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Cabinet shuffle part two


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Once again Trudeau seems to be following a politically correct doctrine of appointing people for their skin color and gender rather than demonstrated competence. Four of the six new ministers are women, the others being a francophone man and a Somali with all of one year in politics.

As Andrew Coyne put it last year in terms of numbers:

Women make up just over a quarter of the Liberal caucus, yet they will make up precisely half of cabinet. Your chances of getting into cabinet as a woman are as such roughly three times that of a man: 30 per cent, in a 28-member cabinet, versus 10 per cent.

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Agree with PIK's comments.

I think the new Trade Minister makes sense. He should have been in there from the get go.

Trudeau should have appointed  General Leslie or his current Public Security Minister to Foreign Affairs and  sent Bill Blair to Security. 

Trudeau He surrounds himself with people who he does not feel threatened by and could upstage him, i.e., any male who questions him or has command experience like Leslie and Blair..

Dion wouldn't settle down and kept questioning him about China. Poof he's gone. With Trudeau you better be a yes man and not any threat to him which is why Garneau was passed over on External Affairs and why he didn't appoint Gen. Leslie to Foreign Affairs which would have been the best fit. This is about deep sixing Dion. It has nothing to do with Trump. The last person you send to Trump is someone who Putin laughed off and reverts to crying and having hissy fits in public. Trump and Putin are bully boys. You don't send in a politician whose tactic is to cry when the heat is turned on.

Trudeau picked her because he's a passive aggressive feminine man showing his disdain for two old white men dinosaur pigs.

Its not how you play politics. You don't use your underlings out of spite. He's set her up for failure with the US and Russia.

As for McCallum he is a burned out old piss tank. He could barely stand up at press conferences. Let's see if he makes the flight to Peking.

I predict Dion ends up teaching at Laval or Universite de Montreal or becomes a porn star.

As for the new  Immigration Minister he has an appearance of a conflict of interest. He was part of an association that questions anything to do with limiting immigration in any way shape or form. The Immigration Minister should be neutral yet Trudeau has appointed someone blatantly pro immigration which is just as bad as picking someone blatantly anti immigration.

Don't like the pick. Its crass tokenism.


Edited by Rue
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14 minutes ago, Rue said:

Agree with PIK.  The new Trade Minister makes sense. He should have been in there from the get go.

Trudeau has a General Leslie and a Bill Blair both with senior command experience still in the back benches.

He surrounds himself with people who he does not feel threatened by and could upstage him.

Dion wouldn't settle down and kept questioning him about China. Poof he's gone. With Trudeau you better be a yes man and not any threat to him which is why Garneau was passed over on External Affairs.

As for McCallum he is a burned out old piss tank. He could barely stand up at press conferences. Let's see if he makes the flight to Peking.

I predict Dion ends up teaching at Laval or Universite de Montreal.

As for the Immigration Minister he has an appearance of a conflict of interest. He was part of an association that questions anything to do with limiting immigration in any way shape or form. The Immigration Minister should be neutral yet Trudeau has appointed someone blatantly pro immigration which is just as bad as picking someone blatantly anti immigration.

Don't like the pick. Its crass tokenism. The aboriginal Justice Minister, no one can say she was hired simply because she was aboriginal. Its why they did not put her in the Ministry handling aboriginals. They've set this new Immigration Minister up for failure. He's not going to be able to resist using his office to help immigration lawyers and get involved personally in cases. Won't surprise me to see this guy in a conflict scandal at all.

If Trudeau was serious about Trump he would have picked General Leslie, Garneau or even the current Defence Minister. His choosing who he did, a light-weight who never ran a business was dumb as hell. Then again his Indian Affairs Minister should be the Health Minister and the idiot at Health should be in the back benches As for the idiot who is now removed from Democratic Reform, she should be in the back benches.

Trudeau better smarten up and send a well connected business man to Washington as the Ambassador. The lightweight munchkin in Foreign Affairs is right out of the Wizard of Ozz.


Trump wants to be closer to Russia, our new minster is a huge critic and is banned form going there. Trump is upset about Muslim immigrants, Trudeau puts in a Muslim for immigration., Is he poking the bear, because if he, is that bear is going to bite back.

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8 minutes ago, PIK said:

Trump wants to be closer to Russia, our new minster is a huge critic and is banned form going there. Trump is upset about Muslim immigrants, Trudeau puts in a Muslim for immigration., Is he poking the bear, because if he, is that bear is going to bite back.

