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Lock up the women!

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Your lies are growing more and more pathetic, You said lock the women up. Why, if the women want to have sex with him let them, if he rapes someone and it can be proven, he will go to jail. Locking the women up because bill is comming would indicate that you don't trust a womens judgement...you don't trust their ability to make choices. IF you wanted to just be an ass hole you could have said lock the doors keep clinton out, but time and tiem again you ahve prooven to be less than fair and less than honest.

How thick can you be? The women want to have sex with him? I don't recall Paula Jones or Juanita Broderick saying that. I guess forcing exposing and forcing yourself on women is "consensual" in your world. Pathetic and disgusting. :angry:

Your right I was less than fair he was impeached for Obstruction of Justice, Abuse of Power, and Contempt of Congress. Not perjury, my appoligies. To avoid this he ran away from office leaving behind an administration of 25 convicted criminals.

Nixon was NOT impeached, although it is a near certainty he would have been. In 1974, the House Judiciary committee voted 3 articles of impeachment. One accused Nixon of obstruction of justice. Another accused him of abuse of power. The third charged him with contempt of Congress for defying the committee’s requests to produce documents. Nixon resigned the presidency before the whole House voted on the articles.

I am not a republican, I am not a democrat, and I certainly am not blinded by partizanship like yourself. You said men who were serial cheaters can relate to them, according to statistics alot of men cheat, making him broad spectrum, and this cheatign is not confined to democrats.

I'm not a Republican or a Democrat, either. But rank partisans like yourself defend Clinton for committing perjury and obstructing justice, because "it was only a blowjob".

I will appoligize to you as soon as you can find the post where I reffered to ANYONE as a baby killing blood drinking fascist, if not you owe me one. But in the end you are still dodging the reply you gave all the credit to the president but none to the men and women who actually did anything

I will apologize to you when you can find one post on this forum where I have disapraged the troops.

Would you like me to drop some links showing what the left thinks of the US troops?

This is annoying, its as if your strategy is to act as dumb as humanly possible.

You claimed that Clinton didn't deserve to be president because he didn;t get 50% of the vote,

Okay, you are starting to piss me off. I said no such thing; you are lying again. The fact is that Clinton got 43.3% of the popular vote in 1992, while Bush Sr got 37.7% and Perot got 19%. Although one cannot claim that Perot's 19% were all rightwing votes, it is very reasonable to claim that he split the right and cost Bush Sr the election. No Perot; no Clinton presidency in 1992. You can't possibly be so ignorant of US history.

If there was no Perot, the Democrats would likely have lost the last 7 elections in a row.

Yes I do, you were trying to make clinton seem like a an undeserving president because he only won by 118,000 votes agaisnt a lame candidate, don't fault me when I point out the fact that Bush won by getting half a million votes les than a lame candidate.

Again, you are lying. I said no such thing. Clinton deserved to win in 1996, no doubt. However, the fact remains that Clinton was not the beloved popular president (a la Reagan) like the MSM tries to portary him. He won by the skin of his nose. And if your beloved Al Gore had been able to win his own state, he would have been President in 2000. But his own state rejected him. I find that telling.

Maybe you could try paying him $100,000?

Even if I had a $100,000, I would not give it to such a failure of a man like Bill Clinton. I'm not even going to see him in Saskatoon. I'm going to spend my money on the upcoming Aerosmith/Cheap Trick concert.

As for NDP'er you can call it what you might, my support for them is limited to this election

I believe that--from your previous postings on this site.

I voted for the B.C Liberals in the provincial election

I believe that.

and supported the CPC last federal election

I don't believe that.

Quite trying to bamboozle us. The general public is not as stupid as you think we are.

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How thick can you be? The women want to have sex with him? I don't recall Paula Jones or Juanita Broderick saying that. I guess forcing exposing and forcing yourself on women is "consensual" in your world. Pathetic and disgusting.

