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CNN Mistakenly Filmed Woman Stuffing A Ballot Box With Multiple Ballots – The Reporter’s Reaction Says It All (Video)

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On 11/13/2023 at 5:42 PM, Caswell Thomas said:

I agree with you of course, was just trying to explain it to the cheap seats inhabitants. 

Here in the cheap seats...we caught quite a number of cheaters. All Democrats I believe. 

You Libbies will say anything...no matter how stupid...to defend your cheating. It's sickening to watch. 

But know that truth will and is coming out and that there will be consequences. 

Edited by Nationalist
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1 hour ago, Nationalist said:

Here in the cheap seats...we caught quite a number of cheaters. All Democrats I believe. 

You Libbies will say anything...no matter how stupid...to defend your cheating. It's sickening to watch. 

But know that truth will and is coming out and that there will be consequences. 

You caught Democrats voting in Canada? I can't believe that would be worth the trip. LMAO

18 minutes ago, eyeball said:

That's not how it is works, in court or real life. You're clearly as useless at figuring this out as CdnFox.

I guess I should have added the sarcasm emoji to avoid the HUGE INSULT of being mistaken for CdnLIAR.

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25 minutes ago, robosmith said:

You caught Democrats voting in Canada? I can't believe that would be worth the trip. LMAO

I guess I should have added the sarcasm emoji to avoid the HUGE INSULT of being mistaken for CdnLIAR.

My sincerest apologies. I should have known. It won't happen again.

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3 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Here in the cheap seats...we caught quite a number of cheaters. All Democrats I believe. 

You Libbies will say anything...no matter how stupid...to defend your cheating. It's sickening to watch. 

But know that truth will and is coming out and that there will be consequences. 

No, you didn't. ?

Like I told you before, one person was found guilty of illegal voting in Cuyahoga county, and it was a Trump voter voting in-person, absentee and also in Florida. 

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15 hours ago, robosmith said:

You have demonstrated CRAP. The law for Ohio clearly states ballots can be dropped for family members.


No it does not. read the law.  Show me where it says ballots can be placed in a ballot box for family.  This was already addressed.

And it's your own credibility which is zero - which is why you always feel the need to type in caps.  You get angry knowing your wrong and have these HiSSy FiTs  we all make fun of.

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23 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

No it does not. read the law.  Show me where it says ballots can be placed in a ballot box for family.  This was already addressed.

And it's your own credibility which is zero - which is why you always feel the need to type in caps.  You get angry knowing your wrong and have these HiSSy FiTs  we all make fun of.


On 11/4/2023 at 1:08 PM, robosmith said:

Ohio SOS office Posted on the first page. Duh

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Followed by Hodad:

On 11/4/2023 at 4:49 PM, Hodad said:

For Ohio

The elector shall mail the identification envelope to the director from whom it was received in the return envelope, postage prepaid, or the elector may personally deliver it to the director, or the spouse of the elector, the father, mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, grandfather, grandmother, brother, or sister of the whole or half blood, or the son, daughter, adopting parent, adopted child, stepparent, stepchild, uncle, aunt, nephew, or niece of the elector may deliver it to the director.


When you only have one drop box for a country, of course families are going to consolidate for one trip. It could be something untoward, but there's certainly no evidence that this was.


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15 minutes ago, robosmith said:

the elector may personally deliver it to the director,


THey're delivering it to a box - not the director.  I mentioned that earlier :)   I asked hodad if he had ANYTHING that suggested the box was the same thing and apperently nothing .

Sorry kiddo - but the law says it has to be delivered to the director. That could easily mean his office.

And i couldn't see any signs on that box, did you?

And FURTHER MORE - you don't know that those were family ballots.  As i pointed out earlier.  So - my whole point which is that you can't tell if there's fraud or not and that undermines the system is still valid.  What PROOF do you have those were all family ballots?

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7 hours ago, CdnFox said:

THey're delivering it to a box - not the director.  I mentioned that earlier :)   I asked hodad if he had ANYTHING that suggested the box was the same thing and apperently nothing .

