later break the ConservaTiVe news promo said something to the effect of "We'll ask Paul Martin what's been going wrong, or what's been going right."

The CBC was being criticized on here the other day because Paul Martin accepted an invitation for an interview but Stephen Harper did not. Not only is the reporting biased, but so is the perspective of the conservative supporters.

Why would Harper want to go on CBC, he is on a role and the lefties over there would probably try and trip him up while fielding softball "Martin, tell me why we need to vote Liberal" questions... :rolleyes:

I don't watch much TV but if CTV goes a bit right well then, so be it.

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Speaking of the media KInsella happens to do a number on certain Media groups in his blog today.

Kinsella link

January 16, 2006 – Before I head out to a Canada Israel Committee meeting, I thought I would offer up a few thoughts about something you won’t see much of in the main stream media (MSM) – because it’s all about the MSM.

In recent days, you’ve read and seen plenty of thumb-sucker analyses about what a newly-minted Prime Minister Harper will mean to government, political parties, the judiciary, citizens, and so on. But what about the Ottawa-based media? Does the coming political seismic shift mean changes are also in store for the ink-stained wretches and wretchesses who document the goings-on in our Seat of Government?

I don’t know, for certain, and neither does anyone else. But I tend to believe some MSM types could be, or should be, nervous about the new era.

Here’s my speculation, based upon my own biases, and also discussions with Liberal, Tory and NDP pals.

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I can't believe the left is complaining about CTV being pro-right wing.

The left need look no further than CBC and the Globe and Mail, two of the most leftist anti-CPC outlets in this country. And I shouldn't forget the Toronto Sun, what with Sheila Copps writing her "daddy dearest" letters about the Martin Liberals and her seemingly unabashedly pro-NDP views.

If CTV is as unabashedly pro-CPC as CBC and the Globe and Mail are, we might actually has some biased journalism in Canada...go CTV go!!! :)

The Globe and Mail have basically endorsed Haper and the Conservatives and CBC may be considered pro-Liberal but I would never consider it pro-NDP...Larry Zolf could never be called pro-NDP. You might hear more about the NDP on CBC because the CTV at times doesn't even talk about the NDP, like they didn't exist. Often when Craig Oliver is asked about how he sees the election, he won't even mention the NDP unless someone asks him specifically about them.

And regards to columnists, Sheila Copps might have some NDP sympathies but she can't touch the many, many pro-Conservatives columnists out there, such as Ezra Levant, Paul Jackson, Peter Worthington, Charles Adler, Tom Brodbeck and on and on and on, when it comes to spin.

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Why would Harper want to go on CBC, he is on a role and the lefties over there would probably try and trip him up while fielding softball "Martin, tell me why we need to vote Liberal" questions...

Harper will be on Mansbridge's program on Thursday.

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I can't believe the left is complaining about CTV being pro-right wing.

The left need look no further than CBC and the Globe and Mail, two of the most leftist anti-CPC outlets in this country. And I shouldn't forget the Toronto Sun, what with Sheila Copps writing her "daddy dearest" letters about the Martin Liberals and her seemingly unabashedly pro-NDP views.

If CTV is as unabashedly pro-CPC as CBC and the Globe and Mail are, we might actually has some biased journalism in Canada...go CTV go!!! :)

The Globe and Mail have basically endorsed Haper and the Conservatives and CBC may be considered pro-Liberal but I would never consider it pro-NDP...Larry Zolf could never be called pro-NDP. You might hear more about the NDP on CBC because the CTV at times doesn't even talk about the NDP, like they didn't exist. Often when Craig Oliver is asked about how he sees the election, he won't even mention the NDP unless someone asks him specifically about them.

And regards to columnists, Sheila Copps might have some NDP sympathies but she can't touch the many, many pro-Conservatives columnists out there, such as Ezra Levant, Paul Jackson, Peter Worthington, Charles Adler, Tom Brodbeck and on and on and on, when it comes to spin.

My apologies...

There was a time when the Globe and Mail was pro-Liberal and proud of it. If that has changed, good.

CBC is without a doubt a network of the Liberals and NDP. If Harper will be coming on, that is good.

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Warren Kinsella just did an interesting review of the biases of various journalists and news organizations. I note that he described English CBC radio as "objective".

This morning, on local Montreal CBC radio, I listened to a 15 minute interview with Pierre Pettigrew that was fawning and sympathetic. No hardball questions about anything at all, even about his potential defeat. Then, in the afternoon, there were two interviews with Morgenthaler in which he said that he suspected Harper would take away women's right to have an abortion. Then, just before 6 pm, there was an interview with Christian Bourque of Leger Marketing that went into detail about why polls are inaccurate and they consistently underestimate Liberal support.

This is not a scientific sample, and I may be looking for bias. OTOH, may be the CBC is not objective. And if it is not, then it is leading its listeners down a garden path.

If you say something is true, that doesn't make it true. The longer you believe the falsehood, the more shocking the eventual realization of truth. The Left too often believes that if it keeps repeating a slogan, the slogan will convince people, change them and then the slogan will come true. The Soviet Union was founded on such nonsense. It doesn't work.

The CBC is not dangerous. But it's too often irritating and just a big waste of time.

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Warren Kinsella just did an interesting review of the biases of various journalists and news organizations. I note that he described English CBC radio as "objective".
The quality of CBC radio programming vary from show to show. The national morning show 'The Current' is run by a bunch of left wing wackos. The morning, noon and afternoon shows in BC provide excellent balanced coverage. The news at 6 and as it happens is also quite reasonable.
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This thread went from a Liberal 'nuclear bomb' to media bias yet again.

Now if the Liberals are actually releasing something earth shattering, the leak will kill them yet again. Expect to see Harper at around 8am releasing another plank that all Canadians will love.

It's too late, the media has already done their 180. Another won't happen this.

Martin will also not step down. If he did, that would be the end of the Liberals hopes of being even opposition.

The annoucement that he would only serve one term would create cannon fodder for the CPC, who would blast him on the 'well we want to government, and you only want to hang around a few months.'

I personally think its too late... but I'm intrigued none the less.

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This thread went from a Liberal 'nuclear bomb' to media bias yet again.

Now if the Liberals are actually releasing something earth shattering, the leak will kill them yet again. Expect to see Harper at around 8am releasing another plank that all Canadians will love.

It's too late, the media has already done their 180. Another won't happen this.

Martin will also not step down. If he did, that would be the end of the Liberals hopes of being even opposition.

The annoucement that he would only serve one term would create cannon fodder for the CPC, who would blast him on the 'well we want to government, and you only want to hang around a few months.'

I personally think its too late... but I'm intrigued none the less.

I'm still interested in this Liberal "nuclear bomb." Any Liberal insiders here that might know what this might be about. lol.

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This thread went from a Liberal 'nuclear bomb' to media bias yet again.

Now if the Liberals are actually releasing something earth shattering, the leak will kill them yet again. Expect to see Harper at around 8am releasing another plank that all Canadians will love.

It's too late, the media has already done their 180. Another won't happen this.

Martin will also not step down. If he did, that would be the end of the Liberals hopes of being even opposition.

The annoucement that he would only serve one term would create cannon fodder for the CPC, who would blast him on the 'well we want to government, and you only want to hang around a few months.'

I personally think its too late... but I'm intrigued none the less.

I'm still interested about this Liberal "nuclear bomb." Any Liberal insiders here that might know what this might be about. lol.

Just ask anyone in the Party, with the leaks lately I'm sure it'll be easy to find.

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