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And this is REALLY why Keystone XL was cancelled....

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Like I said.......

Thanks for the international market, Canuck suckers.... your own national government has sold you out for nothing at all.

Once again, a business columnist from Edmonton nails it.


While Canada’s oil and natural gas remains virtually landlocked and hostage to a single customer — the U.S. — producers south of the border are pumping, pipelining and exporting as much oil and gas as they possibly can.

Canada’s oil has successfully been branded as “bad” by eco-activists and their political pals, but the U.S. and the rest of the world continues to produce and consume more oil than ever.

Indeed, after lifting its 40-year ban on crude exports, the U.S. is now freely shipping its oil globally, while ramping up liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports. As competitive marketing strategies go, it’s brilliant. One set of rules for us, another for them.

The US has built networks of oil and gas pipelines in the last few years, amended their export laws, built port and LNG facilities and oh yeah: denied an export pipeline for Canadian oil at the Presidential level. Our response: go to Washington when summoned, and give the man a big cuddle.

While eco-activists and Hollywood celebs such as Leonardo DiCaprio have done a masterful job of demonizing Alberta’s oil, “they have done absolutely nothing to curtail oil production in places like North Dakota and Texas,” says Vivian Krause, a Vancouver blogger who has reported extensively on the funding of Canadian eco-activist groups by wealthy U.S. foundations.

“Texas oil production has increased fourfold and in North Dakota it’s up seven-fold. So they ain’t keeping oil in the ground in the U.S. This campaign is not about keeping oil in the ground at all. The world is producing more of it and we’re using more of it than we ever have. It’s just about keeping Alberta’s oil out of global markets.”

In essence, U.S. President Barack Obama and his eco-activist allies have created a monopoly on North American oil and LNG exports by simply blocking any competition from Canada, all in the name of saving the planet.

What’s even more amazing is how Canada’s political leaders have so eagerly swallowed this self-serving U.S. propaganda, hook, line and sinker. Simply put, we’ve been suckered.

Thems the facts!

In the U.S. or other countries, a positive decision would have been made long ago, after the various regulatory hurdles had been surmounted. But this is Canada, where sectors such as oil and gas production are going the way of the dodo.

Although Canada’s economy remains weak and the Liberals are facing a budget deficit of $30 billion or more, Trudeau seems more intent on cultivating praise from fellow progressives south of the border.

After his recent White House hugfest with Obama, Trudeau was again feted in New York this week. This time the host was Bloomberg News, a financial media powerhouse owned by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

Bloomberg, a multibillionaire whose enormous wealth is vastly greater than that of Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump, is an outspoken advocate for clean energy.

In a gushy opinion piece Bloomberg wrote this week, he praised Trudeau’s “youthful energy and optimism,” comparing him to former U.S. President John F. Kennedy while applauding his commitment to tackling climate change.

For his part, Trudeau assured the Bloomberg audience that he plans to be “ruthless” in cutting Canada’s carbon emissions. It’s a message that surely won him new friends south of the border.

Although he had little to say about the importance of Canada’s energy industry, he did take pains to praise Quebec’s Bombardier, however.

In an interview with Bloomberg Editor-In-Chief John Micklethwait, the prime minister praised Bombardier’s C Series jet, which has struggled to win orders, prompting speculation of a looming federal bailout.

“The C Series aircraft has been lauded as an extraordinary airplane,” Trudeau reportedly said. “Really, it is more efficient — more fabulous in all ways — than just about any other plane on the market. Canadian aerospace and Bombardier itself has a bright future.”

Yep, our prime minister stands up for Canada. Provided it’s the part of Canada that’s east of the Manitoba border.

That makes me throw up a bit in my mouth.

If the C series was such a fantastic plane, why do so very few of them get bought?

Canada has devolved into a group of regions that are quickly learning to hate each other, and this is why. BY the time BC and Manitoba complete their elections, we can expect at least three of the Western provinces to feel some profound distrust of Trudeau. BC will follow unless they can get their LNG plants off the ground, which is looking to be very unlikely.

