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Liberals to open borders to all refugee claimants


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3 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

They only call themselves Christians to keep out Muslims.  Yeah, I know it doesn't make sense.  

My point of view is that the west's character has been eroded by the decline of religion, replaced by the maxim "the customer is always right".  Pompous asses, the lot of them.

How do you know who is Christian?  You must a god to be able to discern that from some comment board.  Islam has been at war with Christianity for about 1,300 years and not much has changed.  How's that immigration working in Europe where a 25 yr old guy from Somalia just stabbed a British member of Parliament to death?  Just the latest of unending attacks in Europe.

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A population of peasants has worked very well for the quasi democratic-aristocratic elites for well over a century. Serfs don't ask inconvenient questions, always blindly obey any orders and ever grateful for being allowed to keep a half of their income (while benevolent elites enjoy privileges of diverse offshore havens, eliminate loopholes how could you?) and a handout out of their, serfs, who else's? pocket while the elites appoint themselves salaries, benefits, entitlements, expenses, golden parachutes, mansions, pensions and dinners at top restaurants (on whose, can you guess, never ending buck?)

And so the solution seems to be very simple: bring in more peasants. They'll ask even less questions, and will be ever more grateful.

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6 hours ago, blackbird said:

That verse is speaking about person to person relationships in certain circumstances.

Not true, this verse is about you to everyone, always, and is the foundational to the message of Jesus.


6 hours ago, blackbird said:

First I never came from a third world country.

I never assumed that you were from a third world country. I was saying that you were treating people from third world countries in a manor that you would not want to be treated in, if you were from a third world country.


On 10/16/2021 at 8:21 AM, blackbird said:

Leftists and multicultural woke could care less about native, European descendants rights or culture.  Alien cultures and religions don't enrich the lives of the established Judeo-Christian culture in Canada. The lefty activists supporters of third world immigration / cultures constantly complain about racism without giving specific instances and thereby insult people for simply being Caucasian or being of European descent.  We often hear how we are colonials, colonizers, and guilty of genocide and systemic racism.  Politicians exacerbate the differences by constantly harping about systemic racism and pandering to immigrants and smearing everyone else.  Many left/liberal politicians use the issue to exploit the masses for votes by deliberately causing division.

There seems to be a lot of anger there, and not much love.

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6 hours ago, blackbird said:

That verse is speaking about person to person relationships in certain circumstances.

Not true, this verse is about you to everyone, always, and is the foundational to the message of Jesus.


6 hours ago, blackbird said:

First I never came from a third world country.

I never assumed that you were from a third world country. I was saying that you were treating people from third world countries in a manor that you would not want to be treated in, if you were from a third world country.


On 10/16/2021 at 8:21 AM, blackbird said:

Leftists and multicultural woke could care less about native, European descendants rights or culture.  Alien cultures and religions don't enrich the lives of the established Judeo-Christian culture in Canada. The lefty activists supporters of third world immigration / cultures constantly complain about racism without giving specific instances and thereby insult people for simply being Caucasian or being of European descent.  We often hear how we are colonials, colonizers, and guilty of genocide and systemic racism.  Politicians exacerbate the differences by constantly harping about systemic racism and pandering to immigrants and smearing everyone else.  Many left/liberal politicians use the issue to exploit the masses for votes by deliberately causing division.

There seems to be a lot of anger there, and not much love.

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On 10/17/2021 at 5:38 PM, Dowell said:

Not true, this verse is about you to everyone, always, and is the foundational to the message of Jesus.


Matthew 7:25 KJB has been taken out of context repeatedly and commonly by many churches and people.  I am of the view that dispensational theology or interpretation is correct.  You would have to do some study to understand it.  There are a number of ways to interpret the Bible which are in strong contradiction to each other.   As for this verse, it is part of what is often called the Sermon on the Mount.   According to dispensational theology, Jesus was not speaking to the Church.  The church was not in existence until it was created by God as described in the book of Acts.  So the gospel of Matthew was written before the Church had begun.  In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus was speaking about the future Kingdom Age and how life would be in that future Kingdom.  The church is a New Testament creation.  Reformed churches do not believe in dispensational interpretation.  Many denominations do not believe or understand and commonly misinterpret the Sermon on the Mount.  If you simply read it without understanding what it is referring to, you could easily believe it applies to the church today.  The fact that what it teaches is impossible to achieve by anyone alive or in the church today should raise alarm bells and raise concerns about your interpretation.   You have to read the epistles to understand the directions for the church.  If you believe the Sermon on Mount must be obeyed successfully to be saved, you are seriously mistaken.  It is an impossibility. 

