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Conservatives sink to new low.

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For the Conservative Alliance to say that the Liberals were hoping that their cancer would prevent them from voting is sickening. They didn't seem to care too much about Chuck Cadman who wasn't even able to make it, but oh that's probably because he's expected to vote for the government. Add the 2 ministers who were voluntarily not there and we've got a tie boys and girls. Then the speaker, who is to vote to keep the status quo, votes for the government and wow we've got a yes vote. And it was the Conservative Alliance who put this procedural motion forward to begin with!



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I was listening to the radio this afternoon and the phone-in callers seemed to be saying that we now have a choice between the bigots (Conservatives) and the crooks (Liberals), so they prefer to vote for the crooks, er Liberals. I think most Canadians would support that choice if these are the only two options.

You must have a lot at stake with this current Pttawa bruhahaha.

So what does someone who has played both sides of the same coin think about this?

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Your the second person to talk to me like you think I really am Scott Brison. heh, I think he's got better things to do, he's not Josh Lyman after all ;)

And as for the Crooks reference there aren't any Conservatives who were ever crooks

a....a...aah....aaaaah aaaaaaaaaaaah chMULRONEYoo *sniff* hmm, some pollen around here I think.

The reason I chose Brison is because I admire him, In my opinion (And I know the Conservative Alliance has other ideas) he stood up for what he believed in, sure he's a blue Liberal, but i'm proud to have him in my party.

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It's rediculous to call the conservatives bigots, we have heard more racism out of the liberal party as of late.

From the beloved liberal CBC News:

Treasury Board President Reg Alcock has apologized to a Conservative MP who accused him of racism for saying the Liberals would look "a little higher up the gene pool" if they wanted to recruit a new ambassador from opposition ranks.

In regards to the comments directed at Inky Mark.

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It's rediculous to call the conservatives bigots, we have heard more racism out of the liberal party as of late.

From the beloved liberal CBC News:

Treasury Board President Reg Alcock has apologized to a Conservative MP who accused him of racism for saying the Liberals would look "a little higher up the gene pool" if they wanted to recruit a new ambassador from opposition ranks.

In regards to the comments directed at Inky Mark.

No, it's ridiculous to call the Conservatives human beings. And as for the gene pool comment anyone with half a brain can see he was referring to intelligence. Leave it to a Conservative to leap to a bigoted assumption like that. It's all they know.

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It's rediculous to call the conservatives bigots, we have heard more racism out of the liberal party as of late.

From the beloved liberal CBC News:

Treasury Board President Reg Alcock has apologized to a Conservative MP who accused him of racism for saying the Liberals would look "a little higher up the gene pool" if they wanted to recruit a new ambassador from opposition ranks.

In regards to the comments directed at Inky Mark.

This is a gross and despicable distortion of events. Alcock's comment was obviously directed at Mark's personal insignificance, not his racial group membership.

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That's right buddy - just belittle your opponents intelligence. 

By the way - what does the Liberal party stand for beyond holding onto power for dear life?

well, um, not discriminating against people based on stuff they're born with such as, oh I don't know, sexual orientation ummmmmm allowing women to choose what to do with their own bodies, you know. Minor stuff.

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That's right buddy - just belittle your opponents intelligence. 

By the way - what does the Liberal party stand for beyond holding onto power for dear life?

well, um, not discriminating against people based on stuff they're born with such as, oh I don't know, sexual orientation ummmmmm allowing women to choose what to do with their own bodies, you know. Minor stuff.

Homosexuals have all the rights a heterosexual does. Civil union's give them all the tax breaks and whatever they want, they can't possibly believe in marriage anyways so I don't see why they need to steal the word. And lets give the children a chance, its not just their body, its a life.

This thread isn't about same sex marriage or abortion though, both arguments with convincing arguments from both parties. This is about bigotry. And the Liberals have continued with attacks such as that on Inky Mark which shows while they might not take a stand on moral issues, they will go ahead and insult ethnic groups continulessely.

Letting strippers jump the queue for immigration is a slap in the face to every immigrant that has strugged for enterance and citizenship in Canada, those that truly deserve it.

And lets not forget the Liberals stood for traditional marriage not more than 5 years ago. Swaying in the political winds is not moral direction and authority.

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I dare say Scott you have been looking up the word "bigot" in the dictionary.

You are certainly no flaming right winger like Mike Harris who prided himself on not reading books. What an absolute tragedy his policies have subjected the Ontario people to.

Remember Walkerton anyone - it has right wing written all over it!