Trump wants to put out the dumpster fire.  Good relations make for good business.  If they can do business with China, they can do business with Russia.  My problem is that like with China one must be careful about doing business and not compromise your security and economy (not done so well with China).  Trump wants customers for American products and Russia's 100+ million people is a relatively untapped market.  We will see if trump has the chops to deal with Putin.

As for freeland and rues theory,  freeland did get the deals done, blubbering or not.  Maybe she's a threat and is setting her up to fail. From rues assessment it seems like a very weak government set up so trudeau is clearly in charge (like the Tories under Harper).  Freeland a la Trudeau has next to no influence anymore in dealing with trump and Putin.  Our influence pissed away when or dollar tanked, commodities tanked, and our good finances went out with the Tories.  Paul Martin had more pull than Trudeau - sorry gq magazine doesn't cut it.


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28 minutes ago, blueblood said:

Trump wants to put out the dumpster fire.  Good relations make for good business.  If they can do business with China, they can do business with Russia.  My problem is that like with China one must be careful about doing business and not compromise your security and economy (not done so well with China).  Trump wants customers for American products and Russia's 100+ million people is a relatively untapped market.  We will see if trump has the chops to deal with Putin.

As for freeland and rues theory,  freeland did get the deals done, blubbering or not.  Maybe she's a threat and is setting her up to fail. From rues assessment it seems like a very weak government set up so trudeau is clearly in charge (like the Tories under Harper).  Freeland a la Trudeau has next to no influence anymore in dealing with trump and Putin.  Our influence pissed away when or dollar tanked, commodities tanked, and our good finances went out with the Tories.  Paul Martin had more pull than Trudeau - sorry gq magazine doesn't cut it.


At least Harper had a brain.

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3 hours ago, PIK said:

Trump wants to be closer to Russia, our new minster is a huge critic and is banned form going there. Trump is upset about Muslim immigrants, Trudeau puts in a Muslim for immigration., Is he poking the bear, because if he, is that bear is going to bite back.

It might not be politically correct to say it, but the reason why our traditional open border with the US is so much less open now is basically Muslim immigration. If we didn't have any Muslims the border would likely be the way it used to be. Showing his disdain for Trump's (and let's face facts, America's) paranoia about Muslim immigration by appointing a Muslim refugee to decide who gets into Canada is not the sort of thing which is going to fill the new US government with confidence that Canada is tightly screening the people who come into our country. Quite the contrary, in fact.

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3 hours ago, blueblood said:

As for freeland and rues theory,  freeland did get the deals done, blubbering or not.  Maybe she's a threat and is setting her up to fail. From rues assessment it seems like a very weak government set up so trudeau is clearly in charge (like the Tories under Harper).  Freeland a la Trudeau has next to no influence anymore in dealing with trump and Putin.

Honestly, do you think Trump or Putin are going to respect Trudeau more? If the Liberals wanted a foreign minister who was going to be taken seriously by the Americans and Russians then I agree with Rue. They should have appointed someone with gravitas like Garneau or Leslie.


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37 minutes ago, Argus said:

..... Showing his disdain for Trump's (and let's face facts, America's) paranoia about Muslim immigration by appointing a Muslim refugee to decide who gets into Canada is not the sort of thing which is going to fill the new US government with confidence that Canada is tightly screening the people who come into our country. Quite the contrary, in fact.


Doesn't matter who is appointed to the PM's cabinet....the U.S. border with Canada should have been tightened up long ago, with no special considerations.    The U.S. should not be a destination location for Canada's refugee and immigration program(s), or those refused visas/entry directly to the U.S.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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1 hour ago, Argus said:

Honestly, do you think Trump or Putin are going to respect Trudeau more? If the Liberals wanted a foreign minister who was going to be taken seriously by the Americans and Russians then I agree with Rue. They should have appointed someone with gravitas like Garneau or Leslie.


Trudeau has burned any sort of influence he has with people that matter.  

I also agree with putting in far way and Leslie.

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5 hours ago, blueblood said:

Trump wants to put out the dumpster fire.  Good relations make for good business.  If they can do business with China, they can do business with Russia.  My problem is that like with China one must be careful about doing business and not compromise your security and economy (not done so well with China).  Trump wants customers for American products and Russia's 100+ million people is a relatively untapped market.  We will see if trump has the chops to deal with Putin.

