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Army Corps backs restraining order against Dakota Access Pipeline

#NoDAPL resisters clashed with private security guards at a Dakota Access Pipeline construction site near Cannon Ball, North Dakota, on September 3, 2016. Photo by Dell Hambleton

In a sign of solidarity with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe, the Obama administration is supporting an emergency temporary restraining order against the $3.8 billion Dakota Access Pipeline.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers hasn't changed its position in the underlying lawsuit, which was filed by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. The agency still believes it fulfilled its duty to consult with the tribe about the impacts of the controversial pipeline on cultural and historic sites.

However, since the matter remains of great public interest, the Obama administration believes a temporary restraining order is warranted against Dakota Access LLC, the Department of Justice said in a court filing on Monday. Construction near the #NoDAPL resistance camps has been the "subject of several recent confrontations," government attorneys wrote, including one on Saturday in which several people -- a pregnant woman and a young girl among them -- were injured in a clash with private security guards working for the pipeline partnership.

"The Corps acknowledges that the public interest would be served by preserving peace near Lake Oahe until the court can render its well-considered opinion on plaintiff's motion for preliminary injunction," government attorneys wrote in the short filing. "The Corps therefore does not oppose this short and discrete temporary restraining order."

In a footnote, the Obama administration also said the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe's concerns about Dakota Access "engaging with or antagonizing" the #NoDAPL resisters warranted a restraining order.

Those were private security using dogs and mace.

It's a worldwide phenomenon, wherever corporate capitalism wages war on the earth and the people who defend it.

I will add ...

The people walked forward and stopped the bulldozers.

The people can't be stopped.


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The people have the power, the people have the power.....right jacee? Unless of course it's something that jacee doesn't like....for example the soldiers of odin. What a hypocrite.

Maybe I'm just exposing people who defend the white supremacist dipsh!ts. :D

/thread drift

We can't afford the damage done by pipelines.

It takes a lot of effort and a lot of people to stop them.

But only Indigenous people have legal recourse.

The malicious action of the company is pretty disgusting, sending bulldozers to desecrate ancient sites as soon as those sites were identified in court filings.


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The only way the switch to renewables has happened and will happen is if we obstruct the fossil fuel industry.

It's working.


That's not true at all.

Oil prices are pretty low right now, to the point that even Carbon Taxes aren't really convincing people not to use gasoline as a source of transportation. I'm sure if there was a good alternative to gasoline powered cars, people would be all over it.

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We can't afford the damage done by pipelines.

We can't live without the energy delivered by pipelines. If you don't build pipelines then it moves by rail and road or ship.

It takes a lot of effort and a lot of people to stop them.

Why do small minorities get to decide how society should trade off competing interests? Complex problems like this require compromise. Simply blocking pipelines is not compromise. Your attitude is ethically no different from the evangelicals that bully women trying to get an abortion. By supporting these kinds of protests you are implicitly acknowledging that people who oppose abortion are entitled to harass whoever they want in the name of 'stopping evil'.

The malicious action of the company is pretty disgusting, sending bulldozers to desecrate ancient sites as soon as those sites were identified in court filings.

Natives can make up whatever crap they want about 'ancient sites'. That does not mean it has any merit. Edited by TimG
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Natives can make up whatever crap they want about 'ancient sites'. That does not mean it has any merit.

That is for the court to decide.

But the company - Energy Transfer Inc. - obviously believed it because they sent the bulldozers in to try to destroy any physical evidence as soon as the site was identified in court filings. And they attacked protesters with dogs and mace.

And now the world knows it.

Obama approved an immediate temporary injunction against the company, halting work until the case is heard.

Now Energy Transfer goes to court with 'unclean hands', looking like the vicious corporate monster they are for using dogs to attack peaceful protesters who were using the courts to pursue their case.

It's not looking good for their pipeline.

Energy Transfer ... corporate thugs ... going down. :D


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The first time a city or state runs short of fuel because of lack of pipelines these protestors are gonna start getting beat up and run out of town by 'the people"

Oooo ... are we supposed to be scared?

Thugs are thugs.

When they expose themselves as thugs ... protesters win!! ?


