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'savage' NY subway ads get a make-over


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This isn't news to anyone. We all know you're a communist and naturally despise freedom of speech and expression.

Communist? " :lol:

Hardly. I'm about as free enterprise as you can get ... without predatory mega- corporations of course.

I may oppose what some people have to say, and that's my right, as much as it's their right to say it. I do like to call an aho an aho ... They're free to be one and I'm free to call them on it.

Of course you support vandalism and suppression of basic freedoms. Eltahawy actually echoed the very same lack of comprehension over freedom of speech and expression you revealed earlier in this thread. You think freedom of speech and expression empowers you to vandalise and destroy private property, as well as harass people.

Your lack of comprehension of freedom of expression is noted. Everybody has it: Your free expression may motivate me to freely express in response.

Free express all you want. I don't have to agree and I don't have to listen and I don't have to keep quiet: You are free to speak, and there may be consequences. That's reality.

The pompous blowhards who think everybody has to listen to them don't respect the rights of others.

They usually spout intolerance. They get some back. :)

It's a free country.

Spraypainting ugly gang tags is vandalism. Painting murals is not. Hanging hate messages is vandalism. Improving the message with a well-placed sticker is not, imo. :D

Edited by jacee
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Guest American Woman

the week is never complete until we have another american woman episode where, despite getting an explanation and a review of the explanation, she cannot accept that she's wrong and instead goes into denial mode decorated with emoticons.

the week is never complete until we have another bud episode where he dishonestly accuses others of being dishonest, complete with emoticons and insults.

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Guest American Woman

I'd like to see a cite on it. I am willing to say I am wrong if you can show it to me.


I remember the last time you 'said you were wrong.'

Ahh you are correct. Maybe you do have some skills in reading comprehension.

Spare me your admission insults. I'm not interested. B)

Edited by American Woman
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Being pro-Jihad is admirable in some's view. Allahu Akbar! While Ms Geller has the subtlety of a sack of mongooses (geese?), that poster is in no way racist. Islam isn't a race, for one...no matter the bleating and carrying-on from the "Islamic world" and their toads like some posters on MLW.

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Guest American Woman

Being pro-Jihad is admirable in some's view. Allahu Akbar! While Ms Geller has the subtlety of a sack of mongooses (geese?), that poster is in no way racist. Islam isn't a race, for one...no matter the bleating and carrying-on from the "Islamic world" and their toads like some posters on MLW.

From what I've read (and no, I'm not defending Geller, so please spare me - you know who you are), she put up the posters to counter the anti-Israel posters that were up in the NYC subway system.

This poster - “Be on our side. We are on the side of peace and justice. End U.S. military aid to Israel.” - which gives you the option of supporting Palestine or else you're supporting violence and injustice - hasn't caused much of a stir .... while bud is all upset that this anti-Jihad poster is...

...a poster that gives you the option of supporting israel or else you're supporting jihadists/savages.

Yep. The second is so much worse than the first. :rolleyes:<_<

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From what I've read (and no, I'm not defending Geller, so please spare me - you know who you are), she put up the posters to counter the anti-Israel posters that were up in the NYC subway system.

This poster - “Be on our side. We are on the side of peace and justice. End U.S. military aid to Israel.” - which gives you the option of supporting Palestine or else you're supporting violence and injustice - hasn't caused much of a stir .... while bud is all upset that this anti-Jihad poster is...

Yep. The second is so much worse than the first. :rolleyes:<_<

We both know where MLW poster bud's sympathies reside. Trust no opinion that refers to Israeli's as 'Zionists'.

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I remember the last time you 'said you were wrong.'

Spare me your admission insults. I'm not interested. B)

ew. you're a dishonest poster. absolutely no integrity.

he challenged you to give citation and instead you respond this way.

*edited to remove "insults"

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ew. you're such a dirty and dishonest poster. absolutely no integrity.

he challenged you to give citation and you failed. you miserable flake.

Bud - if you have to degenerate your argument into a quadruple insult then you have have run out of points. Why not just step aside, especially since the post you're talking about is not yours ?

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Bud - if you have to degenerate your argument into a quadruple insult then you have have run out of points. Why not just step aside, especially since the post you're talking about is not yours ?

you're right, i didn't need to waste my time with the insult. and, what do you mean "the post i'm talking about is not mine"?

