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RCMP will not report on illegals entering Canada.

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1 hour ago, GostHacked said:

I am following the flow of the convo, if my points are not logical, it might be based on notions of the post I replied to.

We should NOT be letting in every singe refugee. Scrutinize them and send them back if need be. There are legal ways to enter the nation. Otherwise I would treat it like a break and enter situation.

You simply don't accept just anyone coming into your own home, why should we treat it differently on a national scale? The numbers need to be reported for many reasons. If resources are going to be properly allocated, then we need to know how many are coming over and from where.  Temp housing, medical needs, wages for those who are monitoring the problem,  and many other things are being paid for by taxpayers for people who do not even have Canadian citizenship.

1  - How many are coming over compared to last year?

2 - How much is this going to cost us?

I don't think that we will ever know as to how many of these criminal so-called refugees are entering Canada. If one could get this information from the government it would be great but I doubt that this will be possible. It supposedly is getting worse, and will probably get much worse once summer gets here. 

If there is some way of finding this out will someone let me know. :)

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18 hours ago, Omni said:

People who emigrate here have to follow Canadian law or end up in court. If your xenophobic state of mind takes you down a different road then that's your problem. Canada is much better than that.

Canada is starting to appear to be getting worse, not better. But I am pretty sure that the liberals will make things right, right?  

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3 minutes ago, taxme said:

Canada is starting to appear to be getting worse, not better. But I am pretty sure that the liberals will make things right, right?  

Just because you have some sort of weird fear of non white people doesn't mean that our country is getting "worse". The people of Canada will make things right, as they always have.

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11 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:

Yes, because private prayer clubs do not force religion on students in a public institution, whereas mandatory Christian prayers and ceremony do.  I have tried to explain this difference to you several times.  I don't want to accuse you of misleading people, so I'll recuse myself from this discussion from you and conclude that you just can't understand this difference.

Maybe not yet. But because of their being able to take over a computer room and are able to turn it into an Islamic prayer room should never be allowed to have ever been even suggested in the first place. Try having a Christian prayer room set aside for Christians, and take away the use for others of a computer room,and I am pretty sure that this would never be allowed. It would be struck out at home plate.  

What you are not understanding here is that this is Canada, and the host Canadians should not be forced to give up a computer room for any religion, especially a foreign one. . Those students parents are paying for that room, with their taxes, and there should be no way that their kids should be denied the right to use that computer room as they see fit. The thing that I despise about Canada the most these days is that we are catering way too much to every foreign religion and culture, and shoving our religion and culture pretty much aside just to please foreigners who should be told that here in Canada no foreign religion or culture will take precedent of Canadian religion and culture or that a computer room will be set aside for you to pray.

I agree as we will never see eye to eye on this topic. And besides you and I have gone way off course from the original thread posted.   

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53 minutes ago, taxme said:

Canada is starting to appear to be getting worse, not better. But I am pretty sure that the liberals will make things right, right?  

No left, left. Your sense of direction among other things is suspect. Hey now the difference between you and me is I have no issues with legitimate refugees and  immigrants who aint white, you do. I disagree with our letting in illegitimate migrants not because of their skin colour or ethnicity but because they undermine our immigration laws and make a travesty of legitimate immigrants and refugees.

You see it as a skin colour issue I see it as a legal issue. That said I do not the media is now beginning to stop using the word refugee and now use the word migrant when describing the illegals flooding into Canada...except of course The Toronto Star (Pravda).

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42 minutes ago, Omni said:

Just because you have some sort of weird fear of non white people doesn't mean that our country is getting "worse". The people of Canada will make things right, as they always have.

Let us hope that Canadians do wake up soon or we will not recognize Canada in another couple of decades. Those non-whites, and their strange cultures and traditions, will eventually take over our culture and traditions, and they will then be controlling the lives of our children and grandchildren. We see it today happening in our schools.

Believe it or not. :D 

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26 minutes ago, Omni said:

Just because you have some sort of weird fear of non white people doesn't mean that our country is getting "worse". The people of Canada will make things right, as they always have.

It's not a fear of non white people. Many who cross the border are simply looking for a better life and they cannot go through legal means, so they go this way when all other options are exhausted. I don't have a problem with letting people in via refugee status, but I would be keeping a close eye on them and having them sign off on many things before given some freedom.

