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Surrey Panorama Ridge BC By-Election

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B.C. Green Party leader enters race for Surrey Panorama Ridge byelection

A huge wake up call both for the right wing BC Liberal Campbell Regime, and for the right wing BC Green Party, is coming soon in BC.

While the next general election in BC is still 8 months away, BC has to have a by-election in Surrey Panorama Ridge by November this year. And a very rude shock is waiting for the present government.

The New Democrats have chosen a popular local businessman to represent them, and he is probably going to win with one of the biggest majories ever recorded in BC history.

Leader Adrienne Carr is running for the Greens, and the last I've heard, an idiotic Surrey School Board Chair, who apparently opposes gay rights, is contesting the nomination for the Liberals.

This is a tactical error for the Greens, as when the ballots are counted and the Greens Carr's poor showing becomes apparent, it is going to severely damage the the Green's credibility, and their future possibilities in the general elections next year.

Never mind what any polls say, and what the capitalist right wing media will spout off. This will be a massive victory for the social democratic New Democrats, who will use their powerful election results in this Surrey by-election, to propel themselves to victory in the coming general elections next year.

To get a feel for what is really going on now, all you have to do is drive around the Surrey Panorama Ridge community. Every street it seems now has many snazzy new Blue and Gold New Democratic lawn signs, a sure sign of the surging support for NDP candidate Jagrup Brar. :D

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Guaging election results particularly these days with the low citizen response rate is a constant challenge.

Am not aware of any polling firm details, however was driving through Surrey and saw the overwhelming signage for NDP candidate Jagrup Brar. Combined with the fact that this guy Brar has impeccable business credentials, while the Liberals are in disarray over a candidate, is enough for me.

for some details on Brar's background go to:


Liberals acclaim Polak in Surrey

Polak made some controversial decisions during her time as chair of the Surrey School Board – including the same-sex book fight.

Under her leadership, the board spent a million dollars fighting to prevent text books depicting gay parents from being used in primary classrooms.

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Surrey also has possibly Canada's largest population of chain-smoking single moms with rusted-out '83 El Caminos. :P

It might be tempting to put too much stock in ethnic factors in elections. To assume that ethnic voters will just naturally vote for somebody from their own demographic is perhaps not giving enough credit to these voters.

In the past Federal election, in the Edmonton Beaumont riding, Liberal David Kilgour defeated Conservative Tim Uppal by literally a couple of dozen votes. Thanks to some creative map-drawing by Elections Canada, the Edmonton Beaumont riding contains not only a large rural area, but also a big slice of Edmonton's tremendously diverse Millwoods district. Not surprisingly, the two different parts of the riding had different views. But perhaps surprisingly, Uppal, a turban-wearing Indian businessman, received most of his support in the white, rural area of the riding, while Kilgour received most of his support in the diverse Millwoods part of the riding.

I am sure that if Mr Brar wins this byelection, it won't just be because of his ethnic background.


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It might be tempting to put too much stock in ethnic factors in elections. To assume that ethnic voters will just naturally vote for somebody from their own demographic is perhaps not giving enough credit to these voters.

Kimmy; the ethnic vote in BC is very much manipulated. There has been much hanky panky even in getting their own East Indian Candidates in the assorted ridings (not just Surrey) These people take advantage of the newer immigrants that cannot read and sign them up and/ or their cats and dogs. They vote for who they are told to or who looks most like them. Some of this group were Ministerial assistants rounded up and fired (1 still only suspended and being paid) in the raid on the legislature early this year. Drugs and money laundering are involved.

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Without a doubt, the government in BC is in a mess and needs stability. I just get my info from family out there or the news but it doesn't seem like there are any decent choices for you guys which sucks. There has been one scam after another and it doesn't seem to matter which party you are talking about. We have our problems here in Alberta but they are miniscule compared to the crap you guys have to put up with. Unforunately, politics has become such a back stabbing, coniving way of life, it is hard to get decent people to run for office. And if you do finally get a decent person running, they get slammed with inuendos and crap from the opposing party. Guess that is why I swing a hammer and paint brush instead of being in politics, I would be too tempted to slap some sense into these people.

