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Ford Launches Spending Inquiry against "bogus" Accounting

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I'm watching CBC Power and Politics and they are questioning the merits of the inquiry. Firstly, lets remember it was a campaign promise - but secondly and most important, it was the Auditor General who called their Fair Hydro Plan "bogus accounting". Never in Canadian history has an Auditor General issued such strong opinions. Yet CBC did not focus on those facts - nor did their "Power Panel". Is one required? Absolutely! 



Bonnie Lysyk, the Auditor-General, informed the province’s public accounts committee last week of problems uncovered during the audit, which began late last year and is now nearly complete. Her concerns included incorrect accounting, deceptive and obstructive behaviour by the IESO’s board and management, and poor financial controls. If the improper accounting isn’t corrected, Ms. Lysyk warned, she might issue an adverse opinion on Ontario’s public accounts—the first such opinion on any government’s financial statements in Canadian history.................................................

“We think this accounting is bogus,” Ms. Lysyk told the committee.


Link: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-auditor-general-blasts-bogus-hydro-accounting-strategies-in-ontario/

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Breaking news! Wynne and company spotted at Pearson booking one way flights to nice non extradition countries! Nah, just kidding. There's probably more than a few former Liberal cabinet members sh*tting bricks right now though. It takes quite a bit of work to blow through 180 billion or so in 15 years.

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15 hours ago, Centerpiece said:

I'm watching CBC Power and Politics and they are questioning the merits of the inquiry. Firstly, lets remember it was a campaign promise - but secondly and most important, it was the Auditor General who called their Fair Hydro Plan "bogus accounting". Never in Canadian history has an Auditor General issued such strong opinions. Yet CBC did not focus on those facts - nor did their "Power Panel". Is one required? Absolutely!

I suspect that what we'll hear will be little short of a horror story. I believe the Auditor General has already determined that the actual budget deficit is $11B+ - far higher than the Wynne government admitted to - and I doubt the situation has improved in the few weeks since the election. I'm a bit skeptical of the need for a special inquiry into the province's finances when the AG has demonstrated competence, independence and transparency. But if it's necessary to shock the province's residents into acknowledging that big program changes and cutbacks have to start immediately, perhaps the price paid for the inquiry might be worth it. Ontario is truly broke.

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7 minutes ago, turningrite said:

I suspect that what we'll hear will be little short of a horror story. I believe the Auditor General has already determined that the actual budget deficit is $11B+ - far higher than the Wynne government admitted to - and I doubt the situation has improved in the few weeks since the election. I'm a bit skeptical of the need for a special inquiry into the province's finances when the AG has demonstrated competence, independence and transparency. But if it's necessary to shock the province's residents into acknowledging that big program changes and cutbacks have to start immediately, perhaps the price paid for the inquiry might be worth it. Ontario is truly broke.

I would normally agree but the Toronto Star and others acted as shills for the Liberals by continuing to call it an "accounting dispute". Let's not forget that the Liberals called in "outside experts" to discredit Bonnie Lysyck's criticisms. The Star went out of their way to marginalize the AG with various columns. If anything, this review will reinforce the credibility of the AG and FAO going forward. As an example of the Star's duplicity, Martin Regg Cohn had this to say about Ms. Lysyck:


It is a tall order for any auditor, with or without a good editor. It will prove especially challenging for someone who has so strained credulity and credibility in recent years.

Link: https://www.thestar.com/opinion/star-columnists/2017/12/06/auditor-general-bonnie-lysyk-could-use-a-good-editor.html

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19 hours ago, Centerpiece said:

I'm watching CBC Power and Politics and they are questioning the merits of the inquiry. Firstly, lets remember it was a campaign promise - but secondly and most important, it was the Auditor General who called their Fair Hydro Plan "bogus accounting". Never in Canadian history has an Auditor General issued such strong opinions. Yet CBC did not focus on those facts - nor did their "Power Panel". Is one required? Absolutely! 

Link: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-auditor-general-blasts-bogus-hydro-accounting-strategies-in-ontario/

They don't put any conservatives on these panels. The panels consist of an NDP rep, a Liberal rep, and someone they sort of push forward as 'semi conservative' but in the way of an old red tory, from Progressive Conservative days who was more liberal than conservative. 

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23 hours ago, Centerpiece said:

I'm watching CBC Power and Politics and they are questioning the merits of the inquiry. Firstly, lets remember it was a campaign promise - but secondly and most important, it was the Auditor General who called their Fair Hydro Plan "bogus accounting". Never in Canadian history has an Auditor General issued such strong opinions. Yet CBC did not focus on those facts - nor did their "Power Panel". Is one required? Absolutely! 