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I have been saying that for a long time. And the eco people in Canada drank the Cool aid and cut our own throats. When are people going to realize our 1.2% of GHG means nothing in the real world. But hey lets just kill our economy instead. Canadians can be so stupid at times.

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You're all missing the point. Canada is a glowing beacon to the rest of the world. We're showing them how to get serious about emissions. Keep that darn oil in the ground. <_< My God - a tiny contributor to global emissions wrapping itself in self-flagellating "green" credentials.......

Can you even begin to comprehend the hypocrisy of the Obama administration?

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You're all missing the point. Canada is a glowing beacon to the rest of the world. We're showing them how to get serious about emissions. Keep that darn oil in the ground. <_< My God - a tiny contributor to global emissions wrapping itself in self-flagellating "green" credentials.......

Can you even begin to comprehend the hypocrisy of the Obama administration?

Can you begin to comprehend what self flagellation means? I suspect our green credentials as you call them are the exact opposite. Taking a step toward the future I think makes a lot of Canadians more hopeful than staying stuck in the sludge.

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It's 'game over' for the environment if the oil sands goes ahead. That is the phrase which drives the US environmental movement, and which has driven so many millions of dollars into the lapdog Canadian environmental movement in order to curtail oil sands production and expansion.

This despite the fact the oil sands represents just 12% of Canada's CO2 emissions, and that Canada, in turn, represents just 1.67% of world CO2 emissions. China, by way of comparison, represents 28%, and is building coal fired power plants like they're going out of style. India represents 5.7% of world CO2 emissions, but plans to increase this by the equivalent of EVERYTHING Canada currently produces, every single year for the next twenty years.

In other words, India will be adding the equivalent of EIGHT oil sands emissions every single year.

Yet it's the oil sands the American and lapdog Canadian environmentalists are in a fever over.

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If the rich countries of the world fail to show leadership on the issue, the poorer ones will simply thumb their noses and shovel more coal on the fire. If you've ever been to say, small town Scotland at this time of year you'd get the picture of why this is important.

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Can you begin to comprehend what self flagellation means? I suspect our green credentials as you call them are the exact opposite. Taking a step toward the future I think makes a lot of Canadians more hopeful than staying stuck in the sludge.

Did you not even read the article from the topic? By the way - Self-flagellation - "the act of hitting yourself with a whip as a way to punish yourself or as part of a religious ritual"......the religious ritual being the extremist element of the Climate Change orthodoxy. Given your position, you must really detest Obama for his unrelenting drilling, pumping and exporting oil. But do you?

Edited by SunnyWays
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Did you not even read the article from the topic? By the way - Self-flagellation - "the act of hitting yourself with a whip as a way to punish yourself or as part of a religious ritual"......the religious ritual being the extremist element of the Climate Change orthodoxy. Given your position, you must really detest Obama for his unrelenting drilling, pumping and exporting oil. But do you?

At least you looked up your phrase choice. Apparently you don't seem to see how inappropriate it was/is. Why would I detest Obama again?
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It's nice to know to now that the US is now exporting oil, the world may be a little more peaceful now they don't NEED the oil from other countries that they usual invade to get.

And they are exporting it to Canada. Does that delight you too?

Can you even begin to comprehend the hypocrisy of the Obama administration?

I don't blame Obama at all, it s just business as usual, really. But Canada has no clue about any of this, it is obvious here and anywhere that most Canadians haven't the faintest idea how their lifestyle is actually paid for.

What is really laughable is that the national payoff for getting massively and willingly shafted by the US in oil exports is a cheap dinner in Washington.

The Obama adminstration may be a lame duck now, but how they must laugh at our naivete.

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Easy there folks....y'all might be getting shafted alright but some points of clarification if I may.....

1) Yes, U.S. environut money has poured into Canada (million$), but much more U.S. capital investment for oil has been made for far longer (billion$)

2) The U.S. does not invade countries to get oil...the U.S. invades countries for world markets to get oil...big difference.

3) Canada has not invested in east-west pipelines or more refineries/export terminals, and has relied on easy access to the biggest grid and energy market on the planet...USA.

