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And no the Dalai lama is not included among the Chinese receivers of the Nobel prize because he is not Chinese.

I'd gladly chip in for a one way ticket to send bjre to China, a place he clearly feels is far superior to Canada.

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Guest TrueMetis

I'd gladly chip in for a one way ticket to send bjre to China, a place he clearly feels is far superior to Canada.

I would to.


But your good language skill can not produce more patent for you.

BTW, I can use this "suck" grammar to exchange ideas here. You can not do so with Chinese language.

I was a recruiter for awhile, and was amazed that most Chinese people thought that they spoke English well enough to get hired, but they didn't. I couldn't figure out why, but my guess was that China represented a huge monoculture and they simply didn't have experience with learning about other cultures and their attendant languages.


The answer to a low birth rate is to address the economic and social factors causing it, not steal people from other countries

Why would we do this ? Do we want to perform social engineering, and expensive social engineering at that - to do things like dissuade women from working ? If we don't like immigrants around, how much are we willing to give up economically to have less of them ?

There are some strange values at play when conservative type people (sorry to pigeonhole you, A, but that's how I see it) start asking for social programs and higher taxes...


I second that.

The rate at which the world population is expanding is absurd. There will come a day when we need drastic measures and regulations.

World population is increasing at a decreasing rate. This means that world population will start to level off and eventually drop. That said, we're still feeding more people than ever, and the percentage of those who do without continues to fall.

You should be optimistic.


I am 23 years old, and know quite a lot of people from high school who are now proudly walking around with unplanned infants in both arms, people who I know are somewhat unfit for parenthood.

I have a rather controversial theory that parenthood should be perhaps a privilege, something which requires certain qualifications. Unfortunately, I cannot claim I would be an adequate judge of ''where to draw the line'' , and am also aware of the extremist overtones of suggesting something like this.

Pretty much the topic we are discussing here: Ontario budget to focus on child poverty

“A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.” - Thomas Jefferson


Pretty much the topic we are discussing here: Ontario budget to focus on child poverty

Thanks for referring me to the thread.

I actually agree in theory with a lot of the points you make, unfortunately, I don't think it would be possible to enforce this through regulations without some major plotholes and inequalities.

In anything ''ethical'' it's quite difficult to establish a rule that will encompass all the subtle variants at play.

I'll read the whole thread more carefully later on when I have a bit more time and will try and add my two cents :)

''Thank god I'm an Atheist !''

Posted (edited)

Because the Tibetan people are so much more free now that Han Chinese are basically being sent there in sufficient numbers to make the Tibetans a minority.

Take your pro-Chinese B.S., bjre, and stick it where the sun don't shine. YOu're becoming more rude and moronic every day.

How many Europeans been send to North America?

How many India people be sent to south Tibet area that now India claimed. (Has DaLai Lama blind for that, no, he is just a tool of CIA)

Are you a blind men as well?

Tibet ethnic people is 3 times more than 1959 in Tibet area inside China and most Hans are send by government to work there as contract worker and fear to live there and goes back as soon as the contract finished. How many percentage native people still survive here in North America since 15th century?

Either you have no knowledge or you are a liar just as the corporate media here.

Edited by bjre

"The more laws, the less freedom" -- bjre

"There are so many laws that nearly everybody breaks some, even when you just stay at home do nothing, the only question left is how thugs can use laws to attack you" -- bjre

"If people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny." -- Thomas Jefferson

Posted (edited)

How many Europeans been send to North America?

How many India people be sent to south Tibet area that now India claimed. (Has DaLai Lama blind for that, no, he is just a tool of CIA)

Are you a blind men as well?

Tibet ethnic people is 3 times more than 1959 in Tibet area inside China

I'm sure they are. They also aren't as big a fans, judging by discontent, of being inside China.

and most Hans are send by government to work there as contract worker and fear to live there and goes back as soon as the contract finished.

