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War With Iran?

Guest ProudConservative

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Guest ProudConservative

I'm alarmed at how many conservatives are backing Trump, and his retarded demonization of Iran. When trying to figure out Trump's actions, ask yourself, who benefits? If Israel wants a war with Iran, let them them pay for it. Let them borrow 50% on their GDP, and send all their troops to get slaughtered.

Why should the American Taxpayer, hand over trillions to fight another war in Iran. They already spent 6 Trillion in Afghanistan and Iraq. Why would America want to start a war with a country three times bigger than Iraq?

When it comes to war, I support the liberals. I remember the "No blood for oil" protests, when I was a student at York University.

Real conservatives don't support war, because war is the biggest waste of Taxpayer dollars. We could have highspeed rail, if it wasn't for these stupid wars in the middle east.

Who benefits besides Isreal, the Military industrial complex, and those who supply parts for the Military. A war means billions of dollars in contracts to private companies.

This is a video of Iran. Why would we support the bombing a country that has so much potential? A war is just going to produce more religious extremist and terrorists. What we should be doing is embracing their culture, trading with them, and helping them modernize... So they don't fall back into religious extremism.

I want to see Trump gone. He doing everything he can to antagonize Iran. He's not calculated. He's unhinged in his rhetoric, and now in his actions. Imagine if Iran flew a drone over Washington DC and dropped a bomb on the secretary of defense? Who advised Trump to engaged political assignation? Was it Northrop Grumman or was it Raytheon?

Make no mistake. This was done... To piss off the Iranians to the maximum extent, hoping they will retaliate, so they can begin a war.


Jean Chretien has enough foresight, to stay out of the Iraq war. I just hope Trudeau does the same.

We can no longer Trust the conservative media. Fox News thinks it's a joke.

Why are the Conservative Talk show hosts, all on the same page?


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Reading back your comments they are classic leftist lst or 2nd year university  rhetoric. The Israel throw in makes that clear. York U to be exact. 

A decision to take someone out requires many people to agree  and in particular the joint chief of staff of the armed forces who have underlings initiate and propose such options. Trump is the final say but did not initiate the strike and you and I do not know the intelligence reports gathered that precipitated this decision.

Edited by Rue
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Iran is not an actor of good faith and has been attacking Americans and US interests and allegedly planning to attack more Americans in Iraq.  Iran and Soleimani planning to attack Americans in Iraq is an act of war, so if anyone starts a war it would be the Iranians in this case, if those allegations are true.  Some US retaliation was necessary, but i'm no expert on what went down in Iraq and am not privy to CIA intel so it's hard to tell who was in the right or wrong without knowing all the details.  Trump isn't one to start assassinating foreign government officials on a whim though, he's more tough talk than action usually, I suspect something very serious was going down in Iraq to elicit this response by Trump.

There will be no full-scale war with Iran.  Iran wouldn't stand a chance, unless the US did something stupid like invade Iran.  Trump isn't a war-monger, he's not interested in invasions, but he is interested in showing Iran who's boss, and he certainly did that.  If Iran wants to play tit-for-tat with the US, they'll lose.  Trump knows this an is acting accordingly.  Same with North Korea.

Edited by Moonlight Graham
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Guest ProudConservative
3 minutes ago, Rue said:

Reading back your comments they are classic leftist lst or 2nd yearv university  rhetoric. The Israel throw in makes that clear. York U to be exact. 

A decision to take someone out requires many people to agree  and in particular the joint chief of staff of the armed forces who have underlings initiate and propose such options. Trump is the final say but did not initiate the strike and you and I do not know the intelligence reports gathered that precipitated this decision.

You can think whatever you want.

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Guest ProudConservative
7 minutes ago, Moonlight Graham said:

Iran is not an actor of good faith and has been attacking Americans and US interests and allegedly planning to attack more Americans in Iraq.  Iran and Soleimani planning to attack Americans in Iraq is an act of war, so if anyone starts a war it would be the Iranians in this case, if those allegations are true.  Some US retaliation was necessary, but i'm no expert on what went down in Iraq and am not privy to CIA intel so it's hard to tell who was in the right or wrong without knowing all the details.  Trump isn't one to start assassinating foreign government officials on a whim though, he's more tough talk than action usually, I suspect something very serious was going down in Iraq to elicit this response by Trump.