If y'all can get a better deal, go for it. Maybe actually build a pipeline or two. Talk is cheap.

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At least you looked up your phrase choice. Apparently you don't seem to see how inappropriate it was/is. Why would I detest Obama again?

Because Obama is the leader of a rich country? Because under his leadership, the US is pumping, drilling and exporting oil at record rates - in addition to still using coal for 30-40% of their power needs? Because Obama himself bragged that he's built enough pipelines to circle the world - more than any other President? And because you said, to quote:

"If the rich countries of the world fail to show leadership on the issue, the poorer ones will simply thumb their noses and shovel more coal on the fire."

So if you'll actually read the topic article - and reflect on the eco-activism that runs rampant in Canada - while providing token opposition in the US......and on how utterly impossible we've made it to get approvals for pipelines....then if you still do not understand how absolutely appropriate it is to use the term "self-flagellation", I cannot help you.

Edited by SunnyWays
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Because Obama is the leader of a rich country? Because under his leadership, the US is pumping, drilling and exporting oil at record rates - in addition to still using coal for 30-40% of their power needs? Because Obama himself bragged that he's built enough pipelines to circle the world - more than any other President? And because you said, to quote:

"If the rich countries of the world fail to show leadership on the issue, the poorer ones will simply thumb their noses and shovel more coal on the fire."

So if you'll actually read the topic article - and reflect on the eco-activism that runs rampant in Canada - while providing token opposition in the US......and on how utterly impossible we've made it to get approvals for pipelines....then if you still do not understand how absolutely appropriate it is to use the term "self-flagellation", I cannot help you.

The US is closely following the EU on renewables. The largest solar power production facility on the planet is in Cal. Obviously you can't just close the tap on fossils next Monday. But the smart money is heading toward sooner rather than later. Unless you are simply a fossil.

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The US is closely following the EU on renewables. The largest solar power production facility on the planet is in Cal. Obviously you can't just close the tap on fossils next Monday. But the smart money is heading toward sooner rather than later. Unless you are simply a fossil.

How's your windmill powered car treating you ? Was it made it Windsor Ontario ? Had a ride on the new Solar Powered buses that debuted in Toronto recently ? You are clearly a Liberal so please explain why it was necessary and wise to bring a delegation of 388 to Paris for climate talks ? How large of a carbon foot print did that create ? Liberals are laughable and very expensive ! One thing California has in common with Ontario is they both have the world's largest sub sovereign debt's , #1 and # 2 respectively . One created by Democrats while the other was created by mindless Liberals .

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Like I said.......

Thanks for the international market, Canuck suckers.... your own national government has sold you out for nothing at all.

oh snap! Is this you finally admitting that KXL has always been intended as an international market export vehicle... more pointedly Asian focused?

reading your linked author refer to that charlatan 'Vivian Krause' is gold, real gold... puts the article in perfect perspective! Let's first highlight Canadian exports to the U.S. proper have never been higher... puts perspective on the "so put-upon" sad-sack story the industry likes to project!


now, do you think there's any legitimacy in attempting to compare the U.S. production rise, principally tied to the lighter oil 'tight oil plays' and fracking of short-term wells and thick sludge tied to mega billion dollar multi-decadal tarsands infrastructure development?


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oh snap! Is this you finally admitting that KXL has always been intended as an international market export vehicle... more pointedly Asian focused?

Yes. Of course.

When did I ever deny it? Keystone- all of it- ends up pouring oil into the Gulf to be sold offshore. I doubt much will get to Asia from that end though, since unless Mexico has vanished it is exceeding hard to get anything bigger than a Panamax tanker through the Canal.

But none of it will be Canadian oil, all American. The point of all this is to leave it in the ground, right? While your hero Obama was crying environmental issues, he was working hard on behalf of his country to ensure that local competition was severely hobbled. And your other icon pops down to DC for a pat on the head after dinner for being such a good sport about it.

Nothing has changed in the international oil exports market, except that our own government is working hard to ensure we are not part of it.

Trudeau has done nothing except erect obstacles and delays to the process of getting the product to tidewater. But what is a few hundred billion in future foreign exchange to a diverse and resourceful country in 2016?