As for freeland and rues theory,  freeland did get the deals done, blubbering or not.  Maybe she's a threat and is setting her up to fail. From rues assessment it seems like a very weak government set up so trudeau is clearly in charge (like the Tories under Harper).  Freeland a la Trudeau has next to no influence anymore in dealing with trump and Putin.  Our influence pissed away when or dollar tanked, commodities tanked, and our good finances went out with the Tories.  Paul Martin had more pull than Trudeau - sorry gq magazine doesn't cut it.


Agree with you as well.

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1 hour ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Doesn't matter who is appointed to the PM's cabinet....the U.S. border with Canada should have been tightened up long ago, with no special considerations.    The U.S. should not be a destination location for Canada's refugee and immigration program(s), or those refused visas/entry directly to the U.S.

In regards to first sentence, problem with the above is that would hurt American business as much as Canadian business. There were many Governors and Senators upset about slowing down cartage between the US and Canada. I don't see Trump making it hard for trucking and rail movement of goods between the borders.

In regards to your second sentence hey man relax. They are  just hockey players or actors. I mean come on Ryan Reynolds could win the Academy Award this year.





Edited by Rue
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2 minutes ago, Rue said:

In regards to first sentence, problem with the above is that would hurt American business as much as Canadian business. There were many Governors and Senators upset about slowing down cartage between the US and Canada. I don't see Trump making it hard for trucking and rail movement of goods between the borders.


I don't care, and I live in a border state.   Trudeau's cabinet should be concerned with Canadian interests, but the U.S. should make the border as thick as possible given Trudeau's stated objectives and actions.   Canada is no different than Mexico in that regard.



In regards to your second sentence hey man relax. They are  just hockey players or actors. I mean come on Ryan Reynolds could win the Academy Award this year.


Many more Canadian illegals are taking American jobs and even trying to vote in U.S. elections.    Trudeau's cabinet should work on developing a stronger economy and jobs without depending so much on the evil Americans.   Even Michael Ignatieff scurried right back across the border to comfy USA.

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Outgoing U.S. ambassador to Canada knows American priorities, as should Trudeau's shuffled cabinet members:



"From a U.S. perspective, the border is security first, trade and travel second. From a Canadian perspective, it's trade and travel first, security second.

- Bruce Heyman


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17 hours ago, Argus said:

Once again Trudeau seems to be following a politically correct doctrine of appointing people for their skin color and gender rather than demonstrated competence. Four of the six new ministers are women, the others being a francophone man and a Somali with all of one year in politics.

As Andrew Coyne put it last year in terms of numbers:

Women make up just over a quarter of the Liberal caucus, yet they will make up precisely half of cabinet. Your chances of getting into cabinet as a woman are as such roughly three times that of a man: 30 per cent, in a 28-member cabinet, versus 10 per cent.

So which ministers are grossly unqualified to be ministers and only hold their position due to their gender or skin colour?

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20 hours ago, Argus said:

Honestly, do you think Trump or Putin are going to respect Trudeau more? If the Liberals wanted a foreign minister who was going to be taken seriously by the Americans and Russians then I agree with Rue. They should have appointed someone with gravitas like Garneau or Leslie.


Neither could care less about Canada. That's always been the case with Putin. He must have wondered who that fat fellow was who nearly bumped into him at the G20. 

Freeland is a good choice. I'd say we have rarely had a MFF who is as well informed about Russia. How many have even been able to speak Russian? 


Edited by SpankyMcFarland
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And the Nikah ceremony is a great symbol of that whole matrimonial practice/process. Sharia fascinates me :)@muradswaleh

This from Trudeau's Minister Of Womens Status.I find it frightening that a woman in her position would be "fascinated" by sharia. I phoned her constituency office for clarification,   but let me guess...nothing to see here?



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 hours ago · 

And the Nikah ceremony is a great symbol of that whole matrimonial practice/process. Sharia fascinates me :)@muradswaleh

This from Trudeau's Minister Of Womens Status.I find it frightening that a woman in her position would be "fascinated" by sharia. I phoned her constituency office for clarification,   but let me guess...nothing to see here?"

I posted this as a thread concerning an elected officials fascination with sharia law. Charles Anthony feels this is not relevant.

Charles is a discussion kiler  and it's not surprising very few people post here.


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