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Global Non-Military Islamic Jihad and Canada


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I have been studying this issue for quite some time, and will reveal a piece of the "big" picture. In short, the Muslim Brotherhood have developed a "Global Jihad" strategy over many decades as a means to infiltrate all Western nations via the Left parties

In (political) Islam, there are a number of non-military types of jihad warfare: social, political, financial and immigration-based. These types of jihad are extremely covert and have been developed to meticulous detail. These types of jihad are used to set the ground for the eventual implementation of Sharia law. While Sharia is complex, I will condense it into three main points:
1. You can not criticize Islam
2. You can not criticize the Qur'an
3. You can not criticize Muhammad (Islamic prophet)
...I will henceforth refer to these as "The Big Three".

All forms of non-military jihad are developed and deployed to graduate Sharia into kafir (non-Muslim) nations. Following is a breakdown of Canadian federal/global status of this massive non-military global jihad.

M-103 is was tabled by Iqra Khalid (ties to Muslim Brotherhood) as a means to graduate The Big Three into Canada. It is a means to empower Left Islamic apologists to shut down all criticisms of Islam by merely pointing their finger at anyone who criticizes it and calling them an "Islamophobe"; a term invented by the Muslim Brotherhood. This is social jihad and a direct attack on freedom of speech, as freedom of speech must be destroyed in order for Sharia to take hold. Many Western have already adopted similar.

"Political Correctness" is another Muslim Brotherhood invention whereupon Western democracies' ability to criticize and speak openly is subjugated. This movement has been levied against the West for decades, speaking to the immense scale of this global jihad. It is all orchestrated by political Islam.

Take-over of broadcasting/media to facilitate pro-Muslim propaganda.

The Muslim Brotherhood "scout" for up-and-coming impressionable politicians to be recruited and utilized to inject pro-Islam sentiments into Western democracy. The greatest example is Barack Obama; he was recruited, educated, and placed in the U.S. Oval office to perpetuate the Middle East crisis in order to continue the immigration-based Jihad into the world. He is a jihadist. Similarly, Justin Trudeau has also been recruited and fashioned to be pro-Islamic. As such, he is also categorically a jihadist (not terrorist, but definitely jihadist). This also works on ALL levels of government: social services, legal/judiciary etc. It is a massive project and there are many "inserts" presently in our own house.

In Islam, there is a concept known as "jizya", which is taking wealth from non-Muslims are forwarding it back into the "cause of Allah" and jihad. There are many ways to do this; I will provide examples to follow.

The U.N. members' Islamic representation are pushing for centralization of global immigration. This is all brokered by George Soros, hence JT's close ties to him. This is why Canada is receiving so many Muslim immigrants; it is immigration-based jihad. The purpose is to "saturate" non-Muslim countries with Muslims who will eventually out-breed everyone else. Muslims are actually told to have many children, as on the political side of the Jihad, nations are persuaded to provide excessive support (as above).

There are probably many more forms of jihad, but these seem to be the main ones.

Now here in Canada, notice:
-M-103 tabled by Iqra Khalid (social jihad)
-Mass Immigration (immigration-based jihad)
-Social Services and accommodations to inbound Muslims (financial jihad; jizya)
-JT paying out terrorists (financial jihad; jizya)
-Carbon Taxation (financial jihad; jizya)
-CBC owned/operated by Saudi Arabia financing (social jihad)
-Military bases handed over to Muslims /w prayer mats, Qur'ans etc. (unbelievably stupid)
-Muslim presence in immigration and national defense (political jihad)

What we are witnessing is a highly coordinated, decades-long systematic jihad on the West. Here in Canada, the Liberals under Trudeau are completely oblivious to the above (given their passing of motion M-103) and Justin Trudeau is actually aiding and abetting a hostile foreign entity. In Islam, the "default" stance against non-Muslim nations is one of war.

I have emailed this information to all 333 members of Parliament, which includes the Brotherhood members.

On the global scale, Clinton/Abedin were slated to win the U.S. elections and continue the onslaught of immigration; however, Trump unexpectedly won and has thus far done immense damage to this global jihad project; notice the 11 Saudi Princes detained? They held shares/influence in such things as social media, arms deals, logistics etc. Trump rejected the UN's global immigration because he "knows" the big picture. Notice his attempted Muslim travel ban? Obama spent 8 years in the U.S. intentionally destroying it from within, despite his acutely maintained public image. He is likely one of the most dangerous jihadists on the planet due to how much power he has as an individual.

Britain, France, UK, Germany are all cracking at the seams, with places such as Sweden being complete write-offs.

