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Military to Apologize toe Mohawks (once again)

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You just described yourself to a 'T'...except you left out the part about being a wimpy impotent mail clerk working i

Wow, thanks CA. I realize the irony of this post goes waaay over your head, and you don't even understand how it could cause people to laugh at you, but you just basically reinforced what I had to say. Not to mention making yourself look like an adolescent twerp.

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I am not trying to contradict what you said

Because you can't. Because even you recognize that if a bunch of white guys blocked a major highway and beat people up the police wouldn't stand for it.

But acknowledging as much would require a level of honesty you are completely incapable of. Instead we get...

No, I am betting it because all you appear to be is a pussy.

I am so impressed. Honestly. I'm sure anyone reading would acknowledge a master wordsmith there, and the level of intellectual discourse is breathtaking. You do so OWN!

Honestly, you have a right to all that bragging!

With people like you and CA defending them it's simply amazing that the Mohawk Warriors have such a widespread public reputation as criminal scum!

Edited by Argus
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A plea not aimed towards the fellow screaming incessantly about "BROWN PEOPLE."


I don't scream about brown people. I don't even talk about brown people except in the context of certain sniveling, self-hating, bleeding heart liberal types who are so racist - even while being ignorant of it - that they can't acknowledge the equality of responsibility for their own actions they insist upon for white (ie civilized) people.

Generally speaking, the people who constantly make excuses for virtually any actions taken by someone they consider to be a minority are as racist to the core as anyone in the Heritage Front, because at heart they believe non-whites are intellectually, morally and socially inferior and thus cannot be held to the same standards as White people.

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I don't scream about brown people. I don't even talk about brown people except in the context of certain sniveling, self-hating, bleeding heart liberal types who are so racist - even while being ignorant of it - that they can't acknowledge the equality of responsibility for their own actions they insist upon for white (ie civilized) people.

Generally speaking, the people who constantly make excuses for virtually any actions taken by someone they consider to be a minority are as racist to the core as anyone in the Heritage Front, because at heart they believe non-whites are intellectually, morally and socially inferior and thus cannot be held to the same standards as White people.

Fortunately (though not for you), your greasy little method here is quite transparent:

First, you post "BROWN PEOPLE", capitalized, as many times as you can logically include in your posts. Your hope was that people would perceive racism in your remarks. That way, when you are inevitably called on it, you can indulge in this self-same recitation that you always seem to enjoy. You're a broken record.

Second, what you mean by "self-hating" is anyone who does not share your political views.

And that's really the crux; here, you summon the Heritage Front as a comparison; earlier, you said everyone who defends the Mohawks are themselves "criminals."

Youy're just astonished that everyone doesn't hold your self-evidently correct opinions.

But carry on, by all means; it doesn't bother me to argue with sanctimonious, effete little bullies. I'd worry about myself if you didn't vehemently disagree with me.

As for your continual remarks about political correctness...surely you're aware that few people are more PC-oriented than is the political Right. (Why can't y'all just support the goddam troops?") Hell, you're a prime example, Argus....you see racists everywhere....except among those who defend white people against their awful Native oppressors. They're just victims fighting the good fight.

Edited by bloodyminded
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surely you're aware that few people are more PC-oriented than is the political Right. (Why can't y'all just support the goddam troops?")

Complete and utter nonsense. But I'd gladly trade "support the troops" for the litany of leftist PC trash. Starting with "Happy Holidays" because we can't say Christmas. And ending with "Mulsims didn't commit 9/11, extremists did." :rolleyes:

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...quacks like one too...


That's from what? 1690?


Anyways...armed natives prevented myself and my father getting to our aircraft when they 'decided' the Penticton airport was now their property. Seemed very much like a pack of dirty terrorists to me...and that was pre-9-11.

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Complete and utter nonsense. But I'd gladly trade "support the troops" for the litany of leftist PC trash. Starting with "Happy Holidays" because we can't say Christmas. And ending with "Mulsims didn't commit 9/11, extremists did." :rolleyes:

"Support the troops" is just one of many; you guys are pc-obssessed. Presumably by thinking about the lefty varieties of it too much, you ingested it and now it's part of you.

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That's from what? 1690?


It's the spirit that counts, not to mention the principle.

