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You have to remember, that report is put out by the US State Department... it is subject to American definition... They left out the Iraq attacks, because it's during war... fine, but what other terror attacks got left out because they didn't fit the "US definition" of terrorism?

It is in Bush's interest to have a report stating lowest terrorism level in 30 years... seems like those wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were worth it :)

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As long as Americans are dropping two-a-day, there's not much more that terrorists really need to do.

Iraq has made the terrorist operations much more efficient. Instead of terrorists going around the world looking for targets, all the targets came to them.

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You have to remember, that report is put out by the US State Department... it is subject to American definition... They left out the Iraq attacks, because it's during war... fine, but what other terror attacks got left out because they didn't fit the "US definition" of terrorism?

It is in Bush's interest to have a report stating lowest terrorism level in 30 years... seems like those wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were worth it :)

Don't know. Far as I am concerned, I saw this and it seemed to make sense. Scince you don't have any different information then guess we will have to accept this report.

Sure wish I wasn't the only one here that knew how to work a search engine. Makes things so one sided all the time.

As long as Americans are dropping two-a-day, there's not much more that terrorists really need to do.

Iraq has made the terrorist operations much more efficient. Instead of terrorists going around the world looking for targets, all the targets came to them.

That's a silly argument. Iraq is a zone of conflict. A war zone if you will. If you want to portray the attacks on US Soldiers as 'terrorist activity' in order to counter this report then no wonder attacks the world over are down, the terrorists are all in Iraq getting taken out by US forces.

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The US CREATES terrorism. It funds organisations like the IRA, ETA and even Al Qaeda. An American company funded Al Qaeda. And it puts evil dictators INTO power, not just takes them out. It was the US that put General Pinochet into power.

And the US gave Saddam his WMD's because the US used to be allied to Saddam. When Saddam gassed the Kurds to death in 1988 the US turned a blind eye, because it was Saddam's ally. Also, the gas that Saddam used was given to him by Reagan. Rumsfeld even met Saddam and shook hands with him in December 1983. So the US gives Saddam his WMD's, and then goes to war with Saddam to get rid of his WMD's!!!!

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Here are some quotes from American soldiers serving in Iraq -

“We had a great day. We killed a lot of people. We dropped a few civilians, but what do you do? I’m sorry but the chick was in the way.”

— Sgt. Eric Schrumpf

cowardly sniper

with the Fifth Marine Regiment

March 29, 2003


“I think they [iraqi people] thought we wouldn’t shoot kids. But we showed them we don’t care. We are going to do what we have to do to stay alive and keep ourselves safe. I did what I had to do. I don’t have a big problem with it but anyone who shoots a little kid has to feel something.”

— Private Nick Boggs

U.S. Army psychopath, war criminal

Private Boggs was referring to his cold-blooded murder of a 10-year-old boy. Boggs fired his machinegun at the boy who fell dead on a garbage-strewn stretch of wasteland in Karbala, Iraq. Another little Iraqi boy of the same age was hit but not killed, and he dragged his friend’s dead body away.

Boggs is a 21-year-old former hunting guide from Alaska. He claims the boy was reaching for a rocket propelled grenade.

Nick Boggs is a goddamned filthy war criminal. If the stupid jerk wants to “stay alive and keep himself safe” he shouldn’t be invading other people’s countries on behalf of the oil companies. Then he wouldn’t have to murder 10-year-old boys and make excuses for it.


“The Iraqis are sick people and we are the chemotherapy. I am starting to hate this country. Wait till I get hold of a fuckin’ Iraqi. No, I won’t get hold of one. I’ll just kill him.”

— Corporal Ryan Dupre

U.S. Army psychopath, war criminal

Actually, babykilling soldiers like Ryan Dupre, Eric Schrumpf and Nick Boggs are the disease, and a war-crimes trial followed by a firing squad would be a sure cure.

But of course such justice will never happen in America, land of the military freak and home of the knave. There will never be any justice in this country until the satanic U.S. military/government is overthrown.

Ryan Dupre was trying to ease his guilty conscience after his unit in the 3rd Infantry Division slaughtered seven defenseless Iraqi women and children. The innocent people were riding in a van, approaching an American checkpoint on a bridge near Karbala, when Ryan and his friends blasted them with cannon-fire from a Bradley Fighting Vehicle, totally butchering them. Two of the little girls were beheaded by the cannon-fire, right in front of their mother.

Only one or two of the soldiers were horrified and remorseful when they saw all the butchered, bloodied children. Ryan Dupre and the other U.S. Army soldiers simply sneered at their mangled victims.

