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Is Hate Speech Free Speech?

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7 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

1. I don't need to convince you. The statistics speak for themselves. You can ignore them if you wish.

2. In your opinion. 

3. You feel its about conceding to a disagreement in the heat of a debate. I haven't bent the knee to you. 

4. Many have called you out on it.

5. Debating isn't about liking people. It's about making a strong case for your opinion. 

6. Not really, you have shown sheisty debate tactics. 

7. I discuss with my wife. Meaning both humble themselves to listening. No judgment. Just tough subjects being broached.

8. You try to character assassinate someone then get butt hurt at their return fire and play victim you're being hypocritical.

1. The statistics are general, but the point you made was specific and was presented without a cite.
2. Yes - but now you're forgetting that you said I tied MMA to stupidity.  Now you're back to talking about my opinion about that guy.  Nothing to say you were wrong about what I said.  Just pointing that out.
3. Not exactly.  It's about listening... during a DISCUSSION.  Your characterization of 'bended knee' tells me that you see fights in every interaction.  I'm learning now what you mean by scrappy.
4. On my style ?  Well a wise man told me "Beauty of freedom. You're free to love it, hate it, or whatever."
5. What about discussing.
6. And you have shown hypocrisy.  I'd rather be genuine and have people not like my tactics.  So much for telling the truth I guess.
7. I thought that's what happens here.  My bad.
8. My only characterization of you is hypocrisy, which I only come to based on your points.  You, on the other hand, repeat that I am 'butt hurt' though I say I'm not.  Not sure why that works for you... Nor do I understand why you say I "play victim".

My guess is that your inability to see anything as 'not a fight' makes you misunderstand our interactions.  

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8 hours ago, Perspektiv said:

Strickland's rant, was mostly about trans ideology. 

This raised some of the ire, along with his gay statements which were far milder in comparison.

I don't respect the cruel things. I respect his ability to constantly speak from the heart, and on what is on his mind.

Most would be petrified, but getting your face and mother's face kicked in by an alcoholic father kind of have a way of beating you into the ground, or fighting back. He eventually chose the latter, late in his teens.

He also almost died in a motorcycle crash. He has no business fighting, but made a life decision to embrace the things that he feared most. Never looked back. He has a chip on his shoulder, but he embodies never giving up on yourself. 

I can't help but respect that.

I am told I don't have a filter. I keep my stuff a bit more PG on this website. 

I prefer people who are blunt and tell it like it is.

I was friends with someone who made n****r jokes to me once he got comfortable. I found some of them funny, not lost on their context. 

His parents were racists, but they eventually dropped their guards seeing all black people aren't criminals or violent.

He introduced me to his skinhead friends. I still remember walking into one of their homes and their shocked look as I saw all his Nazi, confederate and white supremacy memorabilia. 

Needless to say, they felt comfortable with me, so were open about what they despised about Black people. Racial minorities. Of course, always "no offense" to me.

We related, because I was raised to hate white people.

"They took from us/they will take from us" was a common theme we related to.

I will look at the reasoning behind the slurs before I react to them.

Strickland was pressured and goaded, so he responded. The news outlet wanted to paint him in a certain way. They deliberately left out his clarifications otherwise, as a means to pressure the UFC into shutting it down. It was disingenuous,  so failed miserably.

I will cheer him on. You can tell him it's not okay.

Reality is he isn't a millionaire because of his political views. He's an insanely talented MMA fighter, who can effortlessly choke you out, knock you out or submit you. This is all people watching him will care about.

As long as he is great at his job, he will have fans.



Hey, that alcoholic father who apparently kicked in the faces of his child and the child's mother was just living his truth. I don't necessarily agree with cruelty and bullying, but he did what he felt, and I respect that. Stand up guy.🙄

I think we have very different perspectives on the kind of people who merit respect, let alone admiration.

I don't care if someone is the world's best actor, or singer, or director or face-puncher, if they go around wantonly hurting other people--physically or emotionally--I'm not a fan. Racists, misogynists, homophobes and other bigots are just hateful bullies. They should be shamed and ashamed. They should not be given a platform. They should pull their white hoods over their heads to hide their faces and operate in darkness, because they have no place in a society of decent people. 

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7 minutes ago, Hodad said:

Hey, that alcoholic father who apparently kicked in the faces of his child and the child's mother was just living his truth.

It's very telling that the lefties here can't tell the difference between violence and an opinion.

