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Is Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida overstepping his bounds by going after the Reedy Creek Improvement District which encompasses Walt Disney World?

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Is Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida overstepping his bounds by going after the Reedy Creek Improvement District which encompasses Walt Disney World? Looking at the origins of the Reedy Creek Improvement District, Disney appears to have been given special district status, which made it a unit of government, in order to aid it in developing to it’s fullest potential without all the red tape that Disney Land had experienced in California. This special district status, plus other excessive additions, such as the ability to build a nuclear plant or airport, gave Disney World the freedom to become what it wanted to be without much friction from the other areas of government. However, Disney should not have been a part of the government and special district status should be left to public resources such as water, roads, parks, public health, etc. not monopolies. It is within the power of local and state governments to create a special district, so therefore it is within their power to dismantle or change the district as well. Therefore, Governor DeSantis is not necessarily abusing his power as Governor to do this. On the other hand, it is necessary to look at why DeSantis is doing this in the first place. Governor DeSantis is a Republican, which would seem to imply that he would want little government control in business, yet he is creating a governing board over Disney that can control revenue, municipal services, and paying off debts. It appears that DeSantis is going after Disney’s corporate freedom because he is “anti-woke” and angry at Disney for going against his “Don’t Say Gay” bill. Unsurprisingly, Governor DeSantis is appointing other influential, anti-woke Republicans to the Disney governing board. This manipulation of societal values does feel like an overstep of DeSantis’s power because this governing board could potentially force Disney into regressive and harmful policies by withholding funds or future development. In the end, these changes are not currently having much of an impact, but only time will tell how this will turn out for the largest employer of central Florida.

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It sounds like the woke Disney corporation had way too much power in Florida to begin with. Their agenda used to be about good family entertainment but now it seems to be mostly about indoctrination of young minds.

Good on DeSantis for reining them in.

Disney heiress melts down in mad rant, rails against conservatives turning customers against them (bizpacreview.com)

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This article asserts that DeSantis is trying to assert control over the content Disney produces. 

I don't think that this is quite possible.  There is an idea that these companies "program" people but an open culture can't control the Zeitgeist and I think DeSantis is well smart enough to know that.

Even China has to listen to its people to some degree.... and Florida is ... ahem .... "free"

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13 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

This article asserts that DeSantis is trying to assert control over the content Disney produces. 

I don't think that this is quite possible.  There is an idea that these companies "program" people but an open culture can't control the Zeitgeist and I think DeSantis is well smart enough to know that.

Even China has to listen to its people to some degree.... and Florida is ... ahem .... "free"

I read your source. It is very left wing biased, and frankly very dishonest. And it has very little in the way of facts.

The Florida legislature passed the Parental Choice act (which the left wing Nazi rags lied and called it Don't Say Gay.) This bill had a LOT of items besides the one about no sexual grooming at ages Kindergarten through grade three. Disney, THREATENED to go to court to challenge that law, and Disney would have had the money to do that.

Governor DeSantis decided that if Disney wants to play politics, then it will have to be subject to the same laws as the rest of Florida, hence the end of their special Reedy Creek District privileges.

I lived in Orlando for 18 years. I saw it first hand. Reedy Creek was not subject to any sort of local law. All Governor DeSantis did was relegate Disney to the same status as SeaWorld, Universal, etc.

Florida is the freest and best educated state in the union. The only problem we have is this influx of left wing blue state Nazis who are fleeing those blue states because of policies they voted for. We don't want those !diots here. 

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37 minutes ago, ironstone said:

It sounds like the woke Disney corporation had way too much power in Florida to begin with. Their agenda used to be about good family entertainment but now it seems to be mostly about indoctrination of young minds.

Good on DeSantis for reining them in.

Disney heiress melts down in mad rant, rails against conservatives turning customers against them (bizpacreview.com)

Disney glorifies pedophelia and other sexual diseases. It doesn't deserve the special privileges it got in that 60s deal.

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19 hours ago, Tree84 said:

Is Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida overstepping his bounds by going after the Reedy Creek Improvement District which encompasses Walt Disney World? Looking at the origins of the Reedy Creek Improvement District, Disney appears to have been given special district status, which made it a unit of government, in order to aid it in developing to it’s fullest potential without all the red tape that Disney Land had experienced in California. This special district status, plus other excessive additions, such as the ability to build a nuclear plant or airport, gave Disney World the freedom to become what it wanted to be without much friction from the other areas of government. However, Disney should not have been a part of the government and special district status should be left to public resources such as water, roads, parks, public health, etc. not monopolies. It is within the power of local and state governments to create a special district, so therefore it is within their power to dismantle or change the district as well. Therefore, Governor DeSantis is not necessarily abusing his power as Governor to do this. On the other hand, it is necessary to look at why DeSantis is doing this in the first place. Governor DeSantis is a Republican, which would seem to imply that he would want little government control in business, yet he is creating a governing board over Disney that can control revenue, municipal services, and paying off debts. It appears that DeSantis is going after Disney’s corporate freedom because he is “anti-woke” and angry at Disney for going against his “Don’t Say Gay” bill. Unsurprisingly, Governor DeSantis is appointing other influential, anti-woke Republicans to the Disney governing board. This manipulation of societal values does feel like an overstep of DeSantis’s power because this governing board could potentially force Disney into regressive and harmful policies by withholding funds or future development. In the end, these changes are not currently having much of an impact, but only time will tell how this will turn out for the largest employer of central Florida.

