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Hamas "We Con The World" Video

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Your expectations of how Israel should defend itself are absurd. You mistakenly think that violence against Israel and Jews abroad (as well as American and other interests) is entirely rooted in legitimate territorial grievances regarding Palestinians. This is an absolute falsehood. The very people you seem to be advocating for themselves reject Israel's existence and Jewish statehood and self-determination. Do you deny this? Do you think it will take me more than thirty seconds to link you to statements (forget about violent actions and murder) made by our enemies (Hamas, the PA, Hezbollah, Al-Qaeda, and the hundreds of other Islamic terror groups)? You think these organizations have political positions regarding '67 boundaries? You think these organizations and others like them weren't murdering Israelis and Jews abroad for decades before '67?

You are completely ignorant of real threats to Israel and Jews abroad, and you engage in discussion regarding this issue with such confidence?

Your idea of "defense" is most likely Israel ceding to the demands of terrorists. Even better, maybe if we all disappear the world will be a peaceful place.

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Better unpopular than dead.

False choice.

Working out a peace deal with Egypt and Jordan was one of the best things to happen to Israel's security and economy, the exact opposite of what you seem to be insinuating would happen should Israel pursue a less hawkish diplomatic position.

Like I said, it's in Israel's long-term interests to get in-line with international law, and global opinion, and get a peace settlement with the Palestinians.

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Bob, how about some honesty here?

Stop pretending that everything Israel is doing is in the name of self defense. Tell me how the illegal settlements are for self defense. Tell me how the wall that cuts into Palestinian territory is for self defense. Tell me how illegally demolishing Palestinian homes and then building Jewish only homes is self defense. Tell me how banning pasta, toys and cinnamon is self defense. Tell me how, allowing some wheelchairs through, but taking out the battery packs is self defense.

You have abused the meaning of 'self defense' and 'anti-semitism.'

With the way information travels, it is becoming more and more difficult to use the failed self-defense argument.

You can't punch someone in the face and then not expect a response. Then if the person responds, you can't grab an axe and cut their head off and claim self defense.

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It is happening, the UN is conducting its own inquiry into the incident, just another example of the absurdity of the UN.

Indeed it was pointed it out already how unconditional support of Israel's actions here almost necessarily reduces itself to denying objective reality and self-isolation in the fairy tale imaginary world where everything "we" do is right by definition and any attempt to investigate or question it is considered ridiculous or absurd or even "anti", also by definition. I'm afraid you aren't breaking any new ground here.

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I've travelled quite a bit and lived abroad in non-Western nations, and satire is alive and well in virtually all of them, and where it's not - it's because of a lack of freedom of speech, not because "those dumb savages don't get it"

You sound like a complete idiot.

I love the intellectual discourse. It just covers me with goose bumps.

Perhaps you have traveled quite a bit abroad and never noticed simply because you don't seem to be a very discerning fellow. You are the guy who argues, after all, that in all the world in all its cultures no one loves Jews as much as Muslims do. Oh well, you might admit that there is one or two Muslims somewhere who don't love Jews, but you've certainly never met one. Nor do you ever expect to meet a Muslim who isn't completely in favour of gender equality and gay rights.

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There is no right to commit war crimes, unless if you're a rogue state that sees itself above the law.

There is right and there is wrong. And then, there is law.

There need be no correlation between these.

I don't have a problem with Israel's blockade of Gaza. I don't care if it's collective punishment and thus violates international law. If you don't want collective punishment don't collectively vote terrorists into office.

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Let's recall recent Georgia - Russia conflict, where both parties agreed to allow independent EU commission to invistegate the matter. What was it again that puts acts of Israel above any possibility of objective scrutiny? And its all powerful ally covering up for it no matter what?

I think the UN has proved time and time again it is not neutral in the matter of Israel. And there is enormous anti-Israel sentiment among the Left throughout Europe. The only people likely to give Israel an objective investigation are Canadians.

But I think the real issue is that it's very difficult for Israel to justify the things the blockade keeps out. It could certainly justify a blockade that simply kept out weapons and the making of weapons, but most of the stuff it keeps out are clearly being kept out to punish the Palestinians, and such collective punishment is not allowed under international law.

