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SHOULD THOSE THAT INTENTIONALLY PROVOKE..others into poor behaviour be

Oleg Bach

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Yesterday I suffered a two week banishment from these forums. I believe it was Gyser or what ever name he hides behind that must have complained to our proud and noble moderator...so the Guyster..insinuates that I am a closet homo-sexual- I get insulted and tell him to "f**k off"...He, I assume calls us the mod and complains- I get a message from the moderator telling me I am bannished - I write back and also tell him to F off...NOW.. Here is my moral and ethical issue...

Who is truely to blame and who is truely responsible for lighting this fire under me and getting me to cry our a curse? Is it my responsiblity to stay civil and not complain or avenge my honour when my MAN HOOD...yes folks - man hood is insulted...supposedly the bannishment was resulted from - to para-phrase.."foul language directed towards Mr. Smitherman" - It might have been something to the effect that I felt sorry for adopted children of same sex couples...

I guess I have no right to an opinion on what is the optimal existance of a child and a childs' well being and general happiness...As a hippy musican..My self and some friends were brought to a private Island to entertain some rich people..we were not even sure at that time what gay was...When the night came...we figured out that the VP of Coca Cola - and our host were doing something weird in the other bed room..It sounded offensive and was highy distrubing...

Now...once these powerful and rich gay men figured out that we were not going to play any more music or play the gay game with them - they stopped feeding us...finally we stole a sail boat and made it to town...my point is and was...I simply do not respect control freaks....my motto is if you want control of your environment - First rule of thumb is to control yourself...I guess I should not have allowed myself to get pissed off..

But - it seems that the ban never took place and telling Tony - to F - off was effective...Nothing worse than a weasil who attempts to manipulate the emotions of others in order to silence them...well THE LOUD MOUTH FREE THINKING OLEG BACH IS BACK!

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Is it my responsiblity to stay civil and not complain or avenge my honour when my MAN HOOD...yes folks - man hood is insulted...

yes... be the bigger man....

Stop your snivelling... no one cares whether you are here or not...

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yes... be the bigger man....

Stop your snivelling... no one cares whether you are here or not...

YOU are a newbee - and YOU probably don't care about anything of importance - and YOU should not speak on behalf of all the members without consulting them first! Apparently you want power without earning it - suddenly you speak for Mapleleafwed...well kid - you had better put in the time and get your skill level up - taking the route of least resistance never pays off.

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YOU are a newbee - and YOU probably don't care about anything of importance - and YOU should not speak on behalf of all the members without consulting them first! Apparently you want power without earning it - suddenly you speak for Mapleleafwed...well kid - you had better put in the time and get your skill level up - taking the route of least resistance never pays off.

So let me get this straight. Someone says something infantile to you, you respond idiotically, and you want that poster to somehow bear responsibility for your actions?

Before you get that martyr coat out of storage, ponder how many times you've said insanely outrageous things against atheists, directly to provoke people like me.

Edited by ToadBrother
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several options Oleg..

1st...complain to the mods if you have a complaint they will respond...

2nd...ignore the the offenders and carry on, take the high road and don't respond to their taunts(hard to do)

3rd...insult the post not the poster...

4th...what I do, use the ignore feature,and the problem disappears...there are lot's of forum members here who will put up a heated debate without resorting to rude behaviour...

Edited by wyly
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Yesterday I suffered a two week banishment from these forums. I believe it was Gyser or what ever name he hides behind that must have complained to our proud and noble moderator...so the Guyster..insinuates that I am a closet homo-sexual- I get insulted and tell him to "f**k off"...He, I assume calls us the mod and complains- I get a message from the moderator telling me I am bannished - I write back and also tell him to F off...NOW.. Here is my moral and ethical issue...

I assure you I had absolutely nothing to do with this. I have never once complained to chuck tony nor greg about posters here on MLW.

Sometimes you are funny to read, but most of the time you're so god damn loopy you invite mockery.

Who is truely to blame and who is truely responsible for lighting this fire under me and getting me to cry our a curse? Is it my responsiblity to stay civil and not complain or avenge my honour when my MAN HOOD...yes folks - man hood is insulted...supposedly the bannishment was resulted from - to para-phrase.."foul language directed towards Mr. Smitherman" - It might have been something to the effect that I felt sorry for adopted children of same sex couples...

