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The left outed once again

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Clinton was the worst president in US history somebody needed to expose him and his phoney wife.

Hmm, now let's see if I got this straight.  Clinton came in after twelve years of Republican presidents who left him with record budget deficits, high unemployment, and increasing crime. So he initiates the Deficit Reduction Act of 1993, putting America on the road to fiscal responsibility leading to the end of perennial budget deficits.

That's the line that democrats came. The truth is regan had a democratic congress who added huge expenditures on to regans budget, otherwise they weren't going to pass it. Of course they don't tell you that part.

This on top of having inherited a $290 billion deficit in 1992, President Clinton's last budget was over $200 billion in surplus. Add to this the lowest level of unemployment in decades, and reducing crime to lowest levels in a generation.

Yes clinton came up with a surplus by seriously crippling the military with huge budget cuts and reaped the rewards that came about from changes that regan made. The only claim clinton can make towards the economy is that he never did anything to it, although was busy in the backrooms conspirering with the likes of ken lay that would have done serious damage to the economy, because it lay who pushing clinton to sign kyoto. The crime rates began to lower in the US after states began to pass right to carry laws.

Pretty hard to top that B.Max. I don't like to compare, but how's Dubya stacking up: record deficits, illegal invasion of a country, lies to justify illegal invasion of a country, flys away when America faces disaster, a tad indecisive (comatose response to being told, "We're at war"), goes golfing when biggest natural disaster in America occurs...

Ridiculous, Bush is playing the hand he was delt, fighting a war against the islamic terrorists with the cuts that clinton had made to the military. A war that started some years before with most likey with bombing of the marine barracks in lebanon, night club bombing in germany, embassy bombings in africa, attack on the USS cole and so on. A war that clinton not only appeased but actualy helped the islamic terrorist with the airforce in kosovo. Bush never lied about anything. Iraq is part of the war on terror and rightly so. Saddam had WMD's and the means to make them were found in iraq including tons of yellow cake for restarting his nuke program with the US flew back to the US just last year. Al qaeda had a base in northern iraq and controlled twenty square miles. A base that the curds and the US military took out.

Bush was on the job before the local officials were even before the hurricane hit. The mayor and the governor failed big time to do the job they were suppose to. Including looking after their levee's which actually survived the storm and did what they were suppose to. Turns out the levee that broke was one that was upgraded just two years ago not an old one. It nver broke until tuesday morning and the city didn't even know where the water was coming from until they finally went out and looked, but it was to late.

I don't know. To me it's obvious, but then I'm just a normal guy who leans a little to the left and relies more on logic and reason than on a party telling me what to think and who to hate. I'm afraid to tell you, but Mr. Clinton was not the worst president in history. That may very well be reserved to the man currently sitting behind the sign, "The buck stops here."

Clinton was the most corrupt president in US history, with scandal after scandal, and with an impeachment to go along with it. From white water to giving advanced missile guidance systems to china, he should have been charged with treason. With reason like yours and clintons, it's clear the left should never get their hands on the levers of power again.

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B.Max, rather than respond to your whole litany of Clinton distortions, allow me to address the most important line of your argument "Bush never lied about anything." Please. I think it's time to put this puppy to bed once and for all. Enjoy

("Bush has lied about his time in the National Guard, and lied about his criminal history. He lied about his relationship with Ken Lay, he lied about who would benefit from his tax cuts, and he lied about stem cells. He lied about his visit to Bob Jones University, he lied about why he wouldn't meet with Log Cabin Republicans, and he lied about reading the EPA report on global warming. He lied about blaming the Clinton administration for the second intifada, he lies constantly about how he pays no attention to polls, he lied about how he loves New York, and he lied about moving the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. He lied about finding WMD in Iraq, he lied about making his decision to go to war, he lied about the CIA's dismissal of the yellowcake rumors, and he lied about the IAEA's assessment of Iraq's nuclear program. He lied about funding the fight against AIDS in Africa, he lied about when the recession started, and he lied about seeing the first plane hit the WTC. He lied about supporting the Patient Protection Act, and he lied about his deficit spending"), from http://www.thepoorman.net/archives/002849.html

And more related links:







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The Red Cross carves Democrat Governor Blanco’s political tombstone

The Red Cross disaster relief convoys were ready to roll into New Orleans on Monday or Tuesday, but Governor Blanco forbade it. :angry:

Blanco treated the people of her state like cattle, withholding essential and easily available food, water, and medicine. Lots of those people, her citizens, died for lack of those intentionally withheld supplies – and the trained caregivers that go along with them. As the transcript says:

HH: Any doubt in the Red Cross’ mind that they were ready to go, but they were blocked?