My intention is not to create fear, or panic, but rather awareness. This is "The Grand Jihad" on the West, and is Islam's final play on the global scale due to the immensity of the project. Even the MB knows that once their plan is outed in full, they won't have another shot because the world will see Islam for what it truly is; barbarism.

The Qur'an is a concoction of Syro-Aramaic Christian Liturgical texts collected around the areas of Syria/Iraq including various apocryphal gospels. All original source materials to produce the Qur'an were burned by Uthman circa 650AD. Muhammad is a fictional character developed well after the rise of Islam; the historical conqueror was (likely) a Catholic Bishop named Lothar Schmalfuss who was overlooked for pope; defecting and creating a new "Christianity". The historical "Muhammad", according to Islamic sources, killed almost everyone who challenged his prophetic claims. He was, quite frankly, a conquering warlord who was addicted to sex, and allowed his followers to take female sex slaves. Notice the rape gangs in Europe; in times of jihad, rape is acceptable for non-Muslim women.

Justin Trudeau and his Liberals are committing treason on a scale so incredibly vast, it is almost sick to think about. I don't know who to reach out to, but I hope this information reaches someone who can help do something about it. There are two possibilities regarding the psychology of JT: either he is completely ignorant of the true nature of Islam and simply riding his own power trip, or he is an authentic jihadist as BO. I assume the former; he strikes me as completely inept on matters requiring critical analysis from an objective standpoint. It's almost as though he is brainwashed.

-Protect Freedom of Speech/Expression at all costs (M-103 must be killed)
-Justin Trudeau must be pursued for his treason
-West must stop capitulating to Islam's demands and reaffirm their own: freedom of speech, freedom of expression, equality, and maintaining a climate/atmosphere devoid of fear.
-Awareness as to the true nature of Islam; since its inception, 270 000 000 people have died in jihad, two of every three being Muslims.

I hope this information reaches someone in a position to take some action; I have already notified all 333 sitting members, but rest assured, these people are simply not very intelligent; and these are the people we rely on to "protect" Canada.

The West is thus being covertly attacked by non-military jihad, and our house is completely capitulated toward Islam. Make no mistake; the more we capitulate to Islam, the more people that will die/suffer in the near-distant future.

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5 hours ago, 9-18-1 said:

The West is thus being covertly attacked by non-military jihad, and our house is completely capitulated toward Islam. Make no mistake; the more we capitulate to Islam, the more people that will die/suffer in the near-distant future.

Well, the solution has been obvious for decades, the Wests righties need to take responsibility and eliminate all the lefties. Do we not have ANY 2nd Amendment folks in Canada who know what needs to be done?

Right wingers are truly the flakiest pussies on the planet bar none. Its no wonder Allahu is so Akbar.


Justin Trudeau and his Liberals are committing treason on a scale so incredibly vast, it is almost sick to think about. I don't know who to reach out to,

Like I said give the 2nd Amendment folks a call.

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13 hours ago, 9-18-1 said:

"Political Correctness" is another Muslim Brotherhood invention whereupon Western democracies' ability to criticize and speak openly is subjugated. This movement has been levied against the West for decades, speaking to the immense scale of this global jihad. It is all orchestrated by political Islam.

Plenty of academic literature suggests that political correctness has vastly different origins. 

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If there are any individuals here who question the Jihad attack on freedom of speech in the West, simply take a look at this video:


This man was arrested in Britain for quoting Winston Churchill. All he did was step up and begin the quote, and he was promptly arrested.

Now do you see how serious this is? Can you people please wake up, look around the world, and understand the "big picture"? This is a global attack on freedom of speech instigated by Islamic jihad, coordinated by globalists such as Hungarian billionaire George Soros, funded by Saudi Princes (think 9-11 to start the immigration attack). M-103 is designed to slowly introduce Islamic anti-blasphemy laws so that the above measures becomes commonplace.

Why does the U.N., who has a huge Islamic presence, want to "centralize" global immigration?
Why does Trudeau consider Aga Khan a spiritual leader/mentor?
Why is Canada's immigration minister a Muslim?
Why is Canada pushing for mass immigration?
Why did Trudeau buy into Soros' immigration plan?
Why did Trump move to ban all immigration from Muslim countries?
Why did the 11 Saudi Princes get purged?
Why did Huma Abedin/Clinton want to increase immigration in the U.S.?

Is it not obvious yet?


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What we are witnessing is a highly coordinated, decades-long systematic jihad on the West.

