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War In Texas

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Was it only a handful of nutters who provoked the governor of Texas to declare the State Guard would be monitoring the feds to make sure they respected constitutional rights and protections?

No, the various County seats, using mechanisms through both State and Federal law, that only learned of the exercise several months ago through the nut-bar media.

Tough. It's a bigoted, backward, ignorant land of religious wackos, rednecks and hicks. The irony is most of them don't know any more about Christianity than your average illiterate Yemeni farm boy does about Islam.

So you said.... :lol:

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Jon Stewart had a piece on this last week.


Jon: "You don't shoot people who disagree with you, EVER!!"

I wonder what the citizens of My Lai or those of any of the other regularly scheduled Vietnam massacres might have to say to us today, had they not been shot for vehemently disagreeing with the very presence of the USA invading horde.

Multiply that by the multitudinous shootings, napalming, carpet bombing, CIA torture deaths, ..., is there a good catch all phrase for the myriad methods of death inflicted upon innocents slaughtered because they disagreed with the USA stealing the bread from their children's mouths?

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Who's "they"? The handful of nutters in Bastrop,

Hey Derek!

a poll released Wednesday found that 32 per cent of Republican primary voters believe the exercise is an effort by Obama to take over Texas

Lol! Nearly one third of all Republican primary voters think Obama is about to use Chinese troops to take over Texas!! :lol::lol::lol:


Edited by Argus
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Hey Derek!

a poll released Wednesday found that 32 per cent of Republican primary voters believe the exercise is an effort by Obama to take over Texas

Lol! Nearly one third of all Republican primary voters think Obama is about to use Chinese troops to take over Texas!! :lol::lol::lol:


Right, a poll put on by a Democratic think tank........The same firm that also found the 28% of Americans feel the World is ruled by a group of secretive elites and that the medical industry invent new diseases to make money, likewise the US Government was behind 9/11.....

I think a liberal polling firm that finds their political opponents to be kooks, then spread the results by left leaning blogs, is not exactly passing the smell test.......take your repeating of the Chinese invasion angle.......only problem, the Chinese were not mentioned in the poll........A sample size of 685 self identified Republicans, some without phones, so the polling firm conducts interviews online.........


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It's clear that it's more than "a handful of kooks in Bastrop County" and it's clear that they're not talking about forest fires.

Perhaps in your travels to Texas you've interacted mainly with educated professional people, and people in major centers, and your experience with these people has given you a favorable view of Texans in general.


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It's clear that it's more than "a handful of kooks in Bastrop County" and it's clear that they're not talking about forest fires.

Perhaps in your travels to Texas you've interacted mainly with educated professional people, and people in major centers, and your experience with these people has given you a favorable view of Texans in general.


No, it is not clear........what is clear, is that people propagate an unfounded stigma on the State, fueled namely by ignorance, political bias and depictions from Hollywood.

Though my personal experience, having both lived and (continue) to work there is close to what you describe, the implication that Texans as a whole are unlearned trailer dwellers with tin hats is ridiculous, and would be so to anyone that has actually been there........if public levels of education is the litmus, the Texas public school system achieves better results than New York, California, Washington, Oregon and other American centers of self proclaimed progressive enlightenment....

I will say this, in recent conversation with family friends there, the sentiment of a Texas invasion by Obama would be welcome, as then Texans would become belligerents entitled under the Geneva Convention to a level of healthcare greater then what is currently offered by Obamacare..........but alas, the prospect of the Obama administration successfully invading Texas, well outgunned ~20-1, with Federal forces comprised of nearly 25% Texan, is probably close to nil.......

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No, it is not clear........what is clear, is that people propagate an unfounded stigma on the State, fueled namely by ignorance, political bias and depictions from Hollywood.

Though my personal experience, having both lived and (continue) to work there is close to what you describe, the implication that Texans as a whole are unlearned trailer dwellers with tin hats is ridiculous, and would be so to anyone that has actually been there........if public levels of education is the litmus, the Texas public school system achieves better results than New York, California, Washington, Oregon and other American centers of self proclaimed progressive enlightenment....

I will say this, in recent conversation with family friends there, the sentiment of a Texas invasion by Obama would be welcome, as then Texans would become belligerents entitled under the Geneva Convention to a level of healthcare greater then what is currently offered by Obamacare..........but alas, the prospect of the Obama administration successfully invading Texas, well outgunned ~20-1, with Federal forces comprised of nearly 25% Texan, is probably close to nil.......

Obamacare isn't working in a state where the state government has refused to actually implement it? What a shock!

