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They don't have to watch the news. They just have to listen to their paranoid and easily startled Conservative parents going "Them freaky Muslims and their weirdo face veils..."

Their parents were saying that two years ago, when polls showed overwhelming support for banning the niqab, which is why the Liberals in Quebec jumped on the idea too.

You think Harper manufactured dislike for this in Quebec?

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Nope, but he hopes to use it.

Probably, at least in Quebec. It's not like he had a lot to lose there. But the sentiment was there well before Harper or Kenney had a word to say on the issue.

And I'm still waiting to hear either Mulcair or Trudeau condemn the Liberal and PQ in Quebec - in French. <sound of crickets chirping>

Edited by Argus
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And I think much of the anti-Chrisitan sentiment from the left might be responsible for the Oregon shooter asking for and killing Christians.

It isn't confirmed that he was specifically targetting Christians; he shot people whatever they answered.

However, another survivor, Rand McGowan, told his mother, Stephanie Salas, that Harper-Mercer was not specifically targeting Christians.

"'Do you have a God? Are you Christian? Do you have a religion?' It was more so saying, 'You're going to be meeting your maker. This won't hurt very long.' Then he would shoot them," Salas told the AP.


I also think that the anti-semitism from the left stirs up much of the rise in anti-semitic activity.

So, you would agree that anti-Islam sentiment from the right stirs up anti-Islamic activity?
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Unions and Muslim societies have come out and said there is NO niqab wearing person in Public Sector for God's sake.They are using a non-existence issue to build support. They are playing on naive people's emotions. Fear mongering and division. To divide and conquer as Trudeau said and yes as Trudeau said stop the nonsense before someone really gets hurt. No election win worth endangering the health or even lives of innocent women. And btw those who attack women are nothing but big cowards. Monsters and same goes for those who exploit emotions for political gains.

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Unions and Muslim societies have come out and said there is NO niqab wearing person in Public Sector for God's sake.They are using a non-existence issue to build support.

So? He was asked a question. He said 'we'll look at it', which is pretty non-committal, and I doubt anyone really expects them to do anything.

All this hysteria is really just a bunch of batty progressives running around like their hair is on fire. It's not like Harper is giving angry speeches denouncing Muslims. He's mostly ignoring it except that the press keeps asking him about it.

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So? He was asked a question. He said 'we'll look at it', which is pretty non-committal, and I doubt anyone really expects them to do anything.

All this hysteria is really just a bunch of batty progressives running around like their hair is on fire. It's not like Harper is giving angry speeches denouncing Muslims. He's mostly ignoring it except that the press keeps asking him about it.

Nonsense. Harper knows he doesn't want to answer questions on his economic performance, so keeping the niqab issues open suits him, and his bigoted base. Now he has the refugee scandal breaking so niqabs are us is a place to try and hide.

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Nonsense. Harper knows he doesn't want to answer questions on his economic performance, so keeping the niqab issues open suits him, and his bigoted base. Now he has the refugee scandal breaking so niqabs are us is a place to try and hide.

His bigoted base?

Eighty-two per cent of those surveyed supported the requirement, 15 per cent opposed and four per cent didn’t know or refused to answer.

So when you talk about these bigots you're basically talking about almost all of Canada, right?


And in fact, an earlier poll found 60% want it banned in public, period, everywhere.


So maybe you should admit that you are in a very, very small minority, and that the Tories are voicing the opinions and desires of the vast majority of Canada.

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His bigoted base?

Eighty-two per cent of those surveyed supported the requirement, 15 per cent opposed and four per cent didn’t know or refused to answer.

So when you talk about these bigots you're basically talking about almost all of Canada, right?


And in fact, an earlier poll found 60% want it banned in public, period, everywhere.


So maybe you should admit that you are in a very, very small minority, and that the Tories are voicing the opinions and desires of the vast majority of Canada.

Luckily our courts, using our charter, protect individual rights. Regardless of bigotry.

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Nonsense. Harper knows he doesn't want to answer questions on his economic performance, so keeping the niqab issues open suits him, and his bigoted base. Now he has the refugee scandal breaking so niqabs are us is a place to try and hide.