Your manhood? Quit playing with it. You'll go blind.

You are, and you damn well know.

I guess I have no right to an opinion on what is the optimal existance of a child and a childs' well being and general happiness...

Sure you do.

Perhaps not couching things in bum blaster rhetoric would help?

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and YOU should not speak on behalf of all the members without consulting them first!

I consulted with them all via PM. THey all agree.

Apparently you want power without earning it - suddenly you speak for Mapleleafwed

Next week I am being promoted from newbie to forum-GOD. The mods in my head have told me so... and everyone else agreed. Didn't you get the PM?

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Now...once these powerful and rich gay men figured out that we were not going to play any more music or play the gay game with them - they stopped feeding us...finally we stole a sail boat and made it to town...my point is and was...I simply do not respect control freaks....my motto is if you want control of your environment - First rule of thumb is to control yourself...I guess I should not have allowed myself to get pissed off..

The great Oleg gets caught in his own trap....one that you yourself have set many times...

I would have thought the moral of the story would have been not to play with gay men or atleast bring your own boat when playing music for flammers.....

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The great Oleg gets caught in his own trap....one that you yourself have set many times...

I would have thought the moral of the story would have been not to play with gay men or atleast bring your own boat when playing music for flammers.....

Maybe he figured he'd take a ferry across.

Try the Veal

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Who is truely to blame and who is truely responsible for lighting this fire under me and getting me to cry our a curse? Is it my responsiblity to stay civil and not complain or avenge my honour when my MAN HOOD...yes folks - man hood is insulted...supposedly the bannishment was resulted from - to para-phrase.."foul language directed towards Mr. Smitherman"

You are to blame and you are truly responsible for your own actions unless you have extenuating grounds or are going for the insanity plea. All you're known as is a screen name on an Internet forum which makes it diffcult to determine your actual gender. So the manhood-insult plea is not really extenuating...

One would think that 3 years and some 10k posts later, you would know the rules by now Oleg. Suck it up and come back in two weeks having learned the lesson.

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So let me get this straight. Someone says something infantile to you, you respond idiotically, and you want that poster to somehow bear responsibility for your actions?

Before you get that martyr coat out of storage, ponder how many times you've said insanely outrageous things against atheists, directly to provoke people like me.

I would NEVER intentionally prod or provoke a person in to bad behavior with the hope of getting them banned from the form..This is the second time someone attempted to do this to me..and it is an abuse of electronic communication to be so manipulative that you manage to put a gag order on the person - then you sit like a kid in your basement feeling powerful that you have silenced someone and removed their privledge of free speech.

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SURE I like to say things that are outrageous - but if the sentiment brings our rage - then it usually makes for some good debate...BUT - to calculate how you can manipulate a moderator and a poster - and shut them down is pretty low..This was a calculated move by a member.

Now putting all aside for a moment...I am still wondering who repremanded the moderator or who insisted that I not be banned? It is just odd that - There is a term called "troll" - have never been sure what that really meant - I just assumed it was a dark creature - with a hairy mole on their chin who lived under a bridge ----------Now getting back to free speech - the "foul language supposedly used by myself to detract away the phoney good reputation of mayoral hopeful Smitherman - probably consisted of me mentioning that his adopted black child - would have to listen though the walls to vile sounds of men getting it on.

That is strickly my opinion - It is not about hate it is just how I percieve what is pleasant and what is not...

To the crux of the SAME SEX couples adopting children - Gays stero-typically have a lot of expendable and disposable income - they can hire high end lawyers and hyjack a kid out of a foster home..who usually has a child protection order over their head...It just pisses me off that most kids who end up adopted are taken from families that have PROBLEMS and most of these problems and strifes are based in the lack of money and the familiar stressed that result from poverty and the social dirt that rises from that.

It bothers me that someone like Smitherman - INSTEAD of adopting a child - might assist the family finacially - so the child could stay with the real and natural parents as should be..but NOOOOOOO - gays for the most part are selfish and self centred individuals who are materialists and can buy a child ...so - I guess that is where my resentment came from.

Smitherman should have not paraded the idea about that he was a "family man" - He is not...if he were poor - no way in hell would the system hand over someone elses offspring to stangers - and those interloping un-natural parents....should NOT use a child as a prop....

