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Mayor Ford calls 911 on CBC comedians


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Rob Ford can release the 911 tape anytime he sees fit.

I doubt he will. Either it would incriminate himself or it would truly make the CBC and its sources look bad.

You may remain with the under 10% crowd who believe Rob Ford.

Don't confront me none to be part of the 10%, MM!

90% of people will bet on an inside straight. 90% of people will think they have significantly better odds at a lottery of millions by being part of a pool of 100 tickets rather than just one.

90% of people seem to think that if we're running out of bread the solution is to open more variety stores!

90% of people are not 100% sure the earth ISN'T flat!

90% of Lefties think that only someone on the Left can be a good human being! As evidence of that premise, just check out any few pages of posts here on this board! Or any ONE page on Rubble.com!

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The CBC staged a comedy stunt that went sideways. The CBC terms such stunts as an "ambush" on politicians. It is widely agreed the stunt should not have been staged at a politician's home. Rather than leave well enough alone, the CBC further involved itself by taking up the cause of 911 dispatchers who have a beef with Ford's 911 call. Now we have the CBC veering away from an attempt at comedy to spotlighing the character of the politician they unsuccessfully "ambushed". Why did the CBC decide to pursue the matter in cooperation with some aggrieved 911 dispatcher(s)? 911 dispatchers have their own complaint and grievance processes to decide such matters. It is not within the CBC's mandate to implicate itself in the grievances of city workers, regardless if any city workers provide it with juicy information.

:lol: Lordy. When the mayor of Canada's biggest city allegedly berates a city employee with foul language, it's called "news".

One explanation may be that the CBC's intent was to deflect attention away from their failed attempt at comedy. Add to that there's a good chance the CBC does not like Ford's politics and knowing Ford's popularity is declining, it presented an occasion to bash a high profile Conservative. Whatever, the CBC will not come out of this unscathed.

Yes, because there will always be wingnuts out there who attempt to implicate the CBC as a left wing mouthpiece.

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"911 What's your emergency?"

"You … bitches!

Don't you f--king know?

I'm Rob f--king Ford,

the mayor of this city!"

:blink::lol: :lol:

There's one for the history books!

His excellency

the Lord Mayor



For a man with no sense of humour, he sure is funny! :D


When I made the 9-1-1 call, I was concerned a told police were arriving soon. In another call, with the delay and said that I had to leave to g the "f-word" at some point as I expressed my f situation. After being attacked in my driveway, for saying the f-word. I never called anyone an expressing my frustration inappropriately.


Ya we believe you ... afterall, you're robfuckingford! :lol:

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:lol: Lordy. When the mayor of Canada's biggest city allegedly berates a city employee with foul language, it's called "news".

In this instance, the CBC became the news just as much as Ford did. In this matter, the credibility of the CBC as an unbiased news source has been seriously compromised.

Yes, because there will always be wingnuts out there who attempt to implicate the CBC as a left wing mouthpiece.

And there will always be leftist wingnuts who help spread their message.

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That's not true. He lied about many things having to do with the encounter: his daughter wasn't there, it wasn't dark outside, he wasn't attacked by them, they didn't run at him, they started off his property, they left his property after he went back in his house. I mean, he hasn't told the truth at all in this encounter. That's not even to mention the ....

Oh... but we should take his word on this one. I don't think so! :lol:

There is no evidence that he lied.. in the link I posted it shows there was a child there, we don't know if it was dark when they first accosted him and ran up the driveway as we don't see all of that in the CBC tape, of which they are only showing us the last minute or so. We don't know if they used a filter on the camera either. So far, it's all speculation and innuendo with very few facts, other than an edited CBC tape and 911 gossip reported as fact.

And again, he called 911 because that is what the police have instructed him to do due to death threats, he did the right thing calling 911, not knowing who they were.

It may have been an over reaction, maybe we wouldn't have called 911 but if I'd had death threats I sure would, There is absolutely no evidence that he called the operator names berated her, but he admits to useing the F word out of frustration in the third call (they made to him).

The CBC is not looking good in all of this and makes a da.n good case for cutting it's funding ASAP, their credibility is on the line here more so than Ford's.

