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Face veils banned for citizenship oaths

Guest American Woman

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.if the oath is important why doesn't every canadian take it??

wedding vows are meaningless that's why we get written/signed documents and the same applies to citizenship, the oath taking is ceremonial formality for public Kum ba yah moment...oaths prevent no one from lying never have never will, the only people believe otherwise live in world with pink skies and never ending rainbows and unicorns..

if the oath is important why doesn't every canadian take it??

Jesus Wyly shut up :D. Dont give people any more bright ideas... I could actually see that catching on.

Edited by dre
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Are there not reasonable limits to religious freedoms? Should we allow female circumcision in Canada based on religious tradition? Should I be able to rape or slap my baby, or urinate on my baby if it's part of my religion?

Of course there is. That could even be why I wrote a half dozen posts, pointing out that very thing :)

BTW, all of those things are violations of the criminal code, and they clearly would not be covered by

"Reasonable Accomodation". The "veiled oath" case is a little different though.

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We need to see their mouths speak the words of the oath to this country.

I suppose this would make some sort of sense if the magic words actually had the physical effect of warding off evil or guaranteeing good fortune...

Is there a new force or law of nature or something I'm not aware of? How does it work? triggered or revealed to us through sound waves from a human voice? No that can't be it because apparently we have to actually see their mouth parts move. So this phenomenon involves the visual cortex of witnesses.

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Excuse me? I will pledge allegience to absolutely god damn nothing. My allegience to the government is a PRIVILEGE that they must continue to EARN on an ongoing basis. It doesnt get "pledged".

Ah...so you are not a citizen of Rome but rather Rome is a servant of you. So, when's the next big dam project, mighty Caesar?

wyly: wedding vows are meaningless that's why we get written/signed documents and the same applies to citizenship.

Cheat much?


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I suppose this would make some sort of sense if the magic words actually had the physical effect of warding off evil or guaranteeing good fortune...

Is there a new force or law of nature or something I'm not aware of? How does it work? triggered or revealed to us through sound waves from a human voice? No that can't be it because apparently we have to actually see their mouth parts move. So this phenomenon involves the visual cortex of witnesses.

People take a verbal oath to tell the truth before giving evidence in a court room. There are legal consequences to breaking that oath and knowingly telling a lie to the court.

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People take a verbal oath to tell the truth before giving evidence in a court room. There are legal consequences to breaking that oath and knowingly telling a lie to the court.

What about oath givers who are mute?

Does the process of witnessing the oath preclude using witnesses that are deaf or blind?

Would a person have to be unveiled even to write their oath or use sign language?

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What about oath givers who are mute?

Does the process of witnessing the oath preclude using witnesses that are deaf or blind?

Would a person have to be unveiled even to write their oath or use sign language?

I don't know whether a written oath would be satisfactory or not but a person would not be exempt from taking an oath. My point was that verbal oaths before witnesses have legal weight.

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.if the oath is important why doesn't every canadian take it??

Yes, not a bad idea at all...

wedding vows are meaningless that's why we get written/signed documents and the same applies to citizenship, the oath taking is ceremonial formality for public Kum ba yah moment...oaths prevent no one from lying never have never will, the only people believe otherwise live in world with pink skies and never ending rainbows and unicorns..

The oath is a verbal legal agreement. Y'know, like taking an oath in court. Signed documents are just as legal, but are easier to record and store.

Oaths don't prevent anyone from lying, but neither does a signed document. If you don't follow your legally binding oath that's your choice, but you can get in legal troubles for it. See: lying in court.

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As I said already, I'm not opposed to this! American kids recite a pledge of allegiance every day in school! I really like your idea of making every Canadian pass the citizenship test too.

what happens if Canadians fail? do you take their citizenship away? fine them?

that is a bit too draconian

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What's odd, too, is that he is saying women are second class citizens because of his belief that women's self worth is tied up in their looks; because that's all women are appreciated for. Talk about sexist! Not to mention ignorant - that he has the gall to tell me, a woman in this society, that my value, that my daughters' value, is based on our looks - that that's all we are appreciated for - that that's what we place our self worth on - is disgusting to the core.

Screw you! How DARE you say that this is MY belief in women. This is how SOCIETY treats women and it's absolutely disgusting that you're so brainwashed by it that you have the audacity to say that this is MY BELIEF because I'm pointing out the oppression.

And I'm not alone in the view that women are oppressed in society this way:

Watch the video, don't watch the video. I don't care.

But, how dare you say that these are MY VIEWS. I'm the one trying to draw attention to how the media and society "treats women like $#!+" as Margaret Cho says in the video above.

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She misses being hot because she can't be appreciated for anything else. Our society doesn't allow it. Her value is tied to her appearance.

Sorry, you're losing me, cc. I'll never deny that our culture places a lot of importance on women's looks but it's definitely going too far to say that women can't be appreciated for anything else. I appreciate women for other things, for starters. (I definitely don't mark my female students based on their looks, for one thing.) I'm sure you do.

And I mean, many men appreciate being seen as good-looking/attractive. Who doesn't? It doesn't mean it's the only thing someone can be appreciated for.

(I have thought this through, btw.:P)

Edited by Evening Star
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You could make it a prerequisite for voting perhaps...

what does Canada's past have to do with voting in the present? Is that supposed to encourage the 39 % of eligible Canadians who don't normally vote? All that is going to do is discourage people to vote and you'll have a much worse turn out

X that plan

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because of people like you ...I do not share your view on women

Because of people like me pointing out that society is sexist and raising consciousness about it? Screw you too! It's because of people like you that would rather ignore it and keep it in the dark that it still happens!

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Sorry, you're losing me, cc. I'll never deny that our culture places a lot of importance on women's looks but it's definitely going too far to say that women can't be appreciated for anything else. I appreciate women for other things, for starters. (I definitely don't mark my female students based on their looks, for one thing.) I'm sure you do.

And I mean, many men appreciate being seen as good-looking/attractive. Who doesn't? It doesn't mean it's the only thing someone can be appreciated for.

(I have thought this through, btw.:P)

Watch the trailer above and if you can find the movie, watch the entire thing. You'll see what I mean.

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