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Harper's hidden agenda sprung a leak


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Tory plan would scrap Liberal tax cut on low income earners

Last Updated Sat, 07 Jan 2006 00:20:31 EST

CBC News

A Tory plan to raise personal income taxes on low income earners is part of an overall tax strategy that will result in more tax relief for Canadians, Tory MP Jason Kenney said Friday.

Kenney was reacting to a CBC News story that revealed part of the Tory tax plan if they take power is to reverse a Liberal tax cut introduced before the election.



So under a Harper Con government we have to spend money to save money or have kids under the age of six year while under a Liberal government we save money by earning money.

Neat trick, Harpo.

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Tory plan would scrap Liberal tax cut on low income earners

Last Updated Sat, 07 Jan 2006 00:20:31 EST

CBC News

A Tory plan to raise personal income taxes on low income earners is part of an overall tax strategy that will result in more tax relief for Canadians, Tory MP Jason Kenney said Friday.

Kenney was reacting to a CBC News story that revealed part of the Tory tax plan if they take power is to reverse a Liberal tax cut introduced before the election.



So under a Harper Con government we have to spend money to save money or have kids under the age of six year while under a Liberal government we save money by earning money.

Neat trick, Harpo.

I doubt very much the credibility of your sources...for after steadily watching a parade of Liberal strategists and other officials on tv desperately down-play or dismiss as nothing what is clearly so disturbing to everyone, to say the least....one can only automatically assume that anything negative attack on Harper or CP coming out from any Liberal officials or supporters from now on, is nothing more than just a desperate attempt to deflect or shift the nation's focus from the on-going RCMP investigations.

The Liberal Party is peeling like an onion. Layers and layers of hidden agenda being revealed. And all seem to have just one common characteristics: en-riching the cronies' pockets through tax-payers' money.

No matter what, I cannot see any of these money being doled out to friends and associates ever coming back to the tax-payers. I don't see them slightly benefitting the tax-payers at all. Tax-payers were actually victimized!

It's like a home invasion....these sleazy characters invading our system of government...and we, the tax-payers could only sit and watch as they looted. The Leader(s) who was supposed to watch out for the welfare of our nation and the people practically say the very same lines..."I know my friend(s) for so long. You're just hallucinating. Nothing wrong is going on."

As a tax-payer and a concerned citizen, I am more enraged by the agendas that had been revealed....a pattern of continuous corruptions. What more lay hidden within that onion peel?

This is where the immediate danger lies.

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..."I know my friend(s) for so long. You're just hallucinating. Nothing wrong is going on."

Is that what Harper has been telling you? As he cancels the $500 personal exemption and raised the tax rate back to 16% after Goodale lowered it to 15% and bumped up personal exemption by $500.

Sorry lot that is going to be sorry for supporting Harper.

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..."I know my friend(s) for so long. You're just hallucinating. Nothing wrong is going on."

Is that what Harper has been telling you? As he cancels the $500 personal exemption and raised the tax rate back to 16% after Goodale lowered it to 15% and bumped up personal exemption by $500.

Sorry lot that is going to be sorry for supporting Harper.

Whether you're right or wrong about your claim regarding taxes is the least of my concern right now. I'm so used to paying high taxes anyway.

What I'm deeply enraged about is....where tax-payers' money go.

If you canvassed each and every Canadians doling out hard-earned money to pay their taxes, I'm sure they did not intend for those taxes to go into waste...especially not into Liberal cronies' pockets.

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Boy are you in for a rude awakening.

Harper is going to hit the low income with the cancellation of the Liberal tax cuts.

His rich friends will be the ones he protects, especially with the GST cut cause rich people pay moore GST as poor people can't afford to buy stuff that is not food, rent, mortgage, etc.

Harper would turn Canada into a combination of Mulroney/Harris/Bush.

God help us if he gets in.

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Boy are you in for a rude awakening.

Harper is going to hit the low income with the cancellation of the Liberal tax cuts.

His rich friends will be the ones he protects, especially with the GST cut cause rich people pay moore GST as poor people can't afford to buy stuff that is not food, rent, mortgage, etc.

Harper would turn Canada into a combination of Mulroney/Harris/Bush.

God help us if he gets in.

Your claim is just pure conjecture. Heck, it could even be a part of the "scary" tactics. You could be a planted "mole"...a professional "spinner" for the Liberals paid to go to website forums. I am not accusing you...I am just stating the skeptism that would normally go through an ordinary citizen like me at this point.

For it was commented on tv that professional spinners do exist. It's their job. Again, I just want to repeat that this is not actually accusing you. You could say my attitude reflect my mistrust for anything about the Liberals now.

But since you are a Liberal supporter, obviously I'm not sold on your predictions.