No not true I said it would be better to say "lock the doors keep clinton out" instead you targeted the women. It makes no sense to me to punish people if a criminal is coming to town, just keep the criminal out, if thats the way you feel. Instead you lock up the women, my original question was why, are they not allowed to ahve consensual sex, if Clinton is a rapist and a criminal lock out clinton don't punish the women.

I'm not a Republican or a Democrat, either. But rank partisans like yourself defend Clinton for committing perjury and obstructing justice, because "it was only a blowjob".

Rank Partisans like myself??? God you are full of shit, if there is one thing I am not, it is partisan, I supported CPC in 2004, the B.C Liberals(conservatives) in the provincial election, voted for a mix in the municipal election, and voted NDP in this Federal election. I don't vote on partisan lines or support things based on parties, I hate it when people do that, I am not one of those people, I have no interest in towing any party line. Unless you can point out where I defended clinton for his monica lewinski issues, stop claiming that I have.

I will apologize to you when you can find one post on this forum where I have disapraged the troops.

Would you like me to drop some links showing what the left thinks of the US troops?

Well when you gave the credit to the President and made no mention of the troops that is when I pointed that fact out.

As well I am not interested in what the left said, I am not the left, again stop associating everything the left says with me.

Okay, you are starting to piss me off. I said no such thing; you are lying again. The fact is that Clinton got 43.3% of the popular vote in 1992, while Bush Sr got 37.7% and Perot got 19%. Although one cannot claim that Perot's 19% were all rightwing votes, it is very reasonable to claim that he split the right and cost Bush Sr the election. No Perot; no Clinton presidency in 1992. You can't possibly be so ignorant of US history.

If there was no Perot, the Democrats would likely have lost the last 7 elections in a row.

I am not debating that fact, I am asking why the double standard.

Again, you are lying. I said no such thing. Clinton deserved to win in 1996, no doubt. However, the fact remains that Clinton was not the beloved popular president (a la Reagan) like the MSM tries to portary him. He won by the skin of his nose. And if your beloved Al Gore had been able to win his own state, he would have been President in 2000. But his own state rejected him. I find that telling.

I think he was pretty well liked, no Clinton is not a reagen as far as popularity is concerned, but Clinton is well liked, clinton was above average.

As well stop saying my beloved Al gore, he is not my beloved al gore, I told you I don;t care much for Clinton I think much less of Al Gore.

As for NDP'er you can call it what you might, my support for them is limited to this election

I believe that--from your previous postings on this site.

I voted for the B.C Liberals in the provincial election

I believe that.


don't believe that.

Quite trying to bamboozle us. The general public is not as stupid as you think we are.

well...I don't know what to say...

uhmm...here we go....

Posted on: Jun 16 2004, 09:13 PM

well I am from B.C and I want harper,

Forum: Federal Politics · Post Preview: #24194 · Replies: 50 · Views: 873


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Care to calculate the actual death toll of civilians and army personnel since Bush invaded Iraq?

The question still stands. Clinton didn't invade Iraq and he offered more to the table than pre 911Bush. Oh, and Orrin Hatch and Trent Lott had much to do with countering Clinton's terrorism legislation. http://www.angelfire.com/hi5/pearly/htmls/...-terrorism.html.

I think you are scared of the numbers Monty. Here's a little help: http://www.iraqbodycount.net and http://icasualties.org/oif. That'a a minimum of 27,000 that died under Bush's watch. But be aware, it's a MINIMUM.

Care to tell us how many Iraqis died under Clinton's watch? How many of these happened during Clinton's watch? Don't worry adding on the Iraqis killed when he lobbed missiles into Iraq to divert attention when Monica Lewinsky was slated to testify.

Your site only links to Saddam Hussein regime kills. Clinton in one air strike killed 26 iraquis - http://www.themilitant.com/1996/6032/6032_2.html and injured 10 more at the aspirin plant - http://www.mega.nu:8080/ampp/khartoumbomb.html

Other death totals are unstantiated. But add sanctions and it adds up.

