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  1. The thing I find funny in this is that it is the bullets that kill not the guns. All someone needs to do is rig up a pea shooter or pen gun and the bullets can be used to kill just the same as a pistol. A simple websearch can show people how to do it. For example: http://www.metacafe.com/watch/427088/homemade_22_pen_gun/ Bullets are more dangerous than guns. All you can do with a gun is club someone. Of course you can rig up these same tools for other types of ammo not just .22 Or what about ammo for frag devices http://www.smallarmssurvey.org/fileadmin/docs/D-Book-series/book-05-Conventional-Ammo/SAS-Conventional-Ammunition-in-Surplus-Book-16-Chapter-14.pdf Take for instance the danger of bullets here http://www.northeastshooters.com/vbulletin/threads/52796-firefighter-friendly-ammo-storage someone rigs up some gasoline napalm and suddently you have a nasty antipersonnel bomb to deal with. they have videos like this out there too from just some gooey fire then you have a pretty nasty IED on your hands as soon as you get something to breach temperature. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P76I4oSGbH0&feature=related they even have instructions for making thermite to give the extra heat all you need is some aluminum cans and sand. magnesium is a common camping supply for firestarting.
  2. moral sellout supporter of corrupt politicians Stephen Harper is not Canada, he is a person who gained his position through repeated electoral frauds. You don't get that being an apologist as in the first half of your post. You don't need to make anything when it is already that. If you don't scoop the scum off the top it just builds clouding the view. That is exactly why the criminal and corrupt parties such as the Conservative Party of Canada need to be removed, so that good politicians have room and aren't drowned out and oppressed and disfranchised by the corrupt. It is only being pervasive in destroying a moral social fabric within Canada.
  3. Sure. Voters did it in 1991. I don't see it any different 2012. Only this time its for being stupid and criminal not just stupid. I'm only saying invalidate the ridings that were effected by the Robocalls and any member who was involved in in and out to be barred from public office, as is stipulated in the act for election fraud. And to disband the party as is stipulated for a party accused of violating election law. It is only the law. It is no different than asking the courts to sentence someone who premeditates murder and carrys it out then gets caught in the act. I don't think Dane law is all that is required here, I think we need to actually follow the law in regard to disbanding the party takings its ill gotten assets, and removing the people who aided and abetted the in and out scheme, in some cases publicly acknowledging as such. The conservative party of Canada did not hide this fact after it was discovered only stating it wasn't illegal, but it was. Ignorance of the law, and i don't think that is the case here, should not be defence against repercussions of breaking the law. Otherwise every criminal who wasn't a lawyer would walk scot free and I don't think that is the way law is intended to function. If the party wants tough on crime they should start with their own corrupt selves and save the rest of Canada from their illegitimacy and criminal endevours. People like Stephen Harper should be rotting in jail for fraud, and many many counts of fraud. Being a politician shouldn't exempt you from being subject to criminal law. They are crooks and liars.
  4. No they should be disbanded and have all their assets remitted to the taxpayers. Lets fight crime starting with the Organized Crime Syndicate ccalled the conservative party of Canada. It is madness to let a party that clearly has violated election law with blatnat disregard, and a subsequent attempt to politically bypass issues of criminal and administrative to continue to exist. it should be put to a grave, and taxpayers recover what it can of the money illegally obtained by the organization through fraud and other questionable practices. The real trick is recovery of the billions of embezzled tax dollars that went to conservative slush funds.