Sorry kiddo - but the law says it has to be delivered to the director. That could easily mean his office.

And i couldn't see any signs on that box, did you?

And FURTHER MORE - you don't know that those were family ballots.  As i pointed out earlier.  So - my whole point which is that you can't tell if there's fraud or not and that undermines the system is still valid.  What PROOF do you have those were all family ballots?

You have NO PROOF that they were NOT FAMILY ballots.

"Delivered to the director" is by ANY APPROVED METHOD. You're just desperately scraping the bottom of the barrel.

The graphic notice from the Ohio SoS STATES THE OHIO LAW. Duh.

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2 hours ago, Nationalist said:

So you missed 2000 Mules huh?

No, I think most people with even a passing interest in politics are aware of that thoroughly debunked piece of garbage. Tons of conspiracy thinking, and not a shred of evidence. No one from that video was shown doing anything illegal and no one was charged, let alone prosecuted or convicted. 

AFAIK, the only legal proceeding related to 2000 mules is the defamation suit filed against the creeps who produced it for lying about the people they depicted. 

You should probably stop paying people to lie to you. 

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8 hours ago, robosmith said:

You have NO PROOF that they were NOT FAMILY ballots.

"Delivered to the director" is by ANY APPROVED METHOD. You're just desperately scraping the bottom of the barrel.

The graphic notice from the Ohio SoS STATES THE OHIO LAW. Duh.

I have tonnes of proof, already provided and your opinion means nothing as you yourself have said.

Where's your proof those were for family? you have none.  Duh :) 

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3 hours ago, Hodad said:

No, I think most people with even a passing interest in politics are aware of that thoroughly debunked piece of garbage. Tons of conspiracy thinking, and not a shred of evidence. No one from that video was shown doing anything illegal and no one was charged, let alone prosecuted or convicted. 

AFAIK, the only legal proceeding related to 2000 mules is the defamation suit filed against the creeps who produced it for lying about the people they depicted. 

You should probably stop paying people to lie to you. 

1 more year of you fcks and your endless abuse of law and justice.

I can hardly wait to watch with glee, you bastards fry.

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12 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

1 more year of you fcks and your endless abuse of law and justice.

I can hardly wait to watch with glee, you bastards fry.

How do you go through your daily life animated only by spite?

There is no abuse of law and justice on display. Just regular old justice. The self-proclaimed party of personal responsibility clearly has zero interest in being the party of accountability. You think the laws shouldn't apply to you? Sorry, for the time being we're still a nation of laws built on a foundational constitution and most of us aren't interested in changing that. 

Thankfully, you don't even get to cast a vote for the dictator you adore. Sound and fury, signifying nothing. 

Edited by Hodad
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4 hours ago, CdnFox said:

I have tonnes of proof, already provided and

You have NOT pointed to ANY proof that the ballots on the video were illegal.

4 hours ago, CdnFox said:

your opinion means nothing as you yourself have said.

It soundly refutes YOUR OPINION. Plus I posted EVIDENCE from the Ohio SoS soundly refuting your claim that dropping ballots for others is illegal in Ohio, while you've posted NOTHING but a video showing a woman depositing TWO ballots in the drop box.

4 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Where's your proof those were for family? you have none.  Duh :) 

I don't need to prove that. You need to prove YOUR ALLEGATION they were not legal ballots.

However, the evidence that they were legal is that the woman didn't hide her face nor stop what she was doing when caught on video. Duh

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2 minutes ago, robosmith said:

You have NOT pointed to ANY proof that the ballots on the video were illegal.

It soundly refutes YOUR OPINION. Plus I posted EVIDENCE from the Ohio SoS soundly refuting your claim that dropping ballots for others is illegal in Ohio, while you've posted NOTHING but a video showing a woman depositing TWO ballots in the drop box.

I don't need to prove that. You need to prove YOUR ALLEGATION they were not legal ballots.