MG: No. Absolutely none. They are absolutely unequivocal on that point.

To top it off, the people couldn’t have left if they wanted to because Governor Blanco didn’t sign an executive order authorizing the use of buses for evacuation until Thursday, Sept 1, and even had to amend it on Friday to allow the buses to be driven by people who don’t hold commercial drivers licenses. Also on that Friday, four days after the storm hit, she signed an executive order allowing caregivers from out of state to enter Louisianna and practice medicine, something the Red Cross now tells us she’d been forbidding during the crucial days earlier in the week.

Let's compare Governor Blanco to Governor Bush - who had 4 hurricans in Florida last year.

And let's compare Mayor Nagin to Mayor Guiliani in the aftermath of 9/11.

Is there any doubt as to why the American public doesn't trust the Democrats to protect the US citizens?

And yet the Democrats are trying to blame Bush. They, along with their allies in the liberal media, are trying to claim that the federal govt is supposed to micromanage every single hamlet, village, town, and city in the US - even though it is clearly stated that the locals come first, the state comes second, and the feds come last.

Shame on you. Shame on you heartless politicizing a-holes! :angry:

And yet more Blanco bumbling

This is the MED-1 mobile hospital. It is a Homeland Security asset, based in Charlotte, N.C. It cost 1.5 million taxpayer dollars, and was built to provide onsite medical care after the 9-11 attacks.

Capable of treating 100 patients simultaneously, staffed by top flight doctors and protected by their own SWAT team, they were bound and determined to get to New Orleans to render medical care to disaster victims.

Guess who never could get the governor’s permission to Louisianna?

Guess who ended up treating victims in Mississippi instead?

Three guesses allowed, but the first 2 don't count.

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Clinton was the worst president in US history somebody needed to expose him and his phoney wife.

Hmm, now let's see if I got this straight. Clinton came in after twelve years of Republican presidents who left him with record budget deficits, high unemployment, and increasing crime. So he initiates the Deficit Reduction Act of 1993, putting America on the road to fiscal responsibility leading to the end of perennial budget deficits.

This on top of having inherited a $290 billion deficit in 1992, President Clinton's last budget was over $200 billion in surplus. Add to this the lowest level of unemployment in decades, and reducing crime to lowest levels in a generation.

Pretty hard to top that B.Max. I don't like to compare, but how's Dubya stacking up: record deficits, illegal invasion of a country, lies to justify illegal invasion of a country, flys away when America faces disaster, a tad indecisive (comatose response to being told, "We're at war"), goes golfing when biggest natural disaster in America occurs...

I don't know. To me it's obvious, but then I'm just a normal guy who leans a little to the left and relies more on logic and reason than on a party telling me what to think and who to hate. I'm afraid to tell you, but Mr. Clinton was not the worst president in history. That may very well be reserved to the man currently sitting behind the sign, "The buck stops here."

Regan still holds the record for a single year deficit.

The intervention of Iraq wasn't illegal.

Bush has never lied about his reasons for the intervention in Iraq.

Bush didn't "fly away".

This nonsense about being "indecisive" is refuted by his overwhelming record of decisiveness.

He was already on vacation when Katrina hit. Your statement implies he left to golf after the catastrophe.

"The Buck Stops Here" was the motto of Harry Truman.

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More corruption from the Louisiana Democrats

March 31/2005

Do officials in our Office of Homeland Security owe the federal government more than 30 million dollars?  The feds sent the bill Wednesday for money paid out in the form of grants for a federal flood buyout program. Three former Louisiana Homeland Security employees who oversaw the program are currently under federal indictment.

It was just a matter of time before the bill was sent to the state following its handling of federal FEMA flood buyout monies. The government says more than 30 million was misspent by the state through the Office of Emergency Preparedness between 1997 and 2002.