Is this for real? Harper barely brings this up. It's brought up for him during debates (e.g. the mods will ask) and has been an "issue" to the government since before the election.

Divisive politics? Try Trudeau and Mulcair for making this a big deal

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Is this for real? Harper barely brings this up. It's brought up for him during debates (e.g. the mods will ask) and has been an "issue" to the government since before the election.

Divisive politics? Try Trudeau and Mulcair for making this a big deal

Helllooo, whenever Harper sets foot in Quebec of late, it's the first thing out of his mouth. Oh well, the refugee "audit" will likely supplant that issue for the next while.

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Proof? for the following.

1) First thing out of his mouth

2) Whenever Harper sets foot in QC as of late.

He's now looking to take Quebec bill 62 and apply it federally. He sems to like the niqab issue alright.


Edited by On Guard for Thee
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He's now looking to take Quebec bill 62 and apply it federally. He sems to like the niqab issue alright.


He was asked during an interview if he would consider extending it. He didn't bring it up on his own. Again i'm looking for a cite of what you said.

Here's a hint, read the top 3 comments in the very article you posted.

Edited by angrypenguin
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He was asked during an interview if he would consider extending it. He didn't bring it up on his own.

He certainly had an answer ready, though. And it wasn't that the courts had rendered a decision, and he'd respect that. Or that this wasn't an issue for this election. It wasn't even that Canadians wanted people to show their face at citizenship ceremonies, so he'd enact legislation for that if elected.

Nope, it was a double-down. It was furthering the issue, creating more divisiveness and more fodder for those who prefer to spew hate than to think.

Btw, there aren't any women in the public sector who wear a niqab. Either he didn't bother to find out before deciding on a "policy", or he did know and he didn't care - because it was more important to create more controversy regardless of facts.

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He was asked during an interview if he would consider extending it. He didn't bring it up on his own. Again i'm looking for a cite of what you said.

Here's a hint, read the top 3 comments in the very article you posted. Stay tued.

And you believe that question just came out of thin air do you? OK, but in any case, his response is what is important. Again, it plays to his base, and keeps the economic issues out of the discussion. But of course the page may now have been turned by the PMO intervention into CIC business. Stay tuned.

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He certainly had an answer ready, though. And it wasn't that the courts had rendered a decision, and he'd respect that. Or that this wasn't an issue for this election. It wasn't even that Canadians wanted people to show their face at citizenship ceremonies, so he'd enact legislation for that if elected.

Nope, it was a double-down. It was furthering the issue, creating more divisiveness and more fodder for those who prefer to spew hate than to think.

Btw, there aren't any women in the public sector who wear a niqab. Either he didn't bother to find out before deciding on a "policy", or he did know and he didn't care - because it was more important to create more controversy regardless of facts.

If the guy has a belief, he can make it known. To me, the other two leaders are the ones still harping about this. To be brutally honest, if you were Harper, would you want to talk about an issue which could screw you over in the polls (niqab) or stuff about the TPP?

I mean, come on, if you really think it's the former, then I'm not going to waste any cycles talking about this. As much as any Leftie may hate Harper, I think it's safe to say he's a smart politician.

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And you believe that question just came out of thin air do you? OK, but in any case, his response is what is important. Again, it plays to his base, and keeps the economic issues out of the discussion. But of course the page may now have been turned by the PMO intervention into CIC business. Stay tuned.

Let's think about this. Why does he need to play with his base? His base is the strongest out of the top 3 parties. :rolleyes: I don't buy this argument one bit.

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Luckily our courts, using our charter, protect individual rights. Regardless of bigotry.

So you're saying 82% of Canadians are bigots for not liking the niqab? You know, given your sensibilities, if you think so little of Canadians you should probably be looking for somewhere else to live...

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Let's think about this. Why does he need to play with his base? His base is the strongest out of the top 3 parties. :rolleyes: I don't buy this argument one bit.

Unfortunately for him, Harper's base is pretty much limited and has no room to grow. Which is one reason he is falling behind in the polls as the more flexible votes shift to the ABC position.

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