The numbers increased dramatically over the last year of people crossing the border from the US into Canada. Typically the numbers are less than 10 a month up to a couple years ago where it slowly increased to like 15/month.  Shortly before Trump won the White House, the numbers were getting to like 20+, and now soon after his election, this is going up to the hundreds per month. They don't want to report those numbers because it's staggering on the immediate and dramatic increase of refugees crossing into Canada. That means we need to spend time, manpower (sorry people power for you snowflake SJWs), local and provincial and even federal resources. Healthcare, policing, administration, housing/facilities/transportation/education.... The amount of money that will have to be dedicated to this will take away from other things the government is already cheaping out on. It won't be cheap either!

So it's simply a matter of math and numbers, the more that come across the more resources and money will be needed to handle the problem.  So it seems another prediction of mine came true that I predicted here. That we'd be seeing this scenario playing out.

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1 minute ago, Rue said:

No left, left. Your sense of direction among other things is suspect. Hey now the difference between you and me is I have no issues with legitimate refugees and  immigrants who aint white, you do. I disagree with our letting in illegitimate migrants not because of their skin colour or ethnicity but because they undermine our immigration laws and make a travesty of legitimate immigrants and refugees.

You see it as a skin colour issue I see it as a legal issue. That said I do not the media is now beginning to stop using the word refugee and now use the word migrant when describing the illegals flooding into Canada...except of course The Toronto Star (Pravda).

I have a problem with our present day immigration policy alright. I have a problem with the numbers of non-whites coming to Canada. It is way over what it should be. Approx. 80% of our legal and illegal criminal migrants are entering into Canada at a rate way more than what it should ever be. White people are being replaced slowly by non-whites, and you see no problem with that? But I do. Canada needs to build up it's white population, and only changing our present day immigration policy will help rectify that problem.

If Canada is to remain majority white for decades to come than our present day immigration policy needs to be reversed. There should be a new policy where 80% of our new immigrants are going to come from Britain,Europe, and Australia as it once was before papa trudeau screwed it all up, and changed everything. I have no problem with non-whites immigrating to Canada. I just don't like the numbers. I don't need to be called a racist for saying this. It is only people like yourself that enjoys calling patriots like me racists. We just laugh at you for saying this.

What the media should be doing is calling these migrants entering Canada criminals because they are breaking our laws. These criminals must know that you cannot just enter a country illegally and think that all is alright. They have crossed many countries to surely know this. 

The Toronto Star is nothing more than a fake and phony leftist liberal newspaper rag. They like to attack and label all true Canadian patriots as haters. They are the ones who no how to promote hatred big time. How they stay in business is beyond me. I guess it is because there are people out there that like to read that rag. Deplorable indeed.   

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13 minutes ago, GostHacked said:

It's not a fear of non white people. Many who cross the border are simply looking for a better life and they cannot go through legal means, so they go this way when all other options are exhausted. I don't have a problem with letting people in via refugee status, but I would be keeping a close eye on them and having them sign off on many things before given some freedom.

The numbers increased dramatically over the last year of people crossing the border from the US into Canada. Typically the numbers are less than 10 a month up to a couple years ago where it slowly increased to like 15/month.  Shortly before Trump won the White House, the numbers were getting to like 20+, and now soon after his election, this is going up to the hundreds per month. They don't want to report those numbers because it's staggering on the immediate and dramatic increase of refugees crossing into Canada. That means we need to spend time, manpower (sorry people power for you snowflake SJWs), local and provincial and even federal resources. Healthcare, policing, administration, housing/facilities/transportation/education.... The amount of money that will have to be dedicated to this will take away from other things the government is already cheaping out on. It won't be cheap either!

So it's simply a matter of math and numbers, the more that come across the more resources and money will be needed to handle the problem.  So it seems another prediction of mine came true that I predicted here. That we'd be seeing this scenario playing out.

Many of the people who emigrated to this country were looking for a better life. And by golly, they constructed it. There are costs involved initially of course, especially with refugees (many immigrants come here with technical training that provide them with well paying jobs from day one) and the refugees as well work as best they can to become self supporting. Yes we should continue having controls and adjust limits as we move forward. But I see comments on this thread that clearly demonstrate nothing more than xenophobic impulses.