"Really its not that the money was misspent here or the money was misspent there," says Smith.  "It's going to be, in a lot of the cases, a matter of improper paperwork."

The "terribly underfunded state of Louisiana" (as Argus persistently refers to it) somehow managed to "misspend" $30 million in flood buyout aid.

I don't invent statistics which show Louisiana is the second poorest state in the union. And as for the above, it looks suspiciously like the feds are in full damage mode trying to blame everyone else. No one but their most insanely fanatical supporters is going to buy that kind of nonsense. From your own cite:

"Really its not that the money was misspent here or the money was misspent there," says Smith. "It's going to be, in a lot of the cases, a matter of improper paperwork."

According to the letter, the Louisiana Office of Homeland Security and Office of Emergency Preparedness failed to properly assess project eligibility, rank properties consistently with state priorities, and verify that projects met the criteria for priority funding.

Maybe you and your Democrat Desperados should’ve thought about that before you stole the funds from the children, the poor and the sick in the first place, you thieving corrupt criminals.  :angry:

Yes, I can see why you'd be angry. After all, thievery is the responsibilty of the Bush Republicans, and they do it so very well - billions and billions and tens of billions stolen from the American taxpayer over the last year alone. I entirely understand your indignation that elements of the Louisiana state government are suspected of possibly engaging in a very minor version of the same thing.

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The Red Cross disaster relief convoys were ready to roll into New Orleans on Monday or Tuesday, but Governor Blanco forbade it.

I expected, based on this quote, that this was comingh from the Red Cross. But I wasn't that surprised to see he article is a interview with a FoxNews correspondent. Now, what's the Red Cross saying?

Hurricane Katrina: Why is the Red Cross not in New Orleans?

Acess to New Orleans is controlled by the National Guard and local authorities and while we are in constant contact with them, we simply cannot enter New Orleans against their orders.

The state Homeland Security Department had requested--and continues to request--that the American Red Cross not come back into New Orleans following the hurricane. Our presence would keep people from evacuating and encourage others to come into the city.

The Red Cross has been meeting the needs of thousands of New Orleans residents in some 90 shelters throughout the state of Louisiana and elsewhere since before landfall. All told, the Red Cross is today operating 149 shelters for almost 93,000 residents.

The Red Cross shares the nation’s anguish over the worsening situation inside the city. We will continue to work under the direction of the military, state and local authorities and to focus all our efforts on our lifesaving mission of feeding and sheltering.

The Red Cross does not conduct search and rescue operations. We are an organization of civilian volunteers and cannot get relief aid into any location until the local authorities say it is safe and provide us with security and access.

The original plan was to evacuate all the residents of New Orleans to safe places outside the city. With the hurricane bearing down, the city government decided to open a shelter of last resort in the Superdome downtown. We applaud this decision and believe it saved a significant number of lives.

As the remaining people are evacuated from New Orleans, the most appropriate role for the Red Cross is to provide a safe place for people to stay and to see that their emergency needs are met. We are fully staffed and equipped to handle these individuals once they are evacuated.


Let's compare Governor Blanco to Governor Bush - who had 4 hurricans in Florida last year.

A swing state in an election year with milions of dollars in federal "relief" funds subsequently being funneled to Republican districts untouched by the storms.

And yet the Democrats are trying to blame Bush. They, along with their allies in the liberal media, are trying to claim that the federal govt is supposed to micromanage every single hamlet, village, town, and city in the US - even though it is clearly stated that the locals come first, the state comes second, and the feds come last.

You still haven't read Bush's declaration of a state of emergency or the DHS National Response Plan, have you?

Shame on you. Shame on you heartless politicizing a-holes!

You know, since you've done nothing but blame the Democrats, my suggesstion would be to strike he term "politicizing" from your talking points. In other words: STFU.

Real credible links you have there, newbie.

