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Canada's culture of trash hits new low on this Sept 11


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#1 I was not talking to this person.

#2 I was making the comment to someone else and he rudely involved himself.

#3 This person is from Iraq and wears this fact on his sleave by telling everyone this.

#4 This person has expressed his love/like of Sudam Hussein and he likely hates the United States for what they have done.

#5 This person also hates how the west has involved itself in Afganistan's Womens Rape Law. This guy thinks its ok for Afganistan men to take sex from their wives whether she likes it or not.

#6 He was rude and involved himself on something I was talking about. The subject was it being the Aniversary of Sept 11.

In response to his rudeness I made a joking remark how he said he arrived in Canada 8 years ago. Coincidently eight years ago was Sept 11;) If I said anything more I can't recall.

On this he called me racist and said he could report me to the supervisor and I said go ahead. If anything he could accuse me of inferring him to be a terroist that didn't follow through on his mission to join those who flew into the twin towers.

It is also widely believed that the terrorists of 9/11 partly came from Canada. You can be sure if this matter gains any traction I will be more than forthcoming to contact CNN, foxnews, and and the congressman of the United States on how Canada is a haven for Alquida.

When I said eff U to the Liberals and eff U to the conservatives it is because they have steered Canada into being a shit hole country where Canadians are no longer human beings able to be human but have to watch and tread carefully around tyranical employment environments where management seize opportunities to rail on people.

As for the mental health of Canadians I don't think its fair for the Politicians, bureacrats, and employers to dump these people onto Canadian society to bounce off other Canadians. I have personally worked with many immigrants who wear their religious beliefs on their sleaves and barely speak english. All this does is stresses and confuses people and that is not right.

Surely you people would not put a fox in a hen house? A pine beatle in a Canadian forest?, A Zebra muscle into Canada's fresh waters.

Why the "f'ck" are Canadians being abused like this by the Politicians, the bureacrats, and the sell out Canadians who think its ok for Canada to be remade in another Countries image.

Yeah, I knew a Good Canada Once but that was before the conservatives and liberals wrecked it.

So you were wrong. I hope you got suspended for your racism. Shyte like that should never be tolerated in the workplace.

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Situations like this one are rare..however while in the workplace it is better to keep

your opinions to yourself...getting into arguments such as this at your work

may cost you your job!

Ok I will be sure to send your posted comments to all the Canadian soldiers families who died in Afgansitan and the US soldiers families who had soldiers die in Iraq. Listening to you people they obviously died for nothing. What appears needs to be done is what was done in the US back in the fifties to purge out the communists. People Like you were rounded up for their treason. You people are low life treasonous terroists lovers and should be sent to guantonamo. Letting in immigrants is a favor and service to them not a transplant of their idealisms and beliefs to be imposed on Domestic citizens.

Face it, immigrants couldn't cut the mustard wherever they left so they bring with them their loser mentality with them Only to drag down Canada further into the shit hole it is today.

If this company wants to make something of this I will respond in kind. Free speech is Free Speech.

People calling me racists for when I was actually talking about terrorism. If terroism is sensitive to people of Iraq, Iran, Palestine, Afganistan, Saudi Arabia, etc and they respond by lashing at people in calling them racist amplifies they identify themselves as terrorists and should get the fuck out of Canada and the United States.

Fact, Planes were flown by terrorists into the twin towers on 09/11/2001.

Fact, because of this 3000 people were killed and thousands of soldiers were killed in Afganistan and Iraq and are continued to be killed.

It is apparent Some of those terrorists have found their way into Canada and are posting on this forum thread.

The negativity here demonstrates what kind of people you are. You people need be conscripted into the Canadian Army at Gun point. After which you will fight like soldiers in the eighteen century and the US civil wars. Basically soldiers on the front line who broke rank or tried to flee the battle were shot by the battalion behind them. Yes, round you people up and ship you out to Afganistan and Iraq. That is what you people deserve for your verbal trash and putting possible alquida members on a pedastle.

