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Should 'WE" consider this a threat? A concern?

Guest Peeves

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Guest Peeves

Does that concern you at all? Is it of little concern?

I admit it is somewhat worrisome to me given the understanding I have of the religion and the small percentage of "subgroup among Muslims, I call Islamists, who come here with the intention of destroying the social fabric of the country,” said Mr. Fatah. “



Number of Muslims in Canada predicted to triple over next 20 years: study

Charles Lewis 2011

The number of Muslims in Canada is predicted to triple over the next 20 years, sparking a debate among moderate Muslim-Canadians about whether the country is ready to deal with the community’s more extremist members.

The current number of Muslims — 940,000 — comprises 2.8% of the Canadian population. A recent report from the Washington-based Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life said they will increase both in number and proportion of the country — 2.7 million, or 6.6% of the Canadian population, by 2030. By comparison, Muslims are expected to make up 1.7% of the U.S. population by that time.

The vast majority of Muslims coming to Canada want the same things every immigrant wants, said Tarek Fatah, a commentator on Muslim affairs and founder of the Muslim Canadian Congress. They are looking for economic security, better education and freedom from oppression.

“But what is different from other immigrant groups is there is a subgroup among Muslims, I call Islamists, who come here with the intention of destroying the social fabric of the country,” said Mr. Fatah. “That is very unusual for an immigrant group and will be more of a problem in the future.”

Canadian society, especially the country’s education system, is not yet prepared to deal with a portion of young Muslims who do not subscribe to Canadian ideals of pluralism, he noted.

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The number of Muslims in Canada is predicted to triple over the next 20 years, sparking a debate among moderate Muslim-Canadians about whether the country is ready to deal with the community’s more extremist members.

I'm more concerned about the way established immigrants have picked up an old stingy Canadian value of trying to keep new immigrants. I was hoping we'd grown out of that.

I think it's also the height of hypocrisy for us to be encouraging a border-less planet for corporations to seek a better opportunity in but not human beings, who after all, are people too.

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Guest Peeves

I'm more concerned about the way established immigrants have picked up an old stingy Canadian value of trying to keep new immigrants. I was hoping we'd grown out of that.

I think it's also the height of hypocrisy for us to be encouraging a border-less planet for corporations to seek a better opportunity in but not human beings, who after all, are people too.

Which makes a good deal of sense. I think the EU treats citizens more akin to that policy does it not.

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Guest Peeves

I'm not concerned. You'll be more likely to die here from someone your own race

I want to be shot in the back by a jealous husband at age 90 if you please.

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Guest Peeves

I want to be shot in the back by a jealous husband at age 90 if you please.

Why indeed.

Moderate Muslims have concerns so should we not?

(Emphasis mine)

"The vast majority of Muslims coming to Canada want the same things every immigrant wants, said Tarek Fatah, a commentator on Muslim affairs and founder of the Muslim Canadian Congress. They are looking for economic security, better education and freedom from oppression.

“But what is different from other immigrant groups is there is a subgroup among Muslims, I call Islamists, who come here with the intention of destroying the social fabric of the country,” said Mr. Fatah. “That is very unusual for an immigrant group and will be more of a problem in the future.”

Canadian society, especially the country’s education system, is not yet prepared to deal with a portion of young Muslims who do not subscribe to Canadian ideals of pluralism, he noted.

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Guest Peeves

Why that'll be as many Norwegians as we have in Saskatchewan or Poles in Manitoba!

Muslims, Islam in some states is a fascist political religious order. Norwegians and Poles in Canada are not and, they tend to become responsible citizens while a minority of Muslims bring their baggage and politics with them to Western countries as you well know by the daily news.

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Here's the thing, Islamists would have to form a political party and run MPs in elections to have any sort of political power in our country. I suppose theoretically there could be a large enough concentration of Islamists in a riding that an MP could be elected, but I don't see them having any sort of dramatic effect on the political landscape. Moreover, not all Muslims are Islamists. I would venture a guess that most Muslims in the West are not. It's like the Christian Heritage Party. The vast majority of Canadians are Christian, but that doesn't translate at all into the election of a Christian political party.

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Here's the thing, Islamists would have to form a political party and run MPs in elections to have any sort of political power in our country. I suppose theoretically there could be a large enough concentration of Islamists in a riding that an MP could be elected, but I don't see them having any sort of dramatic effect on the political landscape. Moreover, not all Muslims are Islamists. I would venture a guess that most Muslims in the West are not. It's like the Christian Heritage Party. The vast majority of Canadians are Christian, but that doesn't translate at all into the election of a Christian political party.

Yeah...Because Islamists (Islamofascists) are all about respect for the rule of law...

