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The Liberals and Islamists

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Well...I think that the only way to stop the current refugee crisis is to have Western troops on the ground battling IS. Regardless of how the current situation has come to pass it seems like the air campaign isn't doing to much to stop them

Then we'll have millions of Sunni refugees fleeing ISIS's ground, and I bet no one will see that tsunami coming either.

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You're getting sucked into the same vortex of hate that groups like IS depend on.

Don't be absurd. ISIS doesn't hate. They have a religious belief which frees them of any moral or ethical standards or values. Everything they do is in Gods name, so everything they do is good. And they're holy men, with disdain and contempt for unbelievers. They have as much concern for the lives of others as you do about ants you might step on on your sidewalk They are amoral people indulging their enjoyment of violence.

They take bombed-out, desperate people and vector their hate towards the west, kind of like what you're doing against all Muslims in your post here.

They take lazy, self indulgent, stupid, narcissistic young people who have no plans or ideas for their future and persuade them to come there where they will be free to rape little girls and shoot people, you mean. And no, it's absolutely nothing even remotely in the same universe as my post. They are rabid animals and you don't tolerate rabid animals, you exterminate them.

If you really want to defeat IS, then rise above and look towards a new way.

What would that be? Make excuses for them and their violent, murderous, contemptible behaviour so we don't have to do anything? What we need to do is go over there and kill them. ALL of them.

Edited by Civis Romanus sum
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To Civis Romanus Sum: I would think you feel the same about Roman Catholics.

This is the stupidest post ever made in the history of the world. What planet are you on? Are you under medication?

Does the Roman Catholic Church engage in slave trading and condone raping unbelievers? Does it engage in genocide and mass murder? It's amazing how far you ignorant, feeble, wishy washy, hand wringing liberals will go to excuse the outrages and barbarity of the Muslim world. Do you have no moral or ethical values at all?? You disgust me!

Edited by Civis Romanus sum
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Then we'll have millions of Sunni refugees fleeing ISIS's ground, and I bet no one will see that tsunami coming either.

Any concerted effort by any reasonably decent military force will crush ISIS in a very short time. One armored division would do it, if it was American, British, French or Russian. You won't get all the scattered remnants hiding out in basements but what's left will not be able to take over towns and cities.

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Try substituting the word Jew for Muslim in some of the above posts. It reads like Mein Kampf.

Nobody is saying ISIS is not evil.

Except you. Are you a supporter of ISIS?

You compare people outraged over the brutality, genocide and mass murder with the Nazis? The only purpose you could have for doing so is to defend ISIS because you share their views.

ISIS is no more representive of Islam than the Branch Davidians in the Waco siege were representative of Mormans or gay bashers are representative of Christians.

Horse shit. There are millions and tens of millions of sympathizers for ISIS throughout the Muslim world. And millions and tens of millions more sympathizers of Al Quaeda. An Al Jazeera poll found 81% of those who responded support ISIS.

More to the point you have extremely violently anti-female cultural values in place throughout the Muslim world which support domestic abuse, child marriage, female genital mutilation, and honor killing. Christ, women aren't even allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia, and girls were forced back into a burning school because they didn't have their faces covered! Girls were machineguned in Algeria for not wearing veils, and are beaten by religious police in Iran if they show any hair or have makeup! Women can't walk alone on the street in Egypt, even in burkas, without being groped, harassed, and sometimes raped by baying crowds of young men! Hate and violence towards women is an epidemic throughout the Muslim world, aided and abetted by their 'friends' in the West like you. ISIS is not an isolated thing in their rape and murder. It grows from the culture throughout the middle east that women are sub human possessions of men to be done with whatever a strong man wants.

Edited by Civis Romanus sum
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Any concerted effort by any reasonably decent military force will crush ISIS in a very short time. One armored division would do it, if it was American, British, French or Russian. You won't get all the scattered remnants hiding out in basements but what's left will not be able to take over towns and cities.

I guess your evaluation depends on what you feel the ISIS movement is. Did ISIS "invade" Iraq and Syria or did it "liberate" the Sunni from persecution.

Do you really believe that 40,000 invaders could subjugate, control and govern 5 or 6 million people? You have been digesting the spin and nonsense that those with their own agendas have been feeding people.


Of course some of the tactics that the ISIS fighters are using are barbaric - just as barbaric as the tactics the other fighting groups use. What is the difference if you cut some guys head off or incinerate and vaporize him with a bomb? Dead is dead.