There will be no full-scale war with Iran.  Iran wouldn't stand a chance, unless the US did something stupid like invade Iran.  Trump isn't a war-monger, he's not interested in invasions, but he is interested in showing Iran who's boss, and he certainly did that.  If Iran wants to play tit-for-tat with the US, they'll lose.  Trump knows this an is acting accordingly.  Same with North Korea.

Some people have short memories. Have we not learned from our disaster in Iraq? Would Americans rather $3000 of their annual tax dollars going towards a war with Iran, or rebuilding the crumbling infrastructure in the USA?

It's a total waste. For the same price as a war with Iran, we could build a colony on Mars.

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2 minutes ago, ProudConservative said:

Some people have short memories. Have we not learned from our disaster in Iraq?

Iraq was an invasion and a regime change.  Doing so with Iran would be stupid.  There's zero evidence of that ever happening in Iran.  But if Iran is planning to kill Americans you can't just let them do it, the US gov has to retaliate and protect those Americans.  Seems like basic international relations to me.

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Guest ProudConservative
5 minutes ago, Moonlight Graham said:

Iraq was an invasion and a regime change.  Doing so with Iran would be stupid.  There's zero evidence of that ever happening in Iran.  But if Iran is planning to kill Americans you can't just let them do it, the US gov has to retaliate and protect those Americans.  Seems like basic international relations to me.

Who's not to say that some puppet masters, have orchestrated the protests outside the American embassy? The military industrial complex has a lot of resources at their disposal. The want to force Trumps hand, and get us into a permanent war.... So the weapons contracts go through the roof.

Wheres the cost/benefit analysis? Let Iran kill a few Americans... More lives Can be saved by not going to war, and spending the money on medical research or something productive.

The Chinese are laughing at our stupidity.


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10 minutes ago, ProudConservative said:

The Chinese are laughing at our stupidity.


That's because the Chinese would have put them all in concentration camps and harvested their organs.

Edit:  The ones in charge, not the peasants.

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Guest ProudConservative
1 minute ago, bcsapper said:

That's because the Chinese would have put them all in concentration camps and harvested their organs.

I do business with the Chinese. I'm forced to be polite, to get supply contracts.

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While we are at it Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Yemen, UAE, India, Bahrain, Yemen, Lebanon, Mali, Libya, Chad,  Dahomey, Kenya, Somalia, Kurds in Syria, Turkey, Iraq and Iran and Sunnis in any ME country as well as Pakistan and British and Indian vessels at sea and any Western nation at sea have been subject  to Iranian attacks the last two years. Iran uses Hezbollah or proxy terrorists cells to attack for it.  It has its Iranian Army in Syria and Iraq imposing martial law.  It's at war with many nations including funding terrorist attacks by its soldiers or proxy terrorists worldwide  including Nigeria, Central African Republic, Tunisia, Gaza, Europe. Interesting you notice only Israel and the US and ignored Germany condemning Iran.


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Guest ProudConservative
24 minutes ago, Moonlight Graham said:

There will be no full-scale war with Iran.  Iran wouldn't stand a chance, unless the US did something stupid like invade Iran.  Trump isn't a war-monger, he's not interested in invasions, but he is interested in showing Iran who's boss, and he certainly did that.  If Iran wants to play tit-for-tat with the US, they'll lose.  Trump knows this an is acting accordingly.  Same with North Korea.

They wouldn't be sent to win the war. They would be sent to tread water, so the military contracts have a permanent base. Fighting to win, wouldn't benefit the private contractors.

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Guest ProudConservative
5 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

And if you ever need a kidney, it helps to have contacts.

It helps not to be condescending towards the Chinese, when you work in the tech center. If I need parts replaced, I'm first in line... to get customer support... because of my connections.

If you want to do business in Toronto, you can't afford to show animosity towards the Chinese, or any other race.

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2 minutes ago, ProudConservative said:

It helps not to be condescending towards the Chinese, when you work in the tech center. If I need parts replaced, I'm first in line... to get customer support... because of my connections.

That's what I said!

Wait, what parts are you talking about?

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13 hours ago, bcsapper said:

And if you ever need a kidney, it helps to have contacts.