This guy has a record of indicating his love of Sudam Hussein. It is also widely published in the media Sudam Hussein gave twenty five thousand dollars to families of suicide bombers from Palistine into Isreal. Listening to this guy oozes hate of the west yet you trash look for ways to defend this guy's hate of Canada and the United States.

You people are just looking for ways to be negative people or if you are a Christian the devils advocate.

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Ok I will be sure to send your posted comments to all the Canadian soldiers families who died in Afgansitan and the US soldiers families who had soldiers die in Iraq. Listening to you people they obviously died for nothing. What appears needs to be done is what was done in the US back in the fifties to purge out the communists. People Like you were rounded up for their treason. You people are low life treasonous terroists lovers and should be sent to guantonamo. Letting in immigrants is a favor and service to them not a transplant of their idealisms and beliefs to be imposed on Domestic citizens.

Face it, immigrants couldn't cut the mustard wherever they left so they bring with them their loser mentality with them Only to drag down Canada further into the shit hole it is today.

If this company wants to make something of this I will respond in kind. Free speech is Free Speech.

People calling me racists for when I was actually talking about terrorism. If terroism is sensitive to people of Iraq, Iran, Palestine, Afganistan, Saudi Arabia, etc and they respond by lashing at people in calling them racist amplifies they identify themselves as terrorists and should get the fuck out of Canada and the United States.

Fact, Planes were flown by terrorists into the twin towers on 09/11/2001.

Fact, because of this 3000 people were killed and thousands of soldiers were killed in Afganistan and Iraq and are continued to be killed.

It is apparent Some of those terrorists have found their way into Canada and are posting on this forum thread.

The negativity here demonstrates what kind of people you are. You people need be conscripted into the Canadian Army at Gun point. After which you will fight like soldiers in the eighteen century and the US civil wars. Basically soldiers on the front line who broke rank or tried to flee the battle were shot by the battalion behind them. Yes, round you people up and ship you out to Afganistan and Iraq. That is what you people deserve for your verbal trash and putting possible alquida members on a pedastle.

This guy has a record of indicating his love of Sudam Hussein. It is also widely published in the media Sudam Hussein gave twenty five thousand dollars to families of suicide bombers from Palistine into Isreal. Listening to this guy oozes hate of the west yet you trash look for ways to defend this guy's hate of Canada and the United States.

You people are just looking for ways to be negative people or if you are a Christian the devils advocate.

You have no such rights to express your opinions, nor assert your political ideas in the workplace. You are paid to work, keep your mouth shut and do what you are asked by your employer. It has nothing to do with Liberals or failure to protect you. You caused your own misery and now you have to live with it.

If you were my employee I would have fired your ass.

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Ok I will be sure to send your posted comments to all the Canadian soldiers families who died in Afgansitan and the US soldiers families who had soldiers die in Iraq. Listening to you people they obviously died for nothing. What appears needs to be done is what was done in the US back in the fifties to purge out the communists. People Like you were rounded up for their treason. You people are low life treasonous terroists lovers and should be sent to guantonamo. Letting in immigrants is a favor and service to them not a transplant of their idealisms and beliefs to be imposed on Domestic citizens.

Face it, immigrants couldn't cut the mustard wherever they left so they bring with them their loser mentality with them Only to drag down Canada further into the shit hole it is today.

If this company wants to make something of this I will respond in kind. Free speech is Free Speech.

People calling me racists for when I was actually talking about terrorism. If terroism is sensitive to people of Iraq, Iran, Palestine, Afganistan, Saudi Arabia, etc and they respond by lashing at people in calling them racist amplifies they identify themselves as terrorists and should get the fuck out of Canada and the United States.

Fact, Planes were flown by terrorists into the twin towers on 09/11/2001.

Fact, because of this 3000 people were killed and thousands of soldiers were killed in Afganistan and Iraq and are continued to be killed.

It is apparent Some of those terrorists have found their way into Canada and are posting on this forum thread.