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WHO did not report on the shortage of food, but they did on the shortage of medicine and facilities to treat the sick.

However, I did mention other organizations which you have not commented on.

Amnesty International:

"Mass unemployment, extreme poverty, food insecurity and food price rises caused by shortages left four in five Gazans dependent on humanitarian aid. The scope of the blockade and statements made by Israeli officials about its purpose showed that it was being imposed as a form of collective punishment of Gazans, a flagrant violation of international law,"


You didn't respond:

Amnesty International, UNCHR, HRW and the Red Cross are all anti-Israeli extremists? Because that is who I am repeating.

I agree there is nothing in the article that suggests Gazans are starving.

There comes a time

When we need to make a show....

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I agree there is nothing in the article that suggests Gazans are starving.

There comes a time

When we need to make a show....

Gazans aren't starving, naomiglover continues to perpetuate lies about Gazans starving and needing the tunnels to "survive" the blockade.

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This video is too close to the truth. Very good satire, precisely the kind that will enrage the people who don't understand satire - such as pro-Palestinian leftists.

I note that youtube has removed the video because of "copyright" infringement. I think the real reason is that Warner just doesn't need the political risk/hassle. I find this kind of censorship sad.

Just ran over this thread a few minutes ago and watched the vid

Awesome piece of work

Have to say it rings true


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Gazans aren't starving, naomiglover continues to perpetuate lies about Gazans starving and needing the tunnels to "survive" the blockade.

Just ran over this thread a few minutes ago and watched the vid

Awesome piece of work

Have to say it rings true


If people can survive eating metal and dynamite, they would indeed starve without those tunnels.

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Have to say it rings true

And for that reason eliminates the need for any other sources of information. Such as e.g. objective and independent investigation of the incident.

Awsome piece of work illustrating the mentality of some posters here.

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And for that reason eliminates the need for any other sources of information. Such as e.g. objective and independent investigation of the incident.

Awsome piece of work illustrating the mentality of some posters here.

Someday you might actually leave your socialistic, entitled home and travel to some of these places and see for yourself - until then you are simply another canucklehead with an opinion and no knowledge of what it is really like - other than what CBC tells you.

Your lack of intelligence shines through many times - and your lack of knowledge shows on a daily basis. Go and see for yourself.

Unlikely you will and unlikely you will change - which shows why you are just another canucklehead


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Someday you might actually leave your socialistic, entitled home and travel to some of these places and see for yourself - until then you are simply another canucklehead with an opinion and no knowledge of what it is really like - other than what CBC tells you.

Your lack of intelligence shines through many times - and your lack of knowledge shows on a daily basis. Go and see for yourself.

Unlikely you will and unlikely you will change - which shows why you are just another canucklehead


That's a cute little tantrum.

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That's a cute little tantrum.

LOL - actually when I look back at it you are right

It really is funny - even though I have witnessed some of this stuff first hand - whereas few on this board have.


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LOL - actually when I look back at it you are right

It really is funny - even though I have witnessed some of this stuff first hand - whereas few on this board have.


Well hell, if you're going to be civil and friendly about it, I'm gonna have to regret saying it, and take it back.

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It really is funny - even though I have witnessed some of this stuff first hand - whereas few on this board have.

Well, presuming it to be so, would your wealth of exprience also tell you that the best way to reach peace and mutual acceptance with other people is to keep taking what they have (land, water, possessions)?

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Well, presuming it to be so, would your wealth of exprience also tell you that the best way to reach peace and mutual acceptance with other people is to keep taking what they have (land, water, possessions)?

Your one sided response is why I would not waste my time.


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I love the intellectual discourse. It just covers me with goose bumps.

Than don't be selective about it. If you're going to criticize me, go and criticize August and others who make grand sweeping statements about complex groups of people and situations.

Perhaps you have traveled quite a bit abroad and never noticed simply because you don't seem to be a very discerning fellow.

I've made a career for myself so far by being discerning - frankly I consider my success a better indicator of my talents than your ignorant opinion, thanks.