Don't you folks ask yourself why 6 million people are accepting the rule of ISIS? Why ISIS has made and continues to make gains? The West is bombing the bejeepers out of them - and they have no defense against the bombs. They have no airplanes, no anti aircraft capability, no solid ground armoured military and yet keep gaining ground.

You think maybe they are getting support from the local population? Ya think?

I find it fascinating that when some poster provides facts that might disprove the spin we are getting from the North America medium then they are ........ lovers or ...... apologists or some other silly label so the facts do not have to be argued.

These misinformed posters are the same pundits who did not question what happened to the 50,000 strong elite Saddam Sunni Republican Guard when the USA bravely marched into Baghdad.

The West sends in ground troops and those ISIS fighters will disappear (into the population) - and fight a guerilla war which they will eventually win - just like those folks in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria ...

Time to review your understanding of what is happening in the Middle East.

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Not fighting radical Islamists and letting them fester and possibly create more of their own states is not a very appealing option. On the other hand, the problem with fighting radical Islamists militarily is that it's unwinnable. It's like the Vietnam War. You're never going to kill them all (unless you're willing to have nuclear weapons as an option), and they're just going to keep coming and coming.

That's defeatist nonsense. Of course you can't kill all the fanatics. Islam lends itself to fanaticism. If you chop down a tree it doesn't mean seeds won't sprout. But it does mean the tree is dead and it will be many years before the seeds become a problem. It would take very little military effort to go in and destroy the bulk of ISIS assets and fighters and leave the local ME governments, however incompetent, to root out and deal with the survivors. And the survivors would not have the same appeal to the brainless idiots around the Muslim world as a 'caliphate' which holds vast tracts of territory and can offer them young girls for sex slaves.

The only sane option is to get the heck out of the middle-east.

You think they'd leave us alone then? I certainly do not. Such an ideology is insatiable, and the more it succeeds the more it wants. You know, back a couple of centuries ago, the Barbary pirates took more than a million and a half Europeans, mostly women, as slaves between the 16th and 19th century, only stopping when the British navy burned out cities and ports all along the north African coast. Don't think such a thing wouldn't happen again for the mentality that women are sexual animals has not changed with these people.

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I guess your evaluation depends on what you feel the ISIS movement is.

Yes. I feel they are a collection of murders and rapists and you feel they are freedom fighters.

If you go over there to visit them and show them how strongly you defend them on line maybe they will offer you a little slave girl to own.

Did ISIS "invade" Iraq and Syria or did it "liberate" the Sunni from persecution.

I've seen and read stories of the hell that is life under ISIS in those communities, even for suunis, and your question is obscene. It is like asking if Pol Pot liberated people from tyranny.

Do you really believe that 40,000 invaders could subjugate, control and govern 5 or 6 million people?

Easily, if they're the ones with the guns and tanks. That is more than the Toronto police have, and the police can't shoot you on sight and sell your children as sex slaves if you act up, nor do they have tanks.

You have been digesting the spin and nonsense that those with their own agendas have been feeding people.

You have been spending too much time on extremist Islamist web sites. I hope CSIS is watching you.

Of course some of the tactics that the ISIS fighters are using are barbaric - just as barbaric as the tactics the other fighting groups use.

You are a disgusting and immoral person to pretend the vicious brutality, genocide, and slave trading of ISIS is simply the same as everyone elses. Do other groups burn prisoners alive in cages? Do they they buy and sell 11 year old girls as sex slaves?

Edited by Civis Romanus sum
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This will all come out in the munk debates,that the liberals are trying to get out of. And NDP will then have to tell the country that we are giving the ME and Europe to ISIS and are leaving NATO. Which in turns mean we are getting rid of the military. This is not the canada our fathers and grandfathers fought for. So where is the UN. All the money that organization sucks out of the world , can do some good right now. We need to all band together and go in and end it once and for all.

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This will all come out in the munk debates,that the liberals are trying to get out of. And NDP will then have to tell the country that we are giving the ME and Europe to ISIS and are leaving NATO. Which in turns mean we are getting rid of the military.

You trying to win a long-jump competition? Are you not aware of the cuts Harper has continued to make to our military, following in the legacy of the Chrétien Liberals?

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CY after what chretein did to the military is very hard to rebuild thru tough times. Yes there has been more cuts,but when needed the military got the equipment that they needed on the ground. You have seem to forgot that chretien sent our troops to afghanistan with shitty little jeeps in the wrong clothing in rented russian transport planes.(how embarrassing is that) but came home in RCAF C-17s with armoured personal carriers in the back.