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Lets get back on topic, of how immoral Clinton is...

Remember, its a national leaders responsibility to act as a good role model to the rest of the country.

Clinton committed purgery, had no respect for the justice system (or he wouldn't have lied) and constantly cheated on his wife.

What a role model eh? If the President does it, everyone should be doing it.

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Lets get back on topic, of how immoral Clinton is...

Remember, its a national leaders responsibility to act as a good role model to the rest of the country.

Clinton committed purgery, had no respect for the justice system (or he wouldn't have lied) and constantly cheated on his wife.

What a role model eh? If the President does it, everyone should be doing it.

If that's the case: where's my cocaine? :lol:

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Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2006 7:10 AM


Subject: Fw: Do you remember this

Thought you might be interested in this forgotten bit of information..........

It was 1987! At a lecture the other day they were playing an old news video of Lt.Col. Oliver North testifying at the Iran-Contra hearings during the Reagan Administration.

There was Ollie in front of God and country getting the third degree, but what he said was stunning!

He was being drilled by a senator; "Did you not recently spend close to $60,000 for a home security system?"

Ollie replied, "Yes, I did, Sir."

The senator continued, trying to get a laugh out of the audience, "Isn't that just a little excessive?"

"No, sir," continued Ollie.

"No? And why not?" the senator asked.

"Because the lives of my family and I were threatened, sir."

"Threatened? By whom?" the senator questioned.

"By a terrorist, sir" Ollie answered.

"Terrorist? What terrorist could possibly scare you that much?"

"His name is Osama bin Laden, sir" Ollie replied.

At this point the senator tried to repeat the name, but couldn't pronounce it, which most people back then probably couldn't. A couple of people laughed at the attempt. Then the senator continued. Why are you so afraid of this man?" the senator asked.

"Because, sir, he is the most evil person alive that I know of", Ollie answered.

"And what do you recommend we do about him?" asked the senator.

"Well, sir, if it was up to me, I would recommend that an assassin team be formed to eliminate him and his men from the face of the earth."

The senator disagreed with this approach, and that was all that was shown of the clip.

By the way, that senator was Al Gore!


Terrorist pilot Mohammad Atta blew up a bus in Israel in 1986. The Israelis captured, tried and imprisoned him. As part of the Oslo agreement with the Palestinians in 1993, Israel had to agree to release so-called "political prisoners."

However, the Israelis would not release any with blood on their hands, The American President at the time, Bill Clinton, and his Secretary of State, Warren Christopher, "insisted" that all prisoners be released.

&nb! sp;

Thus Mohammad Atta was freed and eventually thanked the US by flying an airplane into Tower One of the World Trade Center. This was reported by many of the American TV networks at the time that the terrorists were first identified.

It was censored in the US from all later reports.

If you agree that the American public should be made aware of this fact, pass this on.

This is an email i got today. enjoy.

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moderateamericain, I think what you have forgotton is that Clinton was quashed by the Repubicans when sought more money for terrorism, particularly Orrin Hatch. Also, the 911 Commission reports that Clinton could have risked more bombing in Khandahar but there would have been too much collateral damage. It's all well and good to quote from the past but try and keep things in perspective. Clinton's hands were tied and the repubs were too busy trying to dig up something they could nail him on. All they got was a bj and a lie about it.

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moderateamericain, I think what you have forgotton is that Clinton was quashed by the Repubicans when sought more money for terrorism, particularly Orrin Hatch. Also, the 911 Commission reports that Clinton could have risked more bombing in Khandahar but there would have been too much collateral damage. It's all well and good to quote from the past but try and keep things in perspective. Clinton's hands were tied and the repubs were too busy trying to dig up something they could nail him on. All they got was a bj and a lie about it.

I agree we should not live in the past.

I am a fan of neither Clinton nor Bush Jr. Bush Sr. was one of the greatest American presidents of all time...this was a man who combined brains with pragmatism, something neither the left nor far right has been able to do.