I just selected one aspect of the horseshit you posted.  There is no decades-long systematic plan, there is no plan for Sharia law.  You made it up, and this is evidenced by the complete lack of evidence.  It's bullshit scare mongering, and we heard this when M103 was being discussed, that we were weeks away from a Sharia state in Canada.  Or when ISIS appeared.  As soon as things change we get a new round of internet bullshit.

These are just more of the low-quality internet lies that are spread for the politically naive to pick up.

As I said, you have no cites for any of this, for example this:


-Carbon Taxation (financial jihad; jizya)
-CBC owned/operated by Saudi Arabia financing (social jihad)


Please provide a single cite from a credible source that backs this up.

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27 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

I just selected one aspect of the horseshit you posted.  There is no decades-long systematic plan, there is no plan for Sharia law.  You made it up, and this is evidenced by the complete lack of evidence.  It's bullshit scare mongering, and we heard this when M103 was being discussed, that we were weeks away from a Sharia state in Canada.  Or when ISIS appeared.  As soon as things change we get a new round of internet bullshit.

I can already tell your head is not even in the game. Read and understand the implications of:

These are just more of the low-quality internet lies that are spread for the politically naive to pick up.

As I said, you have no cites for any of this, for example this:


Please provide a single cite from a credible source that backs this up.

Learn who Tarek Fatah is; he is a Muslim warning Canadians about CBC's alignment with Radical Islamism:


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So a post from the CBC news about an arms deal with Saudi Arabia means that Sauda Arabia runs the CBC ?  What rational person would make such a conclusion.

I know about Tarek Fatah, and whatever that link is, I have no desire to put a virus on my computer.  Let the record show I gave you a chance (one chance) to defend your ridiculous scare-mongering.  I do a good job of warning people off posts like yours on the internet.

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29 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

So a post from the CBC news about an arms deal with Saudi Arabia means that Sauda Arabia runs the CBC ?  What rational person would make such a conclusion.

I know about Tarek Fatah, and whatever that link is, I have no desire to put a virus on my computer.  Let the record show I gave you a chance (one chance) to defend your ridiculous scare-mongering.  I do a good job of warning people off posts like yours on the internet.


You do a good job because you're obvious.

No further discourse..

To the rest, observe this example of an individual who:
1. Immediately takes hostile attitude.
2. Obviously did not read the first article and deduce the connection; or avoided it. The article being from CBC has nothing to do with the connection.
3. Didn't even open the second link touting "virus"; this link provides further discourse from prominent individuals who actually confirm further the CBC's involvement with pro-Sharia institutions.
4. Admits to knowing Tarek, who is a prominent anti-Islamism Muslim, thereby I'm assuming he is a forum plant.

I know these kinds of people play games trying to manipulate public opinion on forums to draw away attention from all of this jihad by bashing the other and trying to assert a dominant position. Look at the tactics and manner of response.

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Interestingly, I looked up the Churchill quote Weston was making when arrested. Churchill wrote it in a book called the River War, about his time as a British officer in Sudan.

'Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the faith: all know how to die but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. 

'No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith.'

Churchill was a very insightful man. It's hard to argue with those words given what has happened in the Muslim world since he wrote this.



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19 hours ago, Argus said:

Interestingly, I looked up the Churchill quote Weston was making when arrested. Churchill wrote it in a book called the River War, about his time as a British officer in Sudan.

'Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the faith: all know how to die but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. 

'No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith.'

Churchill was a very insightful man. It's hard to argue with those words given what has happened in the Muslim world since he wrote this.

I concur, and always point to a very revealing quote from Mark Twain:

"That is a simple rule, and easy to remember. When I, a thoughtful and unblessed Presbyterian, examine the Koran, I know that beyond any question every Mohammedan is insane; not in all things, but in religious matters. " -Twain

Notice his use of the term "Mohammedan" rather than Muslim.

It is most fitting to describe Muslims as Mohammedans; the entire premise of their religion is to adapt their own behavior to that of Muhammad by imitating his "example" as outlined by the sunnah. As such, they are imitators of a conceptual image of a man, thus idolators, thereby breaking one of the Ten Commandments.

Additionally, in order to join Islam, one must perform the shahada, which is a testimony/witness statement that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his final prophet. As such, all behaviors resulting from such a declaration (including jihad) finds its roots on this witness statement. This violates yet another commandment; bearing witness against thy neighbor, as the Qur'an is a concoction of Syro-Aramaic Christian liturgical texts; the sources of which were burned by Uthman.

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Argus, if you make the choice to encourage posters like this (over more reasonable posters who simply disagree with your views on some topic) then you are just hastening the demise of dialogue on here, and the forum itself.  If people can't agree on facts, the idea of discussion is unnecessary.