The negativity here demonstrates what kind of people you are. You people need be conscripted into the Canadian Army at Gun point. After which you will fight like soldiers in the eighteen century and the US civil wars. Basically soldiers on the front line who broke rank or tried to flee the battle were shot by the battalion behind them. Yes, round you people up and ship you out to Afganistan and Iraq. That is what you people deserve for your verbal trash and putting possible alquida members on a pedastle.

This guy has a record of indicating his love of Sudam Hussein. It is also widely published in the media Sudam Hussein gave twenty five thousand dollars to families of suicide bombers from Palistine into Isreal. Listening to this guy oozes hate of the west yet you trash look for ways to defend this guy's hate of Canada and the United States.

You people are just looking for ways to be negative people or if you are a Christian the devils advocate.

You need to chill out.............sheeeeesh some on here thought i was bad!!

all i am saying to you is that you will get yourself fired and possibly arrested

with the posturing you are taking especially in the workplace!!!

Actually i am surprised the moderator hasn t kicked you out already

just for langauge alone.

Edited by wulf42
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You have no such rights to express your opinions, nor assert your political ideas in the workplace. You are paid to work, keep your mouth shut and do what you are asked by your employer. It has nothing to do with Liberals or failure to protect you. You caused your own misery and now you have to live with it.

If you were my employee I would have fired your ass.

Was I talking to my employer? No. It's to bad you weren't my employer in this Matter because this is what would happen to you were...

As per section 2 of the charter



2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:

=> freedom of conscience and religion;

=> freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;

=>freedom of peaceful assembly; and

=> freedom of association.



ENFORCEMENT OF GUARANTEED RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS / Exclusion of evidence bringing administration of justice into disrepute.

24. (1) Anyone whose rights or freedoms, as guaranteed by this Charter, have been infringed or denied may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction to obtain such remedy as the court considers appropriate and just in the circumstances

If you are a corporation you are required by law to retain a lawyer. Lawyers now a days are not cheap and in the end I will win and you will pay dearly $$$$$

So if this employer wants to dance we will dance. ;)

Edited by whowhere
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You need to chill out.............sheeeeesh some on here thought i was bad!!

all i am saying to you is that you will get yourself fired and possibly arrested

with the posturing you are taking especially in the workplace!!!

Actually i am surprised the moderator hasn t kicked you out already

just for langauge alone.

Actually I should apologize because my response was in general and not necessarily to you. That response should have been a response to

So you were wrong. I hope you got suspended for your racism. Shyte like that should never be tolerated in the workplace.

This guy is a communist and wants to sensor to people. He ought to consider relocating to Cuba or North Korea.

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I made a comment about this being September 11th and it happens I am working with a guy who came from Iraq.

What exactly did you say? I could see the guy taking issue if you said, "Hey Saddam, do you know what day it is?" Or, "I thought you'd be flying a plane into a building today."

If you only mentioned it was the anniversary or 911 and got shit on for that, you have a grievance.

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Was I talking to my employer? No. It's to bad you weren't my employer in this Matter because this is what would happen to you were...

As per section 2 of the charter

It doesn't matter if you were talking to your employer or not. Like he said, you're paid to go to work and do your job and keep your mouth shut.

Section 2 of the Charter doesn't stipulate that you can express your political/racial/religious beliefs on private property within the workplace while you're working and cause disruptions. It says you have the rights to think what you want to think and communicate those freely in public, in groups or in the privacy of your own home.

I can't go into a cathedral and loudly rant about how evil I think the Pope is and how everyone should convert to paganism. It's idiotic to think I could. I'd get removed, and no lawyer in the world would support me, nor would the Charter.

Saying you 'weren't talking to the guy' is equally stupid seeing as though you're clearly talking loud enough for him to hear and I'm sure you weren't making any attempt to avoid him hearing. Given your history on this board I'm less than certain your discussion with him was tame and I highly doubt this is the first problem you've had with him.

