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Occupy Wall Street Sept 17 2011

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A wealth of social intelligence and bags of urine. A deadly combination.

Has that happened at Wall Street?

I'm aware of the incident in Toronto.

Ziplocs you said?

I was wondering what they're doing for bathrooms.

I hope that's not their only option.

I'm posting some articles. There are lots of them now from small and presumeably independent media, but the big guys are still chicken.

That's a huge victory for the protesters.

The mouthpieces of the 1% are silenced. :lol:

Never thought I'd see the day ...

Man there must be some columnists chewing their pencils in frustration at not being able to pontificate on this important story.

Just shows what sheep they really are.


The hardest battles to wage are against the invisible enemies. The invisible power structures are corporations on Wall Street,” he said. “We are the 99 percent that wil no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the http://www.thetowerlight.com/2011/09/41072/



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Who cares? None of this has anything to do with Occupy Wall Street. Go talk about American/Canadian population shifts somewhere else.

Agreed. B_C reacted to something I said and derailed the thread with his usual Can-US p'ng contest, and some people took the bait.

I don't think BC likes this thread. :)

Edited by jacee
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Jailed for covering the Wall Street protests

"We like the terminology 'grassroots media,' where people in the march were literally marching with laptops and webcams so that they could live broadcast. I think it's an immediate, never before possible edge," said JRL. He was arrested while carrying his Canon 7D camera. Multiple videos from Sept. 24 show police arresting people holding cameras and audio equipment. An NYPD spokesperson told ABC News that the police were not targeting camera operators.


"I heard a commotion and went outside to find cops macing women and arresting people and hitting people with nightsticks, so I started taking pictures," said Queary. "I followed a young, black male as he was being accosted by five cops. As I tried to take a picture I was pushed away. I asked why I was pushed away and then the next thing you know I was being judo flipped."


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Guest American Woman

Agreed. B_C reacted to something I said and derailed the thread with his usual Can-US p'ng contest, and some people took the bait.

I don't think BC likes this thread. :)

Occupying Wall Street doesn't have anything to do with US/Canada relations, either. Yet some people responded. Guess they "took [your] bait." <_<

But what's to dislike about the thread? Seriously. What do you think any of this is proving/accomplishing? People protest all the time, but it seems pretty obvious that the only people who can protest indefinitely are the unemployed. Perhaps if they devoted as much time to looking for employment, they wouldn't be as angry with life in the U.S. as they are.

Edited by American Woman
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Occupying Wall Street doesn't have anything to do with US/Canada relations, either. Yet some people responded. Guess they "took [your] bait." <_<

But what's to dislike about the thread? Seriously. What do you think any of this is proving/accomplishing? People protest all the time, but it seems pretty obvious that the only people who can protest indefinitely are the unemployed. Perhaps if they devoted as much time to looking for employment, they wouldn't be as angry with life in the U.S. as they are.

Well of course protesters come and go as their commitments allow, meaning there are many many more protesters than are actually onsite at any one time.

I find it interesting too that in addition to setting up a kitchen (and I hope bathrooms), the protesters have set up a library. Looking for employment is pretty much an online activity these days, so I'm sure job searches, applications and responses are continuing, as are the studies of any who are undergrad/grad students, along with reporting to various student and independent media.

You can march on Wall Street and respond to job offers at the same time. Cool, eh?

Electronic media is the message, cos the message is

'We've got your number and you can't shut us up or shut us down anymore!'

Awesome! :)

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This article helps shed some light on the statistics, including the net loss to Canada: More Americans heading North

It's kind of old, 2007, but it gets into the history of the statistics a little bit.

Thanks AW...that is a much better explanation than just raw statistics. Canadians have been part of America from the very beginning, so it comes as no surprise that prevailing factors and conditions continue to influence the polarity of emigre traffic across the border.

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Guest American Woman

I find it interesting that in addition to setting up a kitchen (and I hope bathrooms), the protesters have set up a library. Looking for employment is pretty much an online activity these days, so I'm sure job searches, applications and responses are continuing, as are the studies of any who are undergrad/grad students, along with reporting to various student and independent media. You can march on Wall Street and respond to job offers at the same time. Cool, eh?