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16 minutes ago, GostHacked said:

It's not a fear of non white people. Many who cross the border are simply looking for a better life and they cannot go through legal means, so they go this way when all other options are exhausted. I don't have a problem with letting people in via refugee status, but I would be keeping a close eye on them and having them sign off on many things before given some freedom.

The numbers increased dramatically over the last year of people crossing the border from the US into Canada. Typically the numbers are less than 10 a month up to a couple years ago where it slowly increased to like 15/month.  Shortly before Trump won the White House, the numbers were getting to like 20+, and now soon after his election, this is going up to the hundreds per month. They don't want to report those numbers because it's staggering on the immediate and dramatic increase of refugees crossing into Canada. That means we need to spend time, manpower (sorry people power for you snowflake SJWs), local and provincial and even federal resources. Healthcare, policing, administration, housing/facilities/transportation/education.... The amount of money that will have to be dedicated to this will take away from other things the government is already cheaping out on. It won't be cheap either!

So it's simply a matter of math and numbers, the more that come across the more resources and money will be needed to handle the problem.  So it seems another prediction of mine came true that I predicted here. That we'd be seeing this scenario playing out.

My answer to this criminal illegal invasion activity is to grab them at the border, and then take them to the nearest airport, and give them a free plane ride home with a meal. That would be a lot cheaper than having to use all the resources you mentioned above that have to be used to take care of them while they are here after shouting refuge. If people want a better life than do it right. Apply the right way for it. We are under invasion by a bunch of criminals who have already shown that they could careless about our laws. They already have broken the law of many countries already. Boot them out. Works for me, a fed up taxpayer. 

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32 minutes ago, Omni said:

Many of the people who emigrated to this country were looking for a better life. And by golly, they constructed it. There are costs involved initially of course,

And continually, on an ongoing basis, tens of billions of dollars.

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40 minutes ago, taxme said:

We are under invasion by a bunch of criminals who have already shown that they could careless about our laws. They already have broken the law of many countries already. Boot them out. Works for me, a fed up taxpayer. 

Always with the wild accusations. Next will come an anecdotal example, garnered from some nutty right wing website, which is where all this comes from. And the vicious cycle repeats. 

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On 2017-03-29 at 7:35 PM, eyeball said:

The extremer versions white pride you subscribe to, as evidenced by the sources of information you often provide, is a problem for obvious reasons.  I'd have the same issues with any race that expressed its pride in similar fashion.

I have seen native wearing caps that said "Native Pride".    Natives dress up in their traditional costumes and parade around at gatherings or official government ceremonies.  Is that a problem?  If not, why is it a problem for a Caucasians to defend their race or be proud of being Caucasian?  Or are Caucasians supposed to be ashamed?

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Just now, Omni said:

Right, let's where you got those numbers.

You know where I get those numbers as we've discussed this before. I get them from the cost of sustaining tens of thousands of people here who are incapable of supporting themselves, and who will, for the most part, never be able to sustain themselves.

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Just now, Argus said:

You know where I get those numbers as we've discussed this before. I get them from the cost of sustaining tens of thousands of people here who are incapable of supporting themselves, and who will, for the most part, never be able to sustain themselves.

Let me guess, Fraser Institute?

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Just now, Omni said:

Let me guess, Fraser Institute?

The Fraser Institute pegged the cost of immigration to government at $30 billion per year. This was the cost of all those hundreds of thousands of people who came here and were unable to achieve significantly successful employment to the point they were able to render to the fisc sufficient payment to balance the cost of the services provided to them and their families.

With regard to refugees I don't know that they made a separate finding. However, as I've stated before, every other nation which has taken in large numbers of refugees has publicly set out the cost for the first year in the neighborhood of approximately $1.5-3 billion for roughly the same number we've taken in. OUR government has disingenuously given nothing but the cost of administrative processing and bringing them over here. It includes none of the ongoing costs of sustaining them in Canada, as those will largely be taken up by the provinces, territories and municipalities in which they reside.

Logically, however, we know full well that your average high school dropout with extremely poor English and no job skills is extremely unlikely to ever get sufficiently rewarding employment in this country, barring rock star status, to earn enough to actually pay income taxes. I see absolutely zero likelihood this situation would be any different for newcomers from largely rural third world communities with no possession of English/French, and no education which can be cited or used.

