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Why I Won't Vote NDP

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Yesterday, I heard Harper call Justin Mr. then he turns around called him Justin, in the next breath, but always call Tom, Mr. This isn't earth shaking it just shows that the PM as no respect for Justin.

I heard Trudeau referred to today as Shiny Pony. Apparently that's a thing among some people... Not sure of the origin.

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Interesting commentary

that is nothing but bullet-point journalism... where items are listed without any supporting references from the NDP party itself; for example:

that "interesting commentary" of yours states: NATIONAL $15-A-DAY CHILD CARE: Mulcair says he’ll create a million child-care spaces and parents will pay a “maximum” of $15 a day for it. (That’s right, it could be even cheaper!) Cost to government: $1.9 billion a year, ramping up to $5 billion a year when fully implemented.

in actuality, that NDP program is a proposal that spans over 8 years, with new additional spaces added year-upon-year... and has the federal government paying 60% of those costs. The more legitimate critique of the proposal would be to speak to gaining approvals from respective provinces to (collectively) pay the other 40% of costs... for those provinces wanting to participate. As I'm aware, Manitoba's Premier Selinger is the only Premier, to-date, to have given a statement that Manitoba would participate.

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in actuality, that NDP program is a proposal that spans over 8 years, with new additional spaces added year-upon-year... and has the federal government paying 60% of those costs. The more legitimate critique of the proposal would be to speak to gaining approvals from respective provinces to (collectively) pay the other 40% of costs... for those provinces wanting to participate. As I'm aware, Manitoba's Premier Selinger is the only Premier, to-date, to have given a statement that Manitoba would participate.

I didn't know that.....no support from Notley? I suppose, sans said support, the NDP's childcare plan is stillborn....

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Mr. Harper! No one believes you! There is no Harper balanced budget... the PBO projected a $1.5 billion deficit for this year alone. What surplus, at what point... based on what?

if you want to play the balanced game, this years makes 8 straight Harper Conservative deficit years. How does Harper expect to pay for all his election "vote buying" promises?


No, it actually doesn't. It's six years, if you believe this year is a deficit. And once again, you have complete amnesia with regard to the demand of your party for a whopping big economic incentive to combat the recession.

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And without Ontario and Quebec, or BC. So yes, certainly not a real proposal then.

Furthermore, another demonstration of NDP math.......they promise to let taxpayers pay for 10k more affordable rentals over the next ten years, yet they also promise to increase the family class of immigrants......So Canadians get to pay more so immigrants have cheap rentals in our largest cities......seems legit :rolleyes:

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I didn't know that.....no support from Notley? I suppose, sans said support, the NDP's childcare plan is stillborn....

I said, as I'm aware, only the Manitoba Premier has offered comment to suggest Manitoba would participate in the proposed NDP national day care program. If it makes you feel better to invent positions for other provincial premiers... who haven't, as I'm aware, commented on the program either way... have at er!

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No, it actually doesn't. It's six years, if you believe this year is a deficit. And once again, you have complete amnesia with regard to the demand of your party for a whopping big economic incentive to combat the recession.

your "Conservative math" appears to have failed you! Here, try this... as I said, "if you want to play the balanced game, this years makes 8 straight Harper Conservative deficit years. How does Harper expect to pay for all his election "vote buying" promises?"


and once again, we hear the plaintive Harper whine over 2008 stimulus spending echoed by one of his most loyal MLW supporters... "they made me do it... they made me do it"! :lol: Oh wait now, hey Argus! You guys sure like to talk up a storm about how Harper championed Canada through the 2008 mega recession because of stimulus spending! Which was it... will you ever make up your mind?

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I said, as I'm aware, only the Manitoba Premier has offered comment to suggest Manitoba would participate in the proposed NDP national day care program. If it makes you feel better to invent positions for other provincial premiers... who haven't, as I'm aware, commented on the program either way... have at er!

Where did I invent positions? As I said, I had no idea the level of support needed from each Province.......as to Notley, I'd have assumed, based on said required support from the Provincial level, Provincial NDP Governments would march to the same beat as the Federal parent..........they are one in the same no?

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Furthermore, another demonstration of NDP math.......they promise to let taxpayers pay for 10k more affordable rentals over the next ten years, yet they also promise to increase the family class of immigrants......So Canadians get to pay more so immigrants have cheap rentals in our largest cities......seems legit :rolleyes:

please sir... you're playing what is referred to as 'wedge politics'!

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please sir... you're playing what is referred to as 'wedge politics'!

Not playing at anything, other than noting the many, many flaws of the NDP's promises.......though I wouldn't vote LPC, I give Trudeau credit for his honesty encompassing his many proposals......he admits that he won't have a balanced budget for years........Mulcair's promises don't add up when put against his suggestion to maintaining a balanced budget.