But even if I am a conservative supporter, what I have stated about the Liberal corruptions are proven facts.

Their records of proven corruptions and scandals speak for itself.

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Harper is going to hit the low income with the cancellation of the Liberal tax cuts.


His rich friends will be the ones he protects, especially with the GST cut cause rich people pay moore GST as poor people can't afford to buy stuff that is not food, rent, mortgage, etc.

Oil Barons do tend to get taxed alot don't they.

Harper would turn Canada into a combination of Mulroney/Harris/Bush.

Yep a regular MU-HA-BU.

Might as well change the country name to SNAFU.

But even if I am a conservative supporter, what I have stated about the Liberal corruptions are proven facts.

You want proven facts? Check out Harper's real views of Canada and how it should be run. You can decide after that if he was just an ultra-right-wing headcase back then, or a complete liar now, who tossed away his values because he knows Canadians don't agree. The only way to get into a position to put his beliefs into reality is to throw money around like "a drunken sailor" like he accused the liberals of doing last election, and lie about his true convictions and intentions all the way to 24 Sussex.

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You want proven facts? Check out Harper's real views of Canada and how it should be run. You can decide after that if he was just an ultra-right-wing headcase back then, or a complete liar now, who tossed away his values because he knows Canadians don't agree. The only way to get into a position to put his beliefs into reality is to throw money around like "a drunken sailor" like he accused the liberals of doing last election, and lie about his true convictions and intentions all the way to 24 Sussex.

Oooooh, scary.

Sorry, but the way the Liberals are trashing our system is what scares me most. And the on-going arrogance and sense of entitlement they emit....terrifies me.

It points out that some people are above the law.

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You must have never read Harpers true feelings for this country.

No, all I did was wait for results after the Gomery report. The few sacrificial lambs were slaughtered. But those who actually used the taxpayers' money to buy support are still hidden and protected.

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Boy are you in for a rude awakening.

Harper is going to hit the low income with the cancellation of the Liberal tax cuts.

His rich friends will be the ones he protects, especially with the GST cut cause rich people pay moore GST as poor people can't afford to buy stuff that is not food, rent, mortgage, etc.

Harper would turn Canada into a combination of Mulroney/Harris/Bush.

God help us if he gets in.

Your claim is just pure conjecture. Heck, it could even be a part of the "scary" tactics. You could be a planted "mole"...a professional "spinner" for the Liberals paid to go to website forums.

While I often find myself at odds with HITI because of what I see as extremity of his/her opinion, I find this accusation laughable in light of the fact that it came from the person who started the two threads I've listed below.


....and still rock solid in your determination to vote Liberal again....you've got to admit it:

you are suffering from Liberal addiction. :D:D:D


The only option is to either have the Conservative or the NDP as the government.

Liberals will be too busy facing inquiries and investigations that they will not be able to focus on the policies and needs of the nation. The Liberals will definitely be focused on saving their own skin.

Conservatives and NDP: two alternative views....although Layton suddenly started sounding like Harper with busting crime.

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You must have never read Harpers true feelings for this country.

No, all I did was wait for results after the Gomery report. The few sacrificial lambs were slaughtered. But those who actually used the taxpayers' money to buy support are still hidden and protected.

The same Gomery report that exhonerated Prime Minister Martin?

The same Gomery report that praised Ralph Goodale?

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Harper isn't going to take away any promised decrease in taxes, thats a lie and a distortion of facts started by the CBC. The CPC have stated that they would honour the tax rollbacks approved for the 2005 tax year, but that they had their own plans for 2006 onward.

The CPC have their own platform, all of which we havn't heard of yet, but we do know they are talking about Income Splitting. Income splitting will save more people more money than the new rate and it is a very fair method of taxing family incomes, most noticeably when one spouse is home looking after the kids.

Add to that: a cut in the GST, childcare funding, up to $500 Sports registration fee deduction and you have tax cuts for the low and middle income earners that exceed Party spending promises: Costing them all out

"Our priority is broader and deeper tax relief than what the Liberals are willing to offer," Kenney told CBC News Online.

"We would suspend [the Liberals] future measures in order to deliver broad-based and responsible tax relief, which will ultimately save Canadians more in their taxes and will be affordable in terms of the delivery of federal services," the release said.

"The immediate result of cutting the GST will be $4.5 billion back in the pockets of ordinary Canadians. When the GST cut is fully implemented, the total benefit will be much greater," the release said.

Kenney said they voted against the Liberal tax cuts because they disagreed with their fiscal priorities, adding they would have "spent smarter and cut taxes deeper."

The Tories have also said that their own tax package has not yet been fully announced


Remember, it didn't happen if you didn't see it on the CBC.