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6 minutes ago, Argus said:

The Fraser Institute pegged the cost of immigration to government at $30 billion per year. This was the cost of all those hundreds of thousands of people who came here and were unable to achieve significantly successful employment to the point they were able to render to the fisc sufficient payment to balance the cost of the services provided to them and their families.

With regard to refugees I don't know that they made a separate finding. However, as I've stated before, every other nation which has taken in large numbers of refugees has publicly set out the cost for the first year in the neighborhood of approximately $1.5-3 billion for roughly the same number we've taken in. OUR government has disingenuously given nothing but the cost of administrative processing and bringing them over here. It includes none of the ongoing costs of sustaining them in Canada, as those will largely be taken up by the provinces, territories and municipalities in which they reside.

Logically, however, we know full well that your average high school dropout with extremely poor English and no job skills is extremely unlikely to ever get sufficiently rewarding employment in this country, barring rock star status, to earn enough to actually pay income taxes. I see absolutely zero likelihood this situation would be any different for newcomers from largely rural third world communities with no possession of English/French, and no education which can be cited or used.

A few holes seem to have appeared in that report.


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6 hours ago, hot enough said:

Always with the wild accusations. Next will come an anecdotal example, garnered from some nutty right wing website, which is where all this comes from. And the vicious cycle repeats. 

It is the liberal elite establishment that is causing all the problems, not the right wing. Liberals are responsible for all of the massive non-white immigration that has been going on for decades in all Caucasian countries. And then they add to it by creating a program called multiculturalism which some have labelled it as white genocide. It was not the right wing that created any of this, it is liberalism and zionism that is behind it all. Your wild accusations to believe that it is all the right wings fault is utter nonsense. Who has just allowed approx. 30,000 Syrians into Canada? A left wing Caucasian hating liberal, that's who. Who changed our our past immigration policy in favor of more third world immigration? A liberal, of course. You need to stop and smell the burning toast. 

Edited by taxme
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5 hours ago, Omni said:

A few holes seem to have appeared in that report.


Yup, and that Syrian refugee that came here recently with his wife and nine children will never be a burden on the Canadian taxpayer, eh? Come on who you trying to kid here? We are not all fools out here in dumbo land who think that this guy and his nine children are going to be of any great big benefit for Canada. He may just have more kids and get you and me to pay for it. This is a prime example of how the Caucasian people of Canada are going to be pretty much wiped out if we allow our stupid politically correct politicians to continue on with this present day anti-white immigration policy of ours. They will breed many children while we have less, and instead prefer to party on, and keep listening to the liberals who keep telling them to have less or no children, and just party hearty. The warning signs are there but no Caucasian seems to want to be bothered reading the sign. I guess they just don't care about the future of their children and grandchildren who will have to pay the price for their stupidity. 

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6 hours ago, blackbird said:

I have seen native wearing caps that said "Native Pride".    Natives dress up in their traditional costumes and parade around at gatherings or official government ceremonies.  Is that a problem?  If not, why is it a problem for a Caucasians to defend their race or be proud of being Caucasian?  Or are Caucasians supposed to be ashamed?

Most Caucasians have been so dumbed down and conditioned by the liberal elite establishment that most have this bleeding heart guilt mentality complex that it is all there fault because they are white. They have been conditioned to basically hate themselves just for being white. It has gotten so bad that no one dare stand up for old whitey any more in this country. If they try they will be attacked viciously by our politicians, and the phony establishment liberal media. Racist and possible hate crimes may be thrown at them. :rolleyes:


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13 hours ago, Omni said:

A few holes seem to have appeared in that report.


And the authors of the report replied to their critics the next year. BTW, none of this relates to the discussion at hand with regard to refugees. But anyway.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/4/2017 at 9:14 PM, hot enough said:

Always with the wild accusations. Next will come an anecdotal example, garnered from some nutty right wing website, which is where all this comes from.

Would you believe the CBC?

Nearly half of the asylum seekers crossing the Manitoba border illegally in the last few weeks are being detained because of serious criminal records, suggesting the profile of would-be refugee claimants is changing, according to the union representing border patrol officers.


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18 hours ago, hot enough said:

Evidently it didn't take much. 

I have to agree. The world is full of white people who could careless about what is going on against them, and have been so dumb downed by the media and our politicians that they cannot tell anymore as to what is the truth and what isn't. The only time white people appear interested in something is when it concerns them. Then they talk. I call them one issue wonders. 

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