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Where did I invent positions? As I said, I had no idea the level of support needed from each Province.......as to Notley, I'd have assumed, based on said required support from the Provincial level, Provincial NDP Governments would march to the same beat as the Federal parent..........they are one in the same no?

I won't enable your game playing... you're quite prepared to take my, "as far as I'm aware" reference as a definitive account on the overall support status... or non-support status, identified by provincial Premiers. No Statement is not the same as No Support... ya think!


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I won't enable your game playing... you're quite prepared to take my, "as far as I'm aware" reference as a definitive account on the overall support status... or non-support status, identified by provincial Premiers. No Statement is not the same as No Support... ya think!


You're paranoid Waldo.......I'm not holding you to anything, as I said, I wasn't aware (until ~ 1hour ago with your mention) the extent of Provincial support required for the NDP's plan......If one were to assume and place bets, would you not think it reasonable to assume, as I do, that an NDP Provincial party would fully support a federal NDP Government........IIRC, only BC is in surplus at the Provincial level, I can't envision a Clark Government agreeing to any NDP plan that require the Province to spend more money......

IOW, I'd be more surprised if the Alberta NDP Government didn't support Mulcair.........as mentioned by Argus, if Ontario, British Columbia and Quebec didn't support a Federal NDP's daycare plan, what are the chances of it coming to fruition? I'd think not likely.......

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Not playing at anything, other than noting the many, many flaws of the NDP's promises.......though I wouldn't vote LPC, I give Trudeau credit for his honesty encompassing his many proposals......he admits that he won't have a balanced budget for years........Mulcair's promises don't add up when put against his suggestion to maintaining a balanced budget.

quite obviously you did... you are! You played 'taxpayer money for building affordable rental accommodation' off against increased "family class" immigration, with those immigrants getting, as you said, cheap rentals. Classic wedge play on your part. In actuality, you step that up even more by assuming "affordable" means "cheap"... even though your linked article only references more affordable in relation to middle-class... the only qualifier mentioned, at all. Oh wait... are you saying those new immigrants (your "family class" designation) will step right into a middle-class categorization! Good on ya, mate... good on ya!

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quite obviously you did... you are! You played 'taxpayer money for building affordable rental accommodation' off against increased "family class" immigration, with those immigrants getting, as you said, cheap rentals. Classic wedge play on your part. In actuality, you step that up even more by assuming "affordable" means "cheap"... even though your linked article only references more affordable in relation to middle-class... the only qualifier mentioned, at all. Oh wait... are you saying those new immigrants (your "family class" designation) will step right into a middle-class categorization! Good on ya, mate... good on ya!

I can't give you more details from within the weeds of NDP policy Waldo........their promises lack details and costings, and they've removed pages of policy from their website........it appears by the many holes in the financials of the NDP's plans, that they are making them up on the fly........again, this is a true (and surprising) contrast between the two leftist visions...........I thought Mulcair would shine better in the debates and their roll out of policy would be fully costed, versus a Trudeau embarrassment in the debates and fluff policies..........But so far, the inverse is true........

Mulcair sounds like the drunken sailor, and Trudeau, a true adherent of Keynesian economics.....of which I disagree with much, but do support the notion of public investment in national infrastructure.........CO-OP housing in Kitts not included.........

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You're paranoid Waldo.......

IOW, I'd be more surprised if the Alberta NDP Government didn't support Mulcair.........as mentioned by Argus, if Ontario, British Columbia and Quebec didn't support a Federal NDP's daycare plan, what are the chances of it coming to fruition? I'd think not likely.......

your twisting words have consequences; again, NO statement of support is not NO support. I expect a national plan would proceed; those provinces that opt in, will be those provinces that opt in. Of course, as I read, it appears to be a rather popular idea when people are asked about their thoughts on quality/affordable day care... possibly to the point it could become a provincial election issue within provinces that initially opt not to participate. In that regard, the NDP provides the following examples for relative costs for daycare: "On average, for one infant spot, Canadian families pay monthly fees of $1152 in Ontario, $825 in Nova Scotia, and $1047 in BC. By comparison, a childcare spot in Quebec can cost only $152 a month".

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I can't give you more details from within the weeds of NDP policy Waldo........their promises lack details and costings, and they've removed pages of policy from their website........it appears by the many holes in the financials of the NDP's plans, that they are making them up on the fly........again, this is a true (and surprising) contrast between the two leftist visions...........I thought Mulcair would shine better in the debates and their roll out of policy would be fully costed, versus a Trudeau embarrassment in the debates and fluff policies..........But so far, the inverse is true........