As far as the greater diaspora of Muslims,I tend to agree...

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Im not concerned. If they are properly vetted before they come into the country there shouldnt be too many problems. If there are, we have a judicial system to take care of it. By the second generation there will likely be no extremists left here. Most muslim immigrants I know here barely follow their religion at all, just like most christians dont go to church or observe their rules.

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Guest Peeves

Here's the thing, Islamists would have to form a political party and run MPs in elections to have any sort of political power in our country. I suppose theoretically there could be a large enough concentration of Islamists in a riding that an MP could be elected, but I don't see them having any sort of dramatic effect on the political landscape. Moreover, not all Muslims are Islamists. I would venture a guess that most Muslims in the West are not. It's like the Christian Heritage Party. The vast majority of Canadians are Christian, but that doesn't translate at all into the election of a Christian political party.

Whaaaaa? You have mixed the ideology of the average moderately political Canadian or Western Muslim with the goal of Islamists.

Muslims generally simply wish to live within the society they have immigrated to with few extreme views on Islam that need worry us.

On the other hand Islamists don't run for election, Islamists want to convert the country by covert violent act if need be. Islamists are the likes of bin Laden, jihadists 9-11 terrorists.

(Reuters) - Members of militant Islamist forums said on Monday they prayed the news of Osama bin Laden's death was not true and hinted at retaliation if it was.

I don't fear Muslims, but we should be concerned about fascist radical Islamists.

One review of another's position is worth a read. Here's an excerpt.

Well, yes and yes. They are right in so far as nearly one billion Muslims are deeply divided among themselves. Muslim governments cooperate with the West more often than they threaten it; think of Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Indonesia. Further, as the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait confirmed, Muslims are not politically unified and never will be. Therefore, anything like a unified jihad against the West lies outside the realm of the plausible. When William S. Lind, a one-time advisor to Gary Hart, worries that Muslim armies might "again be besieging the gates of Vienna," he indulges in pure fantasy.

But the establishment is wrong in so far as it soft-peddles the dangers of fundamentalist Islam, whose radical elements espouse the world's most virulently anti-American ideology. Mr. Esposito mistakenly argues that fundamentalists merely resent current policies; in fact, they hate the entirety of our civilization. Theorists like Sayyid Qutb (an Egyptian) and Abul Ala Mawdudi (a Pakistani) go beyond politics to condemn the very essence of the West's life-its culture, customs, and institutions. The ever-pithy Ayatollah Khomeini put it this way: "We are not afraid of economic sanctions or military intervention. What we are afraid of is Western universities." Symbolic of this sentiment, just last month an influential Iranian religious figure attacked Tehran's doctors for wearing neckties.

Some radical fundamentalists go further and boast they will battle and overcome Europe and America. Typical of this outlook, a Tehran daily claimed in 1990 that "the world movement of Islam" can defeat the West. A Tunisian convicted of setting off bombs in France in 1985-86, killing thirteen, declared to the French judge handling his case, : "I do not renounce my fight against the West which assassinated the Prophet Muhammad. . . . We Muslims should kill every last one of you [Westerners]." These hair-raising views are hardly exceptional. But they are notably absent from The Islamic Threat.


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Here's the thing, Islamists would have to form a political party and run MPs in elections to have any sort of political power in our country.

No they wouldn't. Just as the Liberals refused to declare the Tamil Tigers as a terrorist organization in order to placate Tamil voters, so too will some future government govern itself in such a way as to please the wishes of Muslims. That could be in adjusting our relationship with Israel, for example, a state Muslims hate, or in supporting Muslim states - with whom Canadian Muslims identify - at the United Nations, or perhaps in outlawing any criticism of Muslims, as France and England have done.

The vast majority of Canadians are Christian, but that doesn't translate at all into the election of a Christian political party.

The difference is that Christians don't identify themselves primarily as members of a world-wide Christian community, and only then as members of some nation state or other. Canadians don't riot over what some other nation did to some Christians somewhere halfway across the world.

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Does that concern you at all? Is it of little concern?

Who cares, god will protect the good. Life is short, it is what comes after it that matters. Sadly non islamic people can have bad character traits too. Religion doesn't matter, it is the individual's values, there are many colours of muslims like there are many colour of human.

Canada has a right called freedom of Religion.

As long as people follow the law, and we have just laws who cares.

Fundamentalist Capitalists are more of a danger to the public than muslims.

They will rape and kill you for your wealth. Atleast muslims are tithing for when you are naked.

Really though you think all the "America is the great Satan talk, is nonsense. It is a matter of perspective.

I can go to america and die on the street pennyless because the american state will let that happen. Religion whether muslim, catholic or otherwise offers charity.

