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Wife/Daughter killed by her Muslim father

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... or ... ensures those civil liberties are equally available to all, including those historically overlooked.

Your perception is only your reality.

historically overlooked? in the US perhaps.... but seriously... do you really believe that we're making historical slavery "unhappen" by giving undeserving blacks (most of which in Canada- have no close relatives who have been enslaved in the US) preferential treatment in hiring and every other aspect?

Never mind that it shouldn't be up to any of us whites to pay for the minority of our ancestors who "wronged" certain blacks, but CANADA has NOTHING LIKE the litany of segregation and slavery of the US... why is up to canadians... to pay for the mistreatment of blacks by a MINORITY of a minority of AMERICANS?

and conversely.... why is it "wrong" for ME then to attribute collective racial guilt towards blacks for the many rapes and other crimes that they commit against my people TODAY?

on the one hand you demonize any attempt of attributing racial responsibility to blacks for their RECENT crimes... yet you demonize ALL WHITE PEOPLE... for the "crimes" (they weren't crimes back then) of a minute fraction of our ancestors... what a huge and sickening double standard.

Edited by lictor616
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Ha, that's funny. I'm deluded because I don't judge people by the colour of their skin.

oh but you do... you think that a person's skin color is central in determining what kinds of rights and privileges he can receive... and what opinions he can have...

If a person is non-white... you think that they should be privileged for it... and get preferential treatment...

If a person is white and complains about this... then you judge that person to be some sort of defective or moral reprobate... you call them racists... and tell us that racism is the worst sin any human can commit.

then when we show you examples of white people being victims of racism... you gleefully ignore them and call the people who complain: (predictably) racists...

in other words your whole modus operandi of "judging people" is color coded... you have a set of guidlines for whites... and a completely different set of guidelines FOR NON WHITES.

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oh but you do... you think that a person's skin color is central in determining what kinds of rights and privileges he can receive... and what opinions he can have...

If a person is non-white... you think that they should be privileged for it... and get preferential treatment...

I think you don't know what you're talking about. I have very mixed feelings about affirmative action programs. I wish they didn't exist. That said, I also have a problem with the fact that people of minority status have far worse health and wealth statistics than I do. We have come a long way, but we still have a long way to go...and you have a lot further to go than the rest of us.

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oh but you do... you think that a person's skin color is central in determining what kinds of rights and privileges he can receive... and what opinions he can have...

If a person is non-white... you think that they should be privileged for it... and get preferential treatment...

If a person is white and complains about this... then you judge that person to be some sort of defective or moral reprobate... you call them racists... and tell us that racism is the worst sin any human can commit.

then when we show you examples of white people being victims of racism... you gleefully ignore them and call the people who complain: (predictably) racists...

in other words your whole modus operandi of "judging people" is color coded... you have a set of guidlines for whites... and a completely different set of guidelines FOR NON WHITES.


...I agree.


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I think you don't know what you're talking about. I have very mixed feelings about affirmative action programs. I wish they didn't exist. That said, I also have a problem with the fact that people of minority status have far worse health and wealth statistics than I do. We have come a long way, but we still have a long way to go...and you have a lot further to go than the rest of us.

mixed feelings? either way I certainly don't see you criticize affirmative action or our charter (15.2) which has a clause that in effect denies equality to whites and gives undue privileges to non-whites on account of their skin color, religion or sexual orientation...

Also, you certainly don't seem like a fence sitter: since you insult, bash and throw your muck at anyone who resists any aspect of enforced integration, multiculturalism and similar concomitants of affirmative action.

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I think it's absolutely bizarre that this whole thread occurred with no evidence that any such event took place.

I guess it must be a slow time at stormfront.ca. <_<

A 14-year-old female rape victim is strangled to death in March 2004 by her father and brother because she has supposedly tarnished the family name.

In April 2004, a man brutally kills his wife and daughter after finding out that his brother had previously molested them.

A teenage girl with a Turkish background has her throat cut by her father after he learns she has a Christian boyfriend.


There are three examples from this one article. :blink:

Telling yourself it doesn't happen doesn't make it so.