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2 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

The statistics are general

They speak for themselves. A sudden spike in sales after a viral video.

You're essentially seeing dark clouds accumulating, and demanding for proof its about to rain. 

2 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Yes - but now you're forgetting that you said I tied MMA to stupidity. 

Or did you mean the UFC, by "his league"? I sort of poster numbers proving people running the UFC are far from it,  same as to their fighters.

2 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

It's about listening

Thats a two way road.

2 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

"Beauty of freedom. You're free to love it, hate it, or whatever."

Exactly. So by your logic how I post is irrelevant. 

2 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

I'd rather be genuine and have people not like my tactics.

There's nothing genuine about being sheisty. Its not about not liking your tactics. They're dishonest. Its as a result hypocritical. Ironically.

2 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

"play victim".

People who play with shady rules having thus rules thrown back in their faces screaming "what gives?!"

I can deal with withering ridicule, pressure and judgment. You should too. I otherwise wouldn't post.

2 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

My guess is that your inability to see anything as 'not a fight'

Am a mirror. I bring the same energy am given. 

34 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

It's very telling that the lefties here can't tell the difference between violence and an opinion.

I see it like a person despising Trump for doing something Biden does even worse.

"Yeah, but Trump's mean".

People should listen to the entire tape.

That clearly was a hit piece trying to back Strickland into a corner.

He clarified himself, but that wasn't the intent of the interviewer.

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49 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

1. There's nothing genuine about being sheisty. Its not about not liking your tactics. They're dishonest. Its as a result hypocritical. Ironically.

2. People who play with shady rules having thus rules thrown back in their faces screaming "what gives?!"

3. I can deal with withering ridicule, pressure and judgment. You should too. I otherwise wouldn't post.


1. Had to google that.  It means lying and two-faced ?  Good luck with a cite on that.
2. What rules ?
3. Being called "sheisty" is hardly withering.  It's nonplussing.

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14 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Good luck with a cite on that.

Most people know what it means. Even you were able to figure it out.

17 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

What rules ?

Your sheisty debate style.

19 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Being called "sheisty" is hardly withering.

You assume a lot of things. Never said it was. You act butt hurt, when my comments were mild and rather diplomatic

Debate is about bringing a good argument to the table. Not whining about the table being round and in the good old days it was popular to have wings that folded up to add space.

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6 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

1. Most people know what it means. Even you were able to figure it out. Your sheisty debate style.

2. You assume a lot of things. Never said it was. You act butt hurt, when my comments were mild and rather diplomatic

3. Debate is about bringing a good argument to the table. 

1. You call me a liar.  Ok then.
2. Your inference.  I am not hurt but since you think I'm a liar, then you don't believe me anyway.
3. I already said a few times I'm not really here to debate as much to discuss.  

I don't think you're a liar.  If I did I wouldn't engage with you.  Why would someone engage with a liar ?  Odd.

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2 hours ago, Hodad said:

I don't necessarily agree with cruelty and bullying

Issue is that is assault. Its illegal for a reason. Living one's truth assaulting others is one of the worst examples to use to compare free speech to something similar.

You're comparing comments that are indirectly homophobic (he mentioned his fictional child) and allegedly transphobic (he mentioned he would go hard on his views without ever clarifying them, which is what the reporter picked on).

Like I said. The reporter wasn't looking for clarification and got called out on it by Dana White in feeling he was being pressured to police how people think. How people speak.

You're comparing this to actual assault. Actual abuse. Stricklands words were perfectly legal. Insensitive? No doubt.

Now, if he called the reporter a f****t, you best believe I would believe he should be fined and suspended. If he stated trans people should be shot. Again. Suspendable offense. 

What he did straddles the line.

Kind of like a bad joke I heard about how Chinese names are created by throwing a bunch of pots and pans in the air. When they land, the noise they make..Ping, Bang..

Again. Horribly insensitive, but this joke was made in front of plenty of Chinese people who were laughing.

It's so inaccurate and silly it slides for some.

You're conflating insensitivity with laws.

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44 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

You call me a liar.

Not a liar. Greasy. Underhanded. You're the used car salesman of debate.

46 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

then you don't believe me anyway.

And passive aggressive. It's a bad look, bro. This is the victimhood am eluding to. Only thing missing is a violin, and you walking away dejected, into the sunset.

47 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

already said

Am mentioning what you're doing. Talk is cheap. Plus yours is discounted, due to the sheisty tax that must apply to your words.