I'll put up my experience and knowledge about Islam against yours any day of the week, and as we've seen time and time again, I come out on top. Why? Because I actually do research as part of my job, so I know what I'm talking about.

It's not rocket science - it's just what most people do before they start making statements on something - they learn about it in an objective fashion.

You are the guy who argues, after all, that in all the world in all its cultures no one loves Jews as much as Muslims do.

You're lying again. I challenge you to find a single quote supporting this.

This illustrates why I routinely wipe the floor with you on these debates - it's not because I'm some genius, it's just because you'd rather lie than do your homework - and that becomes obvious to everyone pretty quickly.

Nor do you ever expect to meet a Muslim who isn't completely in favour of gender equality and gay rights.

Again with the grand sweeping statements that are so easily disproven - I can even do it in two words:

Irshad Manji.

There's a Muslim you can meet that fits your requirements.

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Your one sided response is why I would not waste my time.

Or could it be because you have no answer? Go on try to explain ongoing, persistent, no matter what appropriation of others land as a way to lasting and fair peace. On my side, I probably said as many times as I responded to these threads that security of Israel within its proper borders must be guaranteed by any such settlement.

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Or could it be because you have no answer? Go on try to explain ongoing, persistent, no matter what appropriation of others land as a way to lasting and fair peace. On my side, I probably said as many times as I responded to these threads that security of Israel within its proper borders must be guaranteed by any such settlement.

In all honesty myata I only come here to stir the pot - I do not post my own beliefs more than once in a blue mmon - that allows me to maintain my sense of humour as I write.

I think it is fun to watch the participants run crazy - it is my brief diversion from the reality I live in.

I do have a possible solution but would not bother to post it. I do not believe canucklehead voters as a rule have the gonads to make the hard decisions as some of them would be politically incorrect and that would be entirely unCanadian to most who come here. They live in an entitled and feel good society that depends on tax dollars. Money the feds take before they can give.

They do however have the desire to make the best 30 second sound byte (read byte? LOL).

Which I admit I often enjoy - so I come here to read them.

So I enjoy my fun and come and go at very irregular intervals.

As I think I already stated once - I find your response to be quite telling - and to a great extent as close minded as many others - which is why I am as I am.

I do not believe for an instant this board is anything close to what the originators want / wanted it to be. In fact it has strayed so far as to be quite worthless in those regards and lofty ideals.

So I use it for entertainment rather than serious debate. A great time killer.

I am open in my response this time - you have already made up your mind as have many others.

For the most part the people here only know what they read in the media - which is more often than not inaccurate. And unfortunately taken as gospel many times more often than it should be.

I will put you on ignore now and step out of this thread - and I honestly will not bother to come back and read any responses.

I am quite good at keeping my word on things like this.

There will be another place to stir the pot a bit when I need some amusement.

Have a great day and stay safe


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Well, presuming it to be so, would your wealth of exprience also tell you that the best way to reach peace and mutual acceptance with other people is to keep taking what they have (land, water, possessions)?

Let's be honest. You're saying that Israel is on appropriated land and should leave?

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So I use it for entertainment rather than serious debate. A great time killer.

Yes it shows. There isn't much that could be debated with seriously in what you posted so far.

For the most part the people here only know what they read in the media - which is more often than not inaccurate. And unfortunately taken as gospel many times more often than it should be.

But it'd be so below yourself to bestow on us your accurate and complete knowledge? Especially if we asked for it to be verifiable in some objective way?

I will put you on ignore now and step out of this thread - and I honestly will not bother to come back and read any responses.

I am quite good at keeping my word on things like this.

But of course! What could be a better counterpoint to those who have already made their mind and taken certain knowledge for a gospel?

There will be another place to stir the pot a bit when I need some amusement.

I hope you'll stay well entertained and amused for as long as you desire it.

JBG: yaaaaaaaaaaawn

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Let's be honest. You're saying that Israel is on appropriated land and should leave?

That's at the heart of their arguments, jbg, but talk is cheap when you're hiding behind a handle on a generic forum. When you can't hide you have to face the music, like that White House reporter who spewed her vile hatreds, and then pretty much had to retire, the old bat.

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