This phenomenon of “blame the victim” is a universal psychosis in the satanic U.S. military. As reported in Censored 2000 by ProjectCensored.org, the U.S. military actually trains its sick recruits to murder and eat tame animals as a way to desensitize them to brutal murder and bestiality toward human beings.

And as reported by Stan Goff, retired from the Special Forces, the U.S. Army also has its sick recruits violently break the legs and ribs of goats so they can practice first aid on broken bones. This is quite cruel to the suffering goats, so in an attempt to justify their unjustifiable evil, most of the recruits sooner or later resort to making disparaging comments about the helpless animals, sneering about how “worthless” they are and how they therefore “deserve” to be cruelly treated.

This same psychopathic attitude is held by evil workers who slaughter chickens, cows and pigs in slaughterhouses. The slaughterhouse workers and U.S. military babykillers never have the courage to admit to themselves that it is obviously they who are worthless, inhuman beasts. They are involved in something totally evil, so they ease their twisted little minds by blaming the victim.

The Iraqi women and children were fleeing the American bombing of their home town, Karbala. They had already been waved through one American checkpoint, so when they came to a second one they naturally assumed they could drive through that one too. The soldiers at the second checkpoint were supposed to fire a warning shot well in advance, but for some reason they failed to do so. As the van full of women and children approached, the stupid soldiers were afraid they might be suicide bombers, so they slaughtered them.

The U.S. Army patted its babykilling soldiers on the head, of course, telling them they were perfectly justified and that it was the fault of the women and children in the van for getting themselves killed. After all, heroic American warriors have a perfect right to protect themselves from suicide bombers, don’t they?

Of course it never occurs to these evil morons that they have no right to invade other people’s countries in the first place.

No, as far as they’re concerned, Might Makes Right. There is no higher law for U.S. military personnel. They live in a very twisted fantasy world. Totally racist, they call Arabs “sand-niggers” and “ragheads” — and yet they convinced themselves that they invaded Iraq to “liberate” its people, a people they couldn’t care less about. A people whose children they murder in cold blood with no remorse.

These uniformed brainless wonders were so thoroughly programmed by American propaganda that they actually expected the people whose land they invaded to welcome them with flowers and cheers!

Later, for the benefit of the corporate “news” cameras, the U.S. military staged a few such scenes in Baghdad using Iraqi-exiles flown in from the U.S. and elsewhere. But the real Iraqi people did not welcome the racist invaders who butchered their children, slaughtered their sons, fathers and husbands, raped their women and occupied their country.

Disappointed that the Iraqis were not as sick and twisted as themselves, U.S. military babykillers resorted to the basic training their dull little minds are programmed with: kill everybody indiscriminately.

Mass-murder is perfectly okay with them, because their victims are all just “sand-niggers” and “ragheads” after all. U.S. military morons can’t see the humanity in their victims because they’ve murdered the humanity within themselves. It’s Vietnam all over again. The U.S. military is incapable of learning moral lessons because it is literally satanic.

The United States military is composed entirely of heavily brainwashed, homicidal psychopaths. If these evil bastards did the exact same things out of uniform that they do in uniform, they would all be locked up on death row.

That’s exactly where they should be right now. They are bona fide war criminals. And since they will not be arrested and locked up when they come back, it proves that American society in general is every bit as evil as its babykilling soldiers, sailors and pilots.


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Now another pandemic of mass murder is being documented, recorded and widely ignored. This time the perpetrator is Saddam Hussein, whose Ba'athist Party was based on that of the Nazis, and accounts of its killing efficiency continue to flow to the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA). The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) reports that since Saddam was ousted 270 sites of mass graves have been reported. These contain an unknown number of Iraqis, Iranian prisoners of war, Iraqi Kurds and Kuwaiti prisoners among the long list of those Saddam tortured and killed. British Prime Minister Tony Blair puts the remains in mass graves at 400,000 so far.
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Hehe, if you look at US history as a whole...Stalin+Hitler are n00bs and angels.. compared to US gvt...

As to what you said blackleaf...omg..no words..

As to Terrorism Downed 2003...lol, media, education, are all institutions of the gvt (i am absolutely sure) and many things aren't even added there..

Lol the numbers in irak??Haha, these statistics are completely BIASED!!Who wants to admit to their country that 10 men are dying daily, instead of "only" 2...

Hehe, and I think that those criminals against humanity, should be punished in a good way...Build a huge gladiator pit, where ppls of the world can come together to watch these fools kill each other, or die in mass if they refuse hehe...The only survivor will get to finish his life in a prison =)

(thats it...im gonna become torture minister somewhere hehe )

I mean seriously...you play around with other ppls human rights, what rights do you yourself expect?die!!

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You are entitled to your opinion Black Leaf, but don't copy and paste long tracts from other web sites. The link is sufficient.