50 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

I don't think you're a liar. 

I don't need people to believe me during a debate. My argument needs to be better than theirs.

53 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Why would someone engage with a liar ?

Boredom? Low self esteem? Trying to change them? 

They are vegan?

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9 hours ago, Perspektiv said:

Issue is that is assault. Its illegal for a reason. Living one's truth assaulting others is one of the worst examples to use to compare free speech to something similar.

You're comparing comments that are indirectly homophobic (he mentioned his fictional child) and allegedly transphobic (he mentioned he would go hard on his views without ever clarifying them, which is what the reporter picked on).

Like I said. The reporter wasn't looking for clarification and got called out on it by Dana White in feeling he was being pressured to police how people think. How people speak.

You're comparing this to actual assault. Actual abuse. Stricklands words were perfectly legal. Insensitive? No doubt.

Now, if he called the reporter a f****t, you best believe I would believe he should be fined and suspended. If he stated trans people should be shot. Again. Suspendable offense. 

What he did straddles the line.


No, the legality or illegality of an action doesn't play into your rationale at all. If hate speech were deemed illegal tomorrow you wouldn't suddenly shift your perspective. You wouldn't stop admiring someone who says what he wants regardless of who it hurts. So let's dispense with that specious deflection right off the top.

Is mental health, health? 

Is there such a thing as verbal abuse?

Is there such a thing as emotional abuse?

Can words hurt?

If you can agree to all of those (and that seems pretty basic) then you must acknowledge that verbal bullying is still harmful and cruel. And not behavior to be respected and admired.

I'm sorry that guy had a shitty childhood. It's commendable to recover from those circumstances. But if you do recover and build yourself a platform, and then use it to rain down misery on other vulnerable people who are bullied, threatened and ostracized every day then you're just repeating the cycle. It's common that the abused become abusers and that the bullied become bullies, but it's not something to be respected or admired. 

And Dana White is a brand owner and manager. Performers are the product. Damn right that it's his job to police how people speak. For most brands, an employee going on a racist, misogynistic or homophobic rant in public is toxic and the brand will demand some retraction or simply end the association: it's bad for the brand. It happens in sports all the time. Leagues demand apologies and fine players for transgressions. If this kind of talk isn't bad for Dana White's brand, it says something pretty awful about the customers. 



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1 hour ago, Hodad said:

You wouldn't stop admiring someone who says what he wants regardless of who it hurts.

Being blunt isn't illegal. Inciting violence against a marginalized group, is.

What Strickland said didn't incite violence, and we are simply talking about insensitive remarks that he made. They don't even meet the benchmark for disciplinary actions.

1 hour ago, Hodad said:

then you must acknowledge that verbal bullying is still harmful and cruel.

Trash talk in sports, is essentially "verbal bullying". The more competitive the sport, the more bullying you will get, verbally.

I don't automatically assume things without knowing the context of the behavior first. 

1 hour ago, Hodad said:

And Dana White is a brand owner and manager. Performers are the product. Damn right that it's his job to police how people speak.

His brand and political alignment, are in full support of freedom of speech. There is a line, and Strickland clearly didn't cross it.

1 hour ago, Hodad said:

it's bad for the brand.

For combat sports, controversy sells. This boosted sales. White not punishing Strickland and standing by him, boosted his status even more.

Combat sports is a different animal.

1 hour ago, Hodad said:

it says something pretty awful about the customers. 


Or it says something about people who are too sensitive and brittle, that they can't handle being offended in the slightest.

1 hour ago, robosmith said:

What's the difference between UFC and the Bumfight movies?

Both celebrate gratuitous and meaningless VIOLENCE.

The UFC fighters agree to fight. They must sign a contract. Are represented by agents who negotiate the best outcome for their clients.

There are countless rules and regulations, stringent dope testing, allowing for the event to be sanctioned.

Both combatants are heavily trained and skilled in their craft. 

The UFC also provides medical care for their athletes and other types of support, such as accommodations paid for their fights, access to dietitians, catering, etc.

UFC fighters make a respectable living. Many put their countries on the map, and use their names and millions to benefit their communities.

They have also put women on the map in sports, in that few sports allow women to make the kind of money female UFC fighters make. You truly are paid for your skills, not your gender. Ronda Rousey was one of the top grossing fighters, as a woman.

Bumfights is the exploitation of the homeless, and those suffering from addition through their humiliation for the profit of the creators.

What are you talking about?