  5. The food cycle is relatively renewable if managed properly. Nightsoil (that is human feces) acts as fertilizer, likewise if bodies remains are left to decompose in the soil or ground down then pretty much 100% of the cycle is maintained. Urine also is a natural fertilizer. Animals such as humans are walking garden aids. Aide from this there are many other resources. The one element however that is a challenge for Canada is keeping soils from becoming too acidic for a variety of crops, this is why lime or poultry is an element that ought to be included to keep soils healthy. Lime is not local to all areas, and those areas without lime need to invest in poultry in addition. Groups like "HEN" are good examples of community endevours to get chicken and bird breeding into urban areas as well as areas without traditional poultry farms. For the cost of a few pullets you can have a steady supply of eggs you can feed off your self grown millet and other grains, which can in turn have their non-fertilized eggs be used to lower the acidity of northern soils. When the chickens / hens die of natural causes you then have a meal worth more than your original investment in the pullet, and he grains you feed them in their life give you free eggs in the morning. There are many other natural fertilizers, nothing needs to be bought to manage a garden. It just needs to be managed properly. While at first it seems a put off, if handled properly it reduces costs in many ways. The key is to reduce costs by being self provisioning, being self dependent, rather than depending on other people and organizations. people need to buy very little, most expenditures are just luxury buy ins for various goods that harm the enviornment. Landis the one resource people are forced to buy, if you don't have an acre or so, or you hunt etc.. then it can be difficult to provide for an entire family, but there are tons of available food sources out there. People just arn't willing to spend the time doing it their own, because making clothes etc.. from hemp or other products isn't in their intersts, they'd rather work for an hour and get it premade. The challenge is in not complaining about the costs of goods you buy rather than make because it take a lot of input to build - and very few people live in cottage industries these days. Oh and that isn't entirely true about being forced to buy land. It is just more secure to buy land. Crown land canbe occupied for three weeks at any one location. so technically if you moved to about 18 different sites over the year you could live free and enjoy a hunter gatherer lifestyle. Most people couldn't handle that in the winter though in areas where crown lands exist. The summer is much easier but without all year green houses growing food up here is difficult. There are thingslike growing mushrooms and other winter crops that can be grown - not to mention edible trees, saps, and evergreen products. i think most people prefer a nice warm cabin to fall back on with their Tv∨ internet fireplace, family etc.. Fact is though it is possible, it just isn't the lifestyle people want. Only communism can provide products at no cost, because the people own the production and benefits of production. this is capitalism though - capitalists get only a share that is mutually agreed for their labours. Communism is a social contract, capitalism is a performance contract. It costs only a few hundred dollars to live legally in Canada - if one gets a legal hunters/game license Canada does have some form of social safety net, but even ontario OW is a workfare program, not bump dole. Disabled people though do not have a workfare requirement. So it is disability programs are the last remnants of communist social system in Canada. For northern Canadians in areas of clay acidics these two links will hopefully be useful. Nightsoil must be worked properly to avoid food supply contamination. http://www.canadianliving.com/life/green_living/home_fresh_eggs_how_to_raise_chickens_in_your_backyard.php For the north it is important to note the possible usages of bog peats and fish remains. Very very rich soil compositions can be obtained through use of eggshells from poultry, growing grains, fish remains (which could if it wasn't illegal be causght easil with netting and nightlights) (in a managed fishery) Many Canadian communities could be very self sustaining and less dependent on costly food imports if they were managed properly, including use of northern greenhouses (greenhouse studies for winterized areas have been done in various places including studies out of montreal) Other things that are highly underutilized is norse housing which would reduce heat loss and insulate via mound houseing, and underground housing. The culture in Canada is not optimal for efficiency of the environment but it is good enough right. Canada has tons of resources. But there is a major issue in loosing control of all the companies that supply your means of life and relying on imports. Autarky is the only way of insuring relative stability. we should all learn from the dangers of Athens in relying on a supply route for survival.
  6. I agree with this but it shouldn't be Canada removing people who don't want to be Canadians, it should people having the ability to remove their own citizenship if they don't want to be Canadians. Your twisting of this enables loyal Canadians to have their citizenship removed for political reasons, which is totally reprehensible. CIC only allows citizenship to be removed by a citizen in the event that they transfer their citizeship to a list of allowable countries. This is completely wrong. People should be able to simply revoke their own citizenship if they do not wish to be Canadian citizens. The government shouldn't be able to decide who is Canadian and who isn't, it should be a very straight forward legal principle such as jus sanguis or allegiance. Allegience should be of free will not forced by endebiture. Enslavement of people to a soceity they do not wish to belong is contrary to civil rights and the constitution. Free association and freedom of belief -charter rights should be upheld in totality. There is no issue of fundamental justice in forcing citizenship on people who don't want it. People shouldn't be forced to be lumped in with values they don't share or laws they don't share. Sadly that is the way citizenship in Canada works and it is wrong. It is cult BS. The Khadr's were upstanding good citizens your example is a bad one. All they had on Omar was self defence. There was nothing dishonurable about the Khadr's conduct except being on the wrong side of the fence. They were good people, and those Khadr's that remain in Canada have no reason to be poisoned by ignorant people such as yourself. If you didn't realize what Omar did would be legal to do in Canada. If people without lawful authority try to kill you you can kill them. He was one of hte only people left alive in there, what the help do you thing hte special forces were doing, avon calling? The US doesn't have the right to enforce justice in other coutries contrary to their constitutions and laws, sorry you are wrong. The directed lethal force against him, he responded there is nothing immoral about that. Notice his charges were only related to his self defence against unlawful use of lethal force. I applaud him for defending himself. If the US did that in Canada i would applaud Canadians who defended themselves here against unlawful use of lethal force. Where in here does it say the US can kill Canadians they see? I don't see the US cutting funding to the CIA or Mossad in all this The CIA and mossad routinely engage in terrorist acts in conducting assasinations, kidnappings and bombings.