If you are a corporation you are required by law to retain a lawyer. Lawyers now a days are not cheap and in the end I will win and you will pay dearly $$$$$

Haha, go for it. A corporation can more easily pay lawyer fees than you. Plus, there's no way you'd win. You don't know anything about law.

So if this employer wants to dance we will dance. ;)

It would be interesting to see what sort of case you'd present to the judge.... :rolleyes:

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It doesn't matter if you were talking to your employer or not. Like he said, you're paid to go to work and do your job and keep your mouth shut.

Yeah if you say so buddy. :rolleyes:

Section 2 of the Charter doesn't stipulate that you can express your political/racial/religious beliefs on private property within the workplace while you're working and cause disruptions. It says you have the rights to think what you want to think and communicate those freely in public, in groups or in the privacy of your own home.

Section #2 of states:

freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;

I will interpret other media of communication, my work environment. ;)

I can't go into a cathedral and loudly rant about how evil I think the Pope is and how everyone should convert to paganism. It's idiotic to think I could. I'd get removed, and no lawyer in the world would support me, nor would the Charter.

Yes you can, Cathedrals are open to the public and the charter would support you.

> freedom of conscience and religion;

Ah??? Have you read the New Testament? That's exactly what Jesus did!!!!!!!

Saying you 'weren't talking to the guy' is equally stupid seeing as though you're clearly talking loud enough for him to hear and I'm sure you weren't making any attempt to avoid him hearing. Given your history on this board I'm less than certain your discussion with him was tame and I highly doubt this is the first problem you've had with him.

Doesn't matter, free speech is free speech. I wasn't talking to him, so he can eff off. Contrary to what you think I am quite calm and pursue communication and not argumentation.

Haha, go for it. A corporation can more easily pay lawyer fees than you. Plus, there's no way you'd win. You don't know anything about law.

#1 I don't need a Lawyer I can represent myself. #2 The Charter stipulates what you are to do if you are wronged. For as little as $200 I can haul this companies ass before the court. :P By the time the company pays a lawyer enough to appear at this appearance they will have accumulated a bill in the Thousands. This company is selfish and greedy. Every penny counts so I doubt they would stand up for this two bit whiner.

If that's how any company wants to play I am ready to play.

Besides I guess the weekend has doused flames on this whiners crying to the supervisor. He has decided to let it go. If he wanted to pursue it he had to put his complaint in writing to the Human Resources which in turn they would have to came in on me. As I said I am ready to dance and all the ducks are lined up .

I guess I will be waiting to dance another day. :ph34r:

It would be interesting to see what sort of case you'd present to the judge.... :rolleyes:

What part of section 2 do you not understand????

freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;


If you are wronged the Charter states

apply to a court of competent jurisdiction to obtain such remedy as the court considers appropriate and just in the circumstances

Get that to??

Quite black and white, clear as water.

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the Charter of Rights and Freedoms... prohibits interference with these rights and freedoms in legislation and government actions.

the Charter does not apply to discriminatory action taken by individuals or companies. You may give consideration to whether or not you believe your co-worker has violated human rights legislation... "human rights in the workplace". If your employer falls under federal jurisdiction you'll be subject to the workings of the Canadian Human Rights Commission... if not under federal jurisdiction you'll need to contact the appropriate provincial human rights commission. Perhaps your HR department can get you started in that direction - should you so desire..... or try Ezra Levant - good luck. :lol:

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the Charter of Rights and Freedoms... prohibits interference with these rights and freedoms in legislation and government actions.

the Charter does not apply to discriminatory action taken by individuals or companies. You may give consideration to whether or not you believe your co-worker has violated human rights legislation... "human rights in the workplace". If your employer falls under federal jurisdiction you'll be subject to the workings of the Canadian Human Rights Commission... if not under federal jurisdiction you'll need to contact the appropriate provincial human rights commission. Perhaps your HR department can get you started in that direction - should you so desire..... or try Ezra Levant - good luck. :lol:


Where does the charter say it is limited to legislation and government action? It doesn't. Spin your BS somewhere else.