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On 1/26/2024 at 2:30 AM, Hodad said:

Can words hurt?

I respect Dana White standing up for free speech. Especially in a violent sport. Trash talk is part of sports. Difference is fighters do it with mics in their faces most of the time. NBA, NFL players do so on the field. What is said there, stays there. There's a code of honor to this:

“I think it’s insane. I think it’s unconstitutional, first of all. I don’t think you can legally do that. These guys get into a cage and they punch each other in the face, they can knock each other unconscious, they can choke each other, but they can’t say mean things to each other? It’s pretty ridiculous.” Dana White.

I was raised to be willing to die for who I love. Honor. Respect. Knowing life is tough, and to have a thick skin. These reporters are trying to push a woke, cancel culture on a UFC president who learned the rules of life he lives by on the streets of Boston, where mobsters put a hit on him and tried to kill him.

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This is how I see the woke movement.

Dana White and Trump have a friendship that spans a very long time. He became a president, and all his friends distanced themselves from him. Dana stood by him.

I respect that. He has morals. He is a principled person.

I love my wife, and she has done things I didn't agree with, but I don't turn my back on those I care about for the optics. That's the epitome of being a turncoat.

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15 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

 I respect that. He has morals. He is a principled person.

Loyalty isn't following PRINCIPLES, just the opposite.

Principled would be cutting someone loose because they did something wrong.

My country right or wrong is loyalty, tribalism, not principle.  Principles are axiomatic: you break my rules, you're gone no matter how close you are to me.

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1 hour ago, Perspektiv said:

I respect Dana White standing up for free speech. Especially in a violent sport. Trash talk is part of sports. Difference is fighters do it with mics in their faces most of the time. NBA, NFL players do so on the field. What is said there, stays there. There's a code of honor to this:

“I think it’s insane. I think it’s unconstitutional, first of all. I don’t think you can legally do that. These guys get into a cage and they punch each other in the face, they can knock each other unconscious, they can choke each other, but they can’t say mean things to each other? It’s pretty ridiculous.” Dana White.

I was raised to be willing to die for who I love. Honor. Respect. Knowing life is tough, and to have a thick skin. These reporters are trying to push a woke, cancel culture on a UFC president who learned the rules of life he lives by on the streets of Boston, where mobsters put a hit on him and tried to kill him.

Honor my ass. "Trash talk" is what you say to rile another competitor. It's not what you say to a 13 year-old who is wondering whether they should end it all just to stop the torment. 

Saying horrible things about marginalized minorities is just punching down. It's bullying, plain and simple. Hurting someone weaker just because your can. Sounds like he learned well the lessons of his father.

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1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

Principled would be cutting someone loose because they did something wrong.

He doesn't feel what Trump has done is wrong.

Believes in his principles, so has stuck by him, even if it lost him the respect of his friends.

That is principles. Now, if he disagreed with Trump,  you are spot on. Jumping on the bandwagon and shitting on your friend just because everyone else is, is being a turncoat. A horrible friend, to boot.

1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

you break my rules, you're gone no matter how close

None of his rules were broken. Many of Trump's policies benefited the US.

You'd dump someone who voted for Trump. 

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18 minutes ago, Hodad said:

It's not what you say to a 13 year-old who is wondering whether they should end it all just to stop the torment. 

A 13 year old trying to stop torment, would end it all because of the torment. Not because of some butt hurt reporter refusing to back down on his baiting, getting shut down by a fighter and the president of the UFC.

19 minutes ago, Hodad said:

Saying horrible things about marginalized minorities is just punching down.

Punching down indicates that the opposite, is good.

Its not about the punching, but who is doing the punching. That is hypocrisy.

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14 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

A 13 year old trying to stop torment, would end it all because of the torment. Not because of some butt hurt reporter refusing to back down on his baiting, getting shut down by a fighter and the president of the UFC.

Punching down indicates that the opposite, is good.

Its not about the punching, but who is doing the punching. That is hypocrisy.

You're being deliberately obtuse. The torment is the bullying. And having a celebrity--potentially someone they know and admire--use their platform to proclaim that their existence is fundamentally wrong, a failure, a mistake, is awful. And there are other individuals who will hear that celebrity and are influenced and who will repeat and amplify that hateful message. That's why celebrity comments are scrutinized. 

And yes, punching up is good. Standing up to bullies and oppressors is good. 

