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Yes, people do get old. Immigrants get old. In fact, according to stats canada, the average age of immigrants is not really much lower than the average age of Canadian born.

The answer to a low birth rate is to address the economic and social factors causing it, not steal people from other countries

Immigration the way we do it isn't really the answer to an aging population. Humanitarian issues aside, doing things like accepting a young productive immigrant and then allowing the immigration of their parents just increases the average age of the population

"Never trust a man who has not a single redeeming vice". WSC

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having less kids is also key to becoming wealthy...better education = low birth rate = more wealth...

even the birth rate for immigrants from countries with high birth drops when they move to countries with low birth rates...

Who generates the wealth when everyone is old?

"Never trust a man who has not a single redeeming vice". WSC


Well then, you should vote Liberal. Not only do they encourage people to have more children, but they also bring in fewer immigrants that the Conservatives.

I fear part of the Liberal plan to beggar us as a nation is to continue to bring in as many illiterate third-world residents as possible. This not only lowers the standard of living, but illiterates are easier to convince to vote Liberal.

"A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley

Posted (edited)

Immigration the way we do it isn't really the answer to an aging population. Humanitarian issues aside, doing things like accepting a young productive immigrant and then allowing the immigration of their parents just increases the average age of the population

Yes, and that is why the age of immigrants isn't really much lower than the native born Canadians. So no, it's no solution to an aging population or the boomer bulge.

The problem is that what is actually needed is more family friendly laws and taxation systems. Conservatives tend not to support big social spending ideas, while Liberals won't even admit there's a problem. So what if 98% of the country becomes foreign born!? Are you a racist to care about that!? So what if Canada's culture fades away? Are you ethnocentric to think our culture is better!?

According to the stats can report 63% of Toronto residents will be visible minorities within 20 years. what about in 30 years? Why should that mattter? Well gee, I suppose it doesn't if you don't mind Toronto taking its place among such other grandly run cities as Detroit, Washington, and Oakland.

If the Liberal party had suggested to Torontonians in 1970 that within their lifetimes the % of visible minorities in their city would rise from 1% to 80% as a result of massive third world immigration do you think they'd have had a few protests?

Edited by Argus

"A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley


Who generates the wealth when everyone is old?

there's the problem...Japan is struggling with that, not only who generates the wealth but who pays/looks after the aged population...

“Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives.”- John Stuart Mill

not false, it is a problem that has not be addressed and it is a viewed as a serious problem in Japan our government has no long term plan to confront the inevitable, growth cannot continue without end...

Japan is probably the worst example to use in the developed world, few countires hate immigrants or foreigners in general than Japan, which is why they allow so few.

The government should do something.


I fear part of the Liberal plan to beggar us as a nation is to continue to bring in as many illiterate third-world residents as possible. This not only lowers the standard of living, but illiterates are easier to convince to vote Liberal.

...immigrants are twice as likely to have University education as a native Canadian...

“Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives.”- John Stuart Mill


Japan is probably the worst example to use in the developed world, few countires hate immigrants or foreigners in general than Japan, which is why they allow so few.

which is why they have a more serious problem, a declining population and very little immigration...if we cut immigration we'd have the same problem...

“Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives.”- John Stuart Mill


So what if 98% of the country becomes foreign born!? Are you a racist to care about that!?

So what if Canada's culture fades away? Are you ethnocentric to think our culture is better!?
all cultures evolve and ours is a culture of immigrants

“Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives.”- John Stuart Mill

Guest TrueMetis

But your good language skill can not produce more patent for you.

BTW, I can use this "suck" grammar to exchange ideas here. You can not do so with Chinese language.

Population of Canada 33,311,389

Population of China 1,325,639,982

Number of Nobel prizes Canadians have recieved 18 0.532260926 per million

Number of Nobel prizes Chinese people have received 6 0.004498932 per million

My link

Enough with your patent crap. Patent laws vary so much between countries that for all we know China is just re-patenting things that have already been invented, not to mention a lot of patented thing are useless crap.

Your grammar makes it really difficult to understand what your saying. Also why would I need to know Mandarin or Cantonese? I speak English I can go basically anywhere in the world and find people who speak it. There are a lot of languages I would learn before either of the Chinese languages.