Real cool. :lol: So they're taking advantage of the privileges the system has provided while protesting the system. Gotta love that. But ... but ... at the same time, I'm really questioning whether they're doing that or not since you said the protesters don't buy such gadgets......

Why yes, you did. Right here in this thread: They are not the youth who protest.

Electronic media is the message, cos the message is '

We've got your number and you can't shut us up anymore!'

Awesome! :)

Ummmm. No one could ever shut them up before. FYI, freedom of speech has been around as long as the U.S. has existed. But yeah. Awesome.

Edited by American Woman
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Agreed. B_C reacted to something I said and derailed the thread with his usual Can-US p'ng contest, and some people took the bait.

They always do....and it was worth it just to get your admission about the "Canadian 1%", even though it's the American version you need for real credibility. We get a lot of that here.

I don't think BC likes this thread. :)

Quite to the contrary, I love this thread. It opens the door to all kinds of us vs. them mischief. Thanks!

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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...Electronic media is the message, cos the message is '

We've got your number and you can't shut us up anymore!'

Awesome! :)

It is awesome, because "electronic media" came from the very same co-opted corps that these clowns are protesting. As I stated earlier, the protesters are using the hardware, software, and infrastructure of the corporatists. A protester with an iPad is a walking contradiction.

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Real cool. :lol: So they're taking advantage of the privileges the system has provided while protesting the system. Gotta love that. But ... but ... at the same time, I'm really questioning whether they're doing that or not since you said the protesters don't buy such gadgets......

Why yes, you did. Right here in this thread: They are not the youth who protest.

OMG !! :o I was wrong !! I should have said using the system against itself is awesome !! :D

Ummmm. No one could ever shut them up before. FYI, freedom of speech has been around as long as the U.S. has existed. But yeah. Awesome.

Then we are agreed. :)

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They always do....and it was worth it just to get your admission about the "Canadian 1%", even though it's the American version you need for real credibility. We get a lot of that here.

I apologize again for not being clear about that BC. The corporatist culture is everywhere and the 1percenters are a problem everywhere.

And since the US is our market, we know who is the big dog and who is the wagging tail. :)

Quite to the contrary, I love this thread. It opens the door to all kinds of us vs. them mischief. Thanks!

You heard it from the horse's mouth, folks! He's only here for the "mischief".

Might I suggest that those who want to take him on on Can-US nitpicking create a thread for that and link his derail posts to it for continuation, so discussions can continue on topic. :)

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Guest American Woman

OMG !! :o I was wrong !!

Again. Must be because you got misinformation from your source again, eh?

I should have said using the system against itself is awesome !! :D

That would have been better than making stuff up. : What would be even better is pointing out the absurdity of protesting the system that resulted in the technology they are now using and you are signing praises of. What would be even better yet is recognizing that they contributed to the profits of the system that they are now protesting. Way to stick it to them!! :lol: It's hilarious, really.

Then we are agreed. :)

I think that most people would agree that freedom of speech is awesome. B)

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Guest American Woman

:D "... over 2 million Twitter hits so far.

The revolution will not be televised -- it will be tweeted."

Great article and video here

And they keep supporting the system they are protesting. They keep providing free advertising. I'm sure the corporations are pocketing the profits and laughing all the way to the bank. B)

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And they keep supporting the system they are protesting. They keep providing free advertising. I'm sure the corporations are pocketing the profits and laughing all the way to the bank. B)

I think they're too busy scrambling to do damage control - eg, writing cheques to the MSM to pay them off for not reporting on the protest.


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Guest American Woman

I think they're too busy scrambling to do damage control - eg, writing cheques to the MSM to pay them off for not reporting on the protest.


:lol: :lol: :lol:

You think that, do you? Not surprising considering some of the other things you've thought. You were wrong then too, by your own admission.

Have your fun with this, jacee. If this really means something to you, enjoy. :) Seriously.