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On 1/26/2024 at 4:33 AM, Perspektiv said:

Being blunt isn't illegal. Inciting violence against a marginalized group, is.

What Strickland said didn't incite violence, and we are simply talking about insensitive remarks that he made. They don't even meet the benchmark for disciplinary actions.

Trash talk in sports, is essentially "verbal bullying". The more competitive the sport, the more bullying you will get, verbally.

I don't automatically assume things without knowing the context of the behavior first. 

His brand and political alignment, are in full support of freedom of speech. There is a line, and Strickland clearly didn't cross it.

For combat sports, controversy sells. This boosted sales. White not punishing Strickland and standing by him, boosted his status even more.

Combat sports is a different animal.

Or it says something about people who are too sensitive and brittle, that they can't handle being offended in the slightest.

The UFC fighters agree to fight. They must sign a contract. Are represented by agents who negotiate the best outcome for their clients.

There are countless rules and regulations, stringent dope testing, allowing for the event to be sanctioned.

Both combatants are heavily trained and skilled in their craft. 

The UFC also provides medical care for their athletes and other types of support, such as accommodations paid for their fights, access to dietitians, catering, etc.

UFC fighters make a respectable living. Many put their countries on the map, and use their names and millions to benefit their communities.

They have also put women on the map in sports, in that few sports allow women to make the kind of money female UFC fighters make. You truly are paid for your skills, not your gender. Ronda Rousey was one of the top grossing fighters, as a woman.

Bumfights is the exploitation of the homeless, and those suffering from addition through their humiliation for the profit of the creators.

What are you talking about?

Ok, so you're saying the UFC violence is not gratuitous cause they're making a lot more money than the BUMS.

Still celebrates VIOLENCE. Just not CHEAP violence.

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11 minutes ago, robosmith said:

you're saying the UFC violence is not gratuitous cause they're making a lot more money than the BUMS.


Both fighters sign contracts. Meaning nobody is being exploited against their will or better knowledge.

Train to fight. Are actual athletes, so train their entire lives to acquire the skills that they have.

There is a great deal of respect amongst fighters. Fighters are also offered a great deal of facilities, such as gyms, doctors, chiropractors and the like, as they're assets to a business vs making fun of the homeless, which solely benefits the creator. The homeless person gets 50$ for their troubles, and a life of humiliation--the creator made millions.

You're ignoring the business side of it, because you hate fighting. You clearly have never one martial arts, or you would understand that there is a lot more than just punching people in the face.

16 minutes ago, robosmith said:

Still celebrates VIOLENCE.

It celebrates fighters. Mixed martial arts. Violence obviously comes with applying these skills in an octagon.

But if it was just violence, boxing would be killing it, financially. There's obviously a reason why the UFC is doing so well.

Fighters are given platforms, and all have their own personalities. Their own brands. Dana White doesn't put a leash on his employees, so you're allowed to see their personalities, their senses of humor--something missing from other professional sports, where people are petrified of making mistakes.

Many fighters fight for a reason, and this is often front and center for why they do what they do. Fans will relate to this, more than anything else.

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1 hour ago, Hodad said:

And having a celebrity--potentially someone they know and admire--use their platform to proclaim that their existence is fundamentally wrong, a failure, a mistake, is awful.

Strickland represents the truly blue collar type of people. Sorry, but you've never done roofing, or construction work, if you think these type of men speak in highly politically correct manners.

He comes from a horrific past, and made something out of himself. Fights for that little guy.

He also understands marketing quite well. He talks quite intelligently on it, that nobody wants to hear him talk intelligent. They click when "they hear st***d shit".

He speaks unfiltered, which is a breath of fresh air to his fans.

My wife's daughter from her prior marriage is likely gay. My wife makes no illusions about it. She would be highly disappointed if her daughter was gay. She would feel she did something wrong. I asked her if she would still love her. "Of course", was her immediate response. Its her daughter. But she would not be able to pretend it wasn't disappointing.

You're essentially stating that feeling that way, automatically makes one a horrible parent.

The reporter was clearly goading him for the soundbite. Notice how Strickland's clarifications didn't make the cut on leftist news?

1 hour ago, Hodad said:

That's why celebrity comments are scrutinized. 

I will respect a celebrity who knows who they are, and what they believe in, and don't regret nor backtrack from it. Strickland is respected for a reason, by his fans.

He couldn't care less about who gets butt hurt by his comments, which weren't intended to be hateful to an entire demographic of people, but rather being honest how he would feel about something. Something I find respectable.