This from Mr. NewsMax himself. :lol:

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B.Max, rather than respond to your whole litany of Clinton distortions, allow me to address the most important line of your argument "Bush never lied about anything." Please. I think it's time to put this puppy to bed once and for all. Enjoy

("Bush has lied about his  time in the National Guard, and lied about his criminal history. He lied about his  relationship with Ken Lay, he lied about who  would benefit from his tax cuts, and he lied about stem  cells. He lied about his  visit to Bob Jones University, he lied about why  he wouldn't meet with Log Cabin Republicans, and he lied about reading the EPA report  on global warming. He lied about blaming  the Clinton administration for the second intifada, he lies  constantly about how  he pays no attention to polls, he lied about how  he loves New York, and he lied about moving  the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. He lied about finding  WMD in Iraq, he lied about making  his decision to go to war, he lied about the  CIA's dismissal of the yellowcake rumors, and he lied about the  IAEA's assessment of Iraq's nuclear program. He lied about funding  the fight against AIDS in Africa, he lied about when  the recession started, and he lied about seeing  the first plane hit the WTC. He lied about supporting  the Patient Protection Act, and he lied about his  deficit spending"), from  http://www.thepoorman.net/archives/002849.html

And more related links:







What a pile of garbage, then the first link trots out this sickle swinger. Al Sharpton.

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Black Dog:

I expected, based on this quote, that this was comingh from the Red Cross. But I wasn't that surprised to see he article is a interview with a FoxNews correspondent.

No. It is not an interview with a Fox News correspondent. It is a Fox News correspondent interviewing Hugh

Reading comprehension skills doesn't appear to be your strong point.

Now, what's the Red Cross saying?

From your link: Acess to New Orleans is controlled by the National Guard and local authorities and while we are in constant contact with them, we simply cannot enter New Orleans against their orders.

Again, reading comprehension skills doesn't appear to be your strong point.

Thanks for proving my point. :lol:

Now, who is in charge of mobilizing the National Guard?

A swing state [Florida] in an election year with milions of dollars in federal "relief" funds subsequently being funneled to Republican districts untouched by the storms.

Bush Administration has given more money to Louisiana than any other state.


"But over the five years of President Bush's administration, Louisiana has received far more money for Corps civil works projects than any other state, about $1.9 billion; California was a distant second with less than $1.4 billion, even though its population is more than seven times larger."

You still haven't read Bush's declaration of a state of emergency or the DHS National Response Plan, have you?

So after Nagin and Blanco finally came around and declared a state of emergency, Bush is irresponsible because he didn't chime in?

And if he did, you would accuse him of playing political games.

You know, since you've done nothing but blame the Democrats, my suggesstion would be to strike he term "politicizing" from your talking points.

I'm only stating the truth and refuting the lies about Bush being responsible.

In other words: STFU.

Flaming! Now you're in trouble. Cartman and Mirror are going to be running to the moderator now and get you "punted". Cartman, Mirror, where are you two?

*crickets chirping*

This from Mr. NewsMax himself.

Personally, I rarely go to Newsmax (too many damn pop-up ads). However, as I stated earlier, most of their news stories come from the leftwing Associated Press. As for their punditry: it is conservative because it is a conservative magazine and makes no bones about it.


I find it telling that you had nothing to say about radical sites like awolbush.com and buzzflash.com.

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I don't invent statistics which show Louisiana is the second poorest state in the union.

What's that got to do with the price of tea in china? Louisiana has received more funds than any other state, under the Bush Administration.

Louisiana has received more aid than any other state during the 5 years of the Bush Administration


"But over the five years of President Bush's administration, Louisiana has received far more money for Corps civil works projects than any other state, about $1.9 billion; California was a distant second with less than $1.4 billion, even though its population is more than seven times larger."

And as for the above, it looks suspiciously like the feds are in full damage mode trying to blame everyone else.

:lol: The irony meter just exploded.

No one but their most insanely fanatical supporters is going to buy that kind of nonsense.

No one but the most fanatical Bush-haters would be trying to pin the blame on Bush for the failings of LA's Democrat Governor and NO's Democrat Mayor.

Yes, I can see why you'd be angry. After all, thievery is the responsibilty of the Bush Republicans, and they do it so very well - billions and billions and tens of billions stolen from the American taxpayer over the last year alone.

Incredible (il)logic. :o

Bush gives the people their money back through tax cuts and Argus calls this thievery on the part of Bush. :lol:

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No. It is not an interview with a Fox News correspondent. It is a Fox News correspondent interviewing Hugh

Reading comprehension skills doesn't appear to be your strong point.