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Guest American Woman

We both know where MLW poster bud's sympathies reside. Trust no opinion that refers to Israeli's as 'Zionists'.

Bud refers to everyone who doesn't agree with him as "Hasbara bots," which tells you all you need to know right there. <_<

I have to say, I find it odd that the posters against Israel didn't garner any response, as the anti-Jihad posters have caught the attention of the media, and thus the public and the MTA - which said "they would now add new, prominently displayed disclaimers on non-commercial ads. The disclaimer will say, 'This is a paid advertisement sponsored by [sponsor]. The display of this advertisement does not imply MTA’s endorsement of any views expressed.'"

So why the quiet acceptance of the anti-Israel ads?


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Bud refers to everyone who doesn't agree with him as "Hasbara bots," which tells you all you need to know right there. <_<

I have to say, I find it odd that the posters against Israel didn't garner any response, as the anti-Jihad posters have caught the attention of the media, and thus the public and the MTA - which said "they would now add new, prominently displayed disclaimers on non-commercial ads. The disclaimer will say, 'This is a paid advertisement sponsored by [sponsor]. The display of this advertisement does not imply MTA’s endorsement of any views expressed.'"

So why the quiet acceptance of the anti-Israel ads?


I think we both know why that is...and it isn't pretty.

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Guest American Woman

I think we both know why that is...and it isn't pretty.

The thing is, I'm guessing that by far most people who are hearing about the anti-Jihad posters have no knowledge of the anti-Israel posters AND I'm sure most people who see an "anti-Jihad" poster would see it as just that - a poster against Jihad - but for the media/people making it about 'all Muslims' and 'Palestine in general.'

There has been a Jihad declared against Israel, but apparently it's "racist" to speak out against it. It's scary, really, in so many ways - all that's declared "racist" and "off limits" and "not acceptable" as just about anything regarding Israel (and the U.S. and the Western world at large) is acceptable.

Again. I'm not supporting Geller's posters, but I don't think they are any worse than the posters against Israel (which I shrugged off as free speech when I first heard of them - same as I do the anti-Jihad posters). And as I think of it, that I even feel the need to say this, is telling in itself.

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I have to say, I find it odd that the posters against Israel didn't garner any response,

why should anyone waste time to respond to someone who leaves other discussions unfinished and instead goes into denial mode when confronted? <_<

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The thing is, I'm guessing that by far most people who are hearing about the anti-Jihad posters have no knowledge of the anti-Israel posters AND I'm sure most people who see an "anti-Jihad" poster would see it as just that - a poster against Jihad - but for the media/people making it about 'all Muslims' and 'Palestine in general.'

There has been a Jihad declared against Israel, but apparently it's "racist" to speak out against it. It's scary, really, in so many ways - all that's declared "racist" and "off limits" and "not acceptable" as just about anything regarding Israel (and the U.S. and the Western world at large) is acceptable.

Again. I'm not supporting Geller's posters, but I don't think they are any worse than the posters against Israel (which I shrugged off as free speech when I first heard of them - same as I do the anti-Jihad posters). And as I think of it, that I even feel the need to say this, is telling in itself.

Folks don't want to hear about the Jews. They really don't. The Israeli government's PR is right out of a 1950s US Army newsreel, which doesn't help. Hamas has catchier videos...

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Guest American Woman

Folks don't want to hear about the Jews. They really don't. The Israeli government's PR is right out of a 1950s US Army newsreel, which doesn't help. Hamas has catchier videos...

I'm not sure how much of it is what the public wants to hear about and how much of it is people reacting to the media and those making the most noise. From what I initially read, New Yorkers were, for the most part, just passing by the anti-Jihad posters same as they do most others - in a hurry, living their lives. Then along comes all of this attention and claims that "Jihad" refers to all Muslims and Palestine at large, in spite of what Geller has repeatedly said to the contrary - "the advertisements are not intended to offend 'peaceful Muslims,' but are targeted only at those who engage in jihad against innocent civilians" - and suddenly they are racist, an insult to all Muslims and Palestinians. The reaction by these people is the only thing directed at all Muslims and Palestinians. But of course that reaction, along with the accusation/implication, is what most people are left with.