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That is how Campbell made it into government with the help of the press. Expose and exaggerate the misdeeds of the previous leaders. Glen Clarke was cleared of any wrong doing and after all it was only a porch built by a neighbour. Gordon Wilson had an affair with his now wife Tyabji; poor taste but really had nothing to do with his job. Campbell would scream for the resignation of these and other politicans but refused to resign after getting caught drinking and driving in a foreign country and jailed. We suddenly had to pay for the RCMP to escort him (drive) everywhere. It was claimed to be necessary for his protection; so there were 3 RCMP assigned to him round the clock. The rest of us can't get the police to come and investigate any type of property crime.

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The Green Party is anything but a right wing party. They are the party that effectively splits the NDP vote. If NDP was so good as government, why were they wiped in the last election? They could not even form an opposition. These people even stole money from charities. How soon we forget!!

Campbell had to impose some tough love on BC & the gimmies after NDP left the province as a "have not". Province was stagnating. People are now working, even students are able to find employment. We are leading economically and things are turning around for the better. Things are not perfect and some policies don't sit well but it is sure better than we had under NDP.

Ceasar now be honest - you know the ethnic manipulation took place during the NDP reign. It was the Federal Liberals that manipulated the ethnic vote in Surrey. Methinks u are confused by the two Liberal governments.

My opinion - if u want BC to sink deep, vote NDP.

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Nonsense, if you want the problems to continue unabatted in BC keep the Campbell Liberals in power.

A good example is their candidate in the Surrey by-election. The Campbell Liberals couldn't get a credible candidate to run for them. They ended up with Mary Polak, one, if not the, most polarizing person in the entire Surrey community. It took the Supreme Court of Canada to finally give her a well deserved slap and settle her down.

Come on folks, this is the 21st century, and even Spain has recognized same-sex marraige. Time to get over it, and move on.

The Campbell Liberals are playing the politics of division. Let's bash the gays, let's bash the environmentalists, etc.

The latest crap being spewed out by Cabinet Minister Falcon is he wants another lane across the Port Mann bridge. Like that is really going to solve the congestion, and do wonders for the traffic in Surrey. Good strategy - let's pit one community against another.

This is one of the major urban areas in Canada. Screw the car lanes, the automobile induistry, and the oil industry and let's get good rapid transit out to the Fraser Valley.

Unbelievable brain dead solutions from a Campbell Government Cabinet minister. Unfortunately, similiar to what we have seen for the past three years, and to be expected.

LIberals won this riding last time with 58%. You want to see how unpopular Gordon Campbell's government is, watch this by-election. My guess is that this time around, the reasonable Carol James New Democrats, and their John Travolta look-alike entreprenneurial candidate Jagrup Brar, will grab at least 50% of the vote. :blink:

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The latest crap being spewed out by Cabinet Minister Falcon is he wants another lane across the Port Mann bridge. Like that is really going to solve the congestion, and do wonders for the traffic in Surrey. Good strategy - let's pit one community against another.

What would/is the NDP's strategy? Build some ultra fast cats to ford the Fraser (built in BC yards of course.).

This is one of the major urban areas in Canada. Screw the car lanes, the automobile induistry, and the oil industry and let's get good rapid transit out to the Fraser Valley.

Wasn't 100s of millions of dollars offered by the Campbell government for the RAV line, but to only have the project voted down by local city councils?

And isn't Translink incharge of Transit? Not the Campbell government.........

Unbelievable brain dead solutions from a Campbell Government Cabinet minister. Unfortunately, similiar to what we have seen for the past three years, and to be expected.

What was the NDP's strategy a few years ago when they were in government?

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Ceasar now be honest - you know the ethnic manipulation took place during the NDP reign. It was the Federal Liberals that manipulated the ethnic vote in Surrey. Methinks u are confused by the two Liberal governments.

