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Democrat candidates on Israel's record on human rights

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1 minute ago, J4L said:

Do you have reading comprehension problems?. RELIGION OVERRIDES POLITICS. 

Try spewing that nonsense at any American synagogue or church. American foreign policy has always been shaped by it's wealthiest citizens, which happen to be of the Christians or Jews. 


Just because you fancy it doesn't change facts. Israel signed the Camp David Accords...as did Egypt...others followed.

God was nowhere to be seen.

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3 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


Just because you fancy it doesn't change facts. Israel signed the Camp David Accords...as did Egypt...others followed.

God was nowhere to be seen.


It's not exactly a secret that religion has caused more wars than pretty much everything else combined. 

Edited by J4L
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On 8/12/2019 at 6:21 PM, WestCanMan said:

That video is a piece of hateful, incendiary garbage because of how completely devoid it is of context. There's no mention of the massive scale of the problems that Israel faces, as well as the massive human tragedy that would take place if Israel's enemies from within and outside of their borders ever got the upper hand.

You could just as easily describe America's army in WWII as a huge killing machine if you made no mention of the fact that Hitler started the war and murdered millions of people and forced them into slavery, don't mention Pearl Harbour, and then just talk about how the American military machine just went after Germany and Japan. Can we talk about how many people they killed? Seems pretty un-democratic all of a sudden, doesn't it? 


I'll engage you in a debate about the 'non-democratic tendencies' of Israel if you do a realistic comparison of Israel and Pakistan; a country that was formed almost exactly in the same way at almost the exact same time.

You tell me all about the formation of Pakistan, the religious history and the history of genocides in that area, the number of people killed at Pakistan's formation, their use of mass systemic rape as a tool of ethic cleansing/forced conversion, the current penalty there for preaching non-islamic faiths, etc. 

Let's compare your notes on Pakistan, a country which I've never seen you complain about, and Israel, a country which you constantly vilify.

I am neither pro-Jew nor pro-Arab. I believe that both have been a problem for all the people of the world. Why do Canadians need to hear or want to have anything to do with Israel or any Arab country or as to what goes on over there in the Middle East anyway? Those two have nothing to offer Canada or the rest of the world except grief and chaos and terrorism. By importing more of them into Canada will only cause more grief and chaos and terrorism for Canadians. We will never have peace in the world as long as those two keep fighting each other over turf and constantly keep getting the rest of the world involved in their silly and stupid quarrels. Liberal/socialists despise Jews and Israel. Conservatives love Jews and Israel and hate Islam and Canadians are left sitting on the fence and have to keep putting up with their asinine nonsense. Aw well, what more can be said. :( 

Edited by taxme
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Just now, taxme said:

I am neither pro-Jew nor pro-Arab. I believe that both have been a problem for all the people of the world. Why do Canadians need to hear or want to have anything to do with Israel or any Arab country or as to what goes on over there in the Middle East anyway? Those two have nothing to offer Canada or the rest of the world except grief and chaos and terrorism. By importing more of them into Canada will only cause more grief and chaos and terrorism for Canadians. We will never have peace in the world as long as those two keep fighting each other over turf and constantly keep getting the rest of the world involved in their silly and stupid quarrels. Liberal/socialists despise Jews and Israel. Conservatives love Jews and Israel and hate Islam and are left sitting on the fence and have to keep putting up with their asinine nonsense. Aw well, what more can be said. :( 


Israel didn't start the conflict. The Arabs did. This is similar to blaming Poland for putting-up a fight.

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9 minutes ago, taxme said:

I am neither pro-Jew nor pro-Arab. I believe that both have been a problem for all the people of the world. Why do Canadians need to hear or want to have anything to do with Israel or any Arab country or as to what goes on over there in the Middle East anyway? Those two have nothing to offer Canada or the rest of the world except grief and chaos and terrorism. By importing more of them into Canada will only cause more grief and chaos and terrorism for Canadians. We will never have peace in the world as long as those two keep fighting each other over turf and constantly keep getting the rest of the world involved in their silly and stupid quarrels. Liberal/socialists despise Jews and Israel. Conservatives love Jews and Israel and hate Islam and are left sitting on the fence and have to keep putting up with their asinine nonsense. Aw well, what more can be said. :( 

Arabs have cheap oil

For Israel, its mainly to show Canada stands on a moral high ground, and will not be intimidated by the UN. Too bad Trudeau has no balls though. And of course, the Jewish and Christian population gives $$$ to political parties in droves.