No it's not. Hewitt is interviewing Garrett.

On the Fox News Channel just a little while ago, Major Garrett, one of Fox's star reporters, and author of The Enduring Revolution, broke a very disturbing story for those on the left that want to play the blame game regarding the reaction to the Katrina. Here's his interview with Hugh Hewitt moments ago:

HH: Joined now by Major Garrett, correspondent for the Fox News Channel, as well as author of The Enduring Revolution, a best seller earlier this year. We talked about that. Major Garrett, welcome back to the Hugh Hewitt Show.

MG: Hugh, always a pleasure. Thanks for having me.

From your link: Acess to New Orleans is controlled by the National Guard and local authorities and while we are in constant contact with them, we simply cannot enter New Orleans against their orders.

Again, reading comprehension skills doesn't appear to be your strong point.

Thanks for proving my point. 

Now, who is in charge of mobilizing the National Guard?

Beside the point.

When the storm came our goal was prior to landfall to support the evacuation. It was unsafe to be in the city. We were asked by the city not to be there and the Superdome was made a shelter of last resorts and, quite frankly in retrospect, it was a good idea because otherwise those people would have had no shelter at all.

We have our shelters north of the city. We're prepared as soon as they can be evacuated, we're prepared to receive them in Texas, in other states, but it was not safe to be in the city and it's not been safe to go back into the city. They were also concerned that if we located, relocated back into the city people wouldn't leave and they've got to leave.

-Interview with Marty Evans, Red Cross president and CEO on Larry King Live, Aired September 2, 2005

Add another dead meme to your pile.

Bush Administration has given more money to Louisiana than any other state.

Again, beside the point. You were crowing about Bush's handling of disaster relief in Florida in 2004. In any case your link demonstrates the widespread corruption of the U.S. political system, to which I say: and?

So after Nagin and Blanco finally came around and declared a state of emergency, Bush is irresponsible because he didn't chime in?

Bush declared a state of emergency August 27, giving the Department of Homeland Security and FEMA the authority to coordinate all disaster relief efforts. Two days before the levees were breached.

I find it telling that you had nothing to say about radical sites like awolbush.com and buzzflash.com.

Why would I? I haven't referenced them.

No one but the most fanatical Bush-haters would be trying to pin the blame on Bush for the failings of LA's Democrat Governor and NO's Democrat Mayor.

Hmm...what did Argus say about this:

Oh you can blame the state and city to some degree. Certainly. But it was FEMA which was primarily responsible, and the White House which slashed funding to upgrade and repair the dikes. And no matter how much you whine you aren't going to wiggle away from that one.

It is pretty hilarious to watch you go after Argus, one of the longest serving and most conservative members of this board, just for not being part of your little cult.

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I don't invent statistics which show Louisiana is the second poorest state in the union.

What's that got to do with the price of tea in china? Louisiana has received more funds than any other state, under the Bush Administration.

This, of course, is nonsense on two fronts. First, I didn't say it was underfunded. You did. I said it was the second poorest state in the union, and so, of course, had fewer resources available to it. Second, Louisiana might receive more civil engineering money because of its extraordinary danger from flooding, but Alaska probably got more just in road building funds, roads to nowhere. I'm betting, in fact, that tons of pork shower on the states of the high ranking Republicans year after year.

No one but their most insanely fanatical supporters is going to buy that kind of nonsense.

No one but the most fanatical Bush-haters would be trying to pin the blame on Bush for the failings of LA's Democrat Governor and NO's Democrat Mayor.

Right. Bush wasn't responsible for appointing all the top men in FEMA, none of whom had any experience or the first idea how to handle emergencies? Bush didn't slash funding for flood relief in New Orleans the last two years? A senior corps of engineers official didn't get fired after admitting to congress that the cuts would delay improvements to New Orlean's flood control? Even FOX has stopped even trying to defend FEMA and is talking about who will replace Michael Brown. None is suggesting there might not have been things wrong with what the State and city did, but you are the only one I have seen who is so pathalogically fanatic in his support of Bush to utterly ignore the federal failings as if they never happened.

Yes, I can see why you'd be angry. After all, thievery is the responsibilty of the Bush Republicans, and they do it so very well - billions and billions and tens of billions stolen from the American taxpayer over the last year alone.

