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Reporter feels mob's hate in the Holy City

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it is these religious wackos who voted lieberman in and have backed bibi. it is these wackos who have pushed for and succeeded in the expansion of the settlements. the settlements where these wackos live.

No, these wackos vote for their own little parties. And whomever is in government, be it labour or likud, has to deal with them, trying to find the least outrageous and objectionable of the groups in order to form a coallition. This, of course, gives each little group influence far beyond the numbers it commands.

the same settlements that are one of the major obstacles of any progress towards a just peace deal.

They are certainly a major impediment.

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this extreme group compromises of close to 1/5 of israel's population. that's a big percentage of the population. your claim that they receive a lot of publicity is without merit.

Long as it's got Joooos you hate it huh?

Seig heil.

Anything with an anti Jewish/Israeli slant you bring up. We know you Dub. Pure hate with no logic or truth, I could tell from the word twisting on the Res 181 issue. Just hate.

Oh, and your little dog Toto too.

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when you don't have facts and truth behind you, draw the anti-semite card. typical. just look at krusty's post. he quotes me as if he's going to respond to my post, but he goes back to his anti-semite card.

this shows your weakness and dishonesty.

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when you don't have facts and truth behind you, draw the anti-semite card. typical. just look at krusty's post. he quotes me as if he's going to respond to my post, but he goes back to his anti-semite card.

this shows your weakness and dishonesty.

Fact is, if you go into a crowd of whipped up anybody, right or wrong, you can expect to be messed up if you are not one of them.

The issue here is that you continually bring shit like this up as if it has some meaning when in reality, if I walked into an anti war rally when tempers were running high wearing a 'I love Haliburton' shirt, I'd probably be subject to the same. Just as I would expect to be beaten to a pulp for wearing a pro Israel t shirt to a Hamas rally. Like what the hell Dub, this is just a bash Jews and Israel thread.

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As are ALL his threads. dub is yer typical modern anti-Semite. He even knows the 'proper lingo' so that he can claim otherwise.

Zionist rather than Jew. Israeli rather than Jew. Some of my best friends are Jews...but they hate Zionists. Etc...

After the so-called Holocaust...let's trot out some Orthodox idiots from Nobrainistan who run into a New York City Jew.


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As are ALL his threads. dub is yer typical modern anti-Semite. He even knows the 'proper lingo' so that he can claim otherwise.

Zionist rather than Jew. Israeli rather than Jew. Some of my best friends are Jews...but they hate Zionists. Etc...

After the so-called Holocaust...let's trot out some Orthodox idiots from Nobrainistan who run into a New York City Jew.


I will come to Dub's defense here. He did acknowledge Israel's right to exist. Few anti Israel rant mongers do this so kudos to him. Possibly I may take him under my wing however, he still has to cull his hate Israel thread count down a bit to be taken seriously as a student of mine.

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I will come to Dub's defense here. He did acknowledge Israel's right to exist. Few anti Israel rant mongers do this so kudos to him. Possibly I may take him under my wing however, he still has to cull his hate Israel thread count down a bit to be taken seriously as a student of mine.

Don't take him at his word. He also believs Jews have been occupying palestinian land since 1948 - the implication - there shouldn't be an Israel.

He doesn't acknowledge their right to exist, he is just willing to allow that for now at least - that battle has been lost. It's called incrementalism - '67 borders today, no Israel tomorrow.

The Zionism canard never fails to amuse me. It is so transparent. "Zionism" is just a special word given to jewish nationalism - because as in everything else they must be singled out. When some anti-semite tells me he just criticizes the Zionists, he is really telling me he dislikes any Jew uppity enough to desire a homeland. Is there a special word for Kurdish nationalism? Czech?

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