  7. Journalists pay taxes too, and collect EI too, and collect social benefits too. Without a CBC you have freelandcing journalists at the same cost to the tax payer. You are spouting nonsense without looking at the collateral of a move like killing the CBC which would have serious repercussions. What the CBC needs is a specific role - example only government advertising funding to go to crown corporations as the sole outlet of government communications - interviews etc.. so that viewership was given an advantage over other networks. Thus some businesses would have an advantage ot advertise on people who watched for government information. The government should kill all paid "advertising" and have free government ad plays etc.. as part ofhteir funding arrangement with the CBC, just kill all other forms of governmental aadvertising Radio Canada, CBC and gc.ca The tax dollars for ad campaigns like action plan and budget releases or special programs is absolutely repulsive waste of tax payers funds. It is the worst kind of pork barreling to be using public funds to convince the public you are doing good things. Worse yet those funds are going to american firms just like the Conservative Party of Canada's use of America telemarketing firms contrary to elections Canada rules against foreign agents involvement in Canadian elections AND then billed the public for it with tax rebates. Get FREE advertising from the CBC and stop all this buy offs of the media and propaganda on the public dime. It is disgusting. If a journalist won't write you are doing good without paying them then chances are you arn't. And if you can't augment payment by supplying inserts then you arn't using public funds as well as you could be. The CBC isn't the problem it is government mismanagement of the CBC that is the problem. They are totally incompetent. This embezzlement of public funds to private media is criminal behaviour. Especially when aimed for partisan purposes. It is just plain wrong, and illegal. A government that needs to buy the press is a government that is likely filled with scumbags. the only parallel i can think of is a man who doesn't want to treat his woman good so he goes to the hoar house instead of working on the relationship. That is the Conservative Party of Canada's model of public governance.
  8. What Canadian arms industry? by america for america. I'd like a list of canadian owned arms manufacturers.
  9. Nonsense,the price of oil is pricing up the cost of food eg. transport to market and farm equipment etc... people can grow their own food for next to nothing, Russia obtains half of its food from their yards. Canada could do the same - instead people opt to grow "grass" that they don't let actually mature.. (which would be edible but not an ideal crop) WORSE yet it is a common cultural practice to "mow" grass which wastes gasoline, it is just plain insane behaviour. Then you have the nerve to bring up high food costs, all you got to do is put seeds in the soil. Yet people are putting seeds in the trash which goes to a toxic garbage dump.. it is insane behaviour. There are alternatives available, including ethonol stills. People should be using public transit when it is available, it isn't always available, but just think of the ethonol potential of Northern canada that is or was tundra.. now it can grow ethanol, (and methane gas and thus hydrogen) The land up north is a massive untapped resource. People are just stupid.
  10. How about you justmake our own ethanol and run your vehicle on that and let the oil companies run their own businesses. They don't owe you. I swear people are becoming retarded. It is like expecting penny candies for life. http://running_on_alcohol.tripod.com/ http://americanfuels.blogspot.ca/2008/07/rubber-and-ethanol-from-dandelion.html There are plenty of alternative to oil as a fuel. It isn't a monopoly, it is just people being retarded. No peak oil yet. Oil is good business for Canada. Canadians need to use more public transit where it is available. You can't force change, but you can force more change, if you allow it. The alternative is changing. It is your choice. Change is coming. This is another application for LTA aircraft floating harvesters. tractors sink into tundra mud, but floating tractors float and only sythe the crop. With a few environmental sensors it can even be automated. http://www.familyonbikes.org/educate/lessons/tundra.htm With global warming more and more of the former tree line areas become ideal grasslands between the tundra and the boreal.