I'd like to stop this violence against women and it's disgusting for me to think you don't want to admit it happens at all.

I cannot believe that you're supporting violence against women. We need to stop it asap. All violence against women is wrong. Killing women because of a supossed shame they brought ot the family is wrong.

It's disgusting for me (and many others) to think that you choose to deny that it even occurs.

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There are three examples from this one article. :blink:

Telling yourself it doesn't happen doesn't make it so.

I'd like to stop this violence against women and it's disgusting for me to think you don't want to admit it happens at all.

I cannot believe that you're supporting violence against women. We need to stop it asap. All violence against women is wrong. Killing women because of a supossed shame they brought ot the family is wrong.

It's disgusting for me (and many others) to think that you choose to deny that it even occurs.

yes - clearly, slow times at stormfront.ca

3 non-Canadian "examples" you're attempting to link to events in Canada. How are you doing on rounding up those requested Canadian prison statistics... where you speak to the over-crowded conditions due to the large number of Muslim prisoners? How about supplying those statistics for Canadian immigration... the ones that show the dramatic influx of Muslims. Please take your own liberties in defining how many of those Muslim immigrants are "radical Islamists".

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I'm illustrating the insane beliefs these people have and that we're importing this line of thinking into Canada without thinking about how this will impact the current demographic. It's funny that the government will do studies for a great many things but they won't on this issue. It could be that the results will be unpopular with the vocal minority in this country.

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You certainly won't see me criticize the Charter. It contains rights that extend to all of us, and I'm quite thankful for that.

i'll repeat again what our charter says specifically:

Canadian Charter:

/Equality Rights

Equality before and under law and equal protection and benefit of law

15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination

(2) Subsection (1) does not preclude any law, program or activity that has as its object the amelioration of conditions of disadvantaged individuals or groups including those that are disadvantaged because of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.(84)

In essence: everyone is equal, and must benefit from equal treatment from the law and have equal benefits.....

UNLESS someone is non-white, or is a "aggrieved" minority of some sort... then they have MORE rights.. MORE privileges.. .

I mean its pretty damn straighforward.

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i'll repeat again what our charter says specifically:

Canadian Charter:

/Equality Rights

Equality before and under law and equal protection and benefit of law

15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination

(2) Subsection (1) does not preclude any law, program or activity that has as its object the amelioration of conditions of disadvantaged individuals or groups including those that are disadvantaged because of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.(84)

In essence: everyone is equal, and must benefit from equal treatment from the law and have equal benefits.....

UNLESS someone is non-white, or is a "aggrieved" minority of some sort... then they have MORE rights.. MORE privileges.. .

I mean its pretty damn straighforward.

case law... anyone have any case law? Anyone... anyone? :lol:

lictor, how's your Charter breech work coming along? By the by, the Supreme Court does suggest:

In the Court’s view, its conclusion that subsection 15(2) is “confirmatory and supplementary” to subsection 15(1) is supported by the terms of the two provisions: the former is referenced to the latter, with no language of exemption, while “on its face” subsection 15(2) describes the content of subsection 15(1). Further, the Charter’s internal coherence is ensured by treating subsection 15(2) as an interpretive aid to subsection 15(1). Interpreting subsection 15(2) as an independent right or as an exemption to subsection 15(1) would have a contrary effect, for example by rendering section 1 redundant. Thus it is preferable to “recognize the interpretive interdependence” of the two provisions.

15.2 is simply an "interpretive aid" to 15.1 ... you're welcome

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... or ... ensures those civil liberties are equally available to all, including those historically overlooked.

Your perception is only your reality.

Historically overlooked? Up until immigration was liberalized in the `70s Canada (excluding aborigines) was about 99% White.

Virtually NONE of the people benefiting from these liberal guilt trips (which are mostly due to watching American dramas about disenfranchised Blacks in the US) can claim that their ancestors or even their fathers and mothers were "historically disadvantaged" in Canada.

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15.2 is simply an "interpretive aid" to 15.1 ... you're welcome

the subsection explains how how in "theory" we are all equal and that no barriers or preferences should exist in such matters as race, sexual orientation or religion (etc)...

