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America under President Trump

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15 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


True...why do you worry so much about Trump/NATO ?    Obviously Canada is less committed to the alliance based on defence spending goals, agreed to by NATO long before Trump became president.

Trump was never going to play chess...because that's how things got the way they are.   Checkers cuts through all the BS.

Yeah like handing syria over to russia.  Keep playing checkers like that and see when russia calls checkmate.  :mellow:


Trump has really rubbed me the wrong way with  the way he talks about Canada and how NATO is "useless" in his opinion.  


Case in point:



And of course, who could forget this one:



The stupidity of his accusation is mind boggling and laughable considering his claims to be a "genius" and yet shows little knowledge of american history, let alone world history.  


As for NATO:



Does a person who calls an alliance obsolete and useless, and yet complains about its lack of spending sound sane to you?  

Edited by Cannucklehead
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8 minutes ago, Cannucklehead said:

Yeah like handing syria over to russia.  Keep playing checkers like that and see when russia calls checkmate.  :mellow:


Syria has long been a Soviet/Russian client state....it did not belong to Trump/America.   What did Canada do about Syria ?   Stopped CF-18 and support missions and cut off military aid to Kurds.   Refugees are Canada's substitute for defence spending.

If you won't defend Syria from Russia, don't expect Trump to do it either.   



Does a person who call an alliance obsolete and useless, and yet complains about its lack of spending sound sane to you?  


Yes...that sounds very consistent.    NATO was created to keep the Soviet Union out, keep the Americans in, and keep the Germans down.

There is no credible argument against Trump on NATO as long as the deadbeats like Canada refuse to pony up.

Go fight Putin if you want....on your peso.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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8 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Syria has long been a Soviet/Russian client state....it did not belong to Trump/America.   What did Canada do about Syria ?   Stopped CF-18 and support missions and cut off military aid to Kurds.   Refugees are Canada's substitute for defence spending.

If you won't defend Syria from Russia, don't expect Trump to do it either.   



Yes...that sounds very consistent.    NATO was created to keep the Soviet Union out, keep the Americans in, and keep the Germans down.

There is no credible argument against Trump on NATO as long as the deadbeats like Canada refuse to pony up.

Go fight Putin if you want....on your peso.

First of all there was no attack by the Turks until trump betrayed the Kurds.It was a relatively stable area with Kurds and American picking off and locking up the odd isis members. As well as guarding over 10,000 isis prisoners.

No hot war, a few American troops backed by the might of the military prevented turkey from attacking and Russia from getting a foothold in the Middle East.

There is no better use for a military than to prevent war. Acting as a deterrent to war is when you know the military is operating at its finest,

So not only did you betray the Kurds who already sacrificed over 11,000 lives helping you

You allowed isis terrorists to escape

You empowered Russia ,Iran and Syria

I doubt there has ever been a worse foreign policy decision not to mention in humane,despicable betrayal

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Just now, bush_cheney2004 said:


Syria has long been a Soviet/Russian client state....it did not belong to Trump/America.   What did Canada do about Syria ?   Stopped CF-18 and support missions and cut off military aid to Kurds.   Refugees are Canada's substitute for defence spending.

If you won't defend Syria from Russia, don't expect Trump to do it either.   



Yes...that sounds very consistent.    NATO was created to keep the Soviet Union out, keep the Americans in, and keep the Germans down.

There is no credible argument against Trump on NATO as long as the deadbeats like Canada refuse to pony up.

Go fight Putin if you want.

Like I said before, Canada went into syria to stop isis.  We did.  Now trump has left to allow them to escape and reform,  allies to burn and russia to take over.  

We do our part and NATO was satisfied, but america is not.  So is america NATO now?  

So america wont stand against the commies huh?  Figures.  

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But analysts and politicians said Trump declared victory for a crisis along the border of Turkey and Syria that was arguably of his own making, while underplaying the reality that he has strengthened the hand of Russia.

Critics also say the move will roll back advances made by US-led forces in the fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL or ISIS) group. The president also still has work to do to repair the political damage he has done within his own base among those who say he abandoned the Kurds, longtime US allies who fought side-by-side with American forces to beat back ISIL in northeast Syria.