However, the evidence that they were legal is that the woman didn't hide her face nor stop what she was doing when caught on video. Duh

It is amazing how some people can't grasp even the basics of logical thought and debate. They just go around tossing out conspiracy claims and think the rest of the world should waste their time trying to prove a negative. Sigh. 

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7 hours ago, Hodad said:

How do you go through your daily life animated only by spite?

There is no abuse of law and justice on display. Just regular old justice. The self-proclaimed party of personal responsibility clearly has zero interest in being the party of accountability. You think the laws shouldn't apply to you? Sorry, for the time being we're still a nation of laws built on a foundational constitution and most of us aren't interested in changing that. 

Thankfully, you don't even get to cast a vote for the dictator you adore. Sound and fury, signifying nothing. 

- I remember my physics. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

- Yes I've watched Biden break your laws. Several of 'em in fact.

- Sound and fury, especially when just, are spreading. Why? Because more and more people continue to realize the truth and the more we oppose you and expose you, the more we are.

Common sense and truth will bear out. 

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12 hours ago, Nationalist said:

- I remember my physics. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

In a nation of laws, that means the reaction to crime is punishment. Not throwing a fit about being held accountable and going on a revenge mission targeting anyone who would dare hold you accountable. 


- Yes I've watched Biden break your laws. Several of 'em in fact.

Hunter Biden? Because Joe hasn't been tied to anything significant. He could be someday, who knows. I'm not like you cultists with your dogma of Trumpal infallibility. If Joe Biden has broken the law he should be held accountable like everyone else. And it would be wrong for him to use the powers of his office to exact vengeance on those upholding the law.


Common sense and truth will bear out. 

One can only hope. But that's not what you actually want. You want power. You want spite. You want vengeance. You want to "win" at any cost, even unto the end of the republic. <-- This is not hyperbole. If you stop and think you'll agree. You've already supported an attempted coup that everyone involved knew was illegal. You've already supported the enactment of widespread fraud to win the next election. The constitution, at this point, is just an inconvenience. 

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43 minutes ago, Hodad said:

In a nation of laws, that means the reaction to crime is punishment. Not throwing a fit about being held accountable and going on a revenge mission targeting anyone who would dare hold you accountable. 

Hunter Biden? Because Joe hasn't been tied to anything significant. He could be someday, who knows. I'm not like you cultists with your dogma of Trumpal infallibility. If Joe Biden has broken the law he should be held accountable like everyone else. And it would be wrong for him to use the powers of his office to exact vengeance on those upholding the law.

One can only hope. But that's not what you actually want. You want power. You want spite. You want vengeance. You want to "win" at any cost, even unto the end of the republic. <-- This is not hyperbole. If you stop and think you'll agree. You've already supported an attempted coup that everyone involved knew was illegal. You've already supported the enactment of widespread fraud to win the next election. The constitution, at this point, is just an inconvenience. 

Gawd you are so insufferably presumptive.

1. You Libbies have been making shit up (RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA) and attacking Trump and anything to do with Trump...including the half of the US population who would vote for him...endlessly and mercilessly for years now. The Steele Dosier...lying to the FISA courts...the Michael Flynn bullshit...and on and on... Do Trump and the half of the US electorate deserve some retribution and satisfaction? You bet your sweet bibby they do.

2. Joe Biden has lied countless time about Hunter's business TO THE AMERICAN PUBLIC! We've discovered he used numerous pseudonyms in emails to mask his identity. Bank records show millions flowing from one shell company to another...always winding up in the hands of Joe. He shared an office with their Chinese partner. Trump may be a dick, but his antics are a peehole in the snow comparatively. Joe's already dead in the water. He's a complete failure as a POTUS and is in serious jeopardy of being convicted of crimes against the state.

