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Israel's Discriminatory so-called Justice System


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Most people already know of Israel's discriminatory treatment of Palestinians. This discrimination was highlighted very recently when the Palestinian teenager, Ahed Tamimi was taken in and sentenced for slapping an IDF soldier who wouldn't leave her property, especially after her cousin was shot in the head earlier in the day.

Here is a recent comparison:



Elor Azaria - Israeli soldier convicted of killing a wounded Palestinian by shooting him in the head. He'll be out in May, having served 9 months.

Ahed Tamimi - Palestinian teenager arrested after slapping a heavily-armed Israeli soldier in her backyard, soon after her cousin is shot in the head by Israeli soldiers. She's getting 8 months.

Justice served.

More on Ahed Tamimi's sentencing:


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12 minutes ago, marcus said:

Most people already know of Israel's discriminatory treatment of Palestinians. This discrimination was highlighted very recently when the Palestinian teenager, Ahed Tamimi was taken in and sentenced for slapping an IDF soldier who wouldn't leave her property, especially after her cousin was shot in the head earlier in the day.

Here is a recent comparison:



Elor Azaria - Israeli soldier convicted of killing a wounded Palestinian by shooting him in the head. He'll be out in May, having served 9 months.

Ahed Tamimi - Palestinian teenager arrested after slapping a heavily-armed Israeli soldier in her backyard, soon after her cousin is shot in the head by Israeli soldiers. She's getting 8 months.

Justice served.

More on Ahed Tamimi's sentencing:



If you start a war of extermination against the Jews, you had better finish the job. There's your problem. Your guys f---ked-up.

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7 hours ago, marcus said:

Most people already know of Israel's discriminatory treatment of Palestinians. This discrimination was highlighted very recently when the Palestinian teenager, Ahed Tamimi was taken

She'll probably be out in a couple of months. She is no innocent but a regular activist. Now would you like to compare Israel's justice system to that of the Palestinian Territories? Or perhaps Syria? Egypt? Iran? Saudi Arabia? Lebanon?

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5 hours ago, Argus said:

She'll probably be out in a couple of months. She is no innocent but a regular activist. Now would you like to compare Israel's justice system to that of the Palestinian Territories? Or perhaps Syria? Egypt? Iran? Saudi Arabia? Lebanon?

How about you show me a comparison. Do the Lebanese treat one group different than another group?

Are you playing the "singled out" game again to try to shut down criticism of Israel? You really want to compare Israel to Saudi Arabia's justice system? Syria's system? Iran's system? Egypt's system?

Are you playing the "well, at least they're not as bad as [insert a big human rights abuser]"? You think that makes Israel look good? Are we to put Israel in the same category as those human rights abuser?

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28 minutes ago, marcus said:

...You really want to compare Israel to Saudi Arabia's justice system? Syria's system? Iran's system? Egypt's system?


Forgot Canada's justice system (for "aboriginals").   Or U.S. justice system.



Are you playing the "well, at least they're not as bad as [insert a big human rights abuser]. You think that makes Israel look good?



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Those who assert that Israel is being “singled out” aren’t interested in assessing where to rank Israel on the scoreboard of global human rights violators. They’re just setting people up for an old familiar punch-line: Why is Israel being “singled out?” Because the world hates the Jews. Why do some Jews harp on Israel’s depredations? It’s because they hate themselves.

The charge of “singling out” is at once disingenuous and obfuscatory. It’s another way of saying that substantive criticism of Israel (not to mention organized political and economic action, including boycott and divestment, in support of such criticism) amounts to anti-semitism. It’s intended to stifle criticism — and indeed, honest discussion — and thereby distract attention away from the real-life conditions in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza:

  • from the house demolitions;
  • the land theft; the “administrative detentions;”
  • the de jure and de facto deprivation of elementary rights of assembly and speech;
  • the relentless settlement building;
  • the roadblocks, checkpoints, and general interruption of free movement; the theft and wildly unequal distribution of water;
  • the containment wall built on Palestinian territory;
  • the settler violence against Palestinian individuals and property;
  • the use of banned weaponry;
  • the collective punishment of the entire Palestinian people;
  • the bantustanization of the West Bank; the violations of international law;
  • the blockading of Gaza;
  • the manifest racism;
  • and the daily harassment and indignities consciously and systematically imposed on an occupied populace.

To defend such policies and practices is morally impossible. To equate the actions undertaken by the Israelis with those of the weak and stateless Palestinians is ethically obtuse. To ignore altogether the events on the ground in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza by raising the hoary accusation of anti-semitism, wrapped in the packaging of “singling out,” is unconscionable.

Of course, the fact still remains: As appalling as Israeli policies may be, they still aren’t so dastardly as to put Israel at the very top of the list of human rights violators. So why do people (like me) devote so much attention and passion to castigating Israel?

There are several compelling reasons.

First of all, as Peter Beinart observed, “We all intuitively understand the rationale for focusing on those offenses over which we have more control, even if they are not the most egregious. If that weren’t the case, how could an American justify focusing her attention on the misdeeds of the government of the United States?”