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Canada defines itself as not-American...the identity crisis is well documented...by Canadian authors.

My brother refused to go to Canada as a draft dodger because Canada was making billions off the war and was not neutral at all. He went to Sweden instead....good move!

Obama is not a communist....and you just buried yours (Jack Layton).

Layton was not mine - my friend...as for his cancer death - word on the street has it that he might have partook in risky behaviour - being the liberal minded socialist who stuck to the 70 hippy crap - "if it feels good do it" - having slandered our dead Lenin....I don't care if we were neutral or not - war is buisness...only fools fight and die so some liar can have a gold plated toilet..

Sweden hugh? You have one smart brother - looks like the family does have some character and are not all material rich worshipping sissies.....I bet your bro is loved by all for his strength - He must have matured into a fine man eventually...i takes guts to go against the flow...I have an older brother who is very wealthy and went with the flow - He is an utter failure - his oldest son offed himself not to long ago - Looks like going against the flow was the right decision in the long run...good luck BC - as for Layton again....what a bunch of shit.

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As long as you are standing in the Free Speech Zone. Indicated by the signs and barbed wire fence.

I don't like this post. Now if you'll excuse me, me and the rest of the "99%" are going to blockade the street in front of your house and chant slogans at you. What do you mean I can't blockade OUR streets? The government and the system must hate free speech!!

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I don't like this post. Now if you'll excuse me, me and the rest of the "99%" are going to blockade the street in front of your house and chant slogans at you. What do you mean I can't blockade OUR streets? The government and the system must hate free speech!!

Who said you can't?

Fill yer boots ... behind the orange fence though cos that's the mace free zone ... for now anyway.


Bring your own ziploc.

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And the movement, much to the right wing's handwringing chagrin, continues to grow with more and more people finally fed up with the rich stealing from their hard work by keeping workers wages down and treating them as slave labour..

Even the business community's starting to pay attention...

From Forbes.com


*Friday, September 30th, Concerned Citizens Gather for the Kick-off of Occupy Boston*

The conversation that began on Wall Street on September 17 has swept northward to Boston, and inspired a powerful national movement. Joining with nearly 100 actions in cities from Los Angeles to Dallas, Chicago,and Washington D.C., concerned citizens have come to speak out for greater economic equality.

Occupy Boston will gather at Dewey Square in Downtown Boston on Friday,September 30 at 6 p.m., to begin an ongoing protest, discuss the state of the union and develop out of that discussion a list of specific changes to ensure our government actually works for the benefit of all citizens.

Planning this event began with a group of over 200 people from all walks of life who assembled on Boston Common Tuesday evening to discuss taking action. Paul Harris of the Guardian covered the meeting, saying,”[..]the people behind Occupy Boston showed a strong dose of media savvy and organizational skill on [Tuesday] night, as they drew a committed crowd of volunteers to their cause: to occupy a slice of the city.”

Occupy Boston is the beginning of an ongoing discussion about the problems with America’s economic system and how it has damaged government and the fabric of society as a whole. The top 1% owns 50% of the nation’s wealth -and more importantly, how that wealth is used undermines the founding principles of America’s democracy.

Through the use of direct democracy, Occupy Boston is working to define and solve the problems of: an opaque and exclusive government, a Wall Street without conscience, and a state struggling to guarantee basic human rights. Everyone is invited to join this conversation about reforming how business and government operate.


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Yeah. Barbed wire. :lol:



This is not entirely Kunst's fault. The officially designated "Free Speech" zone and all-purpose protest area for this celebration of the Democratic way isn't exactly front and center. It's wedged between a parking lot for buses and a bunch of trailers, and set beneath the blue-green steel supports of a condemned stretch of the T, Boston's mass-transit line. The area's perimeter is marked by a sawtooth pattern of Jersey barriers, and it's caged top to bottom with cyclone fencing and barbed wire. A black plastic tarp keeps officially credentialed types in the FleetCenter compound from seeing inside the pen.

Yes indeed barbed wire.

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