Many Baptists do believe in the dispensations.  That is why Reformed churches reject much of prophecy in the Bible or about a third of the Bible.  They cannot understand the book of Revelation.  In fact they believe the church existed through the Old Testament times and replaced Israel.  You will hear them say the church is the new Israel.  This ignores the prophecies in the Bible and ignores the account the creation of the church in the book of Acts.

In the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew Jesus was speaking about what it would be like in the future kingdom, not the church age.   We are now still living in the church age, the age of grace.  The dispensations make more sense and divides Biblical understanding into seven ages of dispensations.  Many churches fail to understand this and lump the Bible into one long age and this leads to misinterpretations of the Bible in many instances.  The dispensations or different ages make it possible to understand many parts of the Bible which otherwise would make no sense.

It has been common for people who have no understanding of dispensational theology to pull isolated verses out of the Bible like you did and try to apply them to everyone today.  That is not rightly dividing the word.  

Here is one dispensational view, although there are even some different dispensational views:



Dispensationalism is a product of a Bible and prophetic conference movement in the nineteenth century which divided history into a number of time periods, or dispensations, in which God dealt with humanity on a different basis in each period.

The classic exposition of this interpretation is the Scofield Reference Bible. In it Scofield states that the Sermon on the Mount contains the law of the kingdom but not the duty of the church.

The Sermon on the Mount has a twofold application: (1) Literally to the kingdom. In this sense it gives the divine constitution for the righteous government of the earth. Whenever the kingdom of heaven is established on earth it will be according to that constitution. . . . In this sense the Sermon on the Mount is pure law. . . . For these reasons the Sermon on the Mount in its primary application gives neither the privilege nor the duty of the Church. These are found in the Epistles. 5

Secondly, he states that the Sermon on the Mount lacks the teaching on grace. The Lord’s Prayer asks the individual to pray for imperfect forgiveness because the forgiveness is based on the individual’s readiness to forgive. However, in the period of grace, full forgiveness is granted to the individual because it is based on Christ’s forgiveness which he has freely granted.

Under the law of the kingdom, for example, no one may hope for forgiveness who has not first forgiven (Matt. 6:12, 14, 15). Under grace the Christian is exhorted to forgive because he is already forgiven (Eph. 4:30-32). . . . Under law forgiveness is conditioned {21} upon a like spirit in us; under grace we are forgiven for Christ’s sake, and exhorted to forgive because we have been forgiven. "  Direction: Approaches to the Interpretation and Application of the Sermon on the Mount (directionjournal.org)

This is crucial to understand.  The believer in Christ is already forgiven.  If you incorrectly understand Matthew and the Sermon on the Mount, you may think you must obey or be successful in following those commands in order to be saved, which is not correct.  They are impossible standards to achieve.  They are referring to the future Millenial Kingdom.  

Secondly, it is a long stretch to say Matthew 7:25 applies to immigration laws and therefore a country must welcome anyone in the world.  That verse does not apply at all to immigration.  Every country has borders and controls who gets in.  It is a matter of defending one's country from people who would do it harm.  People with alien cultures and religions do not fit in western countries and a country has a perfect right to protect itself from harm.  The principle of self defense is not over-ridden by that verse.  I have already pointed out the verse about having no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness.  There is much darkness in the world and we as a nation, do not have to bring it into our country.  Liberals in Europe brought millions of migrants in from the middle east and Africa and are now paying the price with periodic terrorist attacks and no go zones in their cities.

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6 hours ago, blackbird said:

Matthew 7:25 KJB has been taken out of context

The context seems pretty clear to me, it is the word of God given to all of us. "for this sums up the Law and the Prophets."  That is foundational. It is also the standard used to separate the sheep and the goats in Matthew 25.

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12 minutes ago, Dowell said:

The context seems pretty clear to me, it is the word of God given to all of us. "for this sums up the Law and the Prophets."  That is foundational. It is also the standard used to separate the sheep and the goats in Matthew 25.

So you give a very brief comment without indicating you read or understood anything I said.  Clear proof you have no idea what the verses in Matthew ch5 are all about.  You have offered no reply or refutation of what I quoted or said.  Therefore it is clear you have no idea what the verses are referring to.  Worse still you obviously are not interested in learning.  It seems clear your mind is closed and I am wasting my time finding the websites that explain all this and posting it to you.  Maybe somebody else that is reading this will learn something from it even if you don't.

2 Peter 3:16

“As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.”

King James Version (KJV)


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2 hours ago, blackbird said:

So you give a very brief comment without indicating you read or understood anything I said.