If it's really about forest fires, then why aren't Cruz and Gohmert and Abbott talking about forest fires? If it's just a handful of wackos, then why are Cruz and Gohmert saying otherwise?


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No, it is not clear........what is clear, is that people propagate an unfounded stigma on the State,

A state where the state motto is probably something like "Yee Hawww!"?

fueled namely by ignorance, political bias and depictions from Hollywood.

More like the fact that every politician and political cause that emerges in Texas seems to be even dumber than the one which preceded it. Case in point, Governor George Bush, followed by Governor (I can't count so good) Rick Perry, followed by this idiot Abbott.

Though my personal experience, having both lived and (continue) to work there is close to what you describe, the implication that Texans as a whole

are unlearned trailer dwellers with tin hats is ridiculous,

Texas seems to be home ground to the craziest wings of the Republican Party. Basically, most of them seem to be just a bit shy of being outright anarchists. They don't believe in government doing ANYTHING, and want as little of it as possible.

I will say this, in recent conversation with family friends there, the sentiment of a Texas invasion by Obama would be welcome, as then Texans would

become belligerents entitled under the Geneva Convention to a level of healthcare greater then what is currently offered by Obamacare.. probably close to nil.......

You're saying your friends and family are Communists? Because the level of health care under Obamacare is about a thousand times more than Republicans seem to want. They appear to believe that if you can't afford to cure yourself, and God won't help you then you'd be better off dying in order to decrease the surplus population. Republicans, especially the ones down south, regard public health care as anathema.

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Obamacare isn't working in a state where the state government has refused to actually implement it? What a shock!

Texas and 13 States didn't implement it........the 36 that did will likely see it come crashing down by the end of June.

If it's really about forest fires, then why aren't Cruz and Gohmert and Abbott talking about forest fires? If it's just a handful of wackos, then why are Cruz and Gohmert saying otherwise?


Texans aren't talking about it........one would think if they were, the impending invasion would be mentioned in local media........odd that it isn't don't you think?

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Texans aren't talking about it........one would think if they were, the impending invasion would be mentioned in local media........odd that it isn't don't you think?

Texas media?

Operation Jade Helm will bring the U.S. military's most elite soldiers, including the Green Berets and Navy SEALS, to Texas for simulated special operations in a hostile territory. But plans for the exercise have roused fears in many Texans of a federal occupation.


The announcement follows weeks of growing public outcry over the training event. Super right-wing news websites first circulated an Army document describing the planned exercise in March, and since then a broad theory of military plans to subdue Texans and institute martial law has emerged. At a weekend meeting of the commissioners' court of Bastrop County—one of 17 Texas counties that will see federal troops training between July and September, hundreds of citizens turned out to voice fear and anger with an Army spokesman.

But it's done little to ease the fears of Texans highly distrustful of the federal government. In a press release, the governor said he hoped his deployment of Texas troops to monitor the exercises would comfort citizens.

Houston Chronicle

Now, in an interesting case study, we've seen what happens when you juxtapose Texas' reverence for troops against the GOP's instinct to pander to the furthest reaches of its right wing rump.

Yes, the crazies win.

Mere weeks after a state House committee hearing in which speakers railed against the Union in the Civil War, and called anti-slavery Texans traitors, Gov. Greg Abbott indulged in some naked pandering to those that hold modern US Special Forces in the same contempt. As has been widely reported, he has announced that he is sending the Texas State Guard to monitor the exercise. As a learning opportunity? No, because the right-wing fringe, ginned up by Agenda 21 conspiracy theories, black helicopter phobias, and radio demagogue Alex Jones, has decided that this is the beginning of martial law.


So what's next? Do the crazies believe that North Carolina is already under occupation? Will Abbott send the Texas Rangers to keep an eye on Fort Mead? And why feed into this inflammatory Texas vs the US rhetoric? Because that's what Abbott does. This is, after all, the same Abbott that, as attorney general, infamously gave his job description as "I go into the office, I sue the federal government, and I go home." Of course he's going to pander to anti-DC sentiment. Plus, he's waded deep into Agenda 21, anti-UN conspiracy theory waters before: Back in 2012, he went on a Twitter rampage against UN elections observers, warning them that "groups and individuals from outside the United States are not allowed to influence or interfere with the election process in Texas." Which, of course, raises the question about what part of "observer" slipped his grasp..

Austin Chronicle

AUSTIN — A high percentage of voters expressed concerns that the federal government is up to something with the Jade Helm 15 military exercises planned for this summer in Texas and the rest of the Southwest, a national poll released Tuesday shows.

