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Today: SCOTUS hearing Arguments to Disqualify Trump

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3 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

Awwwww, poor wittow Hodad doesn't like weading the owwie words.

Not my problem.

If it would be 'exhaustive' to point out everything that's wrong with my post then just name one thing, Sherlock...

Surely you could do that one tiny thing instead of just babbling.

You're the person who looks at a guy standing outside for 17 minutes straight without a hat, with hair that stays completely dry the entire time, and then says "It rained on him", but you call this a "mostly peaceful protest":


Hodad, everyone here knows exactly what your opinion is worth. 

You regurgitate known CNN BS for years after it has been debunked. 

AG Ellison withheld bodycam footage for months to keep those riots going - to keep useful id10ts like you angry, destructive, and hateful - and you won't offer an opinion on that because CNN didn't give you one. 

I can expose your stupidity and hypocrisy all day, fool. 

Lol. Literally every time we do this "one thing" exercise you tuck tail and slink away. No retraction. No rethinking. And then you just post the same objectively false information a week later. Because you're a liar and a coward.

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17 minutes ago, Hodad said:

Don't be silly. We can persuade, but there are no illusions that we can force people to get with the times. We simply have to lay the groundwork and wait for you Archie Bunker bastards to decide that the social price is too high--or until you die off. 

No...I raised smart kids. You'll never be unopposed. 

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39 minutes ago, Hodad said:

Don't be silly. We can persuade, but there are no illusions that we can force people to get with the times. We simply have to lay the groundwork and wait for you Archie Bunker bastards to decide that the social price is too high--or until you die off. 

This will never be a thing that "everyone should be ok with"

A sense of decorum/class is normal within a civilized society and what you're preaching is the opposite.

Hopefully you know someone who dresses one way when they're alone with you and a different way when they're in public. That's (sad in this instance, but) normal. 

It's possible that you know some people who would wear different clothes to work than they'd wear to a fetish club. That's not mainstream but's fine/healthy.

Wearing fetish club attire to read books to small children is not normal. It's not fine. It's not healthy.

It's also not an LGBTQ talking point: it's a leftard talking point. Don't try to include all gays, or even all 'liberals',  in your perversion. A lot of gays have IQs over 100. I'm sure that shocks you. 

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

That was the whole point of Michelle Obama's comments like: "Stay angry. Focus your angry. Don't ever let anyone tell you not to be angry" when there were violent, destructive riots going on all over the country.

Do you think she was trying to be rational, and curb the hatred/violence when she said that? Because that's exactly the kind of thing that you'd say if you wanted to incite more rioting. 

If Trump said: "Stay angry. Focus your angry. Don't ever let anyone tell you not to be angry" during the mostly peaceful protest on Jan 6th what would you think of that statement?

Do you think that Barack Obama didn't know about the bodycam footage that Ellison was withholding from the public at that point in time?

If Barack knew then Michelle knew, and if she made that speech while knowing how misleading the Floyd narrative was at that point, then she is a despicable, repugnant, vile racist. 

In any event, it's an absolute certainty that at the very least Keith Ellison knew, and he let her stomp all over that rake. Everyone who knew what was on that video was 100% complicit with inciting violent, unnecessary riots. 

I can say with near total certainty that you are wildly misrepresenting Michelle Obama. because that's all you do is lie, lie, lie, but okay, so this should be as productive as it always is. 

How about you start with providing an actual quote? 

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2 hours ago, Nationalist said:

No...I raised smart kids. You'll never be unopposed. 

🤣 Sure. This is the time you've managed to stop progress in its tracks. No other generation of conservatives thought that they raised children "properly." You cracked the code! lol

Tell yourself whatever story you need to tell yourself. 

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8 minutes ago, Hodad said:

🤣 Sure. This is the time you've managed to stop progress in its tracks. No other generation of conservatives thought that they raised children "properly." You cracked the code! lol

Tell yourself whatever story you need to tell yourself. 

Actually historically that is often the way it goes.  conservative and moral people relax a bit, things get a bit better for everyone, then hte 'progressives' take it way too far and there's a backlash and the conservative types start to clamp down again.

Look at the 60's in the states. The warren commission and the commie witchhunts. Hardly the first time there either

And now we're seeing the beginnings of it again. ALberta, sask, the maritimes, etc.  I note the more right wing "conservative" party is suddenly surging in bc.


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2 hours ago, Hodad said:

🤣 Sure. This is the time you've managed to stop progress in its tracks. No other generation of conservatives thought that they raised children "properly." You cracked the code! lol

Tell yourself whatever story you need to tell yourself. 

I will. You have no idea how conservative the young are now do ya.


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