You seem to think being verbose is a virtue. It is not. I read your post, and see that you are going to great lengths to explain how Jesus words are not meant for us living in this present age. They are. Jesus came to us born of woman to show us how we should live in this current age, not the future kingdom age, where he will be with us and won't need the written word to talk to us. His words are to all of us here and now. What I find most disturbing is that you wrap yourself in a cloak of Christianity thinking it can excuse your xenophobic hate mongering and and spare you from judgement. It will not. You call immigrants uninvited intruders, they are not. They are, or will be our fellow Canadians. and have been welcomed by those we chose to represent us. If you are unhappy with that, why not run for office, and see how much support you get.

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On 10/17/2021 at 1:05 PM, myata said:

And so the solution seems to be very simple: bring in more peasants. 

It will never end till people go out on the streets en-mass and protest.

Same with the opposition to old growth logging, the oil and gas pipelines, the hydro electric projects and all other never ending destruction.

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2 hours ago, Dowell said:

You seem to think being verbose is a virtue. It is not. I read your post, and see that you are going to great lengths to explain how Jesus words are not meant for us living in this present age. They are. Jesus came to us born of woman to show us how we should live in this current age, not the future kingdom age, where he will be with us and won't need the written word to talk to us. His words are to all of us here and now. What I find most disturbing is that you wrap yourself in a cloak of Christianity thinking it can excuse your xenophobic hate mongering and and spare you from judgement. It will not. You call immigrants uninvited intruders, they are not. They are, or will be our fellow Canadians. and have been welcomed by those we chose to represent us. If you are unhappy with that, why not run for office, and see how much support you get.

I explained why the Sermon on the Mount was not directed to the Church but was speaking about the future Kingdom.  You refuse to accept that.  But apart from that, the verse has nothing to do with immigration policies and multiculturalism unless you happen to believe everyone in the world has a right to immigrate to Canada.  This highlights another problem.  Bringing people into Canada who have no love for our historic culture and European founding people and who want to use their voice to bring far more of the third world into Canada.  They think they have a right to take over Canada and make it another third world slum of pagan religions and cultures.  I don't see anything in the Bible that says we must do that.  You are abusing the Bible and trying to use it to justify the takeover of Canada by the third world.

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2 hours ago, blackbird said:

I explained why the Sermon on the Mount was not directed to the Church

Of course Jesus wasn't speaking to the church, he was speaking to the people, not an institution. He lived his life to show us how we should live ours, and left us his word to tell us how to live a life pleasing to God. You think that you can lump people into groups, and then persecute them all. God sees each one of us as his child. Be careful who you judge, you might be condemning a child that God has called his own. Why don't you try to be a good neighbour to all. 

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11 hours ago, cougar said:

It will never end till people go out on the streets en-mass and protest.

Same with the opposition to old growth logging, the oil and gas pipelines, the hydro electric projects and all other never ending destruction.

I can almost guarantee it won't end for one simple reason: it's working for everybody, there's a near perfect agreement. The elites can't be any happier with their entitlements (check Canada's MP compensation vs peer countries); while the peasants are ever grateful for ever diminishing handout. And who wants to notice that trains aren't running, tuition and housing through the roof and healthcare in the state of permanent crisis "just don't blow on it"? When someone would notice that relegation to insignificance and third world status are getting tantalizingly closer? Is it too late already?

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14 hours ago, Dowell said:

Of course Jesus wasn't speaking to the church, he was speaking to the people, not an institution. He lived his life to show us how we should live ours, and left us his word to tell us how to live a life pleasing to God. You think that you can lump people into groups, and then persecute them all. God sees each one of us as his child. Be careful who you judge, you might be condemning a child that God has called his own. Why don't you try to be a good neighbour to all. 

Verses about love of neighbour are referring to people immediately around you who you know or deal with, not evil people, like terrorists and criminals on the other side of the world or another continent.  You live in an imaginary world.  In the real world we must defend our country and keep bad people out.  We see how bad many people are in many parts of the third world.  Examples are Haiti, where murderous gangs kidnapped a dozen missionaries and five children.  Yet hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants from Haiti have been crossing the border into the U.S. from Mexico and into Canada a couple years ago.  These people from Haiti are supported by many liberals in Quebec because Haitians speak French regardless of their background.  Countries in central and northern Africa are full of terrorists in various terrorist organizations.  They kidnapped and murdered countless people.  Nigeria is another example where crime is rampant and kidnapping is commonplace.  Many south and central American countries also are full of gangs, criminals, and people who believe in Communism or Socialism. We don't need to let people in from places full of crime and terrorism.  Canada let people in from Somalia who did in fact commit terrorist acts in Canada.  Once these kind of people get in it is very difficult to remove them because of our lenient justice system run by liberals.  