#1 I know exactly what I need to do to put a charter matter before the court for a Judges decision.

#2 If I don't like what Lower Court says it is my right to advance the matter to appeals court.

#3 If I don't like what the appeals court says I can bring the matter before the Supreme court of Canada.

The charter is clear as water


2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:

=> freedom of conscience and religion;

=> freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;

=>freedom of peaceful assembly; and

=> freedom of association.

If any individual, corporation, business, or the government wants to eff with my fundamental freedoms, the charter states

ENFORCEMENT OF GUARANTEED RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS / Exclusion of evidence bringing administration of justice into disrepute.

24. (1) Anyone whose rights or freedoms, as guaranteed by this Charter, have been infringed or denied may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction to obtain such remedy as the court considers appropriate and just in the circumstances

Also quite clear bring the matter before a competent court. I know the courts of justice act is a stickler for how applications are put before the court but once you get by the court adminstrator, bobs your uncle. :D

If for whatever reason the local court won't accept the application you can the proceed directly to the Supreme Court of Canada.

If this company wants to trample on my expression of thought it my constitutional right to ask the court for remedy.

I am ready to dance In spite of your BS.

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OK, WildBill.

Let's go through this and see what are reasonable conclusions to come to:

"As it is known today is the day planes were flown into the twin towers killing more than 3000 people. This event has led to countless Canadian and Nato forces deaths in Afganistan and Iraq. I made a comment about this being September 11th and it happens I am working with a guy who came from Iraq. This guy called me racists and went and complained to the supervisor. This supervisor called me in I guess to hear my side but it was obvious to me this supervisor was probably angling to make something of this."

At this point, all we know is that he made some comment about Sept 11, which one fellow employee was offended by. He then complained to the supervisor and accused the poster of being racist.

"This supervisor tried to put me on an English pedastle saying I have more speaking ability and therefore more venomous with my comments and I should be held to a higher standard in what I say. However, I elaborated and said I have had to work with all kinds of immigrants since the 1990s I have been expoesed to all kinds of religious beliefs and limited english skills. I asked this supervisor what about my mental health?"

The supervisor simply asks him to have a higher standard and the poster insinuates that working with people of other religions and other language skills is not good for his mental health?

So, if the supervisor needs any evidence of this individual being a racist, a good rant about how having to work with people with different religions and limited English is affecting his mental health ought to do it. I'm sure the US will invade Canada as soon as Congress gets a look at those letters. Imagine, not purging all those damned immigrants who can't speak English. Clearly, a terrorist haven.

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Quoting the poster who knows not `who' nor `where' he is:

In response to his rudeness I made a joking remark how he said he arrived in Canada 8 years ago. Coincidently eight years ago was Sept 11;) If I said anything more I can't recall.

BS. You were setting him up for a scene, anticipating his reaction, hoping for it. You sound like someone who's always been a bully and often gets away with it.

"Can't recall" anthing more?

BS. :angry:

Edited by Radsickle
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Where does the charter say it is limited to legislation and government action? It doesn't. Spin your BS somewhere else.

#1 I know exactly what I need to do to put a charter matter before the court for a Judges decision.

#2 If I don't like what Lower Court says it is my right to advance the matter to appeals court.

#3 If I don't like what the appeals court says I can bring the matter before the Supreme court of Canada.

The charter is clear as water


2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:

=> freedom of conscience and religion;

=> freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;

=>freedom of peaceful assembly; and

=> freedom of association.

If any individual, corporation, business, or the government wants to eff with my fundamental freedoms, the charter states

ENFORCEMENT OF GUARANTEED RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS / Exclusion of evidence bringing administration of justice into disrepute.