The Rasmussen poll showed that 65 percent of voters favor the U.S. military conducting training exercises in their state and think it’s the right thing to do. Only 16 percent are opposed.

But 45 percent of those polled said they harbor reservations that the government will use the training operation to impose greater control over the states. Those concerns were particularly strong among those who identified themselves as conservatives, with 56 percent saying they had worries.

Dallas Morning News

(I assume Rasmussen isn't a Democrat think tank?)


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Texas media?

Houston Chronicle

Austin Chronicle

Dallas Morning News

(I assume Rasmussen isn't a Democrat think tank?)


A three week old news article, a political editorial from earlier this month by this guy:

DSC_5504.jpg (screams Texas)

and the reporting of a National poll that found:

65 percent of voters favor the U.S. military conducting training exercises in their state and think it’s the right thing to do. Only 16 percent are opposed.


But 45 percent of those polled said they harbor reservations that the government will use the training operation to impose greater control over the states. Those concerns were particularly strong among those who identified themselves as conservatives, with 56 percent saying they had worries.

So, according to this poll, most Americans favor US military exercises in their State, 45% have reservations of Government and most Conservative Republicans have concerns with the Democratic Obama administration......I'm shocked!!

Knocked that one out of the park........

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A state where the state motto is probably something like "Yee Hawww!"?

Actually no, its Friendship or Tejas (and no, its not named after a ZZ Top album)......

More like the fact that every politician and political cause that emerges in Texas seems to be even dumber than the one which preceded it. Case in point, Governor George Bush, followed by Governor (I can't count so good) Rick Perry, followed by this idiot Abbott.

Perhaps the rest of the United States should get dumber then......since Texas is continuing to outpace the national average in economic growth, lowest in unemployment (for the last 100 months), one of the higher rated public education systems within the United States and the second highest rate in completion of high-school.....Likewise, Big Oil Texas leads the United States in the production of renewable (wind) energy...........

It clearly annoys Liberals/progressives, not just within the States so it seems, that their own causes that they claim to champion are actually finding better results when put into the hands of Jesus loving, gun packing, Dallas Cowboys worshiping folks........

Texas seems to be home ground to the craziest wings of the Republican Party. Basically, most of them seem to be just a bit shy of being outright anarchists. They don't believe in government doing ANYTHING, and want as little of it as possible.

Outright anarchists that you claim pressured their State Government to observe the Federal Government's military exercises within their State :huh:

You're saying your friends and family are Communists? Because the level of health care under Obamacare is about a thousand times more than Republicans seem to want. They appear to believe that if you can't afford to cure yourself, and God won't help you then you'd be better off dying in order to decrease the surplus population. Republicans, especially the ones down south, regard public health care as anathema.

Hardly Communists...........Texas, like other border States, faces pressures on its public healthcare providers/services from illegal immigrants that cross the border the Obama administration refuses to close......Obamacare, even if it worked as intended for Americans, wouldn't address such problems.

Edited by Derek 2.0
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Perhaps the rest of the United States should get dumber then......since Texas is continuing to outpace the national average in economic growth, lowest

in unemployment (for the last 100 months), one of the higher rated public education systems within the United States and the second highest rate in

completion of high-school.....Likewise, Big Oil Texas leads the United States in the production of renewable (wind) energy...........

Did a cursory internet lookup and all I found was that Texas ws 51st in the nation in terms of high school completion. That was from 2012 but you're saying it's now first in the nation? I'd like to see a cite on that.

Economic growth, hmm? Texas is one of those states which has basically told employers that if they locate there they won't have to worry about unions, safety laws or much in the way of taxes, I believe. Not surprised they've gotten a bunch of employers there. Mexico has too, for much the same reasons. Then again, Texas has this little thing called... oil. Kind of hard to screw up with all that oil money and oil industry jobs. Even the generous-to-a-fault Alberta PCs barely managed it.

It clearly annoys Liberals/progressives, not just within the States so it seems, that their own causes that they claim to champion are actually finding better results when put into the hands of Jesus loving, gun packing, Dallas Cowboys worshiping folks........

Who have oil. I have no doubt that if you're making a nice oil industry salary and able to pay for health care insurance you're okay. I have little doubt if you're not, then you're pretty much screwed in Texas. Don't look for any help from the government.

And who are you calling a Liberal?

