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I am entitled to my entitlements.


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I see nothing has changed at the liberal headquarters, they have never learned. Taking money from schools to speak when the schools need the money not justin. This guy should step down, he is nothing but a spoiled brat, that is getting more and more spoiled. And the way he treats the media, it is amazing that they still are kissing he feet. Time for some people to wake the fuck up and get rid of the disaster in the making. Reminds me of dingwall, I am entitlted to my entitlements.

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What we have here is a different kettle of fish. Justin ,is not doing anything illegal in solicting money for his presence in class rooms or board rooms.

My position is why do school boards who cry for more money agree to pay handsomely for this guy to come in and babble platitudes. Or how students who complain about the cost of education can endorse this kind of payment. Usually MP `s,at least the ones I have known have never charged for speaking at schools.

What the private sector does is their business except if they get tax right off. Then again you and I are paying. Also I find it offensive that while you and I pay his wages as an MP he is out double dipping instead of doing the work he was voted into doing and being paid handsomely to boot. Is this public service ? But maybe I am jealous I can `t get some money indoctrinating kids who are gullible to Rock Stars and will be voting in the next election.

Lets face it . Since his fathers funeral the media has fawned over this kid and has created a future PM. It has worked and we now have a Royal Canadian Family.

He will be PM of that there is no doubt. He can do no wrong. I only hope that at least he has some wise folks behind.

One has to wonder why socialists like Trudeau who gets a very good handsome wage, charges to meet Canadians in speaking engagements? How rich does a socialist have to inspire too ? I could have some understanding if he was donating his extra gain above his salary to education or social work or hospitals etc.

If you and I are being payed a salary by a company and were takeing time off work to make money else where, we would be fired. But like I said it is not illegal. But is it right ?

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I think public speaking engagements are part of his present job as MP. Any money receieved from them should be collected by his employeer. Otherwise, he is stealing from his employer/tax payers.

Or am I worng to think, leading and inspiring the people is not part of being a politician. Does Harper accept cash to talk to reporters?

Edited by DFCaper
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I think public speaking engagements are part of his present job as MP. Any money receieved from them should be collected by his employeer. Otherwise, he is stealing from his employer/tax payers.

Or am I worng to think, leading and inspiring the people is not part of being a politician. Does Harper accept cash to talk to reporters?

I'm not sure on this one. I believe that most MPs or the PM wouldn't accept cash until after their position in government is over. But I could be mistaken. The reality is that the PM makes $300K per year which is less than what Trudeau made in his best year speaking. If it was a money thing then why would he run for office unless he could do both. I would guess they sacrafice the money while they are in office for the hopes they can earn a pretty penny after they are done.

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His speaking engagements were vetted by the ethics commissoner.

Backbench and opposition MPs are allowed to run private businesses while continuing to sit in the House of Commons — a Canadian Press report in 2010 found that 151 of 308 MPs either receive an outside income or own businesses — but speaking events can cause ethical concerns if it appears the speaker is getting paid to talk in his or her capacity as an MP.

Last year, the Citizen reported that, in addition to Trudeau, Conservative Senators Mike Duffy, Larry Smith, Pamela Wallin, and Jacques Demers had received payment for speaking events since becoming parliamentarians.

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Of course it is legal but come on, what does it show, it shows nothing but greed. And that is what is ruining the planet is greed. How many people here can take off work and go out and make some money on the side. He spoke to PS people and collected 15g's. This is wrong. And poor martha, being forced by the bosses to apoligize to poor justin for getting tough with him during a debate. This leadership scam is embarressing to the party and the country. They are saying you are stupid, because they know you will kiss justin's feet when ordered, no matter what he does.

Edited by PIK
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You have the gall to dis Libs over entitlements when just days ago the public was treated to Mike Duffy slithering out of a hotel kitchen so he could avoid media questions on his fraudulent expenses. In a showdown between fraud and entitleements I will take entitlements everytime.

Why are the media not after the real crook harv or harb or whatever his name is, I see PR Wall has come to wallens defence saying she is out there all the time.To bad we did not have a media that was honest and fair ,so everyone can see what is going on, instead of witch hunts.
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c'mon PIK, get current... your team already tried - and failed!

ruling from the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner - read it and weep, PIK, read it and weep! laugh.png

On the basis of the information provided, I have no reason to believe that Mr. Trudeau has contravened sections 8 or 9 of the Code. He is carrying on a business as a paid speaker while respecting his other obligations under the Code, and this is permitted under section 7 of the Code. For these reasons, I have decided that an inquiry is not warranted.