I'm sure there will be plenty of doublespeak and platitudes to go around tomorrow, and not so much in the way of actual numbers that add up.. I fully expect the usual cheerleaders here to be in full bray mode.

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But none of it will be Canadian oil, all American. The point of all this is to leave it in the ground, right? While your hero Obama was crying environmental issues, he was working hard on behalf of his country to ensure that local competition was severely hobbled. And your other icon pops down to DC for a pat on the head after dinner for being such a good sport about it.

no, the point is to shift Canada toward a sustainable development focus; one that includes a lessening of dependence on oil over the next 40-50 years. Surely you recognize the need to divest... diversify... shift to alternate energy - surely!

you're a typical industry advocate that plays up the headlines. That export ban has been so significant that the U.S. has actually reduced the level of its exports. If you want to attribute that entirely to the lower price of oil, buckle-up cause a significant percentage of well activity has been drilling 'not to completion' wells, where oil companies have chosen to drill rather than incur penalty costs to "rig owners" currently under contract. What that means is even if oil miraculously raised in price, there will be eventual "years" of production glut simply because of the current well activity that isn't even pulling out oil yet.


Nothing has changed in the international oil exports market, except that our own government is working hard to ensure we are not part of it.

Trudeau has done nothing except erect obstacles and delays to the process of getting the product to tidewater. But what is a few hundred billion in future foreign exchange to a diverse and resourceful country in 2016?

c'mon... it's 2016! There's a new sheriff in town and he's attempting to do what Harper couldn't manage over a decade. Oh wait, that's right, you're one of those types that considers proper and stringent regulatory review as an impediment - yes?


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Germany's agressive and reckless expansion of wind and solar power has come with a hefty pricetag for consumers, and the costs often fall disproportionately on the poor. Government advisors are calling for a completely new start. Trudeau and Butts would have Canada in the same position as Germany as long as they feel warmth in their hearts while less fortunate Canadians will struggle to make payments on more expensive energy. Liberals have broken moral compasses and think with their hearts and not their minds !

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The US is closely following the EU on renewables. The largest solar power production facility on the planet is in Cal. Obviously you can't just close the tap on fossils next Monday. But the smart money is heading toward sooner rather than later. Unless you are simply a fossil.

And that's why you think it's OK for Obama to brag about building the most pipelines of any US President - that it's OK to pump, drill and export to record extents - while Canada is held hostage by US-funded special interests? But yes, you are correct, "the largest solar production facility on the planet is in California". And in spite of that enormity - and the billions of dollars in subsidies - California only recently reached the capability of producing 5% of the State's power requirements. Smart money indeed.

Edited by SunnyWays
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And that's why you think it's OK for Obama to brag about building the most pipelines of any US President - that it's OK to pump, drill and export to record extents - while Canada is held hostage by US-funded special interests? But yes, you are correct, "the largest solar production facility on the planet is in California". And in spite of that enormity - and the billions of dollars in subsidies - California only recently reached the capability of producing 5% of the State's power requirements. Smart money indeed.

Liberals are hypocrites and their policies generally end up in expensive failure .

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But yes, you are correct, "the largest solar production facility on the planet is in California". And in spite of that enormity - and the billions of dollars in subsidies - California only recently reached the capability of producing 5% of the State's power requirements. Smart money indeed.

no - per CAISO, utility scale solar in California curently accounts for 6.7% of total generation... that coupled with distributed level solar brings total solar production in California to approximately 10% of total generation. Moreover, in total, renewables account for approximately 25% of the entire energy generation in California. So ya, very smart money... indeed! Oh wait... you just mentioned a most uncategorized and non-specific number for solar subsidies... perhaps you have more to say - yes?


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It's nice to know to now that the US is now exporting oil, the world may be a little more peaceful now they don't NEED the oil from other countries that they usual invade to get.

Except that the US is still a large net importer of oil. And natural gas.

It's just that for some areas, it is cheaper to export here and import there depending on logistics.

Last month, the US imported about 8 million barrels per day and exported about 300 thousand barrels per day.

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