Anyways...armed natives prevented myself and my father getting to our aircraft when they 'decided' the Penticton airport was now their property. Seemed very much like a pack of dirty terrorists to me...and that was pre-9-11.

Dirty...so you're a mysaphobe too? No doubt you're still in therapy and bathing yourself in bed at night.

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"Support the troops" is just one of many; you guys are pc-obssessed. Presumably by thinking about the lefty varieties of it too much, you ingested it and now it's part of you.

Imagine, for a moment, posting without the word "you".

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Imagine, for a moment, posting without the word "you".

Imagine,if you would,posting without using the words:





And additionally,any wierdo quasi-Communist conspiracy theories you like to throw out from time to time...

I forgot one...

5.The CBC

Two more...



Edited by Jack Weber
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"Support the troops" is just one of many

Sure it is. :rolleyes:

you guys are pc-obssessed.

Complete nonsesne. The left invented political correctness. The right are pikers compared to you and your ilk.

Now run along. You must have a teacher to forbid from using red ink to mark tests with. You know, because it's to traumatizing to kids. Or perhaps there's must be a public nativity scene somewhere that needs to be dismantled. :lol:

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Imagine,if you would,posting without using the words:





And additionally,any wierdo quasi-Communist conspiracy theories you like to throw out from time to time...

I forgot one...

5.The CBC

Two more...



Oh Jack, that's rich coming from you. The king of the Jack-off. Maybe you should follow your own advice, and try posting without using the words Glenn Beck, Tea Party, Breitbart and crypto-fascist! :lol:

You might actually have something interesting to post. :)

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Oh Jack, that's rich coming from you. The king of the Jack-off. Maybe you should follow your own advice, and try posting without using the words Glenn Beck, Tea Party, Breitbart and crypto-fascist! :lol:

You might actually have something interesting to post. :)

Actually, the first 3 apply only to you because you've stood up for all 3 of them against all reasonable thought!

I see you're still on the masturbatory/penile kick.I guess the tanning "lifestyle" you talk about is working well...

The Chinese are'nt "crypto-fascists"...Could you please explain why they're not?

Because,as you've proven over and over again,you're a professor of many things...Including political science!

Oops...I used crypto-fascist in a sentence... :rolleyes::lol:

Edited by Jack Weber
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Because you can't. Because even you recognize that if a bunch of white guys blocked a major highway and beat people up the police wouldn't stand for it.

There is no need for me to contradict you because you do it to yourself, often in the same post. Continually, like a broken record. Not to mention the actions of the police themselves, let's say at the recent G20 conference in Toronto. Colour has nothing to do with it.

But acknowledging as much would require a level of honesty you are completely incapable of. Instead we get...

I was being totally honest - I think you are a pussy and argue like one. That is, weak, but lots of cute, meaningless hissing.

I am so impressed. Honestly. I'm sure anyone reading would acknowledge a master wordsmith there, and the level of intellectual discourse is breathtaking. You do so OWN!

I am sure "anyone" indicates another shameless appeal to popularity. Once again. Like a broken record.

Honestly, you have a right to all that bragging!

Did the fur your back get all bristly when you wrote that?

With people like you and CA defending them it's simply amazing that the Mohawk Warriors have such a widespread public reputation as criminal scum!

"widespread public reputation" Another appeal to popularity.

Because you are muckstuck and have no other method of discourse once you are so easily owned. But quoting some old article from the MacKenzie Institute gives you some magical powers of suddenly having undeniable insight into the cumulative impressions of what constitutes reputation in the Canadian public eye. Ironically you seem to be completely unaware of the connection between your absurd assertions and the fact that the military will be making apologies to "radical first nations."

In other words, it is people like you that get it wrong in the first place.

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Imagine,if you would,posting without using the words:





And additionally,any wierdo quasi-Communist conspiracy theories you like to throw out from time to time...

I forgot one...

5.The CBC

Two more...



No, I don't need to. Non of it has anything to do with another poster here. Politics ARE the issues.

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Fortunately (though not for you), your greasy little method here is quite transparent:

Y'know, you might have realized this by now, if you were smarter, than when you think something is 'obvious' it's because of your unique viewpoint. That is to say, your talking out of your ass again.