I can't imagine why the Han, those great liberators from the evils of Tibetan Buddhism, could possibly be afraid to live in Tibet. At any rate, how many Han Chinese live there now, as opposed, to say, prior to the invasion of Tibet?

How many percentage native people still survive here in North America since 15th century?

Either you have no knowledge or you are a liar just as the corporate media here.

This is known as a red herring, or, if you like as the Superman defense, as in "Look! There's Superman!" and while your interlocutor is looking for the dude in the red cape, you run away, patting yourself on the back for your clever retort.

We're on to you, bjre. We know you're nothing more than an apologist. I have absolutely no idea why you're in Canada. You clearly dislike the country.

Edited by ToadBrother
Posted (edited)

I don't believe that bjre is actually in Canada.

He seems to know something of Ontario's social services, which seems oddly detailed (if prejudicial) for a guy posting out of, say, Shanghai. I've met plenty of Chinese posters who are clearly posting from China itself, and whatever jurisdiction they're trying to denigrate for the greater glory of the PRC, they never say things like "the Welsh social servers department" or whatever. I'll admit his talking points about native abuse are clearly formulated by those creepy weirdos in the Chinese government who concern themselves with why we don't all have pictures of Chairman Mao hanging in our windows, but I ain't never seen no Chinese Chauvin mouthing off about CAS.

Edited by ToadBrother

I'm not so sure. He seems to know what he reads on the webpages that he links to. I think he's simply here to dig up dirt. He may live in Canada, but I don

t understand why he would.


I still cannot find work.

I will say that I simply cannot compete with immigrants. I've lost countless jobs to them and the market place is *FLOODED* with them. My resume gets burried in hundreds.

There is only so many jobs to go around - the don't come out of thin air. If we are seing a decline in jobs, why are we letting so many people in to Canada?

(I know the real answer to this as I've researched this enough I can write a book, but I occasionally like to come on to get a laugh out of the sheep that are going to regurgitate the standard phrases the media and politicians want them to say.. oh yeah guys.. don't forget about the "Dr's diving taxi's".. the media made shure you learned that one real well).

Mike. You need to wake up, and start taking responsibility instead of looking for excuses.

Making up excuses is easy. Taking a hard look in the mirror and improving yourself is hard.

Are you really telling me that an immigrant who can barely speak English, with no work history in Canada is more qualified to work here than you are? Nonsense.

If you speak English fluently, and you don't have an attitude problem, there are an abundance of jobs in Toronto for more than $12/hour that you could have in a single day.

Something in your job-search program is going wrong. Maybe it's the positions you are applying for. Are you applying for jobs on Workopolis or a newspaper? If so, you are competing against hundreds of other candidates. Your resume and cover letter have to be pretty damn good to get an interview.

A better approach would be to figure out what companies are a good match for your skills, and contact them directly. If you contact them directly, you give them the option of hiring you without going to a recruiter or advertising, saving them thousands of dollars.

If you like, you can send me your resume and cover letter and I would be happy to give you some feedback on it.


I don't believe that bjre is actually in Canada.

No offense you are young and in Winnipeg. A place that does not represnt what 'really goes on' in Canada.

I would consider myself to be more Canadian than most here because I am truly in touch first hand with life in the private sector in Canada.

Let's get some things straight first.

These people who cannot speak English, ARE hired for positions, they are in many cases PREFERED to the local Canadian population (becuae they never talk back to the boss and are not political at work), and have seen someone first hand get fired because of his English skills.

Secondly, my wife right now works at a company in the private sector. This company has offices all over the world. The company WENT OUT OF THEIR WAY, to bring over some lady from the China office, AND HER FAMILY, to come work here in Canada. She does absolutely nothing all day, gets her own office, and took a job that a Canadian could have worked. Her first week there, she sent a CANADA WIDE email with this poem about Diversity! Then the head regional director emailed back and said 'wow that's a great poem Lee'. Then when Canada one the hockey game in the Olympics, she sends another CANADA WIDE email talking about 'even though I am China, I welcom Canada as my team'. PEOPLE WERE LIKE WHAT???