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So reversing Goodale's tax reduction is going to hurt people since they haven't even claimed it in one tax cycle yet? What is it, $500 plus 1% for about 8 or 900 total? Let's see, that's about $17 a week or beer and popcorn range. But since the CPC might be doing it, Liberal supporters find it to be HUGE!

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So reversing Goodale's tax reduction is going to hurt people since they haven't even claimed it in one tax cycle yet? What is it, $500 plus 1% for about 8 or 900 total? Let's see, that's about $17 a week or beer and popcorn range. But since the CPC might be doing it, Liberal supporters find it to be HUGE!

Liberal tax cut? :lol:

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This is from an article Scriblett posted then removed. She must have read it.

First Scott the next time I see you you are going to get a major whirly which I'm sure will bring back lots of bad memories from when you were bullied in junior high, highschool, university, the Post, the PMO, and most recently, the Liberal war room.

Second, when are you Liberals going to learn that you really must quit taking things that don't belong to you?

Anyway, forget about that stuff. I ran into another Scott the other day on the street in Ottawa. Yes, I'm talking about Liberal Party talking head Scott Reid, along with David Herle and Jack Fleischman. For a moment I considered subduing them all with some (illegal) martial arts moves, and then having them shipped to Guantanamo Bay, but there were too many witnesses. So instead we had an amiable chat.

Violence against liberals? Is that the New Conservative plan?

Bullying people who don't share the same point of view?

Whirly? Illegal Martial arts moves? Imprisonment?

Somebody better tell Harper the gag order on stupidity is slipping.

CPC Candidate

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This is from an article Scriblett posted then removed. She must have read it.

First Scott the next time I see you you are going to get a major whirly which I'm sure will bring back lots of bad memories from when you were bullied in junior high, highschool, university, the Post, the PMO, and most recently, the Liberal war room.

Second, when are you Liberals going to learn that you really must quit taking things that don't belong to you?

Anyway, forget about that stuff. I ran into another Scott the other day on the street in Ottawa. Yes, I'm talking about Liberal Party talking head Scott Reid, along with David Herle and Jack Fleischman. For a moment I considered subduing them all with some (illegal) martial arts moves, and then having them shipped to Guantanamo Bay, but there were too many witnesses. So instead we had an amiable chat.

Violence against liberals? Is that the New Conservative plan?

Bullying people who don't share the same point of view?

Whirly? Illegal Martial arts moves? Imprisonment?

Somebody better tell Harper the gag order on stupidity is slipping.

CPC Candidate

Okay HP,

I forgive you...that is wrong. But my respect for Monte just went out after reading that article.

I don't think he'll be 1/50 as corrupt as Ralphie!

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The same Gomery report that exhonerated Prime Minister Martin?

The same Gomery report that praised Ralph Goodale?

The same Gomery who was appointed by the PM who appoints everyone else that is supposed to hold government accountable. Oh, I forgot, that's supposed to be Parliament, but all they do is sit there and stick up their hands when the leader tells them. There were 170 odd Liberal MP's sitting when Shawinegate, HRDC, Adscam, and a myriad of other scams were going on and there wasn't a peep out of any of them. Why, because Canada has bastardized the parliamentary system to the point where everything is run out of the PMO and there is no accountability for anything unless the Auditor General finds it. Why do we bother with a Parliament at all.

Tony Blair lost a vote in the Commons a few weeks ago because he couldn't convince enough of his members to support his bill. The government didn't fall, no body got kicked out of caucus. It's back to the drawing board to form a consensus that his caucus can support. That's the the way a parliamentary system is supposed to work. The Prime Minister serves at the pleasure of Parliament, not the other way around as in Canada. This country is in deep do do and unless something changes, we can just look forward to more of the same.

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..."I know my friend(s) for so long. You're just hallucinating. Nothing wrong is going on."

Is that what Harper has been telling you? As he cancels the $500 personal exemption and raised the tax rate back to 16% after Goodale lowered it to 15% and bumped up personal exemption by $500.

Sorry lot that is going to be sorry for supporting Harper.

I find it odd that whenever the Conservatives propose a tax cut certain people here are shouting to all and sundry that they're being irresponsible, threatening to bankrupt the country, stealing the bread from people's mouths and determined to destroy health care, our social safety net, and Canada itself.

But whenever the Liberals propose a tax cut it instantly achieves the status of a god like decree from the mountain, that no true lover of Canada, no righteous or honest or caring person could ever challenge or debate. :lol:

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This is from an article Scriblett posted then removed. She must have read it.

First Scott the next time I see you you are going to get a major whirly which I'm sure will bring back lots of bad memories from when you were bullied in junior high, highschool, university, the Post, the PMO, and most recently, the Liberal war room.

Second, when are you Liberals going to learn that you really must quit taking things that don't belong to you?