Edited by J4L
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On 8/13/2019 at 12:30 PM, DogOnPorch said:

There's a specific event that is tied to Israel receiving US funding (as well as the Arabs which GH conveniently omits).

I'm asking what event this was...and I suppose why GH wants to cut-off Israel but not the Arabs involved.  

You never asked that question directly. If you had I would have answered it.

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Just now, J4L said:

Arabs have cheap oil

For Israel, its mainly to show Canada stands on a moral high ground, and will not be intimidated by the UN. Too bad Trudeau has no balls though,


None of the Arab countries that attacked Israel unannounced were oil-rich in any way shape or form. They thought their superior numbers would win the day and allow the slaughter of the Jews...three times, in fact. All three attempts to eliminate Israel by force failed miserably.

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Just now, DogOnPorch said:


Israel didn't start the conflict. The Arabs did. This is similar to blaming Poland for putting-up a fight.

You should read about Shafiq Ades. Better yet, why don't you read up on the Ethnic Cleansing of nearly one million Jews from Muslim countires in the immediate aftermath of the creation of the State of Israel.

In my humble opinion, Israel should have finished the job, and drove all Arabs out of the Occupied Territories in the immediate aftermath of the Six Day War. 

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On 8/13/2019 at 8:52 AM, Rue said:

If you are going to repeat that bullshit canard back it up. What  billions of dollars of aid. Provide your sources.

In fact your canard has  been proven again and again to be misleading. Israel receives military aid not foreign aid:


Your comment does not reflect the difference.Military aid to Israel allows the US to co- develop military weapons or other technology  it then can sell to other nations and your  blanket statement does not explain then how that military aid actually helps generate new income for the US as a benefit of that alliance.

You of course would like to promote this canard that Israel simply sucks the US tit and thr US is an idiot controlled by Israel. 

Here is an apolitical explanation of how the US benefits from foreign aid. American businesses unlike you are not blinded by any Jewish  brainwashing but by economic  investment principles:


Here is a US State department site explaining what aid goes where and it would be nicei  if you had the intellectual honesty to differentiate military aid  from foreign aid assistance.


By the way every one of our damn consumer products come out of spin off from the US  military industrial complex  so if you want let's shut it down. You might want to then look at the no. of patents that come out of Israel because of the US Israel economic alliance and the direct benefits to your lifestyle when you paste up the usual Israel crap on this or any thread.

This thread is just a pretense for another Marcus anti Israel diatribe with no balanced discussion on global economics and relationships.

Ask Marcus why instead of funding terrorism around the world and particularly in the Middle East, Iran does not take its  money and build an infrastructure for all Muslim nations in the Middle East. It has zero excuses other than its theocracy hates Sunnis, Shiites, Bahaiis, Zoroastreans, Kurds, Yazidi, Jews, Christians and prefers instead to fight a Muslim on Muslim war with Saudi Arabia equally to blame.  Using Israel as an excuse to detract from the bigoted hatreful ideologies of Shiite and Sunni governments fighting each other and their lack of economic planning and rampant corruption is a spent script.

Just look in the eyes of the Ayatollah or yourself. Your pro Iranian bias is what fuels your response. Get back to me when you want to attempt a balanced discussion.








It's a well known fact that Israel gets billions of American tax dollar aid every year from the American taxpayer's. Don't act like this is not so. Israel could not survive without American money and aid. I am not pro-Jew nor pro-Arab but I wish that those two would just get it over with and fight it out in the desert and let the best military win. With Israel having a big and better military they could wipe out the Arabs. But the Arabs have the numbers and they could wipe out Israel just by having the numbers. It would be interesting as to who would survive the massacre. Any bets anyone? :D

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1 minute ago, DogOnPorch said:


None of the Arab countries that attacked Israel unannounced were oil-rich in any way shape or form. They thought their superior numbers would win the day and allow the slaughter of the Jews...three times, in fact. All three attempts to eliminate Israel by force failed miserably.

Saudi Arabia and Iraq are not oil rich?

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Just now, GostHacked said:

You never asked that question directly. If you had I would have answered it.


You're about as anti-Israel as they come. Your omissions aren't mistakes. Your duty is to denigrate Israel. I accept this.

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1 minute ago, J4L said:

Saudi Arabia and Iraq are not oil rich?


They were not involved in he Six Day War nor the Yom Kippur War. The Saudis & Iraqis did have small contingents in the 1948 War...but neither nation was particularly 'oil rich' at the time.