This is what is in store for Canadians should Harper every get his grubby little hands on the seat of power in Ottawa. Can you imagine the descredited and totally unscientific research people from Fraser Institute running Canada. That would be about as big a disaster as we have ever experienced in our country.

We would be selling our Canadian souls to the US in a flash if Harper ever gets his way.

God forbid!

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So lets see now, say you were in the Conservative party and it merged with say, the NDP and the NDP took over and put their agenda in. Would you stay in this new party and let your values be trampled on? Or would you switch to the party that more closely represented your values? Nah, why bother asking? I imagine you'll say you'd stay or make up some bullshit about the Progressive Conservatives not getting hijacked just so you don't have to be wrong.

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bigdude, ScottBrison,

Will you at some point start an adult debate or does the school yard antics need to continue? In case you didn't notice most people on this forum are firmly entrenched in there political leanings so the low brow, simple, and insulting comments you are tending to favour are not influencing anyone.

They do bate me in to more of the same. If you would like to discuss policy and political strategy, I am familiar with what the actual Conservative platform is so let's discuss. I am also curious to what is directing the Liberals. Anne at the Liberal convention said that they would not be basing government policy on the resolutions passed. So can you please enlighten all of us what the vision for this country is. They are for now still in power and I would be comforted to know that all this spending is a cohesive plan and not just vote buying.

At the Liberal convention people passionately arguing for more abortion legislation and no extension of marriage rights.

I am sure all here know this but one more time:

1. The Conservative government will not introduce abortion legislation.

2. The Conservative government will support same sex unions with the extensions of all marital rights to those couples. The word marriage will still represent one man and one women.

Grow up folks and realize that we are all thinking people. I firmly disagree with almost everything Layton says but I don’t think he is stupid. Manning is working for the Fraser Institute; I challenge you to actually read some of his work. The man is very thoughtful and has done some great work.

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Would you stay in this new party and let your values be trampled on?

Or lets say one was offered a cabinet position and had a limited leadership potential in the new party, maybe for self interest they jump ship.

Then for the next 10 months you have to stand in the house in ones ministry position and defend the crimes of the new family. If one could only do it again and this night mare would be over.


The same sex marriage vote at the convention was close, if one would have stayed and fought for what they believed it may have been defeated.

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Homosexuals have all the rights a heterosexual does.

If you believe that I've got some swamp land in Florida I can let you have for a song!

But I'm not worried about the rights they have now. What I'm worried about is the rights they currently have now being trampled on or eliminated completely by Harper and his Nazi buddies.

And lets give the children a chance, its not just their body, its a life.

I'm not going to argue with you further on that one, because although I don't personally agree with your beliefs I do respect them.

This is about bigotry. And the Liberals have continued with attacks such as that on Inky Mark which shows while they might not take a stand on moral issues, they will go ahead and insult ethnic groups continulessely.

No, it's about a Liberal insulting a Conservative member's intelligence. Do I think this was uncalled for? Yes.

Letting strippers jump the queue for immigration is a slap in the face to every immigrant that has strugged for enterance and citizenship in Canada, those that truly deserve it.

This I will agree with you on, I'm not deluded into thinking that members of the Liberal party can't do any wrong, and I do think there should be a more independant way for these matters to be dealt with so that:

a) We don't end up with a party policing themselves.

B) We don't end up with a witch hunt, with a party not giving a damn about justice, only about gaining power.

c) And most importantly we don't see people getting away with these transgressions.

I believe this would be the only way to stem this tide.

And lets not forget the Liberals stood for traditional marriage not more than 5 years ago. Swaying in the political winds is not moral direction and authority.

I'm proud to be part of a party that can change it's opinion in the face of overwhelming public support, that's not waffeling, that's hearing what the people want and doing it.

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Your the second person to talk to me like you think I really am Scott Brison. heh, I think he's got better things to do, he's not Josh Lyman after all ;)

I'd also hope the real Scott Brison would have a better grasp of spelling and grammar.

This is a gross and despicable distortion of events.  Alcock's comment was obviously directed at Mark's personal insignificance, not his racial group membership.

Indeed. A cheesy use of contrived outrage to try to damage one's opponent. Not nearly on a par with Immigration Minister Joe Volpe's response to the "Librano$" incident for contrivance, but at least as contrived as the faux outrage that launched this thread.


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I am sure all here know this but one more time:

1. The Conservative government will not introduce abortion legislation.

2. The Conservative government will support same sex unions with the extensions of all marital rights to those couples. The word marriage will still represent one man and one women.

