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Why Leftists Are So Unhappy

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17 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

The implication is that he expects some of you nuts to snap and murder someone. I personally disagree because you're cowards.

That's not the issue. The issue is that left-wingers blame other people (specifically conservatives) for their problems. 

But that's just a front.

The truth is, you stunted perverts lack the emotional and intellectual depth to identify with REAL problems. You just want to reprogram other people into Marxist thinking. This, of course, comes from your indoctrination days at school. 

I think that's the real reason normal Americans can't stand you f*ckers. 

Edited by Deluge
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2 hours ago, Black Dog said:

This is exactly the same logic you reject when it comes to shooters with right wing beliefs, but its clear you're a hypocrite. And it's funny that your one example is exactly the same one I predicted you'd use because you nitwits are nothing if not predictable.


It's not even close. This isn't about "Beliefs" this is about someone specifically stating "This is why i'm doing this". 

But you try to conflate the two - you claim that if someone happens to be right wing in their politics and they kill someone it MUST BE because they're RIGHT WING!!!!!  That's not how it works. I'm happy to agree that if someone leaves a manifesto specifically noting right wing talking points or ideology as the reason for their attack that THAT is politically motivated, but you pretend that if someone voted for regan once then anything he does after that is 'right wing violence' regardless of the reason.


The stuff about falling down right wing conspiracy rabbit hole is literally straight from the perpetrator's mouth.

Sure -plays well to the jury. I bet he found god too and is just about to change his life around.

But the facts are the facts before that and all he's ever belonged to  is left wing groups. He's supported them, joined them, donated to them, etc etc.  Sorry kiddo - he's one of yours.


Your claim was, specifically, that in such events, the media wouldn't cover any racist movtives, but this is from your article:

Ummmm no.  My claim was that they wouldn't cover political motives.


I also said that it would be ASSUMED that the white person was racists without evidence.  The black person actually left evidence saying it was in retaliation for a racial attack.

Oooops!!  :)

Nice try.  I can see you're a big fan of the common lefty techique of the strawman argument :)   I say one thing and you twist it to something else and try to argue that :)

I notice you didn't have any comment about the fact you said black violence on churches NEVER HAPPENED!!!  Wasnt the only one either.

The stuff about falling down right wing conspiracy rabbit hole is literally straight from the perpetrator's mouth.

Your claim was, specifically, that in such events, the media wouldn't cover any racist movtives, but this is from your article:




Yes because the political beliefs are irrelevant unless they are the motivation for the actions, you simpleton.

Ummm - that was my argument stupid :)   you're the one claiming that they ARE relevant :)   LOLOL


Even if I were to accept the Nashville shooting as an example of a left wing politically motivated attack, the scoreboard is still heavily slanted in favour of right wing murderers because right wing beliefs are fundamentally violent.

Nope. It's just that the media tends to say anyone who does violence that's right wing makes it 'right wing violence' and anyone who has left wing beliefs its' considered irrelevant unless they declare it specifically.

ANd as far as violence goes - the blm and floydd riots did more damage and saw more people hurt injured or killed in violence than all the "right wing" violence combined.

So - you still lose no matter how we look at it.


Nothing sadder than seeing someone try and strut around like a winner after sh*tting their pants in public lol.

LOL - funny i was just thinking that.

Sorry kiddo - it was a valiant effort in steaky leftist debate tactics but you struck out across the board :)

Lefties are actually more prone to violence than the right, as proved by the violence and destruction of the riots

Lefties ARE less happy than the right, because they focus all their attention on things that are out of their control but that they want to control.

Lefties are authortarian thugs because that's the only way they CAN control other people.

Ya done yet, or did you want to look a little more stupid first? :) 

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2 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

It's not even close. This isn't about "Beliefs" this is about someone specifically stating "This is why i'm doing this". 

But you try to conflate the two - you claim that if someone happens to be right wing in their politics and they kill someone it MUST BE because they're RIGHT WING!!!!!  That's not how it works. I'm happy to agree that if someone leaves a manifesto specifically noting right wing talking points or ideology as the reason for their attack that THAT is politically motivated, but you pretend that if someone voted for regan once then anything he does after that is 'right wing violence' regardless of the reason.