It is only when godless people can find compassion and upholding human rights that religion will become obsolete. Because humans will be able to turn to one another rather than hide from one another and fear the inhumane agents of state and self interest.

God is known universally in clarity of understanding of goodness.

Culture is a mechanism of communicating those values based on group experience.

F*ing islamophobes.

If you didn't know women get raped here by non muslims and have been for centuries.

There is no crime a muslim has done that some non muslim hasn't. Fact is religious people are often of better character than godless heathens.

Sure you get the odd jakaz but you get that in the common white surburbanite trash common to most parts of Canada too.

Its not like our jails were empty before they came.

Look at the statistics.. native americanas are more likely to be terrorists in Canada than muslims.. and vice versa for whites in native american history. Just look at all the bioterrorism the colonists were responsible for. Better believe DHS would have none of it in this day and age.

Turtle Island has been occupied much longer than the middle east.

bear in mind 7% is still 15% less than the global average. Fact is we are all on the same planet. We must learn to communicate for those that can't. We have been cooperating with one another for decades if not centuries. It is only people who don't understand that are making things worse by invading countries and torturing people etc.. if you attack them it causes their entire family and tribe to have a right to retribution. One dead afghani is 50 in the bush. Like nations transcend borders so do families and friends. Fire only be gets burnings. One must reconcile for any hope for the future.

We will all die this life is about the afterlife not the flesh. Your actions should be guided by your ideals and virtues. Pain is torn away in acceptance of fullfillment of purpose. the path is unavoidable, it is only a matter of where you choose to go.

People are different not everyone is all nice and happy, there are really messed up psychopaths out there, and it ain't all from Asia, N.A. and Europe are psychologically decrepit too.

It is a no brainer if people invade your lands kill your family and friends you might be upset a bit. But at the same time it really doesn't matter. Hopefully they would pick a responsible party and not innocents. It is a proportional response and justified.

You need to put yourself in their shoes, and ask yourself, would I be justified to attack a police or military post if my friends and families were killed by them. Yes, we both would if we apply eye for eye. It is jihad. Jihad for america and nato, they and their supporters get what they deserve. these arn't terrorists they are justified martyrs.

We invaded them, not the other way around.

Is it good for us. Well no, probably not. Should we close the borders, thats a lot of tourism dollars. End of the story, genocide is the only answer. but once external enemies are gone eyes look inward. They are not human eyes, they are the eyes of the beast.

So much wasted money. Just let it happen and make sure people are killed if they hurt innocent people intentionally or victimize in capital offences. Its not only terrorists killing people. terrorist and terrorism is just a lable. It is war not terrorism. Terrorism is just a propaganda word.

Edited by MACKER
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Who cares, god will protect the good. Life is short, it is what comes after it that matters.

What a crock of religious CRAP

So much wasted money. Just let it happen and make sure people are killed if they hurt innocent people intentionally or victimize in capital offences. Its not only terrorists killing people. terrorist and terrorism is just a lable. It is war not terrorism. Terrorism is just a propaganda word.

Terrorism is just a propaganda word.?????????????? Just ask the survivors & surviving families of 9/11 about that line of horse turds.

The Islamists are having a hard time finding any western people to kill so now they are back to committing terrorist acts on their own people. Kublai Khan two happening now----

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The islamaphobia has always been strong in the U.S. and Canada, where Christians tend to polarize discussion and wedge the issue. Realistically, there's nothing to worry about in terms of crime rate or malfeasance.

Nahhhh , don't fear them--- what's a few dead MPs or senators worth--- or how about a beheaded Prime Minister or even a blown up House Of Parliament? Sleep tight Canadians--- nothing to fear here!!

We shouldn't fear them nor should the Japanese people fear tidal waves nor the Californians fear Earthquakes.

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Terrorism is just a propaganda word.?????????????? Just ask the survivors & surviving families of 9/11 about that line of horse turds.

It's a propaganda word when it's used under the implied pretence--as it usually is--that "they" commit terrorism while "we" do not.

Anyone who holds that point of view is ignorant, and is begging not to be taken seriously.

So that includes our government and most of our news media, for starters.

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We never thought we'd have to deal with a province separating fron Canada - so we didn't have any rules when the time came.....and now we have the Clarity Act. To enshrine the separation of Church and State further, perhaps in the near future we should legislate changes relating to the formation of political parties - that no party can have religion as an underpinning of their platform. Not sure of the wording to accomplish that......but it applies equally to Christians, Muslims, Rastafarians, etc. I think it's fair to say that one day, the "Brotherhood" might pop up here.....so lets have some rules that reflect what we KNOW to be the case (separation of Church and State)but have no legislation that I know of that can prevent it from happening.

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