Incredible (il)logic. :o

Bush gives the people their money back through tax cuts and Argus calls this thievery on the part of Bush. :lol:

The Bush presidency is utterly corrupt in almost every aspect of its existence. It makes the Clinton govenrment seem like choir boys in comparison

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The Bush presidency is utterly corrupt in almost every aspect of its existence. It makes the Clinton govenrment seem like choir boys in comparison

You haven't provided a shread of evidence to support this statement other than your own reading of events. The only accusations of corruption are coming from mis-informed web-pundits and angry lefters, and you for some reason. The Democrats howl to the media about every non-scandal that comes down the pipe, but nothing sticks because none of the accusations have any substance. It's all partisan grandstanding. Your posting on Katrina has been deplorable.

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Brown is gone from FEMA, and now you have Bush FINNALY taking responsibility for what went wrong.

Don't forget it was a voluntary evacuation untill the storm hit. THEN it became mandatory. Blame all levels of government for this. Bush could have said 'screw it vacation is over, I gotta get back to work, this is not right' , but he did not.

Nagin, Blanco, Bush all failed during this crisis. I don't put the blame on Nagin as much as the others then. What the fuch was Nagin to do? But you say he could have done this and that and this. So could have Blanco and Bush. But all sat and did nothing untill it was all over and done with then you have an incompitent Brown (nice resume when you look at it uhhuh) who resigned. Why? Cause he failed at his post. And he was put there by Bush himself. Bush should have declared a State of Emergeny right there and then. If I was President, I don't think I would want to wait even a day before declaring S.O.E. That kind of action cannot be delayed at all.

Now one thing in Florida. Of course they got the help they may not have needed. You never ever adandon your brother in time of need. FFS. 2+2=5?

Bush failed by putting a failure in charge, and so Bush now takes responsibility for the huge mess. Too little too late.I was shocked really. Never thought he would admit to ANY mistakes he made.

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So that's it, then, is it? The new catchphrase for the hysterical anti-Bush crowd is to be "Too little, too late", eh?. Kinda catchy. I can hear Kennedy roaring it now*. Hope that works out for you.

*Of course, it's kind of ironic that Kennedy would ever have anything to say about a disaster involving cars underwater and people drowning. You'd think he'd try to avoid that kind of image-association. Some people have no shame.

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Argus, you have clearly made your point and I do not think anyone has been able to offer any kind of response to your question about funding being slashed. Of course, what we think up here matters little, the American voter will ultimately decide.

What I find strange is the "defend Bush at any cost" mentality. We should care about what effect US politicians will have on Canada. Neither party seems particularly interested in actually establishing free trade with Canada and neither party is interested in fiscal responsibility which ultimately benefits Canada. I see few differences between the Democrats and the Republicans.

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Brown is gone from FEMA, and now you have Bush FINNALY taking responsibility for what went wrong.

Don't forget it was a voluntary evacuation untill the storm hit. THEN it became mandatory. Blame all levels of government for this. Bush could have said 'screw it vacation is over, I gotta get back to work, this is not right' , but he did not.

Nagin, Blanco, Bush all failed during this crisis.  I don't put the blame on Nagin as much as the others then. What the fuch was Nagin to do? But you say he could have done this and that and this. So could have Blanco and Bush. But all sat and did nothing untill it was all over and done with then you have an incompitent Brown (nice resume when you look at it uhhuh) who resigned. Why? Cause he failed at his post. And he was put there by Bush himself.  Bush should have declared a State of Emergeny right there and then. If I was President, I don't think I would want to wait even a day before declaring S.O.E. That kind of action cannot be delayed at all.

Now one thing in Florida. Of course they got the help they may not have needed. You never ever adandon your brother in time of need. FFS. 2+2=5?

Bush failed by putting a failure in charge, and so Bush now takes responsibility for the huge mess. Too little too late.I was shocked really. Never thought he would admit to ANY mistakes he made.

Bush declared a state of emergency before the strom even hit and was the one who told the mayor to evacuate the city. The state and local officials are suppose to have a plan. Which they did but never followed. They delayed evacuating the city they delayed calling in the guard. On top of all that you have all the people who wouldn't leave anyway and some that still won't.