Population of Canada 33,311,389

Population of China 1,325,639,982

Number of Nobel prizes Canadians have recieved 18 0.532260926 per million

Number of Nobel prizes Chinese people have received 6 0.004498932 per million

My link

Enough with your patent crap. Patent laws vary so much between countries that for all we know China is just re-patenting things that have already been invented, not to mention a lot of patented thing are useless crap.

Your grammar makes it really difficult to understand what your saying. Also why would I need to know Mandarin or Cantonese? I speak English I can go basically anywhere in the world and find people who speak it. There are a lot of languages I would learn before either of the Chinese languages.

but Mandarin would be an excellent choice

“Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives.”- John Stuart Mill

Posted (edited)

....Your grammar makes it really difficult to understand what your saying. Also why would I need to know Mandarin or Cantonese? I speak English I can go basically anywhere in the world and find people who speak it. There are a lot of languages I would learn before either of the Chinese languages.

Methinks you are missing the larger point....Chinese immigrants without English fluency can thrive in Canada, includinig significant R&D, patents, education, etc. They will/can compete because of drive, work ethic, and existing skill(s).

Edited by bush_cheney2004

Economics trumps Virtue. 



Birth control and women's rights are the major factors in Western cultures' various low birth-rates. Other cultures should be doing likewise...but alas.

I second that.

The rate at which the world population is expanding is absurd. There will come a day when we need drastic measures and regulations.

I also agree, from experience, that poor people seem to have more children.

I am 23 years old, and know quite a lot of people from high school who are now proudly walking around with unplanned infants in both arms, people who I know are somewhat unfit for parenthood.

I have a rather controversial theory that parenthood should be perhaps a privilege, something which requires certain qualifications. Unfortunately, I cannot claim I would be an adequate judge of ''where to draw the line'' , and am also aware of the extremist overtones of suggesting something like this.

''Thank god I'm an Atheist !''

Guest TrueMetis

but Mandarin would be an excellent choice

With the career I'm trying to get into there are a lot of better choices.


I have a rather controversial theory that parenthood should be perhaps a privilege, something which requires certain qualifications. Unfortunately, I cannot claim I would be an adequate judge of ''where to draw the line'' , and am also aware of the extremist overtones of suggesting something like this.

At least you know some of the flaws. More importantly, the large majority of us are born with functional genitalia, and it's not even a matter of extremism as it is the fundamental right of every human to partake of such basic biological functions. It's like saying "You have to have a permit to urinate or to talk."


I second that.

The rate at which the world population is expanding is absurd. There will come a day when we need drastic measures and regulations.

More accurately, the third world population.

“The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities.” –Theodore Roosevelt

“The symptoms of dying civilizations are well known. The death of faith; the degeneration of morals; contempt for the old values; collapse of the culture; paralysis of the will, but the two certain symptoms that a civilization has begun to die are a declining population and foreign invasions no longer resisted.” – Patrick J. Buchanan

"Liberalism is the ideology of Western suicide. Its ideas pursued to their logical end will prove fatal to the West." -- James Burnham


At least you know some of the flaws. More importantly, the large majority of us are born with functional genitalia, and it's not even a matter of extremism as it is the fundamental right of every human to partake of such basic biological functions. It's like saying "You have to have a permit to urinate or to talk."

Yes. You are of course, completely right.

It's more a pie-in-the-sky fantasy on my part than anything else. Of course it would be almost impossible to implement such a policy in the foreseable future.

I guess my resentment is solely brought on by the weak parenting I've witnessed by a lot of people of my generation. It's a pity to see Canadian children beeing brought up by computers and television. Still, it's not really my call what people do with their offspring.

''Thank god I'm an Atheist !''


With the career I'm trying to get into there are a lot of better choices.

tying career to language is logical...career in civil service make french and english an excellent combination...obviously Mandarin excellent choice if business import/export is the career...English and Mandarin and you have 2/3's of the world's population covered...

“Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives.”- John Stuart Mill

Guest TrueMetis

tying career to language is logical...career in civil service make french and english an excellent combination...obviously Mandarin excellent choice if business import/export is the career...English and Mandarin and you have 2/3's of the world's population covered...

I'm joining the military got to learn french.