Her company WENT OUT OF THEIR WAY TO FILE IMMIGIRATION PAPERS TO BRING HER AND HER FAMILY OVER for a silly office job that is a waste and requires no talent. Does she do accounting? No. Payroll? No. What does she do all day? NOTHING. One of 'those' positions that only a few here with private sector office experience would understand. At LEAST they could have given this job to a Canadian. I mean, where the HELL are our immigration policies to allow these sorts of games to go on in this economy when our own brothers and sisters need work. I NEED WORK.

My gov't FLOODS the job market. I am an A+ interview. I've been told by recruiters that my resume is the best they have ever seen. My study is filled with certs and certificates. 5 of them including the college diploma. I have 8 years experience. I've been at NINE -- 9.. yes 9 different companies and have vast experience.

Don't anyone lecture me on how to do a good resume or interview.

There are nothing here but a bunch of tired, old hacks that are disconnected from the real world. Here is what I get told get a job:

-'Contact companies directly'

-'Improve your resume'

-'Improve your interview skills'.

I got news for you guys - THIS ISN'T 1986 ANYMORE. GET WITH THE TIMES!

The real problem is I have HUNDREDS of people from other countries competing with me for jobs. My last 6 week contract, I was the token white guy. The programmers where 2 Russians, and 3 Chinese people. I had to wear HEADPHONES to block out the language.

Upstairs, where the Canadians were (project managers and such), they kept telling how BAD they were and how they didn't understand anything and didn't understand emails. These guys were trainwrecking bad.

And who was RUNNING that development department? A muslim Pakistani with a beard with his kids in an Islamic school as he SHUT THE DOOR and started SINGING PRAYERS in his office.

So dont lecture me on how to get a job or what the status of the work place is. You guys have NO idea. I can sit here for HOURS telling story after story after story about how we lose jobs CONSTANTLY to these people who cannot speak English and have just landed in Canada. People LOVE hiring immmigrants. They work for less, don't start politics, and hey.. as far as actual skill? Let's be honest, VERY FEW employers hire off that.

The REAL REASON I cannot get a job is becuase:

1 - There are NO JOBS open

2 - When there is, the resumes FLOOD the mail server and mine gets lost.

Now WHY is the resume inbox flooded with hundreds of resumes? (my last job 80 resumes). Becuase OUR GOV'T is HELL BENT on letting these people FLOOD into our country when we DO NOT have jobs for them. This has become a political issue and is completely ILLOGICAL. There is NO financial beneftis to immigration. If there was, so many small businesses wouldn't be going under right now. Immigrants do NOT spend into the local economy and drive up HOUSING prices for the rest of us creating housing bubbles and forcing us to take out mortgages WAY MORE than what we should be making ALL OF US POOR.

I suggest people here leave the old 1986 'Just improve on your interview skills' nonsense in the past. This is a new ara, a new day, foreign languages ARE being spoken at the workplace in Canada. There ARE 'chinese', 'indian', and especially 'russian' ghettoiesation directly in the workplace where they speak their own language and have 'taken over' departments (I have seen this first hand.. you wont believe it till you see it.. in order to work in the dept, you must speak Mandarin, Russian, etc. It will even say on the job posting).

Leave your old hack media beleifs on how the private sector works behind you. The Canadian market place is simply FLOODED with too many employees, not enough jobs, and too many of us looking for work with our palms out just begging for something.

The thing is, the only people beggining for a job should be myself and other Canadians, NOT 80 other foreign nationals who landed 2 years or 2 months ago.

This is INSANE what is going on in this country and it's directly effecting my well being and quality of life.

---- Charles Anthony banned me for 30 days on April 28 for 'obnoxious libel' when I suggested Jack Layton took part in illegal activities in a message parlor. Claiming a politician took part in illegal activity is not rightful cause for banning and is what is discussed here almost daily in one capacity or another. This was really a brownshirt style censorship from a moderator on mapleleafweb http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1oGB-BKdZg---


The REAL REASON I cannot get a job is becuase:

1 - There are NO JOBS open

2 - When there is, the resumes FLOOD the mail server and mine gets lost.