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Argus, you have clearly made your point and I do not think anyone has been able to offer any kind of response to your question about funding being slashed.  Of course, what we think up here matters little, the American voter will ultimately decide.

What I find strange is the "defend Bush at any cost" mentality.  We should care about what effect US politicians will have on Canada.  Neither party seems particularly interested in actually establishing free trade with Canada and neither party is interested in fiscal responsibility which ultimately benefits Canada.  I see few differences between the Democrats and the Republicans.

All the federal funding in the world doesn't matter a wit if local authorities ignore their own emergency procedures and fall to pieces when disaster strikes.

In Ontario a couple of years ago we had a serious incidence of water poisoning in a small town called Walkerton. The usual culprits then (and still) claim that the problem rested entirely on the shoulders of Mike Harris for slashing funding for water testing and control.

However, the presence of e. coli bacteria which caused the poisoning was detected and reported in more than sufficient time to shut down the effected well and prevent the catastrophe. The weak link in the chain that lead to the deaths of seven and the poisoning of hundreds was the local manager, Stan Koebel. He received the report but didn't act upon it. The subsequent inquiry noted that Stan had a history of fudging reports and ignoring warnings, for fear that the presence of a biotoxin in the water supply would reflect badly on him. Up until that last disaster he'd managed to get away with it.

It's the local authorities who need to be up-to-date and ready for disaster, because their the one's with the earliest and best opportunities to make the decisions that can mean the difference between inconvenience and fatalities. Waiting for far away federal forces to take charge is beyond illogical, it's suicidal.

When the inevitable inquiries and commissions have done their review of Katrina, I'm confident that the actions of the federal government will take a lower place in the blame rankings than the actions of local authorities, not because I support Bush or blame the Dems, but because disaster response needs to be handled by those in office closest to the disaster.

I'm also confident that the howls of protest will have their desired effect anyway, and new procedures for the federal government taking control in these types of situations will be put in place. And when the next disaster strikes (think LA 9.0 earthquake for example) the emergency procedures will be next to useless because Washington and all the people in charge will be on the other side of the continent, doing their best to guess which actions are appropriate to the flood of emergencies.

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  • 2 months later...

Video: The far left is advocating the rape of Ann Coulter

Why are these people so filled with hate? :angry:

Although Coulter doesn't say which blog is calling for her rape, it's a well-known fact that she travels with a bodyguard because of the repeated threats on her life.

And in the past, I have seen liberals on the internet calling for her rape .

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Video: The far left is advocating the rape of Ann Coulter

Why are these people so filled with hate? 

Although Coulter doesn't say which blog is calling for her rape, it's a well-known fact that she travels with a bodyguard because of the repeated threats on her life.

And in the past, I have seen liberals on the internet calling for her rape .

Yeah: threats of violence are far more suited to right-wing hate sites like Little Green Footballs where such behaviour is widespread and tolerated.

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Video: The far left is advocating the rape of Ann Coulter

Why are these people so filled with hate? 

Although Coulter doesn't say which blog is calling for her rape, it's a well-known fact that she travels with a bodyguard because of the repeated threats on her life.

And in the past, I have seen liberals on the internet calling for her rape .

Yeah: threats of violence are far more suited to right-wing hate sites like Little Green Footballs where such behaviour is widespread and tolerated.

I was wondering who would be the first to ignore the calls for Ann Coulter to be raped and somehow twist it around to the "hate-filled" site (LGF) that dared to out Dan Rather's bogus memos from "Lucy Ramirez".

Congrats, BD. Your Mom must be proud. :rolleyes:

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I was wondering who would be the first to ignore the calls for Ann Coulter to be raped and somehow twist it around to the "hate-filled" site (LGF) that dared to out Dan Rather's bogus memos from "Lucy Ramirez".

Congrats, BD.  Your Mom must be proud.  :rolleyes:

See, asshat, my point is that anonymous commentators making outrageous comments is nothing new and can be found pretty much anywhere on the net.

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Why are these people so filled with hate?

They're all hate-filled hypocrites. These are the same people who throw oreo cookies at the LT-Governor of Maryland who's black, because he's a Republican running for the Senate. To sum it up, they're all a bunch of assholes!

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