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A three week old news article, a political editorial from earlier this month by this guy:

DSC_5504.jpg (screams Texas)

So on the one hand you're angry that people are stereotyping Texans, and on the other hand you're disregarding this guy's column because he doesn't look enough like a stereotypical Texan to you?

To be clear that was by no means an exhaustive list of articles I found. That was pretty much the first handful of articles I got by googling for "dallas morning news jade helm", "houston chronicle jade helm" and "austin chronicle jade helm". Try it yourself-- its easy to do, and will provide tons of examples to dispute your claim that Texans aren't talking about this.

So, according to this poll, most Americans favor US military exercises in their State, 45% have reservations of Government and most Conservative Republicans have concerns with the Democratic Obama administration......I'm shocked!!

Actually, what it said is that they "harbor reservations that the government will use the training operation to impose greater control over the states." I noticed you cropped that little portion out of your response, probably because it didn't fit your narrative that this is about forest fires and Obamacare.


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Did a cursory internet lookup and all I found was that Texas ws 51st in the nation in terms of high school completion. That was from 2012 but you're saying it's now first in the nation? I'd like to see a cite on that.

Perhaps you need to redo your look-up.....per the US Department of Education :rolleyes:

Economic growth, hmm? Texas is one of those states which has basically told employers that if they locate there they won't have to worry about unions, safety laws or much in the way of taxes, I believe. Not surprised they've gotten a bunch of employers there. Mexico has too, for much the same reasons. Then again, Texas has this little thing called... oil. Kind of hard to screw up with all that oil money and oil industry jobs. Even the generous-to-a-fault Alberta PCs barely managed it.

Sure the energy sector is huge in Texas, likewise aerospace, electronics, Telcom, food wholesale/ranching/farming etc

Who have oil. I have no doubt that if you're making a nice oil industry salary and able to pay for health care insurance you're okay. I have little doubt if you're not, then you're pretty much screwed in Texas. Don't look for any help from the government.

And who are you calling a Liberal?

The State Government that spends ~12 billion a year on the health and welfare of illegal immigrants? Or the State that has over 1.6 million citizens receiving healthcare subsidies?

I wonder what Ontario's healthcare system would look like with an additional 1.5 million people not paying income tax.....

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To Derek - Texas is not an example of good use of educational dollars. It stands last of all the states in percentage of people who graduate from high school.

High standards from you I see.......in my mind being tied for second, only behind Iowa, isn't an example of a bad education system...

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So on the one hand you're angry that people are stereotyping Texans, and on the other hand you're disregarding this guy's column because he doesn't look enough like a stereotypical Texan to you?

No, his bio lists him as the resident Englishmen.......

To be clear that was by no means an exhaustive list of articles I found. That was pretty much the first handful of articles I got by googling for "dallas morning news jade helm", "houston chronicle jade helm" and "austin chronicle jade helm". Try it yourself-- its easy to do, and will provide tons of examples to dispute your claim that Texans aren't talking about this.

And to be even clearer, I provided you the links to the largest tv, radio and print outlets serving Bastrop county....and not a mention in today's headlines of the impending invasion.....

Actually, what it said is that they "harbor reservations that the government will use the training operation to impose greater control over the states." I noticed you cropped that little portion out of your response, probably because it didn't fit your narrative that this is about forest fires and Obamacare.


My narrative? You provided a poll conducted across the United States as an indictment against residents of Texas......Ooops.

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25% of the U.S. armed forces you say?

Somewhere between ~20-25% when you include the USAF, USN, US Army, USMC, reserves of all four branches, the Texas Guard units and the Coast Guard........Then if you include onto that Federal Law Enforcement and the Intelligence agencies, you're pushing upwards of ~35% or 1/3rd of Texans making up the "armed service" of the United States Government........

So how many nukes do they have down there in Texas?

Lots.....aside from strategic weapons (ICBMs and the B-1 bomber force in Dyess) and tactical low yield weapons at several other bases, the entire nuclear arsenal of the United States is assembled (and dismantled) and serviced just outside of Amarillo.......

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Oh well..Keep it over there Lord keep it over there.

What more can I say?

Furthermore, the manufactures of most of the US military (Colt, Beretta USA, Mossberg and BAE systems) small arms and munitions are in Texas.....with even more guns and ammo makers relocating to Texas (and several other US Southern States) from Northern States.........to say nothing of other military hardware makers, from the F-35 and V-22 Osprey, to military communications and computers, to missile systems to MRAPs....all made in the Lonestar State......

Which makes the entire notion of the Obama administration invading Texas rather laughable.......and most Texans know this.

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