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The police told him to call 911 if there was no emergency? That's really what you are trying to sell people on??? LOL! And you think it went from dark to light in the time it took to walk up a driveway?? Hahaha. Good one!

And he called 911 THREE times when there wasn't an emergency. He should be charged with misusing emergency services. What an ass.

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My main interest in this is not Rob Ford. If Ford is a problem for Toronto that is for Torontonians to resolve. It is the CBC's role in the whole affair that retains my attention because of the $1.1 billion it receives annually from we taxpayers.

I actually think you are bringing up a good point Capricorn!

The media is supposed to report on the political players.

And sometimes to get a good perspective,you have to see how a politician is capable of handling an awkward/unpredictable/un-rehersed circamstance!

So how did Rob Ford handle this one?

Do you actually believe SUN TV or CTV would dare try to give their viewers a "real" perspective?

I think the CBC is worth the budget they recieve.


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There is no evidence that he lied.. in the link I posted it shows there was a child there, we don't know if it was dark when they first accosted him and ran up the driveway as we don't see all of that in the CBC tape, of which they are only showing us the last minute or so. We don't know if they used a filter on the camera either. So far, it's all speculation and innuendo with very few facts, other than an edited CBC tape and 911 gossip reported as fact.

Yeah it went from light to dark in the five minutes this incident unfolded in. That or CBC was using a magic night vision filter on the camera that made everything lok like it does at 8: 30 in the morning when the sun has been up for an hour.

And again, he called 911 because that is what the police have instructed him to do due to death threats, he did the right thing calling 911, not knowing who they were.

Everyone knows most assassins tote commercial cameras.

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Don't confront me none to be part of the 10%, MM!

90% of people will bet on an inside straight. 90% of people will think they have significantly better odds at a lottery of millions by being part of a pool of 100 tickets rather than just one.

90% of people seem to think that if we're running out of bread the solution is to open more variety stores!

90% of people are not 100% sure the earth ISN'T flat!

90% of Lefties think that only someone on the Left can be a good human being! As evidence of that premise, just check out any few pages of posts here on this board! Or any ONE page on Rubble.com!

I am used to you looking at the facts and the evidence and having a pretty cool discussion.

...in this case I think you purposely have the blinders on.

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There is no evidence that he lied..

I will stop right there.

If you seriously...honestly believe that, then you have not seen the tape, nor read what the Mayor has said nor viewed anything on this topic.

I am sorry, but there is no credibility granted to anyone who says His Lardship didnt lie.

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the credibility of the CBC as an unbiased news source has been seriously compromised.

The only way you would think that is if you have made a judgment about what the tapes contain, which you've said repeatedly that you refuse to do. Nice try. CBC claims they double-checked with their sources and those sources are standing behind their assertion. Really, you could be just as easily questioning the credibility of Rob Ford, whose credibility is nothing if not questionable already.
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Again both sides look bad.

Ford said it was dark and it clearly wasn't. The Mary Walsh said they were at the bottom of the driveway. They clearly were in the driveway on his property.

Also the issue of his daughter isn't a done deal. They can't be seen in the video footage the CBC released but it doesn't mean she wasn't there.

They also lied about the 911 operator filing a grievance with the Union. The police said no such thing happened.

Ford wants this to go away. It's already off the top stories on the Star and CBC's webiste. If you really believe he said "YOU BITCHES" to a 9-11 operator. You probably didn't vote for him or ever will.

I don't know if anyone saw or heard about this. But this was the type of death threats Ford had been receiving.


"Glad to know you're open to having anyone visit your home," the writer states. "Where we come from in our native land we hunt scumbags like you down and feed them to the animals ... but your fat would probably kill them.

"We think that wouldn't be enough so instead we might take your littlest one and then your wife. That might help you understand what hardship you're inflicting upon many citizens of a city that's being put under undeserved stress aside from hard-working employees being tormented with injustice."

The letter goes on to talk about how hard working the city employees are compared to management and then criticized Ford for his privileged background.

"Not everyone has a silver spoon to live off of like you, a--hole," the letter states.

The writer tells Ford not to bother spending money on security.