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3 minutes ago, J4L said:

You should read about Shafiq Ades. Better yet, why don't you read up on the Ethnic Cleansing of nearly one million Jews from Muslim countires in the immediate aftermath of the creation of the State of Israel.

In my humble opinion, Israel should have finished the job, and drove all Arabs out of the Occupied Territories in the immediate aftermath of the Six Day War. 


I'm well aware of Middle East history, thanks.

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6 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


Israel didn't start the conflict. The Arabs did. This is similar to blaming Poland for putting-up a fight.

It was the Jews who took the Palestinians land away from them, and then made Palestine their own Jewish homeland. That is fact and not fiction. The Arabs did not just hand their country over to Jews. That would have been a dumb thing for anyone to be doing is to give your land away to a bunch of strangers. If they did then they have nothing to whine and cry about. We can thank Poland for bringing an end to communism in Europe. 

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5 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


You're about as anti-Israel as they come. Your omissions aren't mistakes. Your duty is to denigrate Israel. I accept this.

Just curious. Why are you so concerned about Israel anyway? Are you a Canadian or an Israelite? My background is British but I do not care as to what really goes on in Britain. Just asking. 

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1 minute ago, taxme said:

It was the Jews who took the Palestinians land away from them, and then made Palestine their own Jewish homeland.


No it wasn't. The Zionist movement bought the land from legal sources. Usually at cutthroat rates. Most Arabs chose not to buy land from the Sultan when he offered as it meant serving in the Ottoman Army.

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Just now, taxme said:

It was the Jews who took the Palestinians land away from them, and then made Palestine their own Jewish homeland. That is fact and not fiction. The Arabs did not just hand their country over to Jews. That would have been a dumb thing for anyone to be doing is to give your land away to a bunch of strangers. If they did then they have nothing to whine and cry about. We can thank Poland for bringing an end to communism in Europe. 

Actually, the Jews were expelled by the Romans in 132 AD, and had longed for a return to their homeland for centuries. It's a central theme in Jewish religion.  The Jewish diaspora even pray towards Israel.  Under the Ottoman Empire, the Holy Land was a barren wasteland, with barely 200,000 inhabitants.  It was not until the British conquered much of the Middle East, people (Jews and Arabs) started to move there in droves.

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1 minute ago, taxme said:

Just curious. Why are you so concerned about Israel anyway? Are you a Canadian or an Israelite? My background is British but I do not care as to what really goes on in Britain. Just asking. 


Canadian 100%


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4 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


As do most of the Arab nations involved in the conflict.

What a waste of taxpayer's tax dollars, tax dollars that could be better spent on Americans who need it the most. If Israel disappeared tomorrow the world would not miss Israel nor care. Why all the fuss over a country that is surrounded by nothing but sand is beyond me. Curious? Does Israel produce oil or anything that the world needs?   

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6 minutes ago, J4L said:

Actually, the Jews were expelled by the Romans in 132 AD, and had longed for a return to their homeland for centuries. It's a central theme in Jewish religion.  The Jewish diaspora even pray towards Israel.  Under the Ottoman Empire, the Holy Land was a barren wasteland, with barely 200,000 inhabitants.  It was not until the British conquered much of the Middle East, people (Jews and Arabs) started to move there in droves.


Agreement...Jerusalem was pretty much deserted when Mark Twain toured the region. 

It was the Grand Mufti al-Husseini who gave the Dome of the Rock its initial modern gold covering...he had renovated the place via donations from the Muslim world as it was nearly in complete ruin from neglect and earthquake damage.

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4 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


No it wasn't. The Zionist movement bought the land from legal sources. Usually at cutthroat rates. Most Arabs chose not to buy land from the Sultan when he offered as it meant serving in the Ottoman Army.

So, why are the Palestinians still fighting with Israel over what they say was land stolen from them? What is their problem? But why would there be a need to buy land when the Pals say that they already owned the land? There is really something wrong with this Middle East picture. 

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2 minutes ago, taxme said:

So, why are the Palestinians still fighting with Israel over what they say was land stolen from them? What is their problem? But why would there be a need to buy land when the Pals say that they already owned the land? There is really something wrong with this Middle East picture. 

Palestinians are dirty subhumans, who openly cheered during 9/11 and wish for death upon everyone not Muslim. They cannot be trusted, and should have been dealt with accordingly, immediately after the Six Day War.

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