  11. as if NATO/US/Israel has never blown up a funeral party. Information from the west about the west and its acts are more reliable than a party that is engaged in guerilla warfare being reported by their enemies. Press Rlease: We "Accidentally" blew up everyone as we mistakenly took the large gathering of people as a organized group of people who could have done something, but it was actually a funeral and it was for locals so we took the chance... sorry. Sadly people don't buy our products at wakes so we couldn't tell friend from foe. Targets in guerrilla war are not indiscriminate. Take for instance this market attack which targetted soilders they were fighting http://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCcQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.telegraph.co.uk%2Fnews%2Fworldnews%2Fasia%2Fpakistan%2F9004562%2FPakistan-bomb-kills-35-as-anti-Taliban-fighters-targeted.html&ei=u_p8T9n6I4fq8wTNwdmNDQ&usg=AFQjCNGFxM1rqZVOmILaLYpk7RcqBOKv_A This is better numbers than US collatoral damage limits. My gosh strap these talibs into fighters for the Syrian Air Campaign, for reduced civillian death tolls. Obviously it sucks to be someone effected by this but tell that to the Libyans or Iraqi's that were effected by the sanctions and war. Fact is the numbers are low in comparison to the deaths and injuries Nato has caused the world.
  12. its all religion it is just which one you pick. Its all the same, you choose helplessness I choose acceptance. God has a purpose life is not meaningless. All will be right in the end. I wouldn't live my life by any other basis, as it is otherwise redundant. It isn't crap. People can choose one of a handful of paths. (4 options) that is all there is to the fundamentals of life choices. Having faith and accptance (the lamb) is the only one that leaves people innocent. God will protect the good. It is just a question of conquering ones own egos and desires to be free from ones own corruption. Most people can't accept that kind of ego burn. Yup. Murder is murder. Terrorism is just a wordplay. 9/11 was over a decade ago, its people like you that will spout nonsense about pearl harbour, meanwhile forgetting the Americans were supplying the british with weapons. Fact is that we don't know what happened on 9/11 other than the fact reports stated planes flew into the wtc. we don't know more than that. If you actually read the reports - the FBI did not say Osama was behind it, on the contrary they said a Pakistani general who was testifying before the senate foreign intelligence committee was behind it although circumspect. One or two people accused of being on the planes were not, one was in North Africa. There are many issues, but the fact is that the war in Afghanistan was engineered. Al Qaeda is not and has never been the Taliban, Omar offered to give up Osama to Pakistan for trial (which he did) because Pakistan recognized Afghanistan (the US did not) Someone lobbing a rocket in an attempt to wage war, is not a terrorist, they are a solider. terrorism is just a way of classifying and demonizing certain attacks that are done by the underdog, subnationals. Fact is all are equal and the substate agent vs. a state actor are legalisms that just serve to deprive equal rights to people. Nationstates are a construct, the acts are no different than israel sending an attack helicopter to assasinate someone, or the US sending a missile from a drone in some foreign country to kill an enemy of state. Fact is nations as of late have been more the terrorist type than the terrorists themselves. Understand these wars have killed millions of people directly and indirectly, and have maimed and wounded millions more. Hopefully you can see how ignorant you appear when you say things like that. You appear uneducated and I don't think that is what you are aiming for. Total nonsense. P.S. the us government is still suppressing the truth of 911, and has even jailed people to keep the public from knowing the truth. The US govt. is not the good guy, either isthe government of Canada, they are both corporatist machines. They arn't about helping the little people, they want to control and subjugate them. War plans (we have been unseeing unfold over the last decade) for the middle east have been in existance since atleast 1988, and are not yet finished. Although from memory from 2002, the syria thing is taking longer than expected. Actually it appears the whole thing could fall apart for the last couple steps. If you know the facts of what was happening in september 2001, then you would doubt the situation a bit. The real story will likely ever be known because only a few insiders knew what actually happened. The public does not know and will not know for some time what really happened. Don't tell me you know, because you will just present yourself as a propagandized stooge for spouting facts without knowing anything. You don't know, so don't act like you know. Civillians who fund the wars of their nations are not immune from being targetted, and never will be. You pay to kill someone expect your head to be blown off and me not to cry over it. The US killed many many people including launching crusie missiles into afghanistan in 1999, and funding and arming the Northern Alliance so said against the taliban. CIA (potentially special forces) and British SAS were in Afghanistan at war before 911 , not after. Afghanistan was an ongoing conflict even before 911, it was just a loosing one. Torture for US interests in not a human rights crime, it is an accepted violation from the US governments perspective - the worst you have an al qaeda is murder. Torture is a far worse crime than murder. It is a war crime actually that various US officials including George Bush and Obama have not been hung for yet but on the standard of international law ought to be. It is US sympathizers such as yourself that degrade the standard of human rights, if you knew has the crap you support through support of the war, you might reconsider. It is disgusting, and if you do know and still support it, you are not worthy of speaking with. Oh the one missing element, the US doesn't support war crimes as real. It doesn't support human rights -- but they will sure talk it when it lets them in to rape murder and rob people. Pay close attention to the fact the US is not a signatory on those fundamental foundations, nor is it in the practice of upholding various treaties it signs. It is a law breaker, a human rights abusser, and a war crime pariah. Oh but you can't see the forest for the trees. It is expected the reasons are obvious. The US protector of the world against nuclear weapons - the largest nuclear weapons state with the most proliferations, and the only proliferation in war killing thousands Oh but that's not terrorism is it? You know what is crap, your ignorant brainwashed view. If the US could solve its own problems I might have more faith in their ability to solve others, but even then it wouldn't be by bombing them and their infrastructure. Your democracy isn't very democratic. Your freedom isn't very free. i'm missing your bottom line. We all die, what matters is how we live our life, what values we uphold ourselves to and what goodness we bring into the world. That is what matters, not who is the next stooge off the airplane. Now back to your regularly scheduled fear and paranoia.