There’s not a whole lot the U.S. government – or ordinary American and Canadian citizens – can say or do to improve the human rights situation in Zimbabwe or Syria (both subject to U.S. sanctions), in Iran (subject to sanctions since 1979), or in North Korea (whose government the U.S. has never even formally recognized). Trumpeting the misdeeds of these regimes might be psychologically and ethically satisfying, but is politically meaningless, not to say, redundant.

But Israel? Not only has America and the West withheld substantive criticism of its policies, but the U.S. government and U.S. citizens are, and have long been, the most important global enablers of such policies. Indeed, if the West and the U.S. has historically “singled out” Israel, it has been for special protection, assistance, and cover for its daily crimes against the Palestinians. Whether we look at U.S. military assistance to Israel (amounting to $9 million a day), or at private American tax-deductible gifts to illegal Jewish settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem (including to some of the most violent, fascistic and dangerous crackpots in the region), America and Americans have played the role of Israel’s pre-eminent arsenal, financier, diplomatic supporter, and propagandist. To suggest, under such circumstances, that Israel is being “singled out” by its American and Western critics can only be considered a sick joke.

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16 minutes ago, marcus said:

Those who assert that Israel is being “singled out” aren’t interested in assessing where to rank Israel on the scoreboard of global human rights violators. They’re just setting people up for an old familiar punch-line: Why is Israel being “singled out?” Because the world hates the Jews. Why do some Jews harp on Israel’s depredations? It’s because they hate themselves.


What it boils down to is that the terrorists you so happily champion chose to follow an actual Nazi on the run from the Allied noose. This Nazi wanted more war. So he started one...sure he couldn't lose against the Jews he was busy tossing into the fires back in the Balkans.

That's your guy...


....and his terrorist nephew...


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Israel's justice system should discriminate against Palestinians who insist on terrorism in the form of bombings, knife attacks, assaults, kidnappings, etc.

Palestinian leadership has failed miserably, mostly for the Palestinians...failed ideology, failed government, and corrupt squandering of Western aid, that continues to this day.

The justice system in Israel has a long memory....for things like....this:



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....Of course, the fact still remains: As appalling as Israeli policies may be, they still aren’t so dastardly as to put Israel at the very top of the list of human rights violators. So why do people (like me) devote so much attention and passion to castigating Israel?


Yes...compared to...ummmm..."aboriginal" human rights violations and conditions right at home in Canada....for over 150 years.   Why not devote time and energy to domestic human rights violations in one's own nation, instead of focusing so much attention on Israel ?    


30 minutes ago, marcus said:

But Israel? Not only has America and the West withheld substantive criticism of its policies, but the U.S. government and U.S. citizens are, and have long been, the most important global enablers of such policies.


U.S. government and citizens also support and enable the policies and military capabilities of many allied nations, including Canada.

So what ?

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15 hours ago, marcus said:

How about you show me a comparison. Do the Lebanese treat one group different than another group?

Would you rather be an Arab in an Israeli jail, or a Jew in a Lebanese or Palestinian jail?

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17 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Yes...compared to...ummmm..."aboriginal" human rights violations and conditions right at home in Canada....for over 150 years.   Why not devote time and energy to domestic human rights violations in one's own nation, instead of focusing so much attention on Israel ?    



U.S. government and citizens also support and enable the policies and military capabilities of many allied nations, including Canada.

So what ?

If Canada is doing the following to the Indigenous as Israel is doing to the Palestinians, then you can declare that you have some kind of argument. Until then, the parallel you're trying to draw is failing:


  • the house demolitions;
  • the land theft;
  • the “administrative detentions;”
  • the de jure and de facto deprivation of elementary rights of assembly and speech;
  • the relentless settlement building;
  • the roadblocks, checkpoints, and general interruption of free movement; the theft and wildly unequal distribution of water;
  • the containment wall built on Palestinian territory;
  • the settler violence against Palestinian individuals and property;
  • the use of banned weaponry;
  • the collective punishment of the entire Palestinian people;
  • the bantustanization of the West Bank; the violations of international law;
  • the blockading of Gaza;
  • the manifest racism;
  • and the daily harassment and indignities consciously and systematically imposed on an occupied populace.


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2 minutes ago, marcus said:

If Canada is doing the following to the Indigenous as Israel is doing to the Palestinians, then you can declare that you have some kind of argument. Until then, the parallel you're trying to draw is failing:


Yes....and has done so for over 150 years.   Just read your own domestic media....no shortage of repeating human rights violations in Canada for "aboriginals".    Trudeau will be apologizing for more very soon.

...but some choose to single out Israel instead.


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4 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Yes....and has done so for over 150 years.   Just read your own domestic media....no shortage of repeating human rights violations in Canada for "aboriginals".    Trudeau will be apologizing for more very soon.

...but some choose to single out Israel instead.


Thank you. That's another difference you just pointed out.