Anyway, forget about that stuff. I ran into another Scott the other day on the street in Ottawa. Yes, I'm talking about Liberal Party talking head Scott Reid, along with David Herle and Jack Fleischman. For a moment I considered subduing them all with some (illegal) martial arts moves, and then having them shipped to Guantanamo Bay, but there were too many witnesses. So instead we had an amiable chat.

Violence against liberals? Is that the New Conservative plan?

Bullying people who don't share the same point of view?

Whirly? Illegal Martial arts moves? Imprisonment?

Somebody better tell Harper the gag order on stupidity is slipping.

CPC Candidate

I removed a post which I made in a wrong thread, it was the same as my post #13 in this thread in which I referenced Monty S. 'Remember, it didn't happen if you didn't see it on the CBC.'

I've no idea what 'violence against liberals' is about.

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Boy are you in for a rude awakening.

Harper is going to hit the low income with the cancellation of the Liberal tax cuts.

Because, like, conservatives always hate poor people, because, like, they're evil you know. :ph34r:

His rich friends will be the ones he protects, especially with the GST cut cause rich people pay moore GST as poor people can't afford to buy stuff that is not food, rent, mortgage, etc.

Yes, Harper has far more rich friends than Bay Street Boy Paul Martin Junior or daddy's little rich girl Stronach. And the fact the Liberal Party consistently gets most of its donations from big corporate entities while the Conservatives get most of their donations in small amounts from middle class people is beside the point.

As for poor people not buying things, I suppose this merely shows us how out of touch you are (which would surprise no one who knew you were a Liberal). Having been fairly poor until the last 5 years or so I can tell you that poor people buy the same stuff as eveyrone else, including TVs, DVD players, walmans, MP3 players, toiletries and cold remedies, towels and blankets and sheets, and guess what, even furniture! And consumption taxes tend to be far more onerous to poor people. Nowadays I don't even have to much care what things cost, so a cut in the GST is not really a big deal.

Harper would turn Canada into a combination of Mulroney/Harris/Bush.

God help us if he gets in.

Gee, isn't God supposed to be on his side, what with him being feared as a hard line Christian and all.?

I'm afraid your post is nothing but shrill, content-free, fearmongering crap.

Gee, do you work for the Liberal Party?

This is from an article Scriblett posted then removed. She must have read it.

First Scott the next time I see you you are going to get a major whirly which I'm sure will bring back lots of bad memories from when you were bullied in junior high, highschool, university, the Post, the PMO, and most recently, the Liberal war room.

Second, when are you Liberals going to learn that you really must quit taking things that don't belong to you?

Anyway, forget about that stuff. I ran into another Scott the other day on the street in Ottawa. Yes, I'm talking about Liberal Party talking head Scott Reid, along with David Herle and Jack Fleischman. For a moment I considered subduing them all with some (illegal) martial arts moves, and then having them shipped to Guantanamo Bay, but there were too many witnesses. So instead we had an amiable chat.

Violence against liberals? Is that the New Conservative plan?

Bullying people who don't share the same point of view?

Whirly? Illegal Martial arts moves? Imprisonment?

Somebody better tell Harper the gag order on stupidity is slipping.

CPC Candidate

Eh, all the stuff there was written in a humourous, sarcastic, or mocking tone which demonstrates that Solberg has a sense of humour - and that you don't. :lol:

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So the GST cut, which definitely helps the poor is simply bad policy.

The Conservatives plans to introduce their own tax package is bad, because the CBC says it is.

The Liberals tax cuts will be replaced by a Conservatve package. Once the details of that package are released all the hidden agenda stuff will be disappear.

Sad, sad attempt at righting the ship Liberals. This time a positive policy-driven campaign is carrying the day. :lol:

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You must have never read Harpers true feelings for this country.

The notion that Harper is somehow not patriotic and does not love Canada has no support behind it, and the suggestion is nothing more than evidence of the intellectual and moral bankruptcy of you and the others of your ilk whose politics revolves around hate and intollerance.

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I disagree. I think the Liberals politics revolve around an arrogant sense of entitlement to power. The hatred and intolerance for the opposition simply flows from this god-given right to govern the country. :lol:

The notion that Harper is somehow not patriotic and does not love Canada has no support behind it, and the suggestion is nothing more than evidence of the intellectual and moral bankruptcy on you and the others of your ilk whose politics revolves around hate and intollerance.
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You must have never read Harpers true feelings for this country.

No, all I did was wait for results after the Gomery report. The few sacrificial lambs were slaughtered. But those who actually used the taxpayers' money to buy support are still hidden and protected.

The same Gomery report that exhonerated Prime Minister Martin?

The same Gomery report that praised Ralph Goodale?

Yep. The very same Gomery Commission appointed by Martn.

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