Those aren't the real reasons...


If it is a choice between them and us, I choose us


...immigrants are twice as likely to have University education as a native Canadian...

Sigh. The ignorance on the issue of immigrantion abounds.

Yes, a higher percentage of immgirants have a university education. However, many of them are useless because they can't get jobs in those professions due to their illiteracy in English. Most professions require a high level of communication skills. Most immigrants have a low level of communications skills.

Further, immigrants are also much more likely than native born Canadians to have less than a high school diploma, and much more likely to have less than a grade 8 education.

The economic performance of immigrants over the past twenty years has been sloping downwards. Immigrants no longer outperform Canadian born. They are now more likely to be impoverished. A Fraser Institute report estimated that immigrants are a net economic drain to the government each year to the tune over over $18 billion.

"A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley


Why would we do this ? Do we want to perform social engineering, and expensive social engineering at that - to do things like dissuade women from working ? If we don't like immigrants around, how much are we willing to give up economically to have less of them ?

There are some strange values at play when conservative type people (sorry to pigeonhole you, A, but that's how I see it) start asking for social programs and higher taxes...

I'm only a conservative on some issues. But even on others where people assume a conservative should be on one side, I disagree.

For example, I'm all for vastly improving elder care. I think this is not only more humane, but economically better in the long run. We should have more seniors homes geared to people who can't quite look after themselves, more nursing homes for thsoe who need more help, more home care. It would cost us less as a society to do this than to wait until they get really sick and then treat them at great expense in hospitals. It would also free up all those hospital beds.

Let me make a simple and rationale comparison. Our roads are often in crappy condition. Why? Because the local government won't pay enough to keep them in good repair. This is seen as wanting to keep taxes down. Okay, but keeping taxes down doesn't save us anything as a society. It winds up costing us as a people, more in terms of the wear and tear on our vehicles. It's a false economy.

Similarly, the tremendous expense we go to to bring in immigrants, and to support them (immigration is a net drain on the coffers) could be better directed at rational tax and social improvements to encourage Canadian women to have more children, and at better job training systems for the underemployed and underskilled already here.

As well, I think Canada is something worth preserving. And Canada to me is not the land, but the people and their culture. Why is outright bigotry is acceptable on the part of Quebecois worried about their culture, but the slightest concern shown for Canada's culture by an Anglophone gets derisive cries of racism or such?

"A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley


My gov't FLOODS the job market. I am an A+ interview. I've been told by recruiters that my resume is the best they have ever seen. My study is filled with certs and certificates. 5 of them including the college diploma. I have 8 years experience. I've been at NINE -- 9.. yes 9 different companies and have vast experience.

I totally understand you. I have similar experience before I got a job. Although you said you are good at write resume. I still have some suggestions on that if you don't mind.

To get a job, you need to fight and win stupid robot first.

Sometimes, the problem is on the bureaucracy. Most company has HR that has no deep knowledge of the work you looking for. They are not the manager of the department that you want to go. They just like robot (in case for large company, they actually use robot program to scan emails before go to HR) to match resume with requirement provided by your managers. If you have worked in 9 different companies, you need not list all of those, because they will think about why you were not able to stay in a company for a long time. If they happened to have another person, they will reluctant to spend time on that question. So what you need is just list maybe 3 most important experience that has direct relationship with the posted job. The better way is rewrite your resume by choosing the words that has appeared in the job post so that you can have more possibility to pass the robot HR and get interview with your direct human being manager, that is the one who actually knows what is really good of you for the job ...

"The more laws, the less freedom" -- bjre

"There are so many laws that nearly everybody breaks some, even when you just stay at home do nothing, the only question left is how thugs can use laws to attack you" -- bjre

"If people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny." -- Thomas Jefferson


Sigh. The ignorance on the issue of immigrantion abounds.