I'm referring only to your linked article, your wedge politics and your word choices. You're quite prepared to say things based on that article... but when called on it, you revert to another of your weasel plays and defer to 'missing details from NDP policy'.

can you point me to the Harper Conservative platform and related policy statements associated with this election campaign? :lol: And you have the gall to speak of "making things up on the fly"!


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I'm referring only to your linked article, your wedge politics and your word choices. You're quite prepared to say things based on that article... but when called on it, you revert to another of your weasel plays and defer to 'missing details from NDP policy'.

can you point me to the Harper Conservative platform and related policy statements associated with this election campaign? :lol: And you have the gall to speak of "making things up on the fly"!


As said to you before, the CPC feels no need to unveil major policy nearly two months prior to the election...........As to your description of wedge politics and your "calling me out", is it wrong to call into question Mulcair's magical promises? They're putting it out there, is it not then fair game?

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As said to you before, the CPC feels no need to unveil major policy nearly two months prior to the election...........As to your description of wedge politics and your "calling me out", is it wrong to call into question Mulcair's magical promises? They're putting it out there, is it not then fair game?

exactly! I just thought it convenient to take another free shot at your glaring hypocrisy... you know, where you're critical of the other parties over platform/policy... and you openly acknowledge Harper Conservatives release diddly! HIPPPPOCRIT! Your so-called 'fair game' is you, as you say, "making it up on the fly"!

Edited by waldo
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exactly! I just thought it convenient to take another free shot at your glaring hypocrisy... you know, where you're critical of the other parties over platform/policy... and you openly acknowledge Harper Conservatives release diddly! HIPPPPOCRIT! Your so-called 'fair game' is you, as you say, "making it up on the fly"!

I'm not fully critical, I just very much so gave the Trudeau Liberals props, likewise I cited after the debate that I felt Trudeau won.......

At the end of the day, how is it different than NDP or Liberal supporters going after the Tories? No hypocrisy there? I read your chasing of Argus of Harper deficit spending, but you seem remiss in mentioning that both the Liberals and NDP wanted even more.........are you, Waldo, also a HIPPPPPOCRIT?

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I'm not fully critical, I just very much so gave the Trudeau Liberals props, likewise I cited after the debate that I felt Trudeau won.......

once again, you're showing just how time wasting it is to even bother with you! We were talking about one thing... I spoke to your hypocrisy in regards to that one thing. Of course, you deflect/distract from the pointing out of your glaring hypocrisy in regards that one thing, by speaking to anything other than that one thing! :lol:


At the end of the day, how is it different than NDP or Liberal supporters going after the Tories? No hypocrisy there? I read your chasing of Argus of Harper deficit spending, but you seem remiss in mentioning that both the Liberals and NDP wanted even more.........are you, Waldo, also a HIPPPPPOCRIT?

geezaz! Do I need to copy the same thing I just wrote above? Your example doesn't speak to hypocrisy... perhaps you should reacquaint yourself with the word meaning. That member Argus hypocrisy... as equally shared by Harper Conservatives, is to attach 2 competing and opposite value assessments to the stimulus spending... it either was a good thing and resulted from Liberal/NDP pressures put upon Harper (instead of Harper claiming it as a significant contributor to his HarperRecessionFighter legacy)... or it was a bad thing whenever member Argus/Harper Conservatives whine/wail about "Liberals/NDP making them do it... making Harper Conservatives spend the stimulus"! Again, Harper Conservative HIPPPPPOCRISY!


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It still boggles my mind that the NDP is sticking to saying they are going to balance the budget. What, are they just going to wait on implementing all of these expensive campaign promises? Because 15$/day daycare+Foreign aid spending increases+continuity of 6% annual health transfers to provinces+1 cent of the gas tax going to cities+maintenance of UCCB cheques+2% Tax cut for small businesses kind of adds up to a LOT OF MONEY. 5-10 Billion dollars at least. This doesn't even include a host of small spending promises such as environment policies, youth policies etc that will come out in the future.

Where the is the NDP going to get all that money and not raise taxes? Cutting income splitting and raising the corporate tax rate by a few percent (which is a bad enough idea as it is) will not raise more than 2 or 3 billion dollars in the end. Add to this the likely lower revenues from royalties, and lower income taxes due to slower growth, and there is going to be a bigger hole than many people are planning for. What, are the NDP going to cut 10 Billion dollars from current program spending? If there were 10 Billion dollars easily available, don't you think the conservatives would have found it already?

I'm sorry NDP voters, but as it stands your plan doesn't add up, and Mulcair is underestimating your intelligence.

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Harper keeps saying he'll balance the budget but never does and you're suddenly worried about deficits?

The NDP are making all the right sounds, and Tom may actually believe what he is saying, but he has a whack of candidates who want to see the floodgates open and the feds getting into everything possible. So I don't think he has the balls to say no to his star candidates!

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