Besides the fact that you are not able to equate how Palestinians are being treated as opposed to the indigenous (see the list given to you above), there is also how Canadians are starting to acknowledge the wrongs that we did in the past and continue to do today. Whereas in Israel, it's business as usual:

  • the house demolitions;
  • the land theft;
  • the “administrative detentions;”
  • the de jure and de facto deprivation of elementary rights of assembly and speech;
  • the relentless settlement building;
  • the roadblocks, checkpoints, and general interruption of free movement; the theft and wildly unequal distribution of water;
  • the containment wall built on Palestinian territory;
  • the settler violence against Palestinian individuals and property;
  • the use of banned weaponry;
  • the collective punishment of the entire Palestinian people;
  • the bantustanization of the West Bank; the violations of international law;
  • the blockading of Gaza;
  • the manifest racism;
  • and the daily harassment and indignities consciously and systematically imposed on an occupied populace.


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8 minutes ago, marcus said:

Thank you. That's another difference you just pointed out.

Besides the fact that you are not able to equate how Palestinians are being treated as opposed to the indigenous (see the list given to you above), there is also how Canadians are starting to acknowledge the wrongs that we did in the past and continue to do today. Whereas in Israel, it's business as usual.



Denying the past and present "human rights violations" for "aboriginals" in Canada (or USA) does not help your Palestinian cause against Israel....it only exposes your lack of objectivity, holding Israel to a different standard.

I have already demonstrated that Canada's "aboriginals" have allied with Palestinians for decades against "occupation, incarceration,  and stolen land".

Hell, unlike Israel, Canadian provinces are still "scooping" aboriginal babies.



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1 hour ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

Denying the past and present "human rights violations"

Despite the facts that are shared with you, you continue with the same comments. Strange you would say the above, to a comment that you replied to, which said:

1 hour ago, marcus said:

....there is also how Canadians are starting to acknowledge the wrongs that we did in the past and continue to do today. Whereas in Israel, it's business as usual:

  • the house demolitions;
  • the land theft;
  • the “administrative detentions;”
  • the de jure and de facto deprivation of elementary rights of assembly and speech;
  • the relentless settlement building;
  • the roadblocks, checkpoints, and general interruption of free movement; the theft and wildly unequal distribution of water;
  • the containment wall built on Palestinian territory;
  • the settler violence against Palestinian individuals and property;
  • the use of banned weaponry;
  • the collective punishment of the entire Palestinian people;
  • the bantustanization of the West Bank; the violations of international law;
  • the blockading of Gaza;
  • the manifest racism;
  • and the daily harassment and indignities consciously and systematically imposed on an occupied populace.

Don't consider this a defeat. Consider it a learning experience and the chance to let go of your ego and openly and without shame acknowledge that the Canada treats its indigenous population MUCH different than how Israel treats Palestinians.

Unless you bring up something new that hasn't already been refuted by facts, I will be leaving this exchange, on this topic. 

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2 minutes ago, marcus said:

...Unless you bring up something new that hasn't already been refuted by facts, I will be leaving this exchange, on this topic. 


Good, because you obviously refuse to recognize past and present "human rights violations" in your own country.

We now return you to the "Bash Israel" channel.


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On 3/22/2018 at 5:47 PM, Argus said:

She'll probably be out in a couple of months.

A teenage girl just received a jail sentence for 8 months for slapping a soldier on her property, a few hours after another Israeli soldier shot her cousin's head and you want to downplay this, like even 2 months would be okay?

Your moral compass is all out of whack.

On 3/22/2018 at 5:47 PM, Argus said:

She is no innocent but a regular activist.

An activist cannot be innocent? Listen to yourself.


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7 hours ago, marcus said:

A teenage girl just received a jail sentence for 8 months for slapping a soldier on her property, a few hours after another Israeli soldier shot her cousin's head and you want to downplay this, like even 2 months would be okay?

Your moral compass is all out of whack.

An activist cannot be innocent? Listen to yourself.



Start a war and lose and you get exactly what you deserve.

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Here is another example of the apartheid state, where there is one rule for the chosen ones, and one rule for the occupied ones. 

Israeli killer gets community service– and Ahed Tamimi gets 8 months for slapping

There is nothing just or moral about supremacism or a supremacist state. Not only are Jewish supremacists (Zionists) hateful and immoral people but – like all supremacists – they are hypocrites for advocating and defending their preferred brand of evil while condemning similar evil committed against members of their collective.

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1 hour ago, DogOnPorch said:


The Arabs are also free to discuss terms. But coming to terms with the Israelis isn't Islam's goal.

I wasn't aware she was free to discuss terms.  Seems like a lot of authority to invest in a teenager.

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6 hours ago, TTM said:

I wasn't aware she was free to discuss terms.  Seems like a lot of authority to invest in a teenager.


Ah yes...yea olde "Won't somebody think of the children??"

Tell me....what would happen to you if you slapped an RCMP officer? 

Would you get a reward?

If you explained that the RCMP officer was on your door stoop...so hitting him was okay.....would that work in keeping you out of lock-up?

Be honest, now...

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