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I'm not sure how much of it is what the public wants to hear about and how much of it is people reacting to the media and those making the most noise. From what I initially read, New Yorkers were, for the most part, just passing by the anti-Jihad posters same as they do most others - in a hurry, living their lives. Then along comes all of this attention and claims that "Jihad" refers to all Muslims and Palestine at large, in spite of what Geller has repeatedly said to the contrary - "the advertisements are not intended to offend 'peaceful Muslims,' but are targeted only at those who engage in jihad against innocent civilians" - and suddenly they are racist, an insult to all Muslims and Palestinians. The reaction by these people is the only thing directed at all Muslims and Palestinians. But of course that reaction, along with the accusation/implication, is what most people are left with.


I agree with you. But, at the same time look at Netanyahu's silly bomb picture. I hope he didn't think that up, but rather can be blamed on the same pinhead responsible for taking Don Rickles out of the Joe Pesci Snickers Ad.

Edited by DogOnPorch
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while american woman continues to try to stand up for pam geller, here is the ADL chair on pam geller, the person behind these posters - remember, ADL is a jewish organization who regularly defends israel:

Geller's self-righteous campaign to show the world the "true face" of Islam is abhorrent and morally repugnant. Geller, in views she outlines in her blog, has linked Islam to bestiality and rape of minors, compared Muslims to Nazis and asserted that Islam inspired Hitler. The Anti-Defamation League has closely followed her anti-Muslim scapegoating and that of Stop Islamization of America, the organization she leads, and has posted additional examples of her comments on its website.

Robert G. Sugarman

National Chair

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Guest American Woman

I agree with you. But, at the same time look at Netanyahu's silly bomb picture. I hope he didn't think that up, but rather can be blamed on the same pinhead responsible for taking Don Rickles out of the Joe Pesci Snickers Ad.

Yeah, I hear what you're saying and can't deny it. It's like politics here, too; I have to wonder who comes up with some of the ridiculous statements/ads - and it's on both the conservative and liberal sides. Neither is immune. I would hope people realize that and roll their eyes and then move on, not putting any more emphasis on it than is due. In other words, sometimes the message isn't so bad, but the delivery leaves a lot to be desired.

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Yeah, I hear what you're saying and can't deny it. It's like politics here, too; I have to wonder who comes up with some of the ridiculous statements/ads - and it's on both the conservative and liberal sides. Neither is immune. I would hope people realize that and roll their eyes and then move on, not putting any more emphasis on it than is due. In other words, sometimes the message isn't so bad, but the delivery leaves a lot to be desired.

Pam Geller is uncouth at best. She has a message, but it comes out sounding like a hockey fight. Do you want to see a good ad for Israel?

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That's awesome!! - Love it. Beautiful beach, too. Thanks for sharing. :)

Smiling having fun...as the song goes. And I don't mean to make light of the issues in that area. But, it is important for Israel to show its good side to the planet rather than focusing on the crap. Much like Vera Lynn during the Blitz. Once Israel can do that...they used to do that...then more folks will say: "Those Israelis are just like us." Rather than the: "Here we go again with the nukes". Folks are too stupid to understand consequences of nuclear weapons as a whole. Just bigger firecrackers.

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Guest American Woman

Smiling having fun...as the song goes. And I don't mean to make light of the issues in that area. But, it is important for Israel to show its good side to the planet rather than focusing on the crap. Much like Vera Lynn during the Blitz. Once Israel can do that...they used to do that...then more folks will say: "Those Israelis are just like us." Rather than the: "Here we go again with the nukes". Folks are too stupid to understand consequences of nuclear weapons as a whole. Just bigger firecrackers.

I agree. It shows young people, too; I point that out because I'm afraid too many people picture a bunch of older, serious, ultra-religious men when they think "Israel" - rather than "people just like us." And of course it is a beautiful country with beautiful beaches; it would be advantageous to get that message out there more often, as you said. Most Israelis, I imagine, are just living their day-to-day lives same as we are, not living and breathing the politics of the region. Yes, there are serious issues in that area, and I don't mean to downplay them either, but there is also this other side - and I think people too often forget that.

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