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22 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Argus, if you make the choice to encourage posters like this (over more reasonable posters who simply disagree with your views on some topic) then you are just hastening the demise of dialogue on here, and the forum itself.  If people can't agree on facts, the idea of discussion is unnecessary.

You're some piece of work; who are you to police what people express? Judging your post history, you have an obnoxiously supremacist attitude about you, and many people seem to see through it.

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1 minute ago, 9-18-1 said:

You're some piece of work; who are you to police what people express? Judging your post history, you have an obnoxiously supremacist attitude about you, and many people seem to see through it.

You don't judge what some people express ?  How did evolution spare you ?

I don't have a supremacist attitude, but instead I seek out the views of people who are thoughtful and challenge my view of the world... based on facts though.  The idea that there's a conspiracy out there, that millions of people are sheep that are fooled by the mainstream media is supremacist.

And yet, paradoxically, it's rooted in fear and suspicion as much as it is in vanity.

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8 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

You don't judge what some people express ?  How did evolution spare you ?

I don't have a supremacist attitude, but instead I seek out the views of people who are thoughtful and challenge my view of the world... based on facts though.  The idea that there's a conspiracy out there, that millions of people are sheep that are fooled by the mainstream media is supremacist.

And yet, paradoxically, it's rooted in fear and suspicion as much as it is in vanity.

It's not a conspiracy; the Qur'an outlines exactly what the goal is; to spread Islam across the entire world. They have been doing it for the past 1400 years, and over 270 000 000 people are dead as a result. Not even Muslims hide this fact.

If you are looking for "facts", especially regarding motive for such widespread collusion, I'd start with the Qur'an. Then read the Sunnah/Hadith for political doctrines. Now you know why 9/11 happened; to begin the migrant crisis a.k.a. immigration-based jihad. Now you know why the U.N. wants to centralize immigration etc.

Facts do not lose their veracity on account of individuals (such as yourself) either being too short-sighted and/or incapable of digesting geopolitics.

Finally, regarding your reference to "fear", read of the man who used it as a sole political means:



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Facts do not lose their veracity on account of individuals (such as yourself) either being too short-sighted and/or incapable of digesting geopolitics.

There are no facts stated, just crazy shit you made up.  9/11 was started to create the migrant crisis ?  Wow, that is rich. 

I guess someone who can see 15 years in the future as you can is justified in calling others "incapable of digesting geopolitics".

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16 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

There are no facts stated, just crazy shit you made up.  9/11 was started to create the migrant crisis ?  Wow, that is rich. 

I guess someone who can see 15 years in the future as you can is justified in calling others "incapable of digesting geopolitics".

Page 4:

“Enablement of Islam in North America, meaning: establishing an effective and a stable Islamic Movement led by the Muslim Brotherhood which adopts Muslims’ causes domestically and globally, and which works to expand the observant Muslim base, aims at unifying and directing Muslims’ efforts, presents Islam as a civilization alternative, and supports the global Islamic State wherever it is.”

Page 5:

“…the Movement must plan and struggle to obtain “the keys” and the tools of this process in carry out [sic] this grand mission as a ‘Civilization Jihadist’ responsibility.”

Page 7:

The process of settlement is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ with all the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers…”

“[W]e must possess a mastery of the art of ‘coalitions’, the art of ‘absorption’ and the principles of ‘cooperation.’”

Page 18:

“A list of our organizations and the organizations of our friends” – This is where the Muslim Brotherhood listed its front groups in the U.S.. Note that prominent organizations like CAIR, ISNA, ICNA and others are named here.



And this document was used in a legal proceeding. Did I make this up?

Regarding foresight; if you engage in theory of mind, understand the patterns of conduct by prominent world leaders, and juxtapose it with their public interactions/engagements, you can most definitely project 15 years into the future, including all possible outcomes. Have you ever played chess? It's like that. You can calculate moves, you know?

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26 minutes ago, 9-18-1 said:

if you engage in theory of mind, understand the patterns of conduct by prominent world leaders, and juxtapose it with their public interactions/engagements, you can most definitely project 15 years into the future, including all possible outcomes. Have you ever played chess? It's like that. You can calculate moves, you know?

This is also ridiculous.  Calculating 15 years into the future is orders of magnitude more complex than chess, and ....



The number of distinct 40-move games is far greater than the number of electrons in the observable universe.

Go and join the CIA ... NOW.  They need you.

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2 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Does that make it true ?  I don't have to accept your anti-Muslim group any more than you have to accept the Koran.

Do I really need to explain sourcing and objectivity to you ?