A couple of things:

There's no such thing as a Don't Say Gay bill. If you get a chance, read the law. The word GAY is nowhere to be found.


Secondly, (for those who either have convenient amnesia or are just plain stupid) the revocation of the Reedy Creek special privileges came about because the rich Disney corp threatened to challenge the  Parental Rights In Education law in court, and Disney had the money for the filing fees. That is when Governor DeSantis decided that if Disney wants to play in  the Florida political arena, it will do so on the same footing as SeaWorld, Universal, etc.

This isn't about control. This is about holding this entitled Woke company to the same standards as its competition.

Disney is an entertainment company. Nobody is going to force it into regressive or harmful policies, (maybe like dumping benzine into the water supply or running a child prostitution ring.) But for now. Disney will have to abide by the SAME rules as everyone else here.

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18 hours ago, Deluge said:

There wouldn't be any problem if Disney would just get out of politics and work strictly on family entertainment. 

Exactly. People either are too stupid to know this or forget, but when Governor DeSantis signed the Parental Rights in Education act, the entitled Woke Disney threatened to challenge this law in court. The Governor responded by removing Disney's special privileges and relegated it to the same status as SeaWorld, Universal, etc.

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54 minutes ago, reason10 said:

1. I read your source. It is very left wing biased, and frankly very dishonest. And it has very little in the way of facts.

2. I lived in Orlando for 18 years. I saw it first hand. Reedy Creek was not subject to any sort of local law. All Governor DeSantis did was relegate Disney to the same status as SeaWorld, Universal, etc.


1. I concur that it's hysterical.  They do quote him though so while inflammatory it's not devoid of facts.  As with the Internet bill in Canada, conservatives need to watch government censorship of content.
2. Agreed Disney had too much power.  They had plans for a nuclear reactor... a DISNEY nuclear reactor.

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1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. I concur that it's hysterical.  They do quote him though so while inflammatory it's not devoid of facts.  As with the Internet bill in Canada, conservatives need to watch government censorship of content.
2. Agreed Disney had too much power.  They had plans for a nuclear reactor... a DISNEY nuclear reactor.

I'm not so sure a Disney nuke reactor would be a bad thing. The public sector is littered with misfits who couldn't make it in the private sector, but Disney (as left wing as it has become) has still been the vanguard of the tech industry. If anyone could engineer a safe nuke reactor, it would be Disney. Then again, I can't imagine Disney building that device on its Reedy Creek property. The liability insurance alone would bankrupt the company, having to expose that huge number of tourists to disaster possibilities.


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34 minutes ago, reason10 said:

The liability insurance alone would bankrupt the company, having to expose that huge number of tourists to disaster possibilities.


Nuclear famously gets liability coverage from the government...


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On 3/4/2023 at 3:01 PM, Americana Antifa said:

Yeah, because that would be too obvious. Instead, they made it really vague so that it can be interpreted however the state wants.

Read the goddam bill.

There is NOTHING in it that comes CLOSE to what you lying retards have been saying.

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1 minute ago, reason10 said:

Read the goddam bill.

There is NOTHING in it that comes CLOSE to what you lying retards have been saying.

Reread my comment. If you have trouble understanding it, ask someone without brain damage to explain it to you.

"Instead, they made it really vague so that it can be interpreted however the state wants."



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1 minute ago, Americana Antifa said:

Reread my comment. If you have trouble understanding it, ask someone without brain damage to explain it to you.

"Instead, they made it really vague so that it can be interpreted however the state wants."



Your comment is bullshit and it is based on ignorance.

Read the bill and show us FROM THE BILL how it somehow is a DON'T SAY GAY bill, or admit you're WRONG.

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1 hour ago, reason10 said:

Your comment is bullshit and it is based on ignorance.

Read the bill and show us FROM THE BILL how it somehow is a DON'T SAY GAY bill, or admit you're WRONG.




In March, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed into law the "Parental Rights in Education" bill, which bans public school personnel from conducting classroom instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity in "kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards."