  13. Who cares, god will protect the good. Life is short, it is what comes after it that matters. Sadly non islamic people can have bad character traits too. Religion doesn't matter, it is the individual's values, there are many colours of muslims like there are many colour of human. Canada has a right called freedom of Religion. As long as people follow the law, and we have just laws who cares. Fundamentalist Capitalists are more of a danger to the public than muslims. They will rape and kill you for your wealth. Atleast muslims are tithing for when you are naked. Really though you think all the "America is the great Satan talk, is nonsense. It is a matter of perspective. I can go to america and die on the street pennyless because the american state will let that happen. Religion whether muslim, catholic or otherwise offers charity. It is only when godless people can find compassion and upholding human rights that religion will become obsolete. Because humans will be able to turn to one another rather than hide from one another and fear the inhumane agents of state and self interest. God is known universally in clarity of understanding of goodness. Culture is a mechanism of communicating those values based on group experience. F*ing islamophobes. If you didn't know women get raped here by non muslims and have been for centuries. There is no crime a muslim has done that some non muslim hasn't. Fact is religious people are often of better character than godless heathens. Sure you get the odd jakaz but you get that in the common white surburbanite trash common to most parts of Canada too. Its not like our jails were empty before they came. Look at the statistics.. native americanas are more likely to be terrorists in Canada than muslims.. and vice versa for whites in native american history. Just look at all the bioterrorism the colonists were responsible for. Better believe DHS would have none of it in this day and age. Turtle Island has been occupied much longer than the middle east. bear in mind 7% is still 15% less than the global average. Fact is we are all on the same planet. We must learn to communicate for those that can't. We have been cooperating with one another for decades if not centuries. It is only people who don't understand that are making things worse by invading countries and torturing people etc.. if you attack them it causes their entire family and tribe to have a right to retribution. One dead afghani is 50 in the bush. Like nations transcend borders so do families and friends. Fire only be gets burnings. One must reconcile for any hope for the future. We will all die this life is about the afterlife not the flesh. Your actions should be guided by your ideals and virtues. Pain is torn away in acceptance of fullfillment of purpose. the path is unavoidable, it is only a matter of where you choose to go. People are different not everyone is all nice and happy, there are really messed up psychopaths out there, and it ain't all from Asia, N.A. and Europe are psychologically decrepit too. It is a no brainer if people invade your lands kill your family and friends you might be upset a bit. But at the same time it really doesn't matter. Hopefully they would pick a responsible party and not innocents. It is a proportional response and justified. You need to put yourself in their shoes, and ask yourself, would I be justified to attack a police or military post if my friends and families were killed by them. Yes, we both would if we apply eye for eye. It is jihad. Jihad for america and nato, they and their supporters get what they deserve. these arn't terrorists they are justified martyrs. We invaded them, not the other way around. Is it good for us. Well no, probably not. Should we close the borders, thats a lot of tourism dollars. End of the story, genocide is the only answer. but once external enemies are gone eyes look inward. They are not human eyes, they are the eyes of the beast. So much wasted money. Just let it happen and make sure people are killed if they hurt innocent people intentionally or victimize in capital offences. Its not only terrorists killing people. terrorist and terrorism is just a lable. It is war not terrorism. Terrorism is just a propaganda word.
  14. Two points. 1, individuals privacy should be respected. 2, hospitals are not a place you should expect privacy. Bring a doctor TO your home if you want privacy. Jails arn't either.
  15. Why conservatives want tougher laws and less immigration? because the opposite is where liberals come from?
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