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Oil prices are pretty low right now, to the point that even Carbon Taxes aren't really convincing people not to use gasoline as a source of transportation. I'm sure if there was a good alternative to gasoline powered cars, people would be all over it.

Energy companies are working on that:


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Great! They aren't doing it because of obstructionist environmentalists that are worried about Indian burial grounds though.

It's certainly a big factor:

Northern Gateway pipeline approval overturned:

Federal Court of Appeal finds Canada failed to consult with First Nations on pipeline project

June 30, 2016

But I also recognize that there are people in the energy industry who understand that the industry must diversify.


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It's certainly a big factor:

Northern Gateway pipeline approval overturned:

Federal Court of Appeal finds Canada failed to consult with First Nations on pipeline project

June 30, 2016

But I also recognize that there are people in the energy industry who understand that the industry must diversify.


It's not a big factor!

People are hypocrites, they have no problem getting their oil imported from the Middle East but moving domestic oil across the country? WILL SOMEONE THINK OF THE BURIAL GROUNDS!!!!!

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It's a worldwide phenomenon,

It is uncommon even in the uSA...... Obama approved thousands of kms of domestic pipelines during his tenure. Refinery and port upgrades He repealed the law banning US export of crude oil, he approved LNG facilities......

So sorry to bring facts into your fantasies...

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It's certainly a big factor:

Northern Gateway pipeline approval overturned:

Federal Court of Appeal finds Canada failed to consult with First Nations on pipeline project

June 30, 2016

But I also recognize that there are people in the energy industry who understand that the industry must diversify.


Increasingly, people in the energy industry understand that they are hated in Canada, and will pack up their investment plans, issue a trainload of pink slips, and head off to one of the other energy exporters on the planet, all of whom will welcome them with open arms.

Major Canadian Corporations like Enbridge(announced today) and Trans Canada(a couple months ago) are embracing diversity by acquiring and merging with big US companies. The next announcement will be that they will close their HQ in Canada and move those jobs elsewhere. I know you'll cheer when that happens, could you also bring a can of beans for the Food Bank to the party? Your neighbours will get hungry when the pogey runs out.

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Increasingly, people in the energy industry understand that they are hated in Canada, and will pack up their investment plans, issue a trainload of pink slips, and head off to one of the other energy exporters on the planet, all of whom will welcome them with open arms.

Major Canadian Corporations like Enbridge(announced today) and Trans Canada(a couple months ago) are embracing diversity by acquiring and merging with big US companies. The next announcement will be that they will close their HQ in Canada and move those jobs elsewhere. I know you'll cheer when that happens, could you also bring a can of beans for the Food Bank to the party? Your neighbours will get hungry when the pogey runs out.

"hatred" has nothing to do with it.

Change happens.

I understand that it's difficult for workers and their families when an industry changes or stops operating and jobs are lost.

Blacksmiths and stable hands were upset when cars put them out of business.

Etc etc

Change happens.

And the change from fossil fuels to renewable energy is happening, can't be stopped.


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The industry has not changed at all. The demand for oil globally is increasing, and your illogical and simply wrong fantasies nothwithstanding, the jobs are not disappearing- they are just leaving Canada and so is the means to pay for your Brave New World. I lose. You lose. Every other oil exporter wins.

Well played by your side. Enjoy the result, and be prepared for a savage and very real backlash in the quality of your life. Turdeau/Canada will run out of credit sooner now.

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This will be a turning point in the violent corporate methods used against Indigenous Peoples in the Americas.

I guess corporate thug dog handlers need jobs too? :/


This section of the pipeline path contained archeological sites, including Lakota/Dakota burial grounds. The tribe had supplied the locations of the sites in a court filing just the day before, seeking a temporary halt to construction to fully investigate them. With those locations in hand, the Dakota Access Pipeline crew literally plowed ahead. Standing Rock Sioux Tribal Chairman David Archambault told us on the Democracy Now! news hour: "They were using the dogs as a deadly weapon. ... They knew something was going to happen when they leapfrogged over 15 miles of undisturbed land to destroy our sacred sites ... they were prepared. They hired a company that had guard dogs, and then they came in, and then they waited. And it was by the time we saw what was going on, it was too late. Everything was destroyed. They desecrated our ancestral gravesites. They just destroyed prayer sites."

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