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CIA Director Petraeus Resigns

Guest American Woman

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The bottom line for me is that the FBI knew that Petraeus was having an affair when he was appointed to the CIA. They also have record of many of the emails. Could this affect any testimony he gives, being under the cloud that more sexy email details could be released from some third party? Remember Carter's nephew releasing the damaging video?

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I just heard detail on the third woman who contacted the FBIabout threatening emails from Broadwell. This woman was Jill Kelly and was not in the CIA or military, except in an unpaid position.

Yes, I heard this earlier today on NPR, and thought how silly it would be if this all started because of petty jealousy. But then I remembered how a very well educated and trained Space Shuttle astronaut went beserk over her rival, ruining her career.

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The bottom line for me is that the FBI knew that Petraeus was having an affair when he was appointed to the CIA. They also have record of many of the emails. Could this affect any testimony he gives, being under the cloud that more sexy email details could be released from some third party? Remember Carter's nephew releasing the damaging video?

My understanding is that the affair did not begin until several months after his appointment.

Edited by Bitsy
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My understanding is that the affair did not begin until several months after his appointment.

Hmm, my understanding is that the affair began while he was in Afghanistan and Broadwell was at his side for extended periods of time as she wrote his biography. Around the time of spring 2011.

Edited by sharkman
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Hmm, my understanding is that the affair began while he was in Afghanistan and Broadwell was at his side for extended periods of time as she wrote his biography. Around the time of spring 2011.

This is what is now being reported.

The actual affair began about two months after Petraeus took over at the CIA in September 2011, according to one Petraeus friend.

It ended about four months ago, and the two last talked about a month ago, the friend said.

The decision to end the relationship was mutual, the friend said



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Guest American Woman
The two last talked about a month ago and it ended about 4 months ago? Then why was Broadwell threatening Kelly? Obviously the truth has a ways to go before it all comes out.

Perhaps Petraeus ended the affair and Broadwell may have thought it was because someone else caught his eye - that someone being Kelly, in her mind? It kind of makes sense that she would send "stay away from him!" emails if the affair had ended and she didn't want it to and she thought it might be because of someone else being in the picture. Just speculation, of course.

At any rate, it sounds as if Broadwell was rather unstable, going off on the deep end a bit.

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Guest American Woman

Now a top general in under investigation for inappropriate communications with the woman Broadwell was threatening:

In a new twist to the Gen. David Petraeussex scandal, the Pentagon said Tuesday that the top American commander in Afghanistan, Gen. John Allen, is under investigation for alleged "inappropriate communications" with a woman who is said to have received threatening emails from Paula Broadwell, the woman with whom Petraeus had an extramarital affair.

.....20,000 to 30,000 pages of emails and other documents from Allen's communications with Kelley between 2010 and 2012 are under review. He would not say whether they involved sexual matters or whether they are thought to include unauthorized disclosures of classified information. He said he did not know whether Petraeus is mentioned in the emails.

...while the matter is being investigated by the Defense Department Inspector General, Allen will remain in his post as commander of the International Security Assistance Force, based in Kabul.

Can't help but wonder what this is all about, and if there's any connection to Broadwell's emails to Kelley.

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Cool...I went to "college" with General Allen back in the 70's. He was one of the highest ranking midshipman in his class (U.S. Naval Academy). Very gungy guy who loved the Marine Corps. We were in the same battallion/company. Sorry to see him get caught up in this scandal.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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Yeah, the Benghazi story and who knew what when, that's the cloud hanging over this sudden affair news story. I heard it reported yesterday that when Benghazi first happened, Petraeus's first quote on the matter was to toe the line and blame the video. The question is, why would he say something so wrong like that. Was he under blackmail threat? Because the facts at his disposal sure pointed to something else.

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I just heard this and found a link.

In October, Paula Broadwell, the woman at the center of the David Petraeus adultery case, spoke publicly about events surrounding the Benghazi attack that appeared to go beyond what was in the public record at the time. Broadwell, co-author of a biography about Petraeus, was speaking at the University of Denver Oct. 26 and responded to questions about the attack on the U.S. Consulate that led to the death of four Americans, including the U.S. ambassador to Libya.

"Now I don't know if a lot of you heard this, but the CIA annex had actually -- had taken a couple of Libyan militia members prisoner and they think that the attack on the consulate was an effort to try to get these prisoners back. So that's still being vetted," she said.

For the CIA to be holding prisoners like this is apparently against US law.

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...For the CIA to be holding prisoners like this is apparently against US law.

The original spin was that the CIA had recruited and "deputized" a few local militiamen to aid in the consulate's defense. This story gets stranger with each passing day. Broadwell was also apparently in possession of classified files. I can't wait for the movie version starring Angelina Jolie.

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Guest American Woman

Curiouser and curiouser - the FBI agent who started the probe is now being investigated for sending "shirtless" pictures of himself to Kelley... and apparently there's a child custody battle involving Kelley's twin sister that allegedly concerns both Petraeus and Allen. http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/twists-petraeus-case-another-general-accused-inappropriate-emails-162656131.html

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Curiouser and curiouser - the FBI agent who started the probe is now being investigated for sending "shirtless" pictures of himself to Kelley... and apparently there's a child custody battle involving Kelley's twin sister that allegedly concerns both Petraeus and Allen. http://news.yahoo.co...-162656131.html

All this is distraction from Benghazi.

Now here is something all of us need to understand. Usually we as a group are quite polarized and stand on opposite sides with many of these events, it is important to note that most of us agree and are on the same side in saying that something does not add up here. Since this is the case, we definitely know something is being covered up.

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I agree on that one. And with thousands of emails apparently on tap, no doubt new revelations will be leaked every day. And the goal of those leaks is probably to keep attention away from Benghazi and to assassinate characters before anyone testifies. I hope the general can think several moves ahead and has access to really good lawyers.

Edited by sharkman
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