Mary Dawson

Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner

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c'mon PIK, get current... your team already tried - and failed!

ruling from the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner - read it and weep, PIK, read it and weep! laugh.png

Justin Trudeau has almost the lowest attendance record of all MP's at 64%. At least now we know what he is doing when he's not at his post in the HoC. He's ignoring his constituents and moonlighting instead. Go Justin.

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party leaders carry a traditionally low voting percentage - Harper's is only @ 65%... prior to Trudeau campaigning for the Liberal leadership, his voting percentage was @ 82% - this is typical for any party's campaign process. The respective parties accept their candidates (and the party) are better served by having the candidates appear at campaign events rather than as back-benchers in the House (particularly when votes of the candidates will make no difference to the overall voting results). PeBa fail!

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Except he's not the leader of his party and he isn't in his riding doing riding work. In PM Harper's case he is travelling internationally looking after Canada's interests abroad. This isn't what Trudeau's doing. Trudeau is charging taking money out of the already taxed education system to the tune of $20k a pop, he should be ashamed of himself. He's a millionaire MP who is pulling in $151k per year and is pulling $20k each time he appears to speak at schools...disgusting.

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Except he's not the leader of his party and he isn't in his riding doing riding work. In PM Harper's case he is travelling internationally looking after Canada's interests abroad. This isn't what Trudeau's doing. Trudeau is charging taking money out of the already taxed education system to the tune of $20k a pop, he should be ashamed of himself. He's a millionaire MP who is pulling in $151k per year and is pulling $20k each time he appears to speak at schools...disgusting.

Smacks of someone who is jealous.

The EDU's hire him, he isnt strong arming anyone, Want to be upset, castigate the school boards.

Ashamed...?...for making money. Tsk tsk...cant have that.

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Smacks of someone who is jealous.

The EDU's hire him, he isnt strong arming anyone, Want to be upset, castigate the school boards.

Ashamed...?...for making money. Tsk tsk...cant have that.

He's a millionaire yet he's taking money from our education system. He's taking any high ground away from himself if he ever talks about the education system not having enough money, that's for sure. All's he is doing is proving to everyone that he is for sale to the highest bidder if he ever gets into the PMO.

Not to mention that he is making these enormous sums of money while missing sessions at the House of Commons. Why isn't the MSM reporting on this?

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Well this is hilarious ... Trudeau being lambasted for his attendance record in the House ... which is pretty much the same as Harper's. :lol:

Trudeau has a pre-existing business that he continues to operate ... like half of the MP's.

Now ... What about Harper's investments?

Does he have any investments in anything he might be making decisions about ... like oil?

What's that?

Harper has NO investments?

None at all?

They're all in his wife's name?

She makes ALL the investment decisions ... for her control freak husband?

Ya ... right! :lol:

Edited by jacee
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I disagree with you here, first the schools don't have to have him speak, they want him to. second it ain't cheap to run in politics.. it costs millions of dollars, the liberals have suffered from party debt in the past, I think what he is doing is "good" that is earning his own money, instead of taking it from the tax payers.

One might question why schools are being partisan if they are government funded... that is the real issue here.


I see nothing has changed at the liberal headquarters, they have never learned. Taking money from schools to speak when the schools need the money not justin. This guy should step down, he is nothing but a spoiled brat, that is getting more and more spoiled. And the way he treats the media, it is amazing that they still are kissing he feet. Time for some people to wake the fuck up and get rid of the disaster in the making. Reminds me of dingwall, I am entitlted to my entitlements.

Edited by shortlived
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shortlived, please explain to me how he is not taking the money off the tax payers ? I am confused. He recieves his salary as an MP and when he speaks at schools they pay him with money we tax payers put into the schools ? Please enlighten me ! How is he not taking tax payer money ?

You also say that it takes millions to run a campaign and the Liberals have had fund raising problems in the past. What has that to do with Trudeau raising money on his speaking engagements pay ?