According to the stats can report 63% of Toronto residents will be visible minorities within 20 years. what about in 30 years? Why should that mattter? Well gee, I suppose it doesn't if you don't mind Toronto taking its place among such other grandly run cities as Detroit, Washington, and Oakland.

I read that too, and the sad thing is that there are plenty of people that have been brainwashed for so long that they'll probably accept it without question.

As it stands already, we have the liberal Toronto Star admitting that the Liberal politicians allowed Sri Lankans to get away with things that they shouldn't have because they depend on their votes in key ridings. What will happen as the polulation increases? Increased demand to get Canada involved in things that are not in Canadian interest? No thanks.

And yes, even though black countries are for blacks, Japan for japanese, China for Chinese, India for Indians, white countries are for everyone or you're racist! Forget about the fact that nearly a million white people have been forced to leave South Africa out of fear for their safety, tens of thousands have been killed and many more have been robbed and/or raped.

It's ok to have growing Muslim populations in non-Muslim countries, but absolutely not acceptable to have a growing non-Muslim population in Muslim countries. Build mosques all over lands that have been traditionally Christian, but building a church on Muslim land? Yeah, right....

I know that it's only a matter of time before someone argues that the indians were in north america first, even though it was primarily european settlers that made it what it is today. Put that aside, what about Great Britain, France or Germany? There's not a country on this planet where white people aren't shrinking as a percentage of the population, and we're supposed to celebrate that or we're racist. Race shouldn't matter, we're told, yet it does in every country that doesn't have a white majority.

I'll accept multiculturalism and diversity when I see reciprocity.

“The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities.” –Theodore Roosevelt

“The symptoms of dying civilizations are well known. The death of faith; the degeneration of morals; contempt for the old values; collapse of the culture; paralysis of the will, but the two certain symptoms that a civilization has begun to die are a declining population and foreign invasions no longer resisted.” – Patrick J. Buchanan

"Liberalism is the ideology of Western suicide. Its ideas pursued to their logical end will prove fatal to the West." -- James Burnham


I'll accept multiculturalism and diversity when I see reciprocity.

Brazil is open for applications...


If it is a choice between them and us, I choose us


Number of Nobel prizes Canadians have recieved 18 0.532260926 per million

You are talking about the Nobel prize? the prize that gave to Obama for peace?

Did you include Dalai Lama as one of the 6 Chinese, the Nobel peace prize owner who also owned many slaves in Tibet before 1959 and take weapons and money from CIA and support violence and provide lies to western media whenever they need? :lol:

"The more laws, the less freedom" -- bjre

"There are so many laws that nearly everybody breaks some, even when you just stay at home do nothing, the only question left is how thugs can use laws to attack you" -- bjre

"If people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny." -- Thomas Jefferson


You are talking about the Nobel prize? the prize that gave to Obama for peace?

Did you include Dalai Lama as one of the 6 Chinese, the Nobel peace prize owner who also owned many slaves in Tibet before 1959 and take weapons and money from CIA and support violence and provide lies to western media whenever they need? :lol:

Because the Tibetan people are so much more free now that Han Chinese are basically being sent there in sufficient numbers to make the Tibetans a minority.

Take your pro-Chinese B.S., bjre, and stick it where the sun don't shine. YOu're becoming more rude and moronic every day.

Guest TrueMetis

You are talking about the Nobel prize? the prize that gave to Obama for peace?

Did you include Dalai Lama as one of the 6 Chinese, the Nobel peace prize owner who also owned many slaves in Tibet before 1959 and take weapons and money from CIA and support violence and provide lies to western media whenever they need? :lol:

There are 5 different nobel prizes for Physics, Chemistry, Literature, Peace, and Physiology or Medicine. That you don't know this shows how clueless you are.

The Nobel Prize in Physics, Nobel Prize in Chemistry, and Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences are awarded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences; the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine is awarded by the Nobel Assembly at (the) Karolinska Institutet; and the Nobel Prize in Literature is granted by the Swedish Academy.[7][8] The Nobel Peace Prize is not awarded by a Swedish organisation, but rather by the Norwegian Nobel Committee.[7][8]

And no the Dalai lama is not included among the Chinese receivers of the Nobel prize because he is not Chinese.

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