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When Do We Say "No" to More Gov't, U.N. and I.P.C.C.?


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You Black dog walked into that hook line and sinker. Not only did you call me a pedophile but you then denied it as you now do what Hudson Jones did.

I deliberately held off on the last quote until you couldn't resist coming back on the 2 of you and trying to call me a liar.


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You Black dog walked into that hook line and sinker. Not only did you call me a pedophile but you then denied it as you now do what Hudson Jones did.

You just can't stop lying, can you?

I deliberately held off on the last quote until you couldn't resist coming back on the 2 of you and trying to call me a liar.

You are a liar.

Says the liar.

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Squid are you saying post 211 does not exist? Are you claiming someone who refers to Zionism as a cancer that needs to be wiped out is not calling for the destruction of Israel given the other comments where he calls Israel a Zionist state and then states Zionism must be wiped out?

You want to defend him as being a defender of Israel? Lol.

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he still didn't say what you said he did...

if you want to claim he said zionism is a cancer that needs to be removed... well that would actually be what he said. But you like hyperbole to suit your agenda... so you change it to he called Israel a cancer that should be wiped out.

Nice try... but when you make accusations, the actual words matter... not your slanted interpretation of them.

Like now, when you accuse me of saying that he is a defender of Israel.

Let me know where I said that. Please cite the actual post where I say this.

Please cite the post in which Black Dog calls you a pedophile.

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FTR, and I've posted this before, but this is the post in which the pedophile thing originated. I think it's pretty obvious I was not actually suggesting Rue was a pedo, but rather using a sort of reductio ad absurdum rhetorical device to expose the flaws in Rue's logic in the discussion at hand. Anyone who reads that and comes away thinking there was an actual accusation of pedophilia involved has, IMHO, something wrong in the head.

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FTR, and I've posted this before, but this is the post in which the pedophile thing originated. I think it's pretty obvious I was not actually suggesting Rue was a pedo, but rather using a sort of reductio ad absurdum rhetorical device to expose the flaws in Rue's logic in the discussion at hand. Anyone who reads that and comes away thinking there was an actual accusation of pedophilia involved has, IMHO, something wrong in the head.

So you cited a post where you didn't call him a pedophile... lol

Like I said... the actual words matter... and this particular poster tends to twist them in fun and imaginative ways to suit his agenda...

Edited by The_Squid
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Enough. This thread is locked. You all should be ashamed of yourselves.

Be that as it may, anybody who wants to re-start this discussion, feel free to do so but here is my recommendation: try to avoid inflammatory rhetoric and try to avoid inciting inflammatory rhetoric.

Just in case my advice falls on sensitive ears, ignore it and replace it with this: Define your terms.

Ch. A.

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