Well, when you have a document stating there are organizations involved with the process, and those organizations are named, they exist, and have ties to terrorist organizations (or are them) then yes, it does make it true. I'm not part of a group, neither am I anti-Muslim. I don't accept the Qur'an, I accept that others not only accept it, but live by the word of it. This is obvious, because they claim it is the perfect word of God.

I see right through you, and it seems the majority of others do as well.


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9 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

This is also ridiculous.  Calculating 15 years into the future is orders of magnitude more complex than chess, and ....


Go and join the CIA ... NOW.  They need you.

Don't generalize; it depends on the calculation. There is no such things as orders of magnitude when there is a rich history demonstrating discernible patterns stretching back 1400 years. Accordingly, when Sharia reaches a certain point in any non-Muslim society, the bottom falls out and a systematic process follows. I recommend you read Sharia law; not the public access version, either.

I would never join the CIA; these three-letter institutions are presently cesspools of corruption and blackmail. But let me guess, it's your job to keep people attached to the mainstream narrative and attack those who challenge it. Well, you've done a good job demonstrating that thus far.

You're very obvious.

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14 minutes ago, 9-18-1 said:

1. Well, when you have a document stating there are organizations involved with the process, and those organizations are named, they exist, and have ties to terrorist organizations (or are them) then yes, it does make it true.

2. I don't accept the Qur'an, I accept that others not only accept it, but live by the word of it.  

3. I see right through you, and it seems the majority of others do as well.


1. So... we have a "document" that "states" things... and that makes it true ?  

2. Why not ?  It is a "document" that "states" things.

3. It seems that you are able to judge after all.  That's good.  You should be very wary of people like me.


4. There is no such things as orders of magnitude when there is a rich history demonstrating discernible patterns stretching back 1400 years. Accordingly, when Sharia reaches a certain point in any non-Muslim society, the bottom falls out and a systematic process follows. I recommend you read Sharia law; not the public access version, either.

5. I would never join the CIA; these three-letter institutions are presently cesspools of corruption and blackmail. But let me guess, it's your job to keep people attached to the mainstream narrative and attack those who challenge it. Well, you've done a good job demonstrating that thus far.

4. This is all made-up mumbo jumbo.  You are again just stating bullshit you made up and claiming it's fact.  We have a lot of posts like that on here, unfortunately.  Give me an example of a western nation that has had the 'bottom fall out' due to Sharia law.  

5. The mainstream press is accountable for what it rights, because millions of people follow what they say.  You are not accountable, and can make up paranoid theories of Muslims, unicorns, or Starbucks attacking us.  


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10 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

1. So... we have a "document" that "states" things... and that makes it true ?  

If it aligns with observation, yes, there is a good chance it is true.

2. Why not ?  It is a "document" that "states" things.

It is treated as the word of God but is actually a concoction of Syro-Aramaic Christian liturgical texts. See the work of Christoph Luxenberg:


3. It seems that you are able to judge after all.  That's good.  You should be very wary of people like me.

It's not people like me who already know your bias/partisanship, it is others who should be weary. Thankfully you have put all of your partisanship and antics on display for everyone to judge for themselves. Usually people who use ad hominem are weak individuals.

4. This is all made-up mumbo jumbo.  You are again just stating bullshit you made up and claiming it's fact.  We have a lot of posts like that on here, unfortunately.  Give me an example of a western nation that has had the 'bottom fall out' due to Sharia law.  

North Africa, Iraq, Egypt, Persia etc. What happened? Well, Islam.

5. The mainstream press is accountable for what it rights, because millions of people follow what they say.  You are not accountable, and can make up paranoid theories of Muslims, unicorns, or Starbucks attacking us.  

You mean "writes" not "rights" I assume?

They even have forum jihadists now; this thread is almost proof. It's blatantly obvious now.


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On 12/15/2017 at 9:21 AM, Argus said:

Interestingly, I looked up the Churchill quote Weston was making when arrested. Churchill wrote it in a book called the River War, about his time as a British officer in Sudan.

'Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the faith: all know how to die but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. 

'No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith.'

Churchill was a very insightful man. It's hard to argue with those words given what has happened in the Muslim world since he wrote this.



He was arrested for that?  I hope he was compensated.

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1 minute ago, 9-18-1 said:

He won't be; this sort of systemic shut-down of freedom of speech (regarding Islam) is rampant all over the world, and people like Michael Hardner are forum plants to draw attention away from it.

No he isn't.  You've been on here five minutes, how would you know? 

I agree that freedom of speech is not as highly valued in many parts of the world as I would like.  My home country (UK) has shown itself to be particularly pathetic in that regard.

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