Nope, I've never done that, that's a strawman of your making. But I will point out that's literally what you're doing in the case of the Covenant shooter lol: they were a Democrat supporter who talked about white privilege, therefor it was politically motivated. Remove the beam in thine own eye. 



Sure -plays well to the jury. I bet he found god too and is just about to change his life around.

But the facts are the facts before that and all he's ever belonged to  is left wing groups. He's supported them, joined them, donated to them, etc etc.  Sorry kiddo - he's one of yours.


Oh hey look not a single cite or piece of evidence. Dismissed.


I also said that it would be ASSUMED that the white person was racists without evidence.  The black person actually left evidence saying it was in retaliation for a racial attack.

Again, no citations or evidence offered. Just your own persecution complex.


 notice you didn't have any comment about the fact you said black violence on churches NEVER HAPPENED!!!  Wasnt the only one either.

OK I'll admit I missed that one (from almost a decade ago). What else ya got? Again: we need examples where there was a specific political or racial motive the media did not cover because the perp was left-leaning. Go.


Ummm - that was my argument stupid :)   you're the one claiming that they ARE relevant :)   LOLOL

I've only ever pointed out incidents of violence that were specifically motivated by right wing beliefs, which you, stupidly, misinterpreted as a claim that all acts of violence by people with right wing beliefs are politically motivated., Indeed, you are so dumb that, when presented with a list of manifestos predominantly written by right wing mass killers, you said "buh, there's no politics involved/they're ackshually left-wing!" Your shit reading comprehension is not my problem.


Nope. It's just that the media tends to say anyone who does violence that's right wing makes it 'right wing violence' and anyone who has left wing beliefs its' considered irrelevant unless they declare it specifically.

ANd as far as violence goes - the blm and floydd riots did more damage and saw more people hurt injured or killed in violence than all the "right wing" violence combined.

So - you still lose no matter how we look at it.





LOL - funny i was just thinking that.

Sorry kiddo - it was a valiant effort in steaky leftist debate tactics but you struck out across the board :)

Lefties are actually more prone to violence than the right, as proved by the violence and destruction of the riots

Lefties ARE less happy than the right, because they focus all their attention on things that are out of their control but that they want to control.

Lefties are authortarian thugs because that's the only way they CAN control other people.

These are just a bunch of unsupported opinions, not actual facts. Lame.


25 minutes ago, Deluge said:

That's not the issue. The issue is that left-wingers blame other people (specifically conservatives) for their problems. 

But that's just a front.

The truth is, you stunted perverts lack the emotional and intellectual depth to identify with REAL problems. You just want to reprogram other people into Marxist thinking. This, of course, comes from your indoctrination days at school. 

I think that's the real reason normal Americans can't stand you f*ckers. 

This is funny coming from a guy with the most unpleasant personality anyone has ever encountered.

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8 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

Nope, I've never done that, that's a strawman of your making. But I will point out that's literally what you're doing in

You literally did it in the post i quoted.  And you do it all the time.



the case of the Covenant shooter lol: they were a Democrat supporter who talked about white privilege, therefor it was politically motivated. Remove the beam in thine own eye. 

Oh hey look not a single cite or piece of evidence. Dismissed.

Again, no citations or evidence offered. Just your own persecution complex.

OK I'll admit I missed that one (from almost a decade ago). What else ya got? Again: we need examples where there was a specific political or racial motive the media did not cover because the perp was left-leaning. Go.

I've only ever pointed out incidents of violence that were specifically motivated by right wing beliefs, which you, stupidly, misinterpreted as a claim that all acts of violence by people with right wing beliefs are politically motivated., Indeed, you are so dumb that, when presented with a list of manifestos predominantly written by right wing mass killers, you said "buh, there's no politics involved/they're ackshually left-wing!" Your shit reading comprehension is not my problem.


These are just a bunch of unsupported opinions, not actual facts. Lame.


I'll keep this simple. That is basically not only all false but some of the worst attempts at deflection and cowering i've seen in a while.