Yeah they are clueless and moronic in comparison to trumps "genius".




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2 minutes ago, Jimwd said:

First of all there was no attack by the Turks until trump betrayed the Kurds.It was a relatively stable area with Kurds and American picking off and locking up the odd isis members. As well as guarding over 10,000 isis prisoners.

No hot war, a few American troops backed by the might of the military prevented turkey from attacking and Russia from getting a foothold in the Middle East.


Nonsense...the Kurdish rebels have been Turkey's violent foes long before Trump.   See "Kurdistan".

If a few troops are so important, then why did Canada remove assets and military aid ?   Answer:  the darling Kurds went rogue in Iraqi oil fields.

So why does Canada or other EU nations get a pass on Syria ?



There is no better use for a military than to prevent war. Acting as a deterrent to war is when you know the military is operating at its finest,

So not only did you betray the Kurds who already sacrificed over 11,000 lives helping you

You allowed isis terrorists to escape

You empowered Russia ,Iran and Syria

I doubt there has ever been a worse foreign policy decision not to mention in humane,despicable betrayal


The same decision made by Canada long before Trump.   Where are the peacekeepers ?   Crickets.....

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9 minutes ago, Cannucklehead said:

Like I said before, Canada went into syria to stop isis.  We did.  Now trump has left to allow them to escape and reform,  allies to burn and russia to take over.  

We do our part and NATO was satisfied, but america is not.  So is america NATO now?  

So america wont stand against the commies huh?  Figures.  


Again, why is it America's job to contain ISIS after Canada pulled assets out ?  

Why is America's part always more than all other NATO members combined ?

Where is the EU....where is the UN  ?

Go fight commies with your own cheap ass pesos....not mine.

Congress never authorized U.S. troops in Syria.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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3 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Again, why is it America's job to contain ISIS after Canada pulled assets out ?  

Why is America's part always more than all other NATO members combined ?


Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind."  Albert Einstein 

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1 minute ago, Jimwd said:
6 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Again, why is it America's job to contain ISIS after Canada pulled assets out ?  

Why is America's part always more than all other NATO members combined ?


Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind."  Albert Einstein 


Another non-answer.....just admit that Canada and other EU deadbeats would rather it be American blood and treasure doing most of the work against ISIS.

At least be honest about it....

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Just now, bush_cheney2004 said:


Another non-answer.....just admit that Canada and other EU deadbeats would rather it be American blood and treasure doing most of the work against ISIS.

At least be honest about it....

If you’re a Republican and you don’t support Trump you’re “human scum” DJT fascism 101;

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21 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Yeah...just like Jody Raybould not supporting Trudeau....kicked out of caucus.

Invaders, breeders, infestation, ra pists and killers,sh^thole countries


Goose stepping rallies with mobs chanting in lockstep lock her up..send them back.


Inciting hate 

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1 hour ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

President Trump is right about Syria....get the hell out:



From your article:


This is an uncomfortable truth because it leads us to painful reflection on the aftermath of removing Saddam Hussein from power, losing nearly 5,000 American service members in Iraq and spending trillions on rebuilding that country-- twice. It's easy to forget we footed the bill to rebuild the Iraqi army after it crumbled when ISIS crossed into Iraq.


I guess now you'll retract and call it fake news.


like i said before, gibberish is all you have.  You are just regurgitating the garbage that trump has brainwashed you to believe.  

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36 minutes ago, Cannucklehead said:

like i said before, gibberish is all you have.  You are just regurgitating the garbage that trump has brainwashed you to believe.  


And yet you wanted Trump and his "gibberish" to save the day....because Canada can't...and won't.

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Just now, bush_cheney2004 said:


And yet you wanted Trump and his "gibberish" to save the day....because Canada can't.

No, I wanted trump to "save the day" because america is what caused this whole mess in the first place.  But you'd rather he turn tail and run, hoping that someone else will clean up the mess.  That's what putin is now doing.  


How very mature and responsible.  Maybe we should give trump a nobel?  :mellow:

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3 hours ago, Cannucklehead said:

It's a game, like chess.  Trump is just too busy playing checkers.  

