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Should 'WE" consider this a threat? A concern?

Guest Peeves

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I believe that you have mistaken the Ukrainians for Poles.

Winnipeg has the largest concentration of Ukrainians in Canada & not very many Poles.

I doubt that Winnipeg has more Ukrainians than Edmonchuk and eastern Alberta.

Saskatachewan also has Norwegians, a town/area called Birch Hills north of Saskatoon still has a substantial popualtion.

I don't care at all how many Muslims there are in Canada, as long as:

) they work and pay taxes

b)obey the law

Just like everybody else.......

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The islamaphobia has always been strong in the U.S. and Canada, where Christians tend to polarize discussion and wedge the issue. Realistically, there's nothing to worry about in terms of crime rate or malfeasance.

Because you say so, bringing to bear all your considerable expertise...

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I don't care at all how many Muslims there are in Canada, as long as:

) they work and pay taxes

b)obey the law

Just like everybody else.......

Of course, the more Muslims there are the more the law will reflect their beliefs. But I'm sure you won't have a problem with gays being imprisoned and pot smokers being executed...

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When the muslim has to make a decision between his country or religion, I will bet they go for religion every time, for a religion that goes berserk over cartoons, it can't be trusted nor should it get any special treatment in canada.

Edited by PIK
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What a crock of religious CRAP

its all religion it is just which one you pick. Its all the same, you choose helplessness I choose acceptance. God has a purpose life is not meaningless. All will be right in the end. I wouldn't live my life by any other basis, as it is otherwise redundant.

It isn't crap. People can choose one of a handful of paths. (4 options) that is all there is to the fundamentals of life choices.

Having faith and accptance (the lamb) is the only one that leaves people innocent. God will protect the good. It is just a question of conquering ones own egos and desires to be free from ones own corruption. Most people can't accept that kind of ego burn.

Terrorism is just a propaganda word.?????????????? Just ask the survivors & surviving families of 9/11 about that line of horse turds.

Yup. Murder is murder. Terrorism is just a wordplay. 9/11 was over a decade ago, its people like you that will spout nonsense about pearl harbour, meanwhile forgetting the Americans were supplying the british with weapons. Fact is that we don't know what happened on 9/11 other than the fact reports stated planes flew into the wtc. we don't know more than that. If you actually read the reports - the FBI did not say Osama was behind it, on the contrary they said a Pakistani general who was testifying before the senate foreign intelligence committee was behind it although circumspect. One or two people accused of being on the planes were not, one was in North Africa. There are many issues, but the fact is that the war in Afghanistan was engineered. Al Qaeda is not and has never been the Taliban, Omar offered to give up Osama to Pakistan for trial (which he did) because Pakistan recognized Afghanistan (the US did not) Someone lobbing a rocket in an attempt to wage war, is not a terrorist, they are a solider.

terrorism is just a way of classifying and demonizing certain attacks that are done by the underdog, subnationals. Fact is all are equal and the substate agent vs. a state actor are legalisms that just serve to deprive equal rights to people. Nationstates are a construct, the acts are no different than israel sending an attack helicopter to assasinate someone, or the US sending a missile from a drone in some foreign country to kill an enemy of state. Fact is nations as of late have been more the terrorist type than the terrorists themselves. Understand these wars have killed millions of people directly and indirectly, and have maimed and wounded millions more.

Hopefully you can see how ignorant you appear when you say things like that. You appear uneducated and I don't think that is what you are aiming for.

The Islamists are having a hard time finding any western people to kill so now they are back to committing terrorist acts on their own people. Kublai Khan two happening now----

Total nonsense.

P.S. the us government is still suppressing the truth of 911, and has even jailed people to keep the public from knowing the truth. The US govt. is not the good guy, either isthe government of Canada, they are both corporatist machines. They arn't about helping the little people, they want to control and subjugate them.

War plans (we have been unseeing unfold over the last decade) for the middle east have been in existance since atleast 1988, and are not yet finished. Although from memory from 2002, the syria thing is taking longer than expected. Actually it appears the whole thing could fall apart for the last couple steps.

If you know the facts of what was happening in september 2001, then you would doubt the situation a bit. The real story will likely ever be known because only a few insiders knew what actually happened. The public does not know and will not know for some time what really happened. Don't tell me you know, because you will just present yourself as a propagandized stooge for spouting facts without knowing anything. You don't know, so don't act like you know.

Civillians who fund the wars of their nations are not immune from being targetted, and never will be. You pay to kill someone expect your head to be blown off and me not to cry over it.