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That's defeatist nonsense.

No, it's called "knowing your limitations".

It would take very little military effort to go in and destroy the bulk of ISIS assets and fighters and leave the local ME governments, however incompetent, to root out and deal with the survivors.

Ha! That's what the Soviets thought before they invaded Afghanistan in 1979, and that's what the Americans etc. thought when they invaded Iraq in 2003 (and Vietnam in the 60's), and what everyone thought when we attacked the Taliban in 2001. Do you not learn from history?!? Afghanistan is/was the longest war in Canadian and American history, just to "defeat" (ha!) a bunch of rag-tag thugs with no air force or navy. The ME is a black hole. Guerrilla wars on foreign soil are a black hole. The US, the most powerful military on earth, lost the Vietnam and Iraq wars (I wouldn't call Iraq a "victory"), and we certainly haven't heard the last word in Afghanistan.

You think they'd leave us alone then? I certainly do not. Such an ideology is insatiable, and the more it succeeds the more it wants.

Honestly, the hell if I know exactly how to win this war. I just know that what we've been doing in the ME for a century+ isn't working, it's actually making it much, much worse. And so darn expensive for such little results! Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Pakistan, Israel/Palestine, Yemen etc., they're all just complete disasters of Western foreign policy. Arguably even our "great ally" Saudi Arabia. home to 17 of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 and Osama Bin Laden.

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This will all come out in the munk debates,that the liberals are trying to get out of. And NDP will then have to tell the country that we are giving the ME and Europe to ISIS and are leaving NATO. Which in turns mean we are getting rid of the military. This is not the canada our fathers and grandfathers fought for. So where is the UN. All the money that organization sucks out of the world , can do some good right now. We need to all band together and go in and end it once and for all.

The UN is explicitly not a military organization. Military action, where it is needed, is the Security Council's job.

And where have you heard that the NDP want to pull out of NATO?

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CY after what chretein did to the military is very hard to rebuild thru tough times. Yes there has been more cuts,but when needed the military got the equipment that they needed on the ground.

I'm not going around with you on this again. Smallc already had this conversation with you in the past and you simply refuse to recognize what Harper has done. Even Argus admits that the CPC has failed on procurement.

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Yes. I feel they are a collection of murders and rapists and you feel they are freedom fighters.

I feel that I have enough of an understanding of the English language to be able express my own feelings. Thanks anyway, but I really do not need your help.

You do have a common view of the conflict over there - common as in lack of information of what is happening. I do suggest that you spend some more time studying and analyzing the conflict. It may allow you some insight into what is really going on.

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That's defeatist nonsense. Of course you can't kill all the fanatics. Islam lends itself to fanaticism. If you chop down a tree it doesn't mean seeds won't sprout. But it does mean the tree is dead and it will be many years before the seeds become a problem. It would take very little military effort to go in and destroy the bulk of ISIS assets and fighters and leave the local ME governments, however incompetent, to root out and deal with the survivors. And the survivors would not have the same appeal to the brainless idiots around the Muslim world as a 'caliphate' which holds vast tracts of territory and can offer them young girls for sex slaves.

You think they'd leave us alone then? I certainly do not. Such an ideology is insatiable, and the more it succeeds the more it wants. You know, back a couple of centuries ago, the Barbary pirates took more than a million and a half Europeans, mostly women, as slaves between the 16th and 19th century, only stopping when the British navy burned out cities and ports all along the north African coast. Don't think such a thing wouldn't happen again for the mentality that women are sexual animals has not changed with these people.

The british used a butcher and bolt scheme. When someone acted up, they butchered them and then left. Screw up again and we will be back. That is what the ISIS problem needs right now. But, but, but the civilians will be hurt or killed the left will scream. Yes there will be, but not as many as letting it fester for 10 yrs when millions die instead of thousands.

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I feel that I have enough of an understanding of the English language to be able express my own feelings. Thanks anyway, but I really do not need your help.

You do have a common view of the conflict over there - common as in lack of information of what is happening. I do suggest that you spend some more time studying and analyzing the conflict. It may allow you some insight into what is really going on.

Yeah, read RT and Al Jazeera. They'll clue you in like they did Big Guy! LOL

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Any concerted effort by any reasonably decent military force will crush ISIS in a very short time. One armored division would do it, if it was American, British, French or Russian. You won't get all the scattered remnants hiding out in basements but what's left will not be able to take over towns and cities.

What's left will just become the next reason for going back....just like last time and probably the next time after the next.

Edited by eyeball
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