The biggest threats from the third world are people who have been involved in or believe in crime, Communism, false religion, and Socialism.  Every applicant should be carefully screened to see what they believe.  Not everyone is bad but many are from certain places.  Premier Ford just said immigrants who want to come here to "get on the dole" should go somewhere else.  He is being heavily criticized by those who believe in open borders and bring the world in.  They are the people who are wrecking Canada.

"14  Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? 15  And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? 16  And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 17  Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, 18  And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty."  2 Corinthians 6:14-18 KJB 

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1 minute ago, Dowell said:

These people are fleeing those places full of crime and terrorism, the perpetrators staying put. You think everyone should be more like you. I disagree 

You have no idea who the people who are fleeing.  They could be terrorists or criminals.  Some of the people who were let into Canada proved to be criminals and terrorists, which proves you are incorrect.

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2 minutes ago, Dowell said:

Some of the people who were born here proved to be criminals and terrorists, which proves there is no difference.

There is a big difference.  The difference is we have no choice with people who are born here and government does have a choice about who they allow to immigrate.  We are a country with a border and an immigration system.  We are not a country with no borders and open to the world to walk in.  Not sure where you got that idea, but it is incorrect.

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3 hours ago, Dowell said:

These people are fleeing those places full of crime and terrorism, the perpetrators staying put. You think everyone should be more like you. I disagree 

If the European migrant crisis demonstrated anything it was that the great majority were NOT fleeing persecution and terrorism but simply pursuing a better, richer life.

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On 9/26/2021 at 4:26 PM, Argus said:

Apparently in their zeal to fill Canada up with impoverished third world people the Liberal government is planning a huge expansion of what constitutes acceptable grounds for becoming a refugee in Canada. Basically, if anyone was ever mean to you, you qualify. Welcome to Canada. The welfare office is over on your left. And you can apply for your free health insurance just to the right. Refugee claimants have doubled under Trudeau. Watch them double again now.

In an email sent to staff and adjudicators on Sept. 20, Richard Wex, the Liberals’ appointee as chairperson and chief executive officer of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, laid out a massive expansion of the reasons immigrants can be allowed to enter and stay in Canada.

Under the new guidelines, contained in a document marked “Draft” and covered by solicitor-client privilege, civil service officers who do an initial screening of immigration and refugee claims, plus the immigration and refugee judges who hear appeals of the officers’ decisions, are instructed to accept any applicant who has an “intersectional” claim.

Intersectionality is defined as two or more of “race, religion, indigeneity, political beliefs, socioeconomic status, age, sexual orientation, culture, disability, or immigration status,” that “impact an individual’s lived experience of discrimination, marginalization or oppression.”

No longer will claimants need to prove, for instance, that they face torture or death if forced to return to their home countries. Nor will they have to satisfy the UN’s definition of a “refugee.”

Now, if they merely claim they have been discriminated against or persecuted for being poor and old, or Indigenous and holding political views targeted by some developing country’s strongman, in the Liberals come.


Canada is the worlds laughing stock in which we accept half of those that claim. The rate in Britain is 15%.  We should model Japan who let in between 350 to 400 refugee claimants per year

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On 10/17/2021 at 10:46 AM, cougar said:

The government has been playing this immigration game for half a century now under all political parties.

With refugees, they no longer ask for language skills, education, relevant work experience, cash in the bank, health condition and a dozen other things, so the applications (if refugees ever fill out applications and present passports) must be easy and quick to process - simply there is no info to be matched or processed.

Wonder who is paying for their airplane tickets? I guess it is us again - we must need them to improve our life standard even further .  (sarc.)

You don't need to blame Trudeau again  - fat Kenney was minister of immigration 15 years ago and he was doing exactly the same thing.



And there is a huge legal industry that makes money shilling for said refugees.

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On 10/17/2021 at 10:54 AM, blackbird said:

How do you know who is Christian?  You must a god to be able to discern that from some comment board.  Islam has been at war with Christianity for about 1,300 years and not much has changed.  How's that immigration working in Europe where a 25 yr old guy from Somalia just stabbed a British member of Parliament to death?  Just the latest of unending attacks in Europe.

Islam is the ultimate form of socialism.  Like what your neighbor has?  Go to war and take those civilizations like Egypt, Cyprus, Sicily, ect.... been doing it for well over a millenium.

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