If Bush Sr. had been in power further into the 1990s things would have been a lot better for the USA.

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There's enough blame to go around re wife cheating and scandal. How about the Republican talley?

Rep. Henry Hyde Broke up a family during his seven year adulterous affair!

Mike Bowers Cheated on his wife for FIFTEEN YEARS!

George Bush Linda Tripp says had he an affair with a woman named "Jennifer"

Newt Gingrich Dumped his ex-wife while she was in a hospital bed suffering from cancer....

Bob Dole Cheated on his first wife with his current wife, Elizabeth Dole.

Ronald Reagan Dumped Jane Wyman by cheating on her with several Hollywood starlets

William Cohen Dumped his white wife for a new black one.

Guy Millner Has been married three times, partly because he has sex with women he isn't married to....

Rush Limbaugh Fat as he may be, he cheated on two of his three wives...

Mitch Skandalakis Hired hookers from his Las Vegas hotel room!

Michael Deaver Was so drunk he doesn't remember hiring hookers...

John Warner Dumped his wife for Elizabeth Taylor...

Bill Randall A Florida Congressional candidate and minister, he fathered an illegitimate child during his affair!

Bill McCartney Promise Keepers founder who didn't keep his Promise to his wife and then lied about it for 20 years!

Rep. Dan Burton Had at least six adulterous affairs, and fathered a bastard son who, today, he ignores!!

Rep. Bob Barr Cheated on all three of his wives - and coerced one into having an abortion - then lied about it!

Rudolph Giuliani Boffs his assistant in Gracie Mansion while his wife stays home with the kids!

Sen. Strom Thurmond Cheated on his fourth wife at age 88!!

Beverly Russell The Christian Coalition coordinator who molested his stepdaughter Susan Smith, who later killed her own kids.

Marv Albert Calls himself a Republican, bites his longtime mistresses, and has sex with her while wearing women's panties!

:N.C. Rep. Sue Myrick - Who cheated on her husband and left him for another man!

LA. Rep. Bob Livingston - The GOP Speaker-to-never-be, who cheated on his wife Bonnie - with at least four women!

Michael Huffington - The Former GOP Congressman who cheated on his wife Arianna - with other men!

Oklahoma Lt. Gov. Mary Fallin - Who had an adulterous affair with her Security Guard - a state trooper!

Rep. Helen Chenoweth - Who screwed most every married male member of the Idaho Legislature!

The Charleston County, S.C. Solicitor, a Republican, who had an extramarital affair - a GAY affair with another man.....

Jim Bakker - Who eventually got locked up in chains and sent to federal prison.

Jimmy Swaggart - Who broke down crying after he got busted with an ugly hooker!

Courtesy of http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html.

Scandals? Karl Rove, Scotter Libby, Tom Delay, Haliburton, and more - http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2005/01/18/scandal

Did any of those named above actually used the Oval Office?

Btw, was Monica actually under the desk when she did it? :D

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So Clinton got a bj in the oval office and apologized for it. No one died Monty. Care to calculate the actual death toll of civilians and army personnel since Bush invaded Iraq?

Oh yeah? Didn't he do a good blitz on Iraq for 4 days....coincidentally right around the time of the Monica scandal?

At least, Bush was doing a tit for tat.

Clinton's was just an attempt at distraction from his sleazy domestic scandal. When it suits em, Iraquis can be quite expendable. :D

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Saskatoon Star Phoenix
One of the most charismatic world leaders of the past decade has a speaking date lined up in Saskatoon.

One of the most embarrassing world leaders (impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice) is coming to Toontown.

Clinton, the 42nd president of the United States, is a big draw because people can relate to him, [Andy] McCreath said.

Men who are serial-cheaters on their wives can definitely relate to him...not withstanding the rape accusations (Juanita Broderick) that have followed him throughout his life.

"He seems very human," he [Andy McCreath] said. "He's very self-deprecating. He makes fun of himself in his speeches, and I think George Bush and other world leaders never seem to do that.