BUT if one is a minority, one has access to preferential treatment..

pretty unambiguous...

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That said, I also have a problem with the fact that people of minority status have far worse health and wealth statistics than I do. We have come a long way, but we still have a long way to go...and you have a lot further to go than the rest of us.

Virtually minorities excluding aborigines are immigrants from third world rat holes. Why would you not expect them to have worse health and wealth statistics than us?

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There are three examples from this one article. :blink:

Telling yourself it doesn't happen doesn't make it so.

I'd like to stop this violence against women and it's disgusting for me to think you don't want to admit it happens at all.

I cannot believe that you're supporting violence against women. We need to stop it asap. All violence against women is wrong. Killing women because of a supossed shame they brought ot the family is wrong.

It's disgusting for me (and many others) to think that you choose to deny that it even occurs.

Well thanks for finally providing a link.

And all were considered appropriate by the killers based on long-standing tradition and cultural beliefs.


Along with extreme traditional beliefs, there are deeper mental health issues that need to be considered, Muhammad said.

Quite often, people who are willing to kill members of their own family to restore some notion of honour are doing so, not just because they believe it to be right based on culture, but also because they are mentally ill in some way.

It confirms what I have been told, and believe:

1) Notice that they did not say 'religious' beliefs. It is not a reflection of the Muslim religion, but to extreme traditional tribal practices that pre-existed Islam, resurrected by extremist sects such as that referred to as 'Wahabi' (derogatory).

Wahhabi (Arabic: Al-Wahhābīyya‎ الوهابية) or Wahhabism is a sect attributed to Muhammad ibn Abd-al-Wahhab, an 18th century scholar from what is today known as Saudi Arabia, who advocated to purge Islam of what he considered innovations in Islam. It is often referred to as a sect within Sunni Islam, although this designation is disputed.[1]

Wahhabism predominantly influenced the central Arabian peninsula, known as Najd, originally advocating the Hanbali school of jurisprudence.[2] It has developed considerable influence in the Muslim world through the funding of mosques, schools and other means from Persian Gulf oil wealth.[3] It is interesting to note that nobody calls themselves Wahhabi; but they are called by others as Wahhabi. The name is a myth as the title comes from the Sheikh, whose name is Muahmmed, not Wahhab.


2) Men who murder women always have an excuse "it was her fault ... she drove me to it ...the voices told me to". These murderers are no different. Violent psychopaths and psychotics and rage-filled puny-dick men exist everywhere.

3) Murder of women by males known to them is nearly twice as common in the US as in the Muslim population:

total Muslim Population in 2009 is 1.66 billion
- murders deemed 'honour killings' 5,000 (from your link) =

For homicides in which the victim to offender relationship could be

identified, 92 percent of female victims (1,572 out of 1,701) were

murdered by someone they knew.

1,572/300,000,000 =


All of your sound and fury is either ignorance or racism, imo, neither of which are 'truth'.

Edited by tango
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I'm illustrating the insane beliefs these people have and that we're importing this line of thinking into Canada without thinking about how this will impact the current demographic. It's funny that the government will do studies for a great many things but they won't on this issue. It could be that the results will be unpopular with the vocal minority in this country.


... or is this just another of your ignorant opinions?

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Now I wonder what MrCan thinks of someone with views like this: Gary McHale ... the 'Christian' Wahabi. :lol:

Gary W. McHale says, "There was a difference in how the two genders came about. Man is created from the dust of the earth, which links him to the world, while the woman is created from his side, which links her to the man."


yada yada yada ... women must submit to men ... women cannot lead ... yada yada yada. :rolleyes:

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There are three examples from this one article. :blink:

Telling yourself it doesn't happen doesn't make it so.

I'd like to stop this violence against women and it's disgusting for me to think you don't want to admit it happens at all.

I cannot believe that you're supporting violence against women. We need to stop it asap. All violence against women is wrong. Killing women because of a supossed shame they brought ot the family is wrong.

It's disgusting for me (and many others) to think that you choose to deny that it even occurs.

Right on!

Many choose to be politically correct and don t want to offend anyone!

Even though some immigrants come here and bring their violent culture with them!

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