24. (1) Anyone whose rights or freedoms, as guaranteed by this Charter, have been infringed or denied may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction to obtain such remedy as the court considers appropriate and just in the circumstances

Also quite clear bring the matter before a competent court. I know the courts of justice act is a stickler for how applications are put before the court but once you get by the court adminstrator, bobs your uncle. :D

If for whatever reason the local court won't accept the application you can the proceed directly to the Supreme Court of Canada.

If this company wants to trample on my expression of thought it my constitutional right to ask the court for remedy.

I am ready to dance In spite of your BS.

charter only governs the government <---> individuals.

I thought this was common knowledge.

If you want to challenge your company, then you have to do it through human rights commission.

If you're a Canadian citizen, you should already know this.

This kind of information is taught on all levels of high school curriculum here in Ontario.

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charter only governs the government <---> individuals.

I thought this was common knowledge.

If you want to challenge your company, then you have to do it through human rights commission.

If you're a Canadian citizen, you should already know this.

This kind of information is taught on all levels of high school curriculum here in Ontario.

Where in the charter does it say that? It doesn't you people are just trying to obfuscate justice.

Fact, #1 => I file the application, #2 => If what you say is true the Court throws the application out citing your reasons.

I challenge you people to produce that Lower court ruling backing up your bs.

Fact, If Lower Court throws my claim out I can appeal that to the appeals court and they will decide to hear the matter or reject the matter on the basis you state.

The Charter is clear and it is clear the Court is to redress the wrongs.

Fact, if the Appeals court will not here the matter it can then be escalated to The Supreme Court of Canada.

Show me a Supreme Court of Canada ruling indicating the charter only has to do with individuals and government!!

In any case the company's lawyer would have to produce this case ruling to the judge. :lol: Costing this company money to hire a lawyer to search out Case law. :unsure: As I said, it would cost me as little as $200 dollars to get this matter before a judge. It would cost the company thousands to defend against this move.

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the Charter of Rights and Freedoms... prohibits interference with these rights and freedoms in legislation and government actions.

the Charter does not apply to discriminatory action taken by individuals or companies. You may give consideration to whether or not you believe your co-worker has violated human rights legislation... "human rights in the workplace". If your employer falls under federal jurisdiction you'll be subject to the workings of the Canadian Human Rights Commission... if not under federal jurisdiction you'll need to contact the appropriate provincial human rights commission. Perhaps your HR department can get you started in that direction - should you so desire..... or try Ezra Levant - good luck. :lol:


Where does the charter say it is limited to legislation and government action? It doesn't. Spin your BS somewhere else.

The charter is clear as water

I am ready to dance In spite of your BS.

wishing you well in your constitutional dance - which legislation and/or government action will be at the center of your challenge :lol:

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wishing you well in your constitutional dance - which legislation and/or government action will be at the center of your challenge :lol:


2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:

=> freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;

I don't get it. What does this have to do with government and legislation??? I talk and the company attempts to mute my right to freedom of thought. When this would come into being a constitutional challenge is if the employer disciplines me and uses that as grounds to terminate my employment. I have come across all kinds of scumbag managers and actually scumbags in general to know what they will grasp at doing.

If this happens I have incurred a loss and will have to pursue.

ENFORCEMENT OF GUARANTEED RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS / Exclusion of evidence bringing administration of justice into disrepute.

24. (1) Anyone whose rights or freedoms, as guaranteed by this Charter, have been infringed or denied may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction to obtain such remedy as the court considers appropriate and just in the circumstances

Now some on this thread have argued the court will not hear the matter and would reject the application. Of course, doing this would be UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!! Section 24 is in the Constitution. Deviating from section 24 that results in the obfuscation and the blocking of justice would be cause to challenge that deviation from Section 24 as unconstitutional to the appeals court or the Supreme Court.

Now What if the Supreme Court also rejects the application? What to do? What to do? Well, there is answer for that to. :) One could appeal to the Queen as the Queen, The Liberal Party, and the Supreme Court imposed that 1982 Constitution and Charter onto the people without the peoples say. The Queen is the final Rule above the Supreme Court.