While President Bush liberated 55 million Muslims from brutal tyranny, Clinton argued what the definition of "is" is. :lol:

Clinton, who was elected president in 1992...

Only because Ross Perot split the right.

Perot (19,742,267 votes) + George Bush, Sr. (39,104,545 votes) garnered 58,846,812 votes.

Clinton received 44,909,889 votes.

...and re-elected in 1996...

Bob Dole didn't exactly excite the Republican base. Nice guy but....

Bob Dole (39,198,755 votes) + Ross Perot (8,085,402) garnered 47,284,157 votes; Clinton barely nipped them by getting 47,402,357 votes; a slim 118,200 vote victory.

"Although he's out of office, he still acts like a world leader," McCreath said. "He's all over the place. You see him everywhere doing great things for humanity."

Of course. If I was getting $100,000 US per speech, I would be "all over the place" too.

Jones is thrilled Clinton's Saskatoon engagement is his only Saskatchewan stop.

No, this isn't the demonized Paula Jones. However, Ms. Jones was a guest on Hannity & Colmes when the results of her lie detector test were released. She was asked if Clinton exposed himself to her - in a hotel room - while Clinton was Governor of Arkansas.

She said yes and the lie detector guy concluded that she was telling the truth. I understand that lie detectors aren't admissable in a court of law, but it is damning evidence.

Thank God for Fox News--since the liberal MSM flat-out refused to report this. :angry:

About 2,000 tickets go on sale for the event starting at 10 a.m. today at the Centennial box office and Ticketmaster. Tickets range from $84 to $235 with tax included, Jones said.

Decisions decisions. Do I spend $84 or $235 to heckle this poor excuse for a man?

McCreath said it's the cheapest ticket ever sold in Canada to hear Clinton speak. Other events have sold for as much as $600 a seat.

Proving that crack cocaine is alive and flourishing...

This statement makes so much sense I almost want to sing. ...Almost. Thanks for spelling Clinton out for us, I never thought I'd have the same respect for a president as I do for Howard Stern and apparently I'm not alone.

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Who really cares who is having sex with whom?

I find it of no interest, except maybe a slight prurient, maybe ttitillating flash.

It reminds me of a story.

A middle-aged tourist was visting a zoo in Florida and saw two hippopotamus.

She asked of the guide, " Which is the female'.

The guide said, " Madame that is of interest only to the male."

Sexual proclivities in general are of concern to the people personally involved, only.


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When the leader of your country is screwing the intern while married, you tend to wonder if his commitment to your country is similar to his commitment to his wife, meaningless.

When are you Republicans... (might you be a Bushbot automaton?)... going to get over Clinton? You justify almost all of King George's mistakes... and they are numerous... because of Clinton. Clinton IS NO LONGER PRESIDENT FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! NOT FOR FIVE YEARS NOW!

You people need Clinton! I bet that you Republicans all secretly wish that Clinton was still in office so that you might never have to face the reality of the Bush record.

And Insom Elvis... I don't mean this to be as harsh as it may read to you... it's just that at some point you guys have to get over Clinton! I've been battling Bushbots that try and prove that 9/11 took place because Clinton was getting head. If you say... Bush did this... they reply... well Clinton did the nasty with Monica... too wrongs don't make right any more than voting for the lesser of two evils brings about good!


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Zues, its you whose bringing up something irrelevant to avoid a question. In case you didn't notice this thread is devoted to Clinton, not Bush.

Why don't you focus on that subject for a paragraph.

If you want to go on a bush-bashing spree, be my guest, but there must be a dozen other threads where this is occuring.

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Zues, its you whose bringing up something irrelevant to avoid a question. In case you didn't notice this thread is devoted to Clinton, not Bush.

Why don't you focus on that subject for a paragraph.

If you want to go on a bush-bashing spree, be my guest, but there must be a dozen other threads where this is occuring.