I understand what you're saying but what I personally believe in my heart is that Harper and this new Ultra Right version of the party is just saying these things to gain power. Because they know that once they get in there will be nothing to stop them.

I do apologize for lowering the level of debate here, but don't just single me and bd out. It's not just us.

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Indeed. A cheesy use of contrived outrage to try to damage one's opponent.  Not nearly on a par with Immigration Minister Joe Volpe's response to the "Librano$" incident for contrivance, but at least as contrived as the faux outrage that launched this thread.

I can't help it if you're not sickened by Conservatives claiming Liberals would use a life threatening illness to further their agenda. That's a problem you need to deal with yourself.

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The Conservative government will support same sex unions with the extensions of all marital rights to those couples. The word marriage will still represent one man and one women.

I don't really have a dog in this Liberal/Con fight (though I do hop ethe two simply wipe each other out), but I'm relally tired of hearing about the Conservatives' support for traditional marriage b.s., given the complete unteneablity of their position in light of decisions by the Supreme Court and lesser courts across Canada and the legalization of same sex marriage in most of the country. I understand why they are clinging to this position, but I wonder how they'll look when they sheepishly have to go ahead and either use the notwithstanding clause or pass the same sex marriage legislation.

Denial must be a conservative value. :P

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I take it very seriously. I take it exactly as seriously as I take the claim that the "Librano$" joke shows a KKK mentality. This is very serious stuff indeed. Most serious. I can hardly contain my seriousness at the seriousity of these charges. I'm not one to joke around with something this serious.




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This is a gross and despicable distortion of events.  Alcock's comment was obviously directed at Mark's personal insignificance, not his racial group membership.

Indeed. A cheesy use of contrived outrage to try to damage one's opponent. Not nearly on a par with Immigration Minister Joe Volpe's response to the "Librano$" incident for contrivance, but at least as contrived as the faux outrage that launched this thread.

I pains me to disagree with you, kimmy, but while Volpe's KKKomment was exaggerated, I think the initial reaction of Italian Canadians to a stereotype they purport to actually suffer was more genuine than Mark's opportunistic reaction to a comment of generic, non-racial currency in common parlance.

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I pains me to disagree with you, kimmy,

yah I can tell :D

but while Volpe's KKKomment was exaggerated, I think the initial reaction of Italian Canadians to a stereotype they purport to actually suffer was more genuine than Mark's opportunistic reaction to a comment of generic, non-racial currency in common parlance.

The Sopranos are an extremely well-known fictional crime family. The similarities between some of the activities seen on the Sopranos program and the activities described in Jean Brault's testimony are obvious and were widely noted by reporters at the time. I recall hearing a national news reporter saying "...like a scene from the Sopranos", and another comparing it to something from the Godfather. I don't recall Italian-Canadians up in arms over those characterizations. Nor do I recall Italian Canadians comparing CTV to the KKK for airing a couple of seasons of The Sopranos.

The intention of the parody was obvious, and the comparison would have been equally valid had the fictional crime family been "The Davidsons", "The Dmitriuks," "The Wongs," or any ethnic background you can think of. In short, if Italian-Canadians have a legitimate beef, it's with the producers of The Sopranos program, or with CTV for putting it on Canadian TV, not with a parody which makes reference to said program.

To argue otherwise requires logic that is at least as contrived as Inky Mark's claim that Alcock's "gene pool" remark was a reference to Mark's Chinese genetics.

And none of this even gets to Volpe's KKK remarks. He went on at length about hoods and cowls. Granted, my knowledge of KKK beliefs and history is not very strong, but was there some kind of KKK persecution of Italians that I don't know about? I thought they picked on Jews and non-whites.


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3 things really made my stomach turn yesterday:

1. Harper's comments about the Liberals hoping that 2 Cons die by next week. Truly sickening.

2. The Vets Bill. Harper and Dupe both agreed to get it through. Then they pull a non-confidence vote. Disgusting. They could have at least waited to get the vets bill through. Truly disgusting.

3. Revelations at Gomery with that poor man breaking down in tears because he was threatened with physical violence. Absolutely disgusting, shocking and appauling. I think this goes way beyond the Liberal party, right back to Alfonso's family.

Utterly awful.

You know, the Liberals and the NDP are the only two parties who now realize that party's are now public utilities, and want to bring their parties out of the darkness and into the transparent light...moves which have been opposed by the Cons.

We have to bring our parties into the 21st Century here ppl. This bullsh can't go on.


Sadly, we only have a choice between a man who is trying to clean up his party-- but only to save his own skin, and man who wants to wipe his butt on the Charter.

Dark days for Canada indeed.

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