Yes, a higher percentage of immgirants have a university education. However, many of them are useless because they can't get jobs in those professions due to their illiteracy in English. Most professions require a high level of communication skills. Most immigrants have a low level of communications skills.

Further, immigrants are also much more likely than native born Canadians to have less than a high school diploma, and much more likely to have less than a grade 8 education.

The economic performance of immigrants over the past twenty years has been sloping downwards. Immigrants no longer outperform Canadian born. They are now more likely to be impoverished. A Fraser Institute report estimated that immigrants are a net economic drain to the government each year to the tune over over $18 billion.

Sigh. The ignorance on the issue of immigrantion abounds... you make up your own facts as you go...

“Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives.”- John Stuart Mill


The REAL REASON I cannot get a job is becuase:

the real reason is you...I suspect the attitude you show here is evident to anyone that interviews you...

“Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives.”- John Stuart Mill


No offense you are young and in Winnipeg. A place that does not represnt what 'really goes on' in Canada.

Yes of course, because the fact that we're growing faster than ever as a result of international immigration. Winnipeg is just as Canadian as any other city....you on the other hand...


A Fraser Institute report estimated that immigrants are a net economic drain to the government each year to the tune over over $18 billion.

Yes, the people who somehow manage to push Canada's tax freedom bay to a point when it implies we pay 50% tax in this economy...when even the right wing US Heritage Institute and the OECD agree that it is in fact 1/3 of our economy that is collected through taxation.


The real problem is I have HUNDREDS of people from other countries competing with me for jobs. My last 6 week contract, I was the token white guy. The programmers where 2 Russians, and 3 Chinese people. I had to wear HEADPHONES to block out the language.

Russians are white FYI.

These people who cannot speak English, ARE hired for positions, they are in many cases PREFERED to the local Canadian population (becuae they never talk back to the boss and are not political at work), and have seen someone first hand get fired because of his English skills.

Maybe you should consider also not ranting about politics or talking back at work, despite your English capability to do so... I wouldn't want some grumpy guy constantly whining about politics at work either.


Russians are white FYI.

Maybe you should consider also not ranting about politics or talking back at work, despite your English capability to do so... I wouldn't want some grumpy guy constantly whining about politics at work either.

my wife does job interviews as part of her management duties...qualifications being relatively equal on coming in people lose their opportunities mostly on what comes out of their mouth at the time of the interview...it's not unusual for those less qualified to win the position purely on the interview...other times they lose out because of background checks, they really do call the previous employer who is happy to give their opinion good or bad...and the interviewers will not be honest with those rejected, they'll come up with a BS story so they don't get sued, "your resume was excellent but other applicant had more experience in the particular qualifications we were looking for"... they're not going to tell them "you scare us we think you're a racist psycho and your former boss confirms it"

“Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives.”- John Stuart Mill

Posted (edited)

Sigh. The ignorance on the issue of immigrantion abounds... you make up your own facts as you go...

I have no need to make up information. You are simply too intellectually lazy to even look into the background of positions you take so strongly. THen again, as an immigrant, you really don't care about information, right? You're all for masses of foreigners coming to Canada. Makes you feel more at home.

The paper cites official statistics showing that recent immigrants on average have lower incomes than comparable Canadians even after 10 years’ residence in Canada. As a result of the low income, the progressive income tax structure of the Canadian welfare state and the universal availability of government benefits results in substantial transfers from other Canadians to these immigrants. A tentative estimate of these transfers to immigrants who arrived between 1990 and 2002 values them at $18.3 billion in 2002. This paper examines the causes of the decline in the economic performance of recent immigrants and blames the immigrant selection process used by the government of Canada.

Fraser report on immigration cost

Edited by Argus

"A liberal is someone who claims to be open to all points of view — and then is surprised and offended to find there are other points of view.” William F Buckley

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