Lol. Trump won the election. Got rid of islamic state. Got his tax cuts passed. Repealed the individual mandate penalty. Got American troops out of war zones. Turkey announced a permanent cease-fire. Beat the collusion crap. Beat the obstruction crap. Got two SCJs appointed. Stood up to China on trade yet US exports are up by $60 billion. Got out of the Paris Climate Accord. Got NATO allies to increase spending by $70B/year. Middle-class take-home pay is up by $6,000 per year after less than 3 years (Obama - $1K after 8 years). Lowest unemployment rate ever. Dow Jones 34% higher than ever before. Veterans care is far better than ever before. Moved the Embassy to Jerusalem. Built more wall. 

I wish our PM could play checkers.

He paid a terrorist $10M. Let islamic state terrorists (he called them "fighters") walk free here to "be a powerful voice against radicalization". Killed $135 Billion in investment in Alberta. 150,000 jobs lost in Alberta. Got caught in 4 ethics violations. Created a law to allow the criminal entity known as SNC (the company that bribed a Liberal politician $2.3M just for a $127M bridge contract) access to federal contracts. Put undue pressure on the AG to use his DPA law for SNC (the same company I just mentioned had bribed a Liberal politician $2.3M just for a $127M bridge contract). Fired the AG for not using his DPA law on behalf of SNC (the company that I mentioned a couple of times bribed a Liberal politician $2.3M just for a $127M bridge contract). Blocked the RCMP from investigating SNC properly (did I mention that they bribed a Liberal politician $2.3M just for a $127M bridge contract, and that Trudeau has offshore tax haven accounts and SNC has overseas affiliates?). Called the Japanese President Chinese. Twice. Brought a terrorist to dinner in India. Blamed India. Switched his family from plastic water bottles to paper, uh plastic, uh paper water uh box thingies. Gave $1.4 Billion of our taxpayer dollars to CBC and "select" media outlets to help his re-election campaign. Sent out a tweet that our borders were open and then said that it wasn't his fault that so many people crossed. Jumped on the obviously fake hijab hoax like a Leftist on a Soylent Green Bar and denigrated Canadians for their racist behaviour. Re-denigrated (new word) Canadians after he found out that the hijab hoax was fake. Refused to condemn a hate rally in Toronto. 

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1 hour ago, Cannucklehead said:

No, I wanted trump to "save the day" because america is what caused this whole mess in the first place.  But you'd rather he turn tail and run, hoping that someone else will clean up the mess.  That's what putin is now doing.  


How very mature and responsible.  Maybe we should give trump a nobel?  :mellow:


Trump didn't create the mess....and Canada was part of creating it in the first place.

What is your problem with Putin ?    America doesn't owe Syria a damn thing, and that includes Kurds in Syria..or Canada.

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7 hours ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Trump didn't create the mess....and Canada was part of creating it in the first place.

What is your problem with Putin ?    America doesn't owe Syria a damn thing, and that includes Kurds in Syria..or Canada.

No trump didnt, but he inherited the mess.  Canada was not part of it.  



Putin has been compared by many to Stalin.  Need I say more?  


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2 minutes ago, Cannucklehead said:

No trump didnt, but he inherited the mess.  Canada was not part of it.  



Good morning....

Canada directly contributed to Gulf War #1, strike missions, sanctions enforcement, U.S. overflights & refueling, embedded Canadian forces, etc.

Trump made it very clear that he was not interested in another quagmire in Syria.   U.S. forces are not peacekeepers....that use to be Canada's role.



Putin has been compared by many to Stalin.  Need I say more?  


No, because the United States and FDR were also allies of Stalin.



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30 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Good morning....

Canada directly contributed to Gulf War #1, strike missions, sanctions enforcement, U.S. overflights & refueling, embedded Canadian forces, etc.

Trump made it very clear that he was not interested in another quagmire in Syria.   U.S. forces are not peacekeepers....that use to be Canada's role.



No, because the United States and FDR were also allies of Stalin.



Gulf war one yes.  Not part 2.  

Were allies.  Key word is were. That's where this "cold war" began, did it not?  

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