I give plenty of citations - you give none. you lie your ass off "NOOOO blacks shooting churches" when you obviously didn't even look - there are several. That was the OLDEST one.

You absoutely did not point out "only" examples that were right wing beliefs - hell in the beginning you tried to sell some of the politically motivated shootings that we LEFT wing as 'right wing'.  I had to correct you.

All my facts are fully supported.  I've disproven all of your facts entirely.

So lets sum up -

Lefties are more miserable and unhappy people.

They are also violent. 2.5 billion in damages and many deaths and thousands of injuries demonstrated that.

You as an example of the left demonstrated why the left is so delusional - the unwilliness to look facts in the face and deal with them and the need to lie and play games to avoid them.


This is funny coming from a guy with the most unpleasant personality anyone has ever encountered.

What are you talking about - i didn't quote robosmith at all :)  LOL

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6 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

Believe it or not.. not everyone is miserable or unhappy. You read the posts on this forum and you start to wonder.

I think all right thinking people in this country are sick and tired of being told that ordinary, decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I'm certainly not! And I'm sick and tired of being told that I am.

- monty python :) 

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49 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

I love how you have to make up little fantasies about other people's inner lives because yours is so empty. Are you perchance divorced?

The whole point of this thread was to identify why people like you are so unhappy, and you've already answered. 

Thanks 😘

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3 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

I think all right thinking people in this country are sick and tired of being told that ordinary, decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I'm certainly not! And I'm sick and tired of being told that I am.

- monty python :) 

However, there is no convincing certain types that not everybody is obsessed with these topics. They are obsessed and foaming at the mouth so everyone must be. No one has anything to do other than be sick and tired of this or that. 

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6 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

I give plenty of citations - you give none.

Are you kidding me right now? His posts are rife with shitations. That's basically all he does:


Gotta admit, he does have a kinda satisfied look on his face when he 'posts'.


Whoops, my bad. I misread your post. "Citations". Different story. 

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8 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

However, there is no convincing certain types that not everybody is obsessed with these topics. They are obsessed and foaming at the mouth so everyone must be. No one has anything to do other than be sick and tired of this or that. 

we all judge others by what is most important to us.  People focused on accumulating wealth judge people based on their money, people who work out all the time tend to judge people on their health,

I guess it's only natural that the obsessed would judge people on their obsessions and wouldnt' think of doing otherwise :)

But honestly this is a place specifically set aside for a little mouth foaming when people feel like it so maybe they're normal everywhere else and this is just sort of an emotional scratching post for them.

9 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Are you kidding me right now? His posts are rife with shitations. That's basically all he does:


Gotta admit, he does have a kinda satisfied look on his face when he 'posts'.


Whoops, my bad. I misread your post. "Citations". Different story. 

LOL - took me a minute to get that one :)  

Yes, he "Drops" many things but rarely citations :)  

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39 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

You literally did it in the post i quoted.  And you do it all the time.

Where, specifically. Show me the words. It should be funny to see you lay your illiteracy bare.



I'll keep this simple. That is basically not only all false but some of the worst attempts at deflection and cowering i've seen in a while.

I give plenty of citations - you give none. you lie your ass off "NOOOO blacks shooting churches" when you obviously didn't even look - there are several. That was the OLDEST one.



I looked back at this and you've provided one citation. One. And that was about the Black guy who shot up the church in retaliation for an attack by aright wing racist. All the stuff you claimed about the Pelosi attacker? Nothing. And when presented with any counter evidence, you dismiss it out of hand, so i'm not sure why I shouldn't do the same to your many unsourced claims.


You absoutely did not point out "only" examples that were right wing beliefs -

Wrong, dummy!

On 1/26/2024 at 3:47 PM, Black Dog said:

This was the original list I posted, all RWNJs, all politically motivated.



hell in the beginning you tried to sell some of the politically motivated shootings that we LEFT wing as 'right wing'.  I had to correct you.

Nope. Again we're confronted by your own poor reading comprehension issues. I gave a list that was predominantly right wing shooters and you, stupidly, thought that i was claiming they were all right wing shooters. Because you're dumb. 



So lets sum up -

Lefties are more miserable and unhappy people.