You should also include any copy-paste inside quote marks.

I notice the web site is hosted in the US and the unknown author provides a long list of references, for the most part American.

The United States is a quite a country!

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And as reported by Stan Goff, retired from the Special Forces, the U.S. Army also has its sick recruits violently break the legs and ribs of goats so they can practice first aid on broken bones. This is quite cruel to the suffering goats, so in an attempt to justify their unjustifiable evil, most of the recruits sooner or later resort to making disparaging comments about the helpless animals, sneering about how “worthless” they are and how they therefore “deserve” to be cruelly treated.

Blackleaf, I had some friends who where (and are) Search and Rescue Specialists in the Canadain Forces. Part of their training is to do a similar thing with dogs whereby the dog is drugged and then mortally wounded. It is their task to keep the dog alive as long as possible in order to practise their skills. There is nothing new in your quote except the misinterpretation that it is done for fun. My friends did not enjoy doing this but knew that it was part of somethng that would save human lives.

This same psychopathic attitude is held by evil workers who slaughter chickens, cows and pigs in slaughterhouses. The slaughterhouse workers and U.S. military babykillers never have the courage to admit to themselves that it is obviously they who are worthless, inhuman beasts. They are involved in something totally evil, so they ease their twisted little minds by blaming the victim.

Evil slaughterhouse workers? How about idiotic people who cannot discuss an issue without going off the deep end and using only slanted editorials to support their arguments?

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Hehe, if you look at US history as a whole...Stalin+Hitler are n00bs and angels.. compared to US gvt...

An opinion completely rubbished by the facts. I'll reference one of my favourite authors again, Prof. R. J. Rummel, who has spent his academic career studying the practice and statistics of state-sanctioned killing. These are his conservative estimates:

Victims of Hitler: 11,000,000

Victims of Stalin: 40,000,000

Victims of Mao Zedong: 35,000,000

Victims of the USA (all governments since independence): 300,000

Note that 298,000 of those were foreigners. Since American independence, about 2,000 American citizens have been killed politically, for instance, lynching of blacks and so on. That's 2,000 people. Hitler killed 5,500 times as many people in his 12 years as the USA did in over 200. Stalin killed 20,000 times as many.

In short, stop talking crap. You are basically shooting your mouth off on matters you are too lazy or stupid to research properly. I have no patience for this idiocy.

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This same psychopathic attitude is held by evil workers who slaughter chickens, cows and pigs in slaughterhouses. The slaughterhouse workers and U.S. military babykillers never have the courage to admit to themselves that it is obviously they who are worthless, inhuman beasts. They are involved in something totally evil, so they ease their twisted little minds by blaming the victim.

As I may not totally agree with the US sending troops into Iraq and I wonder why they still have their troops there. The above kind of drivel though is way out to lunch. People doing attrocious things during the time of war should be charged but the everyday soldier is your next door neighbour just doing his job. I wonder if people with the above mental capacity had lived in Hitlers Germany, Stalins USSR or Saddams Iraq would have the same attitude towards the US as they do now? If not for the US, Europe would be all speaking German, all of Asia Japanese and so forth. Does the US always do the right thing, no but we are all only human. Such as the above drivel does nothing to impress the average person but it sure makes me wish the education system was better at lustrating to the average person atrocities of nuts like Hitler, Stalin ect. I have seen the concentration camps and you feel nothing but pure evil there, I have been to the US, I sure dont feel the same way there. So if you have nothing intelligent to add but drivel, please keep your pie hole closed.

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  • 1 month later...


Terrorism report wrong.

The original tally of 190 acts of terrorism in 2003 was hailed as "good news" by the State Department's head of counter-terrorism, J Cofer Black, who predicted the trend would continue this year.

It now appears that figure was an under-estimate.

"Based on our review subsequently to all this coming to light," said State Department spokesman, Richard Boucher, "we determined that the data in the report are incomplete and in some cases incorrect."

"We got the wrong data and we did not check it enough," he said.

Report "big mistake": Powell

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Thanks guys, I guess all those who are on the 'Evil US always lies and manufactures data' band wagon will believe this new report. Funny how they are selective in admitting evidence and reports.

Kudos to the State Department, goes to show that they want things to be on the up and up as much as possible. I wonder what the real numbers are?

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Dear KK,

If you weren't sure,

'Evil US always lies and manufactures data'

Not always, of course, just when it suits them to do so. Why is most of the world cynical towards the US? The answer lies(sic) in the story of "the boy who cried wolf". The US says"Here is the truth". Then, when it becomes obvious to everyone that they lied, they say "Ok, here is the REAL truth". Then, when that is exposed or admitted to as false, they say "OK, here is the REALLY REALLY REAL truth". Then, people are lucky to find out 25 years later under the freedom of information act what little truth that there is left that someone forgot to shred.