Link: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-auditor-general-blasts-bogus-hydro-accounting-strategies-in-ontario/

One can only hope that Ford will expose more of the terrible wasting of the Ontario taxpayer's tax dollars by the Wynne lieberal government. The Ontario taxpayer's need to know and learn more about what this last pathetic liberal government has done to the Ontario citizen's for the past four years. It would appear to me as though Canada could use a Prime Minister like that auditor general. The CBC never focuses on anything that the Canadian taxpayer's really need to know. The CBC giving their opinions and comments of who Trump had picked for the Supreme Court is something I don't think that the majority of Canadians really gave all that much chit about. But yet the CBC journalists had to put their bloody nose into it. Sickening. 

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13 hours ago, AngusThermopyle said:

Breaking news! Wynne and company spotted at Pearson booking one way flights to nice non extradition countries! Nah, just kidding. There's probably more than a few former Liberal cabinet members sh*tting bricks right now though. It takes quite a bit of work to blow through 180 billion or so in 15 years.

If there is one thing that I have learned about politics in Canada or Ontario is that lieberals like Wynne and many others in her past government will be walking away free from prosecution. They all will no doubt be taking their vacations somewhere warm every winter using the taxpayer's tax dollars that they stole from the taxpayer's of Ontario. The salaries that they received and the pensions that they will receive alone will keep them very happy for the rest of their lives. I wish that there were a criminal law that was on the books that could go after politicians like Wynne and have her arrested and charged for wasteful abuse of the Canadian taxpayer's tax dollars.

Indeed, it sure must be a bit of work to blow $180 billion tax dollars and she will probably get away with it without much of a whimper from Ford. There appears to be a political rule and deal that the new government will not go after the old government for their crimes done against the Canadian people. It would appear that politicians will protect other politicians no matter what. Shameful.  

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8 hours ago, Centerpiece said:

I would normally agree but the Toronto Star and others acted as shills for the Liberals by continuing to call it an "accounting dispute". Let's not forget that the Liberals called in "outside experts" to discredit Bonnie Lysyck's criticisms. The Star went out of their way to marginalize the AG with various columns. If anything, this review will reinforce the credibility of the AG and FAO going forward. As an example of the Star's duplicity, Martin Regg Cohn had this to say about Ms. Lysyck:

Link: https://www.thestar.com/opinion/star-columnists/2017/12/06/auditor-general-bonnie-lysyk-could-use-a-good-editor.html

Two peas in a rotten pod. The Star and the liberal party. :lol: With those two in bed together they sure did a number on the Ontario taxpayer's. :(

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On 7/18/2018 at 3:42 AM, AngusThermopyle said:

Breaking news! Wynne and company spotted at Pearson booking one way flights to nice non extradition countries! Nah, just kidding. There's probably more than a few former Liberal cabinet members sh*tting bricks right now though. It takes quite a bit of work to blow through 180 billion or so in 15 years.

Politicians don't sweat this. They know even if they get caught they won't do hard time or have to pay the money back. Thats why it happens in the first place

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3 hours ago, Hates politicians said:

Politicians don't sweat this. They know even if they get caught they won't do hard time or have to pay the money back. Thats why it happens in the first place

Why would they do hard time ?  Mismanagement isn't criminal.  I don't think anybody is suggesting embezzlement here.

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25 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Mismanagement isn't criminal.

it seems our politicians go absolutely half cocked when they are given the keys to the Treasury. It's no wonder they spend like drunken sailors until they are turfed from office. They don't get the bills. The taxpayers do.

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Is anyone aware of Ford promising to introduce legislative measures that will limit the ability of politicians to spend like drunken sailors otherwise what is the point of spending like a drunken sailor on investigating that which has already been investigated?

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On 7/18/2018 at 4:42 AM, AngusThermopyle said:

Breaking news! Wynne and company spotted at Pearson booking one way flights to nice non extradition countries! Nah, just kidding. There's probably more than a few former Liberal cabinet members sh*tting bricks right now though. It takes quite a bit of work to blow through 180 billion or so in 15 years.

I'm wondering how many of them are waiting for appointments to corporate boards, consultancies, interest group lobbies, think tanks and the like? This seems to be the common fate of the politicians we turf, no matter the quality of governance they provided. There's seldom a "hard" fall from power for these people.

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23 hours ago, Hates politicians said:

Mismanagement my ass its outright theft.

I think you're overstating your case. Politicians don't need to be corrupt to waste our money when incompetence and political expediency work equally as well, and perhaps better.

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On 7/21/2018 at 2:12 PM, eyeball said:

You have actual evidence of criminal wrongdoing or just your opinion?

Cretin choking a person caught on camera, no charges laid. Mulroney admits to taking bribes plus the stuff he got away with when in power, nevr charged. Fat ass mcduff claiming living away allowance while being an ont resident law says you must be 97 kms from yur primary residence. Never charged. Proof tht politicians are above the law and will continue to do what they're doing.