They are also violent. 2.5 billion in damages and many deaths and thousands of injuries demonstrated that.

You as an example of the left demonstrated why the left is so delusional - the unwilliness to look facts in the face and deal with them and the need to lie and play games to avoid them.



The degree to which you have to lie to yourself and others to convince yourself you've won an argument is hilarious, pure uncut self-delusion. You are the proverbial pigeon on the chessboard and what's really sad is you might be the smarted right winger here, which is like being the world's tallest midget.

Edited by Black Dog
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17 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

Wrong, dummy!


 your own poor reading comprehension issues.


you, stupidly, thought that


Because you're dumb. 



you have to lie 


pure uncut self-delusion.


You are the proverbial pigeon on the chessboard


what's really sad is you might be the smarted right winger here, which is like being the world's tallest midget


So, the alt-leftist who talks about his hatred of cops and proved that he is still a victim of the G Floyd disinformation campaign is just here cussing at people like a homeless guy with Tourette's.

Point taken.

The OP verified is verified, thank you very much.

Can we move on before you start making death threats? 

Edited by WestCanMan
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14 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

 which is like being the world's tallest midget.

One could say that the worlds tallest midget is looking down at you with disdain.

You suffering from distemper?

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16 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

Where, specifically. Show me the words. It should be funny to see you lay your illiteracy bare.


As i said, it was right in the post i quoted.  Pretty simple. ANd you do it frequently.

So NOW you admit i provided  citations.  ;) how nice of you ;)


This was the original list I posted

Followed by the wiki of the 'political killings' which you suggested were all republicans.  I then pointed out that many weren't. You then claimed it was 14 but hoenstly  even some of those are questionable.

So -  Right dummy :)  



Yep - you tried to sell a number of those as right wing and even YOU had to admit they weren't when pressed.

20 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

The degree to which you have to lie to yourself and others to convince yourself you've won an argument is hilarious,

I'm glad you're getting so much use out of that mirror of yours :)   They always say the left accuses others of what they themselves are doing.

Again - you tried to prove that somehow right leaning people are more violent. You failed in that - the blm and floyd riots along with numeroius numerous other violent protests have proven that false.

And now you're having a hissy fit because the facts don't back up your fictions.

Yeash - go have a cookie and a nap kid, next time try a  little harder.

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7 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

As i said, it was right in the post i quoted.  Pretty simple. ANd you do it frequently.

So that's a no, you can't show me what my words were? lol what a choke job.


So NOW you admit i provided  citations.  ;) how nice of you ;)

You provided zero citations for your claims about the Pelosi attacker.


Followed by the wiki of the 'political killings' which you suggested were all republicans. 

I didn't suggest anything. You inferred it. Different things.


I then pointed out that many weren't. You then claimed it was 14 but hoenstly  even some of those are questionable.

So -  Right dummy :)  

"Many" here being like "three". which is a significantly smaller number than the right-wing ones listed (which, again doesn't even capture the full extent of right-wing terror attacks in recent years).


Yep - you tried to sell a number of those as right wing and even YOU had to admit they weren't when pressed.

I didn't do that either. I'm starting to think you're hallucinating these things.



I'm glad you're getting so much use out of that mirror of yours :)   They always say the left accuses others of what they themselves are doing.

Again - you tried to prove that somehow right leaning people are more violent. You failed in that - the blm and floyd riots along with numeroius numerous other violent protests have proven that false.

And now you're having a hissy fit because the facts don't back up your fictions.

Yeash - go have a cookie and a nap kid, next time try a  little harder.


Like I said, it's easy to claim victory when you just lie about everything oir simply invent things out of whole cloth.

Edited by Black Dog
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2 hours ago, impartialobserver said:

However, there is no convincing certain types that not everybody is obsessed with these topics. They are obsessed and foaming at the mouth so everyone must be. No one has anything to do other than be sick and tired of this or that. 

partialobserver thinks we should ignore the democrats and let them work the country over. 

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3 hours ago, Black Dog said:

So that's a no, you can't show me what my words were? lol what a choke job.

I've pointed where they are twice now.