I guess that through my experience in the family law area and with the Supreme Court - I just can not stand the idea of the finacially privledged being able to in effect buy children..when supporting nuclear families is what should happen..

I can not imagine Smitherman assisting a white trash or black trash family that consists of a man a woman and a child - He is ABOVE - us lowly breeders..and I did not want a gay mayor with money ruling over me....sorry - but I am not policially tolerant or correct these days.

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SURE I like to say things that are outrageous

Thats a no brainer.....

This was a calculated move by a member.

somehow I doubt that.

,, mayoral hopeful Smitherman - probably consisted of me mentioning that his adopted black child - would have to listen though the walls to vile sounds of men getting it on.

Could it be any worse than some poor kid listening to you wheezin' and hackin' through a 2 minute afternoon delight?

Besides, what kid does? I sure as hell didnt.

gays for the most part are selfish and self centred individuals who are materialists and can buy a child ...so - I guess that is where my resentment came from.

Jealousy or fact? I will stick with jealousy.

Deal with it.

- but I am not policially tolerant or correct these days.

...nor smart , nor very bright either.

And you wonder why things happen?

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Thats a no brainer.....

somehow I doubt that.

Could it be any worse than some poor kid listening to you wheezin' and hackin' through a 2 minute afternoon delight?

Besides, what kid does? I sure as hell didnt.

Jealousy or fact? I will stick with jealousy.

Deal with it.

...nor smart , nor very bright either.

And you wonder why things happen?

Hey you little weasil...yes I can say that...I do not weeze...nor does it take 2 minutes...and I do NOT "wonder why things happen" - usually nothing happens and when it does I usually understand and know why.. As for jealousy...I have never been jealous of anything in my life..other than someone moving in on MY property ...be it a woman a house or live stock....

Oh and while I am at it...If you met me in person you would be intimidated..by my sheer charm and force of charater..not to mention my great spirit...getting back to jealousy...those that know me either envy and hate me or love me...I suggest you pick the most interesting and progressive side ....in other words..You will fare better being my friend than enemy...so what if I believe that men that breed with woman are the alpha males and those that do not - or can not - or will not..are inferiour...

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Hey you little weasil...yes I can say that..

Yes you can.

.I do not weeze...nor does it take 2 minutes...and I do NOT "wonder why things happen" - usually nothing happens and when it does I usually understand and know why.. As for jealousy...I have never been jealous of anything in my life..other than someone moving in on MY property ...be it a woman a house or live stock....

You forgot Lawyer.

Oh and while I am at it...If you met me in person you would be intimidated..by my sheer charm and force of charater..not to mention my great spirit...

Umm....not sure what to say. So in person you're awesome? Ok so be it.

..those that know me either envy and hate me or love me..

Can I add a couple of alternatives?

..You will fare better being my friend than enemy...so what if I believe that men that breed with woman are the alpha males and those that do not - or can not - or will not..are inferiour...

I dont think I will fare better rest assured.

Believe in your fantasies all you want.

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Hey you little weasil...yes I can say that...I do not weeze...nor does it take 2 minutes...and I do NOT "wonder why things happen" - usually nothing happens and when it does I usually understand and know why.. As for jealousy...I have never been jealous of anything in my life..other than someone moving in on MY property ...be it a woman a house or live stock....

Oh and while I am at it...If you met me in person you would be intimidated..by my sheer charm and force of charater..not to mention my great spirit...getting back to jealousy...those that know me either envy and hate me or love me...I suggest you pick the most interesting and progressive side ....in other words..You will fare better being my friend than enemy...so what if I believe that men that breed with woman are the alpha males and those that do not - or can not - or will not..are inferiour...

What are you trying to say??

That you're so old the last time you came it was dust???

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What are you trying to say??

That you're so old the last time you came it was dust???

That is an odd image..I recall years ago being in the hospital - and there was a man about 90 years old in the bed next to me - He was dying..and he kept kicking off the sheets - to reveal his genitals...It is amazing that --- your genitals are the last thing to age..no my friend - it still works - but no way in hell am I going to have sex with the X homely wife again - maybe a blow job but that's it - When you get older you appreciate beauty more..and you NEED more beauty - I want to make love to someone that is sweet to look at - age does not matter....I hope that was not to provocative..so where is that little weasil - what's his name...The one that is the guardian of uni-sex and all that other de-balling garbage?

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