3. Can anyone show proof that Trump attempted a coup? Can anyone prove that anybody at all attempted a coup? No. It has not been the Republicans screaming that The US Constitution needs to be a "living document". So enough lying and enough projection. Its tiresome and its just bullshit. Conservatives will play by the rules YOU NUMBSKULLS INSISTED ON! And when the tables turn on you, the consequences of all this abject chickenshit you Libbies have so Liberally spread all over the place, will be harsh and well deserved. Next time you pouty little shits think anything is justified because some politician...or anyone for that matter...hurts your precious feewings...maybe you'll decide to NOT warp the laws of the land and lie like little brats.

Have a warm and fuzzy day.

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19 hours ago, Hodad said:

It is amazing how some people can't grasp even the basics of logical thought and debate. They just go around tossing out conspiracy claims and think the rest of the world should waste their time trying to prove a negative. Sigh. 

LOL  pot - kettle.  Kettle pot :)  

I've proven conclusively that the person may be breaking the law and that you cannot prove otherwise.  My point to start with was that 'incidents like this demonstrate why it's legitimate to have doubts about the accuracy of the system and you can't say there was no voter fraud".

And that is true.  You can't say if those are family envelopes. You can't say if she came back 10 more times to stuff the ballot box and was actively involved in ballot harvesting.  You don't know.  And that means you can't possibly know the amount of voter fraud that went on.

But rather than admit that simple truth you have to bury your head in the sand and Humm :)

I guess we know which sdie can't even grasp the basics of a logical thought and debate, don't we :) 

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2 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Gawd you are so insufferably presumptive.

1. You Libbies have been making shit up (RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA) and attacking Trump and anything to do with Trump...including the half of the US population who would vote for him...endlessly and mercilessly for years now. The Steele Dosier...lying to the FISA courts...the Michael Flynn bullshit...and on and on... Do Trump and the half of the US electorate deserve some retribution and satisfaction? You bet your sweet bibby they do.

2. Joe Biden has lied countless time about Hunter's business TO THE AMERICAN PUBLIC! We've discovered he used numerous pseudonyms in emails to mask his identity. Bank records show millions flowing from one shell company to another...always winding up in the hands of Joe. He shared an office with their Chinese partner. Trump may be a dick, but his antics are a peehole in the snow comparatively. Joe's already dead in the water. He's a complete failure as a POTUS and is in serious jeopardy of being convicted of crimes against the state.

3. Can anyone show proof that Trump attempted a coup? Can anyone prove that anybody at all attempted a coup? No. It has not been the Republicans screaming that The US Constitution needs to be a "living document". So enough lying and enough projection. Its tiresome and its just bullshit. Conservatives will play by the rules YOU NUMBSKULLS INSISTED ON! And when the tables turn on you, the consequences of all this abject chickenshit you Libbies have so Liberally spread all over the place, will be harsh and well deserved. Next time you pouty little shits think anything is justified because some politician...or anyone for that matter...hurts your precious feewings...maybe you'll decide to NOT warp the laws of the land and lie like little brats.

Have a warm and fuzzy day.

1. Let no one accuse you of taking the high road.

2. You're really just lying here. It's possible Joe lied, but there is not evidence, let alone proof. According to everyone involved, including Devon Archer, Joe never talked (or was observed to have talked) business with Hunter. And there certainly are not a record of millions of dollars going to Joe. Again, anything is possible, but you're going to need some evidence to make a plausible case, and evidence amounting to proof to justify consequences. You currently have neither. 

3. Jeebus, yes there is considerable evidence--amounting to proof. The Eastman memo (aka the coup memo) was drafted and discussed at length. Many people told them it was illegal. Eastman acknowledged that it was illegal and asked for a pardon ahead of it. Then they actually tried to put it into action. People tried to deliver fake elector ballots to Mike Pence during the certification. While outside the Capitol Trump was continuing to apply enormous pressure to Mike Pence to declare him the winner--to the point that the crowd that marched to insurrection were chanting "hang Mike Pence." That's all a matter of public record at this point--and indeed, much of it conducted in public.

And as Trump's cronies continue to flip we're going to hear more and more of this testimony, which goes not just to the facts already in evidence, but the state of mind, the deliberateness of what they tried to do. 



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