So that's a 'no' - you can't read or understand simple concepts.  What a surprise :)


You provided zero citations for your claims about the Pelosi attacker.

And if i do you'll admit you were wrong? Or is this just more of your sealioning.


I didn't suggest anything. You inferred it. Different things.

Nonsense. You were quite clear. Although i wouldn't want to admit it now either if i were you.


"Many" here being like "three".

Well 5 - but at least you're admitting you tried to pass them off as 'right wing'.


I didn't do that either. I'm starting to think you're hallucinating these things.

You literally just admitted to it.

Oh look another leftie who likes to re-write what he said as he goes. Yawn.



Like I said, it's easy to claim victory when you just lie about everything oir simply invent things out of whole cloth.

And you're very good at it.


STILL the bottom line - as demonstrated lefties are more violent and you're not terribly smart :)   Sorry kiddo, i'm sure your attempts to change what you said and obfuscate the issues work wonders on the elementary school playground but not so much here.

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2 hours ago, CdnFox said:

STILL the bottom line - as demonstrated lefties are more violent and you're not terribly smart :)   Sorry kiddo, i'm sure your attempts to change what you said and obfuscate the issues work wonders on the elementary school playground but not so much here.

Lefties are really stupid people in general.

This clown was trying to cite a few acts of violence as being representative of a massive group that has never spoken in favour of violence at all and that's obviously id10tic.

"Oh look, 6 guys out of 150M did this one thing in the last 30 years, and no one supported them. That's proof that the whole group is guilty of always doing that."

He doesn't understand the difference between that, and the entire DNC and all of it's leaders lying to incite violence, followed by tens of thousands of them being extremely violent, and the entire rest of the group supporting it. 

One of those groups is clearly violent, the other is not. 

I'm not sure how this got so off-topic, but chihuahua's "victim status whining" and pro-violence outbursts put him squarely in the "butthurt victim-status claimant" category that was mentioned in the OP.

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9 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

This clown was trying to cite a few acts of violence as being representative of a massive group that has never spoken in favour of violence at all and that's obviously id10tic.

And spread over a 30 year period no less. The 90's to now. Like - 14 guys spread over 3 decades is representative of all republicans or conservatives.

But this is what a lot of the discussions with the left turn into - instead of addressing the original issue which was why dems are unhappy which he KNOWS he can't address he tries to change the channel to "republicans shoot more people" because he thinks he can make some sort of case for that. But it's not remotely connected. 

Whereas having 26 MILLION democrats and lefties rioting over something that happened to a criminal that has nothing to do with them is actually a reasonable indication some of them are dissatisfied and generally angry people.  :)  

So here's a twist on the op then - we've talked about how dems are unhappy because they base their happiness on what other people think or do -  so are people unhappy becasue they're democrats or are they democrats because they're unhappy?   Are the happy people who got taught to hate others for how they think or behave, or do they just hate those people and found teh dems gave them a home for that kind of thing?

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19 hours ago, CdnFox said:

I've pointed where they are twice now.

So that's a 'no' - you can't read or understand simple concepts.  What a surprise :)

Yeah and there's nothing there that says what you say it does. The fact you are incapable of providing the relevant quote shows you're lying. Again.


And if i do you'll admit you were wrong? Or is this just more of your sealioning.

Maybe or i'll just do what you do and ignore it/move the goalposts. We'll never know unless you actually put up (which you won't).


Nonsense. You were quite clear. Although i wouldn't want to admit it now either if i were you.

My exact quote was "your guys keep leaving manifestos" which was a general statement about the number of right wing shooters leaving manifestos, not a statment about every mass shooter who leaves a manifesto, comprende? Probably not.


Well 5 - but at least you're admitting you tried to pass them off as 'right wing'.



You literally just admitted to it.

That's another no. 


STILL the bottom line - as demonstrated lefties are more violent and you're not terribly smart :)   Sorry kiddo, i'm sure your attempts to change what you said and obfuscate the issues work wonders on the elementary school playground but not so much here.

Interesting the only way you can actually win an argument is to lie about what people say. That or you're actually stupid enough to believe this stuff yourself. Either way, I've wiped things off the bottom of my shoe taht are more intelligent than you.


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