I'm sorry... I was and have commented to a single statement by a single person... and the topic title leads one to think that it's criticizing Clinton. At least, down south, that's what it would be. Again I'm sorry if that upset you.

But since you're here I would like to ask a question of you... why is any criticism of Clinton and his administration consider criticism and lawful yet any comment other than a conglomaration of glowing words of praise about Bush... is always called "Bush bashing?" Any idea?

Clinton balanced the budget didn't he? At least that's what I'm told! And he did get a little on the side... that's not any different from what most men of power do, isn't it? I don't know whether they're considered bad or good but... there's my two comments on old Slick! Oh.... and one more... he was the only white dude that really fit in at the Coretta Scott King funeral!


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When the leader of your country is screwing the intern while married, you tend to wonder if his commitment to your country is similar to his commitment to his wife, meaningless.

Good point.

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When the leader of your country is screwing the intern while married, you tend to wonder if his commitment to your country is similar to his commitment to his wife, meaningless.

When are you Republicans... (might you be a Bushbot automaton?)... going to get over Clinton? You justify almost all of King George's mistakes... and they are numerous... because of Clinton. Clinton IS NO LONGER PRESIDENT FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! NOT FOR FIVE YEARS NOW!

You people need Clinton! I bet that you Republicans all secretly wish that Clinton was still in office so that you might never have to face the reality of the Bush record.

And Insom Elvis... I don't mean this to be as harsh as it may read to you... it's just that at some point you guys have to get over Clinton! I've been battling Bushbots that try and prove that 9/11 took place because Clinton was getting head. If you say... Bush did this... they reply... well Clinton did the nasty with Monica... too wrongs don't make right any more than voting for the lesser of two evils brings about good!


We'll get over Clinton when the following happens:

1. When leftists quit worshipping Hilary, who many claim had much influence over his political decisions.

2. When Clinton realizes he isn't the president and quits addressing the nation on T.V.

3. When leftists quit bad mouthing Bush senior and claiming Bush junior is finishing what daddy started. Bush Senior has been out of office a lot longer than Clinton.

Then again we kind of still talk about every president we've ever had because once they serve a term they're written into history. Don't feel bad, if a Democrat wins next election, wether he's competent or not anything bad that happens will be blamed on Bush and anything good will bring the new pres tons of adoration from the left.

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Who really cares who is having sex with whom?

I find it of no interest, except maybe a slight prurient, maybe ttitillating flash.

It reminds me of a story.

A middle-aged tourist was visting a zoo in Florida and saw two hippopotamus.

She asked of the guide, " Which is the female'.

The guide said, " Madame that is of interest only to the male."

Sexual proclivities in general are of concern to the people personally involved, only.


Here's something for you to chew on.

If one of your employees was having a sexual relationship in their office on your time, would you still say that they should just be left to do their thing?

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But since you're here I would like to ask a question of you... why is any criticism of Clinton and his administration consider criticism and lawful yet any comment other than a conglomaration of glowing words of praise about Bush... is always called "Bush bashing?" Any idea?

The reason for the distinction is found in your previous post:

"(might you be a Bushbot automaton?)..."

I may be wrong but I do not believe there was any specific personal reference to yourself as an idiot for supporting Clinton in Insom Elvis's post. Yet this is exactly the course you choose to take in your defence of Clinton, by referencing Insom Elvis as a "Bushbot automaton".

Not that I want to get into the "I'm rubber, you're glue" bit, but it is the intense hatred of Bush that trickles down to his supporters and results in the phenomenon of "bush-bashing", when the facts of the debate exit the conversation and you have to resort to personal attacks.

For the record I think there's plenty of reason's to question Bush's leadership, but don't be so blind to think that Clinton walked on water.

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There's enough blame to go around re wife cheating and scandal. How about the Republican talley?

Rep. Henry Hyde Broke up a family during his seven year adulterous affair!

Mike Bowers Cheated on his wife for FIFTEEN YEARS!