Afterall, that was old europe. The King or Queen was the bearer of Rule and Justice. It is possible the Queen would intervene to back hand the Supreme Court but not likely. In 1970 the Queen deferred all matters to be brought before the International Court of Justice. If Canada's Judiciary, the Politicians, and bureacrats think they are clever in rejecting Black and white matters of Justice regarding the Charter, the matter then can be escalated to the International Court of Justice.

So Canada is accounatable to the Queen and/or the International Court of Justice.

People may have to go to these lengths to fight for their rights because Canada has an entrenchly corrupt Judiciary filled with Liberal and Conservative patronage appointments. These Judges are more about towing the Party Line than being the mechanics of Justice.

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2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:

=> freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;

I don't get it. What does this have to do with government and legislation??? I talk and the company attempts to mute my right to freedom of thought. When this would come into being a constitutional challenge is if the employer disciplines me and uses that as grounds to terminate my employment. I have come across all kinds of scumbag managers and actually scumbags in general to know what they will grasp at doing.

If this happens I have incurred a loss and will have to pursue.

ENFORCEMENT OF GUARANTEED RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS / Exclusion of evidence bringing administration of justice into disrepute.

24. (1) Anyone whose rights or freedoms, as guaranteed by this Charter, have been infringed or denied may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction to obtain such remedy as the court considers appropriate and just in the circumstances

Now some on this thread have argued the court will not hear the matter and would reject the application. Of course, doing this would be UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!! Section 24 is in the Constitution. Deviating from section 24 that results in the obfuscation and the blocking of justice would be cause to challenge that deviation from Section 24 as unconstitutional to the appeals court or the Supreme Court.

Now What if the Supreme Court also rejects the application? What to do? What to do? Well, there is answer for that to. :) One could appeal to the Queen as the Queen, The Liberal Party, and the Supreme Court imposed that 1982 Constitution and Charter onto the people without the peoples say. The Queen is the final Rule above the Supreme Court.

Afterall, that was old europe. The King or Queen was the bearer of Rule and Justice. It is possible the Queen would intervene to back hand the Supreme Court but not likely. In 1970 the Queen deferred all matters to be brought before the International Court of Justice. If Canada's Judiciary, the Politicians, and bureacrats think they are clever in rejecting Black and white matters of Justice regarding the Charter, the matter then can be escalated to the International Court of Justice.

So Canada is accounatable to the Queen and/or the International Court of Justice.

People may have to go to these lengths to fight for their rights because Canada has an entrenchly corrupt Judiciary filled with Liberal and Conservative patronage appointments. These Judges are more about towing the Party Line than being the mechanics of Justice.

the way a company acts is unconstitutional? LOL

you do know that the charter is intended to limit the power of the government, not corportates.

if you really want to see results, contact human rights commision.

i guess law curriculum wasn't available in schools when you were growing up.

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the way a company acts is unconstitutional? LOL

you do know that the charter is intended to limit the power of the government, not corportates.

if you really want to see results, contact human rights commision.

i guess law curriculum wasn't available in schools when you were growing up.

Where is the Charter and the 1982 Constitution does it say that? It doesn't.

What would happen is the application is filed to the court house. If what you say is true the rejection can be challeged as unconstitutional and escalated to the appeals court where the appeals judges will agree the redirection is unconstitutional. They would have to! because Section 24 is in the Constitution what you are saying is done is not. For that reason the appeals court would have to rule that redirection as unconstitutional unless they are nothing more than Liberal and conservative party puppets. If that proved to be the case the matter would then proceed to the Supreme Court....Then the Queens Office.... The International Court of Justice.

Wow, all of that to have a court say yep, Section 24 says bring matter before a competent court for remedy. How much more blunt can that statement be?? Oh that redirection to the Human Rights commission is not in the Constitution, therefor that in itself makes it unconstitutional.

It appears the Wheel of Justice in Canada requires an adjustment.

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