First, you post "BROWN PEOPLE", capitalized, as many times as you can logically include in your posts. Your hope was that people would perceive racism in your remarks.

LOL Like I need to use something like BROWN PEOPLE to excite the rabble of the Left. :lol:

In point of fact, the term has been used on this site for some time, invariably in reference to the weeping and gnashing of teeth people of your ilk go through whenever anyone dares criticize any action or behaviour of anyone not deemed to be White.

Second, what you mean by "self-hating" is anyone who does not share your political views.

Nope. I mean bleeding heart snivellers who are so wrapped up in guilt for the presumed horrible actions of their ancestors they are like those castrated male feminists who cringe every time a woman glares at them.

Youy're just astonished that everyone doesn't hold your self-evidently correct opinions.

Now why would that astonish me given the depths of ignorance and stupidity the Left evidences on this site each and every single day?

But carry on, by all means; it doesn't bother me to argue with sanctimonious, effete little bullies.

LOL Again we see this insinuation from the Lefties - who lets face facts, are not exactly known to be a physically robust and indimidating bunch - that I must be somehow physically weaker than they are in order to be disagreeing strongly with their self-righteous noble opinions!

I wonder if it's some universal trait of the delicate wine and cheese set, so righteously opposed to militarism, and guns and violence and all, that they reflexively have to strut their 'manliness' on-line - the only place they can without drawing a frown from a nearby female that causes their testicles to shrivel up inside their groin?

As for your continual remarks about political correctness...surely you're aware that few people are more PC-oriented than is the political Right.

Yeah, that's pretty much the standard bleat of the PC stormtroopers of the far left. "WE aren't PC! OH NO! IT's those horrible NEO CONS who insist that just because we feel a sense of smugness every time a western soldier dies we're somehow not patriotic! They're the PC ones!"

Dream on tin soldier. Wave your imaginary muscles on line and sneer at the morally depraved and "efete" conservatives who dare challenge your manly view of the world! Then get back to the real world - and crawl. It's what you do best, after all.

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There is no need for me to contradict you because you do it to yourself, often in the same post. Continually, like a broken record. Not to mention the actions of the police themselves, let's say at the recent G20 conference in Toronto. Colour has nothing to do with it.

Yes, I've seen the simpleton argument before. Some of the police acted up here or there, and therefore, all police are bad. They're all bad because, well, they're mostly white people, and they have guns and wear uniforms and stuff, all of which is horrible. You know this because, well, who else would want to wear a uniform but someone horrible and depraved?

But that doesn't change the facts. It doesn't change the eyewitness reports, or the media reports. Your friends are vermin. And the fact you rush to their defense is simply an indication of your own lack of morality and judgement.

I was being totally honest - I think you are a pussy and argue like one.

What exactly does a "pussy" argue like? Maybe you could write up a little list of traits you think "pussies follow. Would it include pretending you're somehow more masculine than other people on-line? Would it include constantly bragging about how you "own" or how you "pwn" other people? Would it include not being able to actually discuss any issue without resorting to personal attacks? Just wondering.

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Sure it is. :rolleyes:

I can't tell you how many discussions I've been involved in about the wars in Afghanistan or Iraq in which some wag starts throwing tantrums about improperly "supporting the troops." Hell, even our Bush_Cheney showed his weakness on this point, getting quite huffy about it.

Political correctness.

Or how about all the little losers, terrified of honest debate, who throw around "anti-semite" if someone opines the rdical view that Israel's behaviour might be bad?

Political correctness.

Complete nonsesne. The left invented political correctness. The right are pikers compared to you and your ilk.

The left can be terrible about it, I agree.

You see, our disagreement here isn't about leftist political correctness; it's about you unwilling to admit the beam in your own eye.

Now run along. You must have a teacher to forbid from using red ink to mark tests with. You know, because it's to traumatizing to kids. Or perhaps there's must be a public nativity scene somewhere that needs to be dismantled. :lol:

Yes, I understand you've got a "war on Christmas" you've got to fight against the unholy secularists; also, you've got some PC propaganda to spout about the terrible victimization of white poeple, rich people, the Good Name of the United States of America, and about how everybody's always picking on Christians.

Support The Troops, and don't forget that criticism of Israel is anti-semitic.

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