"Nothing will stop us from getting to your family -- unless you get run over by a streetcar before you have them taken away, too," the letter states. "That would be too easy for us. Watching you suffer is more satisfying.

"This is a warning -- next time -- will be the real deal you Fat F*** -- better start working out, you'll need the strength to get back up when you've fallen over from shock."

The letter concludes by urging Ford to change or "be changed forever."

"The clock's ticking so watch your personal home, work and life...very carefully!!"

Stay Classy Anti-Ford Crowd. :rolleyes:

Edited by Boges
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They also lied about the 911 operator filing a grievance with the Union. The police said no such thing happened.

Can you provide a cite for this? (i.e. when/where did CBC make this specific claim?)

I don't know if anyone saw or heard about this. But this was the type of death threats Ford had been receiving.


Stay Classy Anti-Ford Crowd. :rolleyes:

Are you saying that anyone here who has criticized Ford is in the same class as what you quote from that source?

If so, then I suggest it is you who should look in the mirror and ask yourself to "stay classy."

Edited by msj
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The police told him to call 911 if there was no emergency? That's really what you are trying to sell people on??? LOL! And you think it went from dark to light in the time it took to walk up a driveway?? Hahaha. Good one!

And he called 911 THREE times when there wasn't an emergency. He should be charged with misusing emergency services. What an ass.

That is fact, if you don't believe it, call the police and ask them, that is advice they gave him due to his receiving death threats which are documented. He didn't call THREE times, he called twice - they returned his call while he was on his way to work. That's when he got frustrated with their response.

I didn't say it got dark to light, you are not reading or understanding... I'm saying that we don't know what time it was as we are not seeing the whole clip, and we don't know if CBC used light filters. You might want to read about it.

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Apparently, Bill Blair himself is saying that he listened to the tapes and the word "bitches" was never used. Funny, considering the spokesperson for the police said it's actually illegal for them to comment on the tapes and the official police position is not to say anything about them. Now you have Ford's buddy Bill coming out and supporting the mayor's claims. You got a little brown on your nose there Billy or is that a thank you for the police budget fiasco?

Edited by cybercoma
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That is fact, if you don't believe it, call the police and ask them, that is advice they gave him due to his receiving death threats which are documented.

Maybe 911 should hire extra staff for Ford's inevitable calls on Halloween then. I understand those goblins come out in actual darkness too. :o

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Can you provide a cite for this?

Are you saying that anyone here who has criticized Ford is in the same class as what you quote from that source?

I would suggest it is you who should look in the mirror and ask yourself to "stay classy."

I knew that would get one of you riled up. :P

People here have basically called Ford a pussy for reacting the way he did and I agree it was an over reaction. But if I was receiving letters like that I might be a little jumpy if two people came to my house in the morning. Just sayin'

I already cited the source about the CBC saying the 911 Opperator filing a grievance. You can see the post on page 9 of the thread. The story on the link has changed since the story has changed.

Here's the quote though.

Appearing on CBC News Network on Thursday morning, CBC reporter Dave Seglins said dispatchers are "incensed" about the language Ford used during the 911 call and have complained to their union.

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Again both sides look bad.

Pretty much not anymore, only one side.

1-Ford said it was dark and it clearly wasn't.2- The Mary Walsh said they were at the bottom of the driveway.3- They clearly were in the driveway on his property.

4-Also the issue of his daughter isn't a done deal. They can't be seen in the video footage the CBC released but it doesn't mean she wasn't there.

5They also lied about the 911 operator filing a grievance with the Union. The police said no such thing happened.

1-true that. Why 'd he lie?

2-she was

3-they were, I know, cuz I live close by and know his driveway is a little longer than his mini van and people leave room at the top. I guarantee you , she was walking up from the bottom when he saw her

4-except she was inside and he said she was with him. And afraid of a camera is bs, she must be traumitized by his press conference, or the Mayoral campaign where cameras are around non-stop

I do have one caveat, apparently the death threats are real and for that I was wrong. That said, he was not afraid for anything, no one smiles and keeps walking towards their attacker unless he or she is 350lbs and his nemesis is 160 lb woman.

Come on boges, his whole story is bs.

Edited by guyser
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