No it did NOT take place during the NDP reign. The largest incident was the federal Liberal election just past but that was being done by BC Liberals. The ministerial aids that are now fired and one suspended with pay. They also, dabbled in drugs and money laundering.

You are the one confused. You blamed the NDP, then gave an example of the Federal Liberals. Those Liberals were being led by members of the BC Liberals.

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Wasn't 100s of millions of dollars offered by the Campbell government for the RAV line, but to only have the project voted down by local city councils?

And isn't Translink incharge of Transit? Not the Campbell government.........

Well maybe technically, translink is in charge of transit. Campbell offered multil millions plus to cover any cost overrun. The vote was pushed for three times within about a month; until the Campbell government got the yes vote they were looking for.

This cost over run could be astronomical with all the tunnelling required under an extremely busy street and business area.

Technically, BC Ferries is now a private company owned by the government. Which only means that they do not have to account for anything to the public. It is being run on a Campbell agenda to kill unions in BC. He is trying to make the province attractive to business by making sure the working man does not earn a decent wage.

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Well maybe technically, translink is in charge of transit. Campbell offered multil millions plus to cover any cost overrun. The vote was pushed for three times within about a month; until the Campbell government got the yes vote they were looking for.

Wasn't federal government funding also offered?

This cost over run could be astronomical with all the tunnelling required under an extremely busy street and business area.

Yes, but ultimately we will have fast transit from downtown Vancouver to the airport. Now I use to live in Van, an boy oh boy, anything that will help relive the traffic congestion between south Vancouver and Richmond is a good thing.

IOW the Campbell government (and the feds) are giving hundreds of millions of dollars to translink to help improve congestion near a major crossing of the Fraser river. Same can be said about the Port Mann project.......

Hell lets have a look at this:

Translink ten year paln

-Expand the reach of the rapid transit network by 40 per cent

-Expand the bus fleet by one-third with the addition of 400 new buses, and upgrade the existing 1300 vehicle transit fleet.

-Improve the Major Road Network through eight new road projects, plus a new Fraser River crossing.

- Add two new stations to the West Coast Express and introduce more TrainBus service.

-Add a third Seabus vessel to serve the

North Shore and Vancouver by 2004.

-U-Pass Program and Service Expansion

-Cycling Improvements

So whats the problem?

Technically, BC Ferries is now a private company owned by the government. Which only means that they do not have to account for anything to the public.

When was the last time you have been on a ferry? Being an Islander that use to work and live in Vancouver, and still has many friends and family living on the mainland, I feel safe to say that BC Ferries today is a stark contrast to what they were as a crown corporation, for the better.

It is being run on a Campbell agenda to kill unions in BC. He is trying to make the province attractive to business by making sure the working man does not earn a decent wage.

What unions has he killed or come close to killing?

And whats wrong with encouraging corporations to locate in BC? Whats better for the "working man", having a job or not having a job?

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Ceasar now be honest - you know the ethnic manipulation took place during the NDP reign. It was the Federal Liberals that manipulated the ethnic vote in Surrey. Methinks u are confused by the two Liberal governments.

No it did NOT take place during the NDP reign. The largest incident was the federal Liberal election just past but that was being done by BC Liberals. The ministerial aids that are now fired and one suspended with pay. They also, dabbled in drugs and money laundering.

You are the one confused. You blamed the NDP, then gave an example of the Federal Liberals. Those Liberals were being led by members of the BC Liberals.

Wrong. Dosanjh was harvesting the ethnics vote in Surrey. Martin did his own bidding and recruiting. Even Terquila Sheila was courrting. God help us if NDP get in again... surely we haven't such short memories. :(

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Wasn't 100s of millions of dollars offered by the Campbell government for the RAV line, but to only have the project voted down by local city councils?

And isn't Translink incharge of Transit? Not the Campbell government.........

Well maybe technically, translink is in charge of transit. Campbell offered multil millions plus to cover any cost overrun. The vote was pushed for three times within about a month; until the Campbell government got the yes vote they were looking for.

This cost over run could be astronomical with all the tunnelling required under an extremely busy street and business area.