I hear they  also want bull, elephant, seal, tiger, lion, guerilla, penises, ivory, copper, shark fins, pork, flax seed, rape seed, wheat, barley, water.  I offered them my foreskin and they made and used if to plug a leak in a hole in one of their Air China jets. Anything for world peace.

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5 minutes ago, Rue said:

I hear they  also want bull, elephant, seal, tiger, lion, guerilla, penises, ivory, copper, shark fins, pork, flax seed, grape seed, wheat, barley, water.  I offered them my foreskin and they made and used if toplug a leak in a hole in one of their Air China jets. Anything for world peace.

Well, that stuff cures what ails you.  Handy if you're not on the parts list.

Edit>  This would probably include a few peasants too.

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18 minutes ago, ProudConservative said:

Who's not to say that some puppet masters, have orchestrated the protests outside the American embassy? The military industrial complex has a lot of resources at their disposal. The want to force Trumps hand, and get us into a permanent war.... So the weapons contracts go through the roof.

You have no evidence for this conspiracy theory.

18 minutes ago, ProudConservative said:

Wheres the cost/benefit analysis? Let Iran kill a few Americans... More lives Can be saved by not going to war, and spending the money on medical research or something productive.

The US isn't going to war with Iran.  Iran has been screwing with the US for a year.  They've attacked tankers in the gulf, attacked them inside Iraq and through various proxies. The guy they assassinated has been a bad dude for a long time.  The POTUS' job is to protect Americans and their lives.

"After the US invaded Iraq in 2003 he [Soleimani] began directing militant groups to carry out attacks against US troops and bases, killing hundreds."  https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-50980093

He was an enemy of the US and poked the bear too many times, now he's dead.  The US has crippled Iran's economy trying to get them back to the negotiating table to broker a "better" nuclear deal (in Trump's mind).  Iran isn't in a good position to start a full-scale war.  If Iran started attacking US positions around the middle east who do you think would win that pi$$ing contest?

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Guest ProudConservative
3 minutes ago, Moonlight Graham said:

You have no evidence for this conspiracy theory.

The US isn't going to war with Iran.  Iran has been screwing with the US for a year.  They've attacked tankers in the gulf, attacked them inside Iraq and through various proxies. The guy they assassinated has been a bad dude for a long time.  The POTUS' job is to protect Americans and their lives.

"After the US invaded Iraq in 2003 he [Soleimani] began directing militant groups to carry out attacks against US troops and bases, killing hundreds."  https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-50980093

He was an enemy of the US and poked the bear too many times, now he's dead.  The US has crippled Iran's economy trying to get them back to the negotiating table to broker a "better" nuclear deal (in Trump's mind).  Iran isn't in a good position to start a full-scale war.  If Iran started attacking US positions around the middle east who do you think would win that pi$$ing contest?

Iran will only Screw with us more... if we continue to demonize them.... Maybe we should host some competitive sports with Iran... and hold cultural conferences.... Maybe if Iran sees Americans reaching out, and wanting to learn about their culture.... Their will be less motivation for them to support terrorists.

Why can't trump hold peaceful summits like he did with the leader of North Korea? The handshake at the border was a gesture of goodwill.... and the situation with North Korea is stable for now.

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1 minute ago, ProudConservative said:

Iran will only Screw with us more... if we continue to demonize them.... Maybe we should host some competitive sports with Iran... and hold cultural conferences.... Maybe if Iran sees Americans reaching out, and wanting to learn about their culture.... Their will be less motivation for them to support terrorists.

The Israeli soccer team has a week to spare next month...

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Guest ProudConservative
2 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

The Israeli soccer team has a week to spare next month...

Maybe Israel should reach out to Iran. It's better then pissing them off to the point where one rogue general smuggles in a Nuke to blow up Tel Aviv.

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1 minute ago, ProudConservative said:

Maybe Israel should reach out to Iran, it's better then pissing them off to the point where one rogue general smuggles in a Nuke.

Iran won't allow its athletes to compete against Israel or Israelis.

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Guest ProudConservative

The business world has the answers. It business you MUST be a diplomat. Transnational trade forces civility. In the political world, you can be a jerk, and there's no consequences.

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