The US killed many many people including launching crusie missiles into afghanistan in 1999, and funding and arming the Northern Alliance so said against the taliban. CIA (potentially special forces) and British SAS were in Afghanistan at war before 911 , not after. Afghanistan was an ongoing conflict even before 911, it was just a loosing one.

Torture for US interests in not a human rights crime, it is an accepted violation from the US governments perspective - the worst you have an al qaeda is murder. Torture is a far worse crime than murder. It is a war crime actually that various US officials including George Bush and Obama have not been hung for yet but on the standard of international law ought to be.

It is US sympathizers such as yourself that degrade the standard of human rights, if you knew has the crap you support through support of the war, you might reconsider. It is disgusting, and if you do know and still support it, you are not worthy of speaking with.

Oh the one missing element, the US doesn't support war crimes as real. It doesn't support human rights -- but they will sure talk it when it lets them in to rape murder and rob people.

Pay close attention to the fact the US is not a signatory on those fundamental foundations, nor is it in the practice of upholding various treaties it signs. It is a law breaker, a human rights abusser, and a war crime pariah.

Oh but you can't see the forest for the trees. It is expected the reasons are obvious.

The US protector of the world against nuclear weapons - the largest nuclear weapons state with the most proliferations, and the only proliferation in war killing thousands Oh but that's not terrorism is it?

You know what is crap, your ignorant brainwashed view.

If the US could solve its own problems I might have more faith in their ability to solve others, but even then it wouldn't be by bombing them and their infrastructure.

Your democracy isn't very democratic.

Your freedom isn't very free.

i'm missing your bottom line.

We all die, what matters is how we live our life, what values we uphold ourselves to and what goodness we bring into the world. That is what matters, not who is the next stooge off the airplane.

Now back to your regularly scheduled fear and paranoia.

Edited by MACKER
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It's a propaganda word when it's used under the implied pretence--as it usually is--that "they" commit terrorism while "we" do not.

Anyone who holds that point of view is ignorant, and is begging not to be taken seriously.

So that includes our government and most of our news media, for starters.

I can honestly say that I've never committed an act of terrorism, nor do I plan to.

But then--- I'm not Islamic.

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its all religion it is just which one you pick. Its all the same, you choose helplessness I choose acceptance. God has a purpose life is not meaningless. All will be right in the end. I wouldn't live my life by any other basis, as it is otherwise redundant.

It isn't crap. People can choose one of a handful of paths. (4 options) that is all there is to the fundamentals of life choices.

Having faith and accptance (the lamb) is the only one that leaves people innocent. God will protect the good. It is just a question of conquering ones own egos and desires to be free from ones own corruption. Most people can't accept that kind of ego burn.

Yup. Murder is murder. Terrorism is just a wordplay. 9/11 was over a decade ago, its people like you that will spout nonsense about pearl harbour, meanwhile forgetting the Americans were supplying the british with weapons. Fact is that we don't know what happened on 9/11 other than the fact reports stated planes flew into the wtc. we don't know more than that. If you actually read the reports - the FBI did not say Osama was behind it, on the contrary they said a Pakistani general who was testifying before the senate foreign intelligence committee was behind it although circumspect. One or two people accused of being on the planes were not, one was in North Africa. There are many issues, but the fact is that the war in Afghanistan was engineered. Al Qaeda is not and has never been the Taliban, Omar offered to give up Osama to Pakistan for trial (which he did) because Pakistan recognized Afghanistan (the US did not) Someone lobbing a rocket in an attempt to wage war, is not a terrorist, they are a solider.

terrorism is just a way of classifying and demonizing certain attacks that are done by the underdog, subnationals. Fact is all are equal and the substate agent vs. a state actor are legalisms that just serve to deprive equal rights to people. Nationstates are a construct, the acts are no different than israel sending an attack helicopter to assasinate someone, or the US sending a missile from a drone in some foreign country to kill an enemy of state. Fact is nations as of late have been more the terrorist type than the terrorists themselves. Understand these wars have killed millions of people directly and indirectly, and have maimed and wounded millions more.

Hopefully you can see how ignorant you appear when you say things like that. You appear uneducated and I don't think that is what you are aiming for.

Total nonsense.

P.S. the us government is still suppressing the truth of 911, and has even jailed people to keep the public from knowing the truth. The US govt. is not the good guy, either isthe government of Canada, they are both corporatist machines. They arn't about helping the little people, they want to control and subjugate them.