Technically, BC Ferries is now a private company owned by the government. Which only means that they do not have to account for anything to the public. It is being run on a Campbell agenda to kill unions in BC. He is trying to make the province attractive to business by making sure the working man does not earn a decent wage.

Well spoken like a union person - what's in it for me and be damned the rest of you. It is so nice not to be constantly held hostage by strikes and have a healthy economy. Union unrealastic wage demands in a sagging economy during NDP reign gave rise to cost of goods and services thus placing those who are in the poverty line to sink even deeper into poverty. But then that doesn't really matter, does it - so much for NDP caring for the little guy. Welfare rolls doubled - ever wonder why?. Why were people fleeing the province seeking work because there was non here?

Making a province attractive to business creates employment and food on your table. There are more tax payers to provide needed services. What NDP did was drive business out and jobs along with it to other provinces. My gawd, even unions turned against the NDP in the last election which is one reason they could not even form an opposition. AS for Carole James, she has no policies and I would not hold my breath for anything constructive from her or Layton.

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We shall see.

The writ has been dropped for October 28, and if lawn signs, not the signs that are on public lands where there are no voters, are any indication, the Carol James New Democrats are in for a big win with their movie star looks candidate Jagrup Brar.

We don't need alcoholics, dope infested people, or hate-mongering homophobics to govern us in BC, thank you. :ph34r:

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Union unrealastic wage demands in a sagging economy during NDP reign gave rise to cost of goods and services thus placing those who are in the poverty line to sink even deeper into poverty. But then that doesn't really matter, does it

What have the Liberals done; the rich have got richer and the middle earner working man is paying the bills. The wages are going in the pockets of the owners and the rest of us are still paying even higher prices. Hospital workers were replaced by minimum wage workers and we can't get medical treatment.

Buying Ferries in BC would return tax money to the province plus we would be recieving money from the Feds for building Canadian; instead BC will be paying an extra import tax. Is this a good deal for BC. Not likely. At least they should have taken the bid from Washington shipyards to show where this foreign purchase will save all this money.

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What is the big deal about one by election. The real answer comes in May. How many people will be bought off by the crumbs Campbell is tossing out now. I am not crazy about the NDP either; we need a party in BC that is more towards the center. The Liberals give all our money and attention to the rich; the NDP give it to the poor including bums and lazy people who think the world owes them a living. We need a little more balance and give the working stiff a break.

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What is the big deal about one by election.  The real answer comes in May.

Haven't you been listening to Syrup? It's the start of a revolution! :lol:

You are right, of course. A byelection and a general election are two different things. Has anybody ever compiled any statistics about how byelection results correlate with general election results, or whether the governing party's candidate is more likely to lose in a byelection? It seems likely to me that a byelection is more likely to produce an anti-government result, as the voters are given the opportunity to give the government a mid-term report card. And, voters can vote without worrying about how their vote will impact the makeup of the legislature-- the premier will be the same guy, regardless who wins the byelection. I'd be curious to hear what the general trend is in byelections over the years.

One thing for sure: the NDP will herald a win as the start of a revolution and the Liberals will insist that it doesn't mean very much.


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I like this girl, addressing the real issues. Unlike NDP's candidate whose whole point of the campaign is to bring down the evil "Campbell Liberals", Mary Polak, a life-long Surrey resident, again, unlike NDP's candidate, knows what the problem is and will make it a priority to fix it. Obviously, this is the kind of person I am going to vote for.

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And whats wrong with encouraging corporations to locate in BC? Whats better for the "working man", having a job or not having a job?

We don't need more minimum wage jobs that one cannot live on.

Having a job that will pay for all the increased costs today in BC. Higher gasoline prices, higher medical premiums, higher prescription costs for seniors, higher pst. Campbell sold off our BC assets to his rich American friends. Nick Geer made ICBC an effective money making operation so he gets fired!!!?????. Despite all that Campbell has sold off; we are further in debt. He even allowed more casinos to open making us little Los Vegas.

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