George Bush Linda Tripp says had he an affair with a woman named "Jennifer"

Newt Gingrich Dumped his ex-wife while she was in a hospital bed suffering from cancer....

Bob Dole Cheated on his first wife with his current wife, Elizabeth Dole.

Ronald Reagan Dumped Jane Wyman by cheating on her with several Hollywood starlets

William Cohen Dumped his white wife for a new black one.

Guy Millner Has been married three times, partly because he has sex with women he isn't married to....

Rush Limbaugh Fat as he may be, he cheated on two of his three wives...

Mitch Skandalakis Hired hookers from his Las Vegas hotel room!

Michael Deaver Was so drunk he doesn't remember hiring hookers...

John Warner Dumped his wife for Elizabeth Taylor...

Bill Randall A Florida Congressional candidate and minister, he fathered an illegitimate child during his affair!

Bill McCartney Promise Keepers founder who didn't keep his Promise to his wife and then lied about it for 20 years!

Rep. Dan Burton Had at least six adulterous affairs, and fathered a bastard son who, today, he ignores!!

Rep. Bob Barr Cheated on all three of his wives - and coerced one into having an abortion - then lied about it!

Rudolph Giuliani Boffs his assistant in Gracie Mansion while his wife stays home with the kids!

Sen. Strom Thurmond Cheated on his fourth wife at age 88!!

Beverly Russell The Christian Coalition coordinator who molested his stepdaughter Susan Smith, who later killed her own kids.

Marv Albert Calls himself a Republican, bites his longtime mistresses, and has sex with her while wearing women's panties!

:N.C. Rep. Sue Myrick - Who cheated on her husband and left him for another man!

LA. Rep. Bob Livingston - The GOP Speaker-to-never-be, who cheated on his wife Bonnie - with at least four women!

Michael Huffington - The Former GOP Congressman who cheated on his wife Arianna - with other men!

Oklahoma Lt. Gov. Mary Fallin - Who had an adulterous affair with her Security Guard - a state trooper!

Rep. Helen Chenoweth - Who screwed most every married male member of the Idaho Legislature!

The Charleston County, S.C. Solicitor, a Republican, who had an extramarital affair - a GAY affair with another man.....

Jim Bakker - Who eventually got locked up in chains and sent to federal prison.

Jimmy Swaggart - Who broke down crying after he got busted with an ugly hooker!

Courtesy of http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html.

Scandals? Karl Rove, Scotter Libby, Tom Delay, Haliburton, and more - http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2005/01/18/scandal

Did any of those named above actually used the Oval Office?

Btw, was Monica actually under the desk when she did it? :D

Oh there you go Betsy. You just had to put it into perspective, didn't you? ;)

Reminds of when the liberals shrugged their shoulders when the Liberal Party called Americans bastards, morons, coalition of the idiots, stomping on George Bush dolls on the state TV......

....but boy oh boy the liberals were furious when a mediocore conservative pundit (Tucker Carlson) on a channel that nobody watches (MSNBC), dared to call Canada "America's retarded cousin".

Liberal MPs insulting the US = oh well *shrugs*

unimportant pundit insults Canada = OUTRAGE! Oh, how they seethed.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Who really cares who is having sex with whom?

I find it of no interest, except maybe a slight prurient, maybe ttitillating flash.

It reminds me of a story.

A middle-aged tourist was visting a zoo in Florida and saw two hippopotamus.

She asked of the guide, " Which is the female'.

The guide said, " Madame that is of interest only to the male."

Sexual proclivities in general are of concern to the people personally involved, only.


I am reminded of this exchange from Bill Maher's old Politically Incorrect TV show:

Heidi Mark: But why doesn't the Republicans learn to stay the hell out of other people's bedrooms? If my accountant -- if my accountant was to screw around on his wife, as long as he's taking care of my money, I don't care. I don't want to know.

Clint Black: But if he'll screw over his own family, what do you think he'll do to you?


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