See how vague that is? What exactly does "not age-appropriate" mean? If a teacher reads a children's book about a family and the family has two dads, is that not age-appropriate? I'd say no, it's fine, but a lot of the right-wing scum would disagree. And in addition to that, right-wing media and politicians like DeSantis are constantly lying about grooming in school. They're brainwashing the population with homophobic propaganda and then saying you can now sue teachers over whatever you want.

And if you think I'm being cynical, this is exactly what's happening. Teachers and librarians are getting rid of all their books because they have no idea what they're going to be sued for.

This is how insane the paranoia has gotten.



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14 hours ago, Americana Antifa said:



See how vague that is? What exactly does "not age-appropriate" mean? If a teacher reads a children's book about a family and the family has two dads, is that not age-appropriate? I'd say no, it's fine, but a lot of the right-wing scum would disagree. And in addition to that, right-wing media and politicians like DeSantis are constantly lying about grooming in school. They're brainwashing the population with homophobic propaganda and then saying you can now sue teachers over whatever you want.

And if you think I'm being cynical, this is exactly what's happening. Teachers and librarians are getting rid of all their books because they have no idea what they're going to be sued for.

This is how insane the paranoia has gotten.



NPR? Seriously? (This is why everybody says liberals are so stupid. They trust left wing opinion rags like NPR)

Discussion points:

1. The word GAY is NOT in the bill, so NPR and the rest of the left wing biased opinion rags are LYING. The bill is titled PARENTAL RIGHTS IN EDUCATION LAW. (I'll bet you didn't even know that.)

2. Who in the system is better at determining AGE APPROPRIATE than the professional school teacher. Certainly you left wingers don't have a problem with teachers assuming children are "age appropriate" for sick drag shows, (which is a sex offense, by the way.)


Or is it you ONLY want teachers to indoctrinate the young skulls full of mush on homosexuality, lesbianism, pedophelia, bestiality, and other unnatural  horrors? Florida teachers are more concerned with academic subjects like math, reading, writing, history, geography, civics, the arts, etc.

3. The kindergarten book about the kid having a pair of queer men as fathers is NOT age appropriate. It is political homosexual indoctrination. Kinda funny that children have lived for GENERATIONS without having that thrown in their faces. Florida has said NO to trying to convert Kindergarten through Third Grade to homosexuality. Teachers at those grade levels just need to do their jobs and educate children on the important subjects and leave the political and transsexual indoctrination to the inferior blue states, who are currently graduating !diots.

4. Governor DeSantis and the Florida Legislature represent a majority of the citizens of the state of Florida. We are diverse and mostly well educated. That means we are NOT left wingers. We have the right to protect our children from sex crimes. A teacher indoctrinating a first grader into homosexuality is a sex crime.



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1 hour ago, reason10 said:

NPR? Seriously? (This is why everybody says liberals are so stupid. They trust left wing opinion rags like NPR)

So I know that fascists think anything to the left of fascism is left-wing, but NPR is pretty centrist. And more importantly, they're accurate. You can cry and wet yourself all you want, but the quotes they use actually do come from the bill.

And I'm not a liberal, I'm a leftist. Liberals are stupid, but conservatards are at least a hundred times dumber.


The word GAY is NOT in the bill, so NPR and the rest of the left wing biased opinion rags are LYING

Alright, so you obviously didn't read my post. The NPR doesn't say the word "gay" is in the bill.

The rest of your dogshit post isn't worth replying to because it doesn't address the points I made. It's just you sperging out, repeating talking-points you got from conservatard memes.

As I said before, the bill is purposely vague so that parents can sue teachers and librarians over anything they deem "inappropriate." And in addition to this, the right-wing establishment is regularly lying about grooming, in an attempt to mobilize their dipshit voters.

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So I know that fascists think anything to the left of fascism is left-wing, but NPR is pretty centrist. And more importantly, they're accurate. You can cry and wet yourself all you want, but the quotes they use actually do come from the bill.

National Pinko Radio Centrist? I guess you think THE VIEW is centrist as well. NPR is a hard left tabloid with almost ZERO facts and plenty of socialist propaganda.

As I said before, the bill is purposely vague so that parents can sue teachers and librarians over anything they deem "inappropriate." And in addition to this, the right-wing establishment is regularly lying about grooming, in an attempt to mobilize their dipshit voters.

You obviously think child pornography (or showing pornography to children) is appropriate. And you seem to think it's okay for teachers to commit sex crimes.

And if you have so little respect for Florida voters, DON'T MOVE HERE. Stay in your dipshit blue state and leave us alone. As it is, blue states all over the place are VOMITING the last of their taxpayers to Florida because they're sick of the high taxes, high crime, shitty schools and crimes against children.

Stay OUT of Florida if you want to live in a shithole. Our voters are the best educated people in the country. Your last post just proved that.

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