War plans (we have been unseeing unfold over the last decade) for the middle east have been in existance since atleast 1988, and are not yet finished. Although from memory from 2002, the syria thing is taking longer than expected. Actually it appears the whole thing could fall apart for the last couple steps.

If you know the facts of what was happening in september 2001, then you would doubt the situation a bit. The real story will likely ever be known because only a few insiders knew what actually happened. The public does not know and will not know for some time what really happened. Don't tell me you know, because you will just present yourself as a propagandized stooge for spouting facts without knowing anything. You don't know, so don't act like you know.

Civillians who fund the wars of their nations are not immune from being targetted, and never will be. You pay to kill someone expect your head to be blown off and me not to cry over it.

The US killed many many people including launching crusie missiles into afghanistan in 1999, and funding and arming the Northern Alliance so said against the taliban. CIA (potentially special forces) and British SAS were in Afghanistan at war before 911 , not after. Afghanistan was an ongoing conflict even before 911, it was just a loosing one.

Torture for US interests in not a human rights crime, it is an accepted violation from the US governments perspective - the worst you have an al qaeda is murder. Torture is a far worse crime than murder. It is a war crime actually that various US officials including George Bush and Obama have not been hung for yet but on the standard of international law ought to be.

It is US sympathizers such as yourself that degrade the standard of human rights, if you knew has the crap you support through support of the war, you might reconsider. It is disgusting, and if you do know and still support it, you are not worthy of speaking with.

Oh the one missing element, the US doesn't support war crimes as real. It doesn't support human rights -- but they will sure talk it when it lets them in to rape murder and rob people.

Pay close attention to the fact the US is not a signatory on those fundamental foundations, nor is it in the practice of upholding various treaties it signs. It is a law breaker, a human rights abusser, and a war crime pariah.

Oh but you can't see the forest for the trees. It is expected the reasons are obvious.

The US protector of the world against nuclear weapons - the largest nuclear weapons state with the most proliferations, and the only proliferation in war killing thousands Oh but that's not terrorism is it?

You know what is crap, your ignorant brainwashed view.

If the US could solve its own problems I might have more faith in their ability to solve others, but even then it wouldn't be by bombing them and their infrastructure.

Your democracy isn't very democratic.

Your freedom isn't very free.

i'm missing your bottom line.

We all die, what matters is how we live our life, what values we uphold ourselves to and what goodness we bring into the world. That is what matters, not who is the next stooge off the airplane.

Now back to your regularly scheduled fear and paranoia.

The Islamists are having a hard time finding any western people to kill so now they are back to committing terrorist acts on their own people. Kublai Khan two happening now----

Total nonsense.

You should tell that to the members of the funeral party in Afghanistan, grieving for 38 people blown up in a market a couple of days ago----- BY THE TALIBAN

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You should tell that to the members of the funeral party in Afghanistan, grieving for 38 people blown up in a market a couple of days ago----- BY THE TALIBAN

as if NATO/US/Israel has never blown up a funeral party.

Information from the west about the west and its acts are more reliable than a party that is engaged in guerilla warfare being reported by their enemies.

Press Rlease:

We "Accidentally" blew up everyone as we mistakenly took the large gathering of people as a organized group of people who could have done something, but it was actually a funeral and it was for locals so we took the chance... sorry.

Sadly people don't buy our products at wakes so we couldn't tell friend from foe.

Targets in guerrilla war are not indiscriminate. Take for instance this market attack which targetted soilders they were fighting


This is better numbers than US collatoral damage limits.

killing 35 people on Tuesday morning, many of them members of an anti-Taliban militia

My gosh strap these talibs into fighters for the Syrian Air Campaign, for reduced civillian death tolls.

Obviously it sucks to be someone effected by this but tell that to the Libyans or Iraqi's that were effected by the sanctions and war. Fact is the numbers are low in comparison to the deaths and injuries Nato has caused the world.

Edited by MACKER
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I can honestly say that I've never committed an act of terrorism, nor do I plan to.

But then--- I'm not Islamic.

You haven't commited a terrorist act? Well good for you. Do you want a medal for that accomplishment?

That said, the whole point of terrorism is to influence people through fear. Although I certainly wouldn't call what you've posted in this thread terrorism, you're definitely applying the influence through fear angle, case in point:

Nahhhh , don't fear them--- what's a few dead MPs or senators worth--- or how about a beheaded Prime Minister or even a blown up House Of Parliament? Sleep tight Canadians--- nothing to fear here!!
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