You can't expect to be protected from every micro-aggression in life. Stay indoors.

1 hour ago, Hodad said:

And yes, punching up is good. Standing up to bullies and oppressors is good. 

By your standard, those mocking the fact his father abused him, would be fair game. Many of those who use terms like "punching up", are bullies themselves.

Strickland's comments are not bullying. There are two genders. Period. Him talking about his hypothetical son who was gay, doesn't target anyone. Someone being pushed over the edge over such comments, are clearly way too fragile to begin with, and should have gotten more supportive parents, vs feeling entitled to having the entire world be their safe space.

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1 hour ago, Perspektiv said:

Strickland represents the truly blue collar type of people. Sorry, but you've never done roofing, or construction work, if you think these type of men speak in highly politically correct manners.

He comes from a horrific past, and made something out of himself. Fights for that little guy.

He also understands marketing quite well. He talks quite intelligently on it, that nobody wants to hear him talk intelligent. They click when "they hear st***d shit".

He speaks unfiltered, which is a breath of fresh air to his fans.

My wife's daughter from her prior marriage is likely gay. My wife makes no illusions about it. She would be highly disappointed if her daughter was gay. She would feel she did something wrong. I asked her if she would still love her. "Of course", was her immediate response. Its her daughter. But she would not be able to pretend it wasn't disappointing.

You're essentially stating that feeling that way, automatically makes one a horrible parent.

The reporter was clearly goading him for the soundbite. Notice how Strickland's clarifications didn't make the cut on leftist news?

I will respect a celebrity who knows who they are, and what they believe in, and don't regret nor backtrack from it. Strickland is respected for a reason, by his fans.

He couldn't care less about who gets butt hurt by his comments, which weren't intended to be hateful to an entire demographic of people, but rather being honest how he would feel about something. Something I find respectable.

You can't expect to be protected from every micro-aggression in life. Stay indoors.

By your standard, those mocking the fact his father abused him, would be fair game. Many of those who use terms like "punching up", are bullies themselves.

Strickland's comments are not bullying. There are two genders. Period. Him talking about his hypothetical son who was gay, doesn't target anyone. Someone being pushed over the edge over such comments, are clearly way too fragile to begin with, and should have gotten more supportive parents, vs feeling entitled to having the entire world be their safe space.

Basically, you're most impressed by sociopaths, who do and say whatever they like without regard for how it affects others.

Other people don't matter, and if they can't take the abuse then they it's their problem for being too fragile, not the fault of the abusers.

Nobody can say anything unacceptably wrong, as long as they believe it. 

Clearly neither a reasoned nor an emotional argument will convince you that words matter and that people should be socially accountable for their words.  At least not in this forum. But I'd second that you should probably see a professional. If you're defending disordered behavior there's a good chance you're perpetrating it as well. 

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36 minutes ago, Hodad said:

Basically, you're most impressed by sociopaths, who do and say whatever they like without regard for how it affects others.

Not quite. I believe in freedom of speech. You're free not to watch MMA if you don't like it.

I disagree with censoring someone solely based on them offending you. 

Context and the nature of what was said should matter. In this case, in my opinion it didn't warrant any type of discipline.

38 minutes ago, Hodad said:

Other people don't matter, and if they can't take the abuse then they it's their problem for being too fragile, not the fault of the abusers.

What he said was insensitive. Not abusive in the slightest.

If he offends you, you are under no obligation to watch MMA. 

40 minutes ago, Hodad said:

Nobody can say anything unacceptably wrong, as long as they believe it. 

Nope. Not even close. What he said was ignorant, but is his freedom of speech to do so.

The fact there was a lot of backlash on the reporter, speaks for itself. Many were onto what he was trying to do.

41 minutes ago, Hodad said:

words matter

I speak my mind. I don't believe in a world where I should be afraid to speak. That isn't democratic or constitutional.

Actions matter more. His actions are why he is respected. 

42 minutes ago, Hodad said:

people should be socially accountable for their words.  

Everything is offensive nowadays. You're talking about a level of control on speech that has nothing to do with accountability. 

Its all about suppression.

43 minutes ago, Hodad said:

But I'd second that you should probably see a professional.

Anyone who disagrees with your logic should see a professional, based on our debate.

44 minutes ago, Hodad said:

If you're defending disordered behavior there's a good chance you're perpetrating it as well. 

Am defending freedom of speech.

I speak freely, so yeah.

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