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On 7/21/2018 at 9:08 AM, Hates politicians said:

Mismanagement my ass its outright theft.

Pretty much all politicians are nothing more than a bunch of cheats, thieves and liars. What they do and get away with is nothing more than theft and misuse of the Canadian taxpayer's tax dollars. Thanks to those thousands of corrupt and puppet on a string politicians and what they have been doing with our tax dollars over these past several decades is the reason why Canada is in billions of dollars of debt to the zionist banksters. If most of these spend crazy politicians were working In the private sector probably 90% of these politicians would have been fired for their mishandling of the company's money.  In government they are rewarded for their efforts and avoid any kind of prosecution. It is not so much the politicians to be blamed here and are at fault but it is mostly due to the fact that the Canadian taxpayer's just do not seem to give a bloody dam. All I ever hear from Canadians when I want to talk about this is "what can you do". That is their attitude about this. This is why the theft and waste of taxpayer's tax dollars will go on and on because the Canadian people just don't appear to give a shit as to how their tax dollars are being wasted. Even here where I have mentioned many times as to where and how our tax dollars are being blown, I seem to get more flak for doing so then support. But for some strange unknown reason, Canadians appear to enjoy getting their royal screwing every day by our dear leaders and ask for more the next day.  There is something wrong with this picture alright. It's far past the time for a touch up on that picture.  :rolleyes:

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5 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

It's not thievery, or the opposition and such would make hay of it.  It's great donut shop conversation to moo that all politicians are thieves, but it doesn't actually create a space for discussing anything intelligently sorry.

To be fair to donut-holes everywhere; much of what politicians do that pisses so many people off is perfectly legal and few of us are served well by the incapacity of political parties to seemingly do anything to help themselves - this plus the evidence of actual cases where politicians are unequivocally guilty of stuff festers over time and the system feels fubar and yes even corrupt. I'm reminded of that adage about abuse - if it feels like its happening it probably is.


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19 hours ago, taxme said:

Pretty much all politicians are nothing more than a bunch of cheats, thieves and liars. What they do and get away with is nothing more than theft and misuse of the Canadian taxpayer's tax dollars. Thanks to those thousands of corrupt and puppet on a string politicians and what they have been doing with our tax dollars over these past several decades is the reason why Canada is in billions of dollars of debt to the zionist banksters. If most of these spend crazy politicians were working In the private sector probably 90% of these politicians would have been fired for their mishandling of the company's money.  In government they are rewarded for their efforts and avoid any kind of prosecution. It is not so much the politicians to be blamed here and are at fault but it is mostly due to the fact that the Canadian taxpayer's just do not seem to give a bloody dam. All I ever hear from Canadians when I want to talk about this is "what can you do". That is their attitude about this. This is why the theft and waste of taxpayer's tax dollars will go on and on because the Canadian people just don't appear to give a shit as to how their tax dollars are being wasted. Even here where I have mentioned many times as to where and how our tax dollars are being blown, I seem to get more flak for doing so then support. But for some strange unknown reason, Canadians appear to enjoy getting their royal screwing every day by our dear leaders and ask for more the next day.  There is something wrong with this picture alright. It's far past the time for a touch up on that picture.  :rolleyes:

Your absolutely right, and until the ballot boxes are filled with blank ballots meaning none of the above and people willing to mke sure they don't try and say one pol. got one vote so he's in, nothing will change

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19 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

It's not thievery, or the opposition and such would make hay of it.  It's great donut shop conversation to moo that all politicians are thieves, but it doesn't actually create a space for discussing anything intelligently sorry.

The opposition is just as bad as the rest. They appear to not give a crap also. So, you are quite contented to watch as our Canadian tax dollars are constantly being blown on so many wasteful and useless programs and agendas set up by our wasteful and useless politicians that are of no use to Canada or Canadians than? When politicians blow tax dollars willy nilly on their pet peeve programs and agendas that Canadians never asked for but ended up with is what I call thievery. 

Try taking your private employers money and try spending his/her dollars on programs and agendas that will not be of any benefit to the company and watch what happens. Your "FIRED" to quote Mr. Trump. :D

On the contrary. It is someone who has intelligence enough and who wants to discuss problems that effect him and her. Not be like so many who just want to sit on the fence like you and say nothing. This is why nothing ever gets done because many are too afraid or to politically correct to open their mouths and speak their minds. The majority of Canadians appear to want to live the life style of a zombie. Well pardner, I refuse to be a zombie like so many other Canadians are who have a tongue and a mind and refuse to use both of them in an intelligent way. 

Just saying. 

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9 hours ago, Hates politicians said:

Your absolutely right, and until the ballot boxes are filled with blank ballots meaning none of the above and people willing to mke sure they don't try and say one pol. got one vote so he's in, nothing will change

So our solution is when all voters turn in blank ballots !  GOT IT !  :lol:


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