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Muddy you see, when people MAKE money they pay taxes. I'm sure as a "public servant" that is an MP, he probably does take money from the tax payers but that is only due to corruption within the parliament act which parliamentarians gave themselves income from the general revenue fund rather than funds that parliament raised itself through enterprise. He however is no different from any other MP in that respect. (I have to add though that they did this before he was in office)

Now what he is doing in taking speaking fees, is getting paid money, from the institutions. now institutions such as universities do not get "all" their money from the government, some comes from alumni, others comes from patents, or other revenue streams, in the us for instance college sports generates revenue for some schools.

None the less the bottom line here is that in regard to paid speaking engagements, it is institutions that are paying those fees, not the government itself. It is the government that has control of those funds, but once they give it to the schools they can use it for purpose x or y.

I must also state that some student organizations raise money from students, not as a federal or provincial tax but to dedicated funds, for instance, and some of these funds bring in speakers, who at times may be paid. Now ontop of this recognize that universities in Canada have political science departments so the value of a high profile MP such as Trudeau speaking is actually quite beneficial, he is a bit of a celebrity in Canada.

None the less to see speakers fees as "tax payer funds" for activities which are privately contracted, and I do beleive MP's should be able to moonlight, so long as it doesn't represent a conflict of interest, or a backdoor to create embezzling slush funds. I would be very surprised if this is the case. In terms of money well spent, if looking at paying Bill Clinton $100,000 to speak from educational funds or $10,000 for Trudeau, I would have to say that giving the funds to a Canadian is far more patriotic and in line with Canadian cultures and values.

To say that Trudeau isn't educational, a former teacher himself, I think that is just an attack that isn't very substantial.

However, I think that universities funding speakers is problematic (if from the wrong fund) but self funding a speaker by student societies, organizations, or other private entities (or from a fund that wasn't earmarked for other purposes from a grant) is completely ethical. However, I do think this is problematic to fund from tax payer revenues (if the grant wasn't ethically given for a purpose to which the speaker even an mp fullfilled..). However, there is no indication the institutions used tax payer grants to hire Trudeau to speak, provide that info if you have it.

As an MP he doesn't get paid to tour the country. As long as he isn't claiming travel expenses (for his MP accounts0 for his moonlighting activities no biggie. Although if he claimed it for business costs it is within the CRA act.. he can. but as long as he isn't double dipping on stuff more power to him, people who work are good for Canada. People who hold two or more jobs are even better.

You know because MP's who are also ministers basically do that exact same thing, they work for the crown, and they work for the public as part of parliament. It is more than one job.

Although that is also a corruption from the early 20th century SHAME!

Unrelated those same MP's who also act as a crown agent should man up and join the executive council and leave their seat or refuse the appointment. Not both saying they work for the crown, then also saying they represent their riding.

Edited by shortlived
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Could you perhaps explain what entitlement he was entitled to or recieved?

Hows your pugilist boy Brazeau doing.....oh wait , down for the count...again.

So the only good indian is the ones that liberals can use for a photo op, like spence? Harper gave the kid a chance and it failed and yet there is the great guyser kicking him when he is down.
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So the only good indian is the ones that liberals can use for a photo op, like spence? Harper gave the kid a chance and it failed and yet there is the great guyser kicking him when he is down.

Your falling for the lefts switch the subject matter when they know they are loseing the battle Pik.

This is about Trudeau. If they want to argue the merits of Brazeau let them start a new topic. No other MP that I know of ,charges for speaking engagements. Other than a stipend. I always figured it was part of the job dicription already being well paid by the people.

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So the only good indian is the ones that liberals can use for a photo op, like spence? Harper gave the kid a chance and it failed and yet there is the great guyser kicking him when he is down.

Sp no reply concerning what entitlement you were talking about?

No surprise, and by the way, I dont kick when people are down, i give them a ten count and or a TKO .

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Sp no reply concerning what entitlement you were talking about?

No surprise, and by the way, I dont kick when people are down, i give them a ten count and or a TKO .

The feeling of entitlement, he feels he should be paid to speak to little kids and Public servents. You guys freak out about a conservative using letterhead improperly , buy yet something like this and you see nothing wrong. But it seems you and others don't care what happens to this country ,by wanting justin to win, as long as you have power. Anybody with a brain can see he does not have the maturity or the smarts to be a leader of a country. He is no better than the senators who are legally taking everything they can get thier hands on. So really you have no right anymore to critize anyone about what they do. Greed baby, that is why the western world is fucked. Edited by PIK
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