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Seems you forget the Cretien government, and pretty much all others. Tell me that Ann McClellan was telling us the truth when she said Sars was under control, that the HRDC was not mismanagement, the Cretien was skiing when he should have been at a state funeral when he was actually getting cancer treatment at the Mayo. And who can ever forget our soldiers working with the Americans in Afganistan and Iraq and we were told not one was. ow about Chirac getting direct bribes from Saddam to his campaign coffers, the UN food for oil fiasco?

Take off your rose coulored galsses Lonius, you see only America as a sinner when the whole world awaits your wise condemnations.

And then, tired of that, you can move onto some really nasty third world places. Sometimes they lie too.

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Dear KK,

You are right that Chretien&Cronies are crooks through and through. Mr. Martin looks like he could be the biggest liar of them all. I also believe France oppsed the Iraqi invasion mostly for the billions that they were owed and had the potential to profit. None of them, however, claim to be the only righteous and morally upstanding nation in the world while commiting or abetting the very acts they claim to condemn, on such a large scale.

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Thanks guys, I guess all those who are on the 'Evil US always lies and manufactures data' band wagon will believe this new report. Funny how they are selective in admitting evidence and reports.

Kudos to the State Department, goes to show that they want things to be on the up and up as much as possible. I wonder what the real numbers are?

Well, apparently the amendment to the report is going to included 8 pages of omissions and corrections, including a number of attacks that took place in November and December, because the original document had to go to the printer. Initial reports suggest that the revision will show one of the worst years as opposed to one of the best, which sounds a lot more accurate.

Printing up a report on 2003 data, and finalizing it before November is finished is, well, silly. :rolleyes:

I agree with giving kudos to the State Department. I often feel bad for Colin Powell, as he is just about the only White House official I have any respect for. He has consistently appeared forthright and often questioned others in the White House on the veracity of data. I think he would have made a MUCH better US President than the guy running it now. :)

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Thanks guys, I guess all those who are on the 'Evil US always lies and manufactures data' band wagon will believe this new report. Funny how they are selective in admitting evidence and reports.

Kudos to the State Department, goes to show that they want things to be on the up and up as much as possible. I wonder what the real numbers are?

Interesting response. This report was touted (notably by you) as an indication that the Bush administration's terror war policies were working. Subsequent evidence shows the opposite is true. This is a major mistake, and yet the very same person who trotted the report out in the first place now trie sto dopwnplay its significance and deflect attention elsewhere. To wit:

Take off your rose coulored galsses Lonius, you see only America as a sinner when the whole world awaits your wise condemnations.

And then, tired of that, you can move onto some really nasty third world places. Sometimes they lie too.

Of course, anyone with half a brain would know that U.S. policies (like those pushed as part of the "war on terror") have greater significance and a far greater impact, both domestically and globally than those of any other nation on earth.

For example, America's crusade against terrorism has led to numerous abrogations of commonly accepted precepts of international law (notably the widely understood principle of using force only in self-defense and repeated violations of the Geneva Convention). These have very serious consequenses and set very serious precedents.

So, when evidence comes to light that these policies aren't working, you're damn right we'll point the finger where it needs to be pointed, regardless of feeble equivocations from apologists.

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Seems you forget the Cretien government, and pretty much all others. Tell me that Ann McClellan was telling us the truth when she said Sars was under control, that the HRDC was not mismanagement, the Cretien was skiing when he should have been at a state funeral when he was actually getting cancer treatment at the Mayo. And who can ever forget our soldiers working with the Americans in Afganistan and Iraq and we were told not one was. ow about Chirac getting direct bribes from Saddam to his campaign coffers, the UN food for oil fiasco?

Take off your rose coulored galsses Lonius, you see only America as a sinner when the whole world awaits your wise condemnations.

And then, tired of that, you can move onto some really nasty third world places. Sometimes they lie too.

I agree with this for the most part, but do want to point out that we were never told that we didn't have soldiers in Afghanistan, so that's a, dare I say, lie.

We ALL knew we had troops in Afghanistan.

As for Iraq, while Chretien elected to not send troops to Iraq, he didn't pull troops that were already in the region, as they were part of a previously existing agreement.

The Chretien gov't IS guilty of not making that point clear to Canadians though (and further obfuscating the truth of it for percieved political points), as there was nary a peep from the Canadian press regarding the troops there under the prior agreement. (I recall reading about it in the Globe -or maybe the NY Times-, but don't know if there's an online source for it).

Just for clarification. ;)

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