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U.S. captain freed in rescue operation

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Oh... didn't realize you were over here looking for transcripts..

Hannity's transcript of how Obama deserves no credit from his April 13 show is hilarious.


HANNITY: I don't want you to misunderstand, but there's an important point here is -- I think it was very different. There was an orchestrated effort for them to go out there and take credit for this. And that's according to reports.

In other words, they wanted the credit. I think you're right. I think he should have stayed silent. But what we've now discovered is, according to the Politico, is that, in fact, he was legally required to sign on to this. There was no great decision here, in other words.

And so on.

And his radio show in the last days has been hilarious. Not as bad as Limbaugh with saying the Democrats are in support of the enemy but right up there.

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Still no transcript for...?

It was on Hannity last week where he blamed Obama for the escalation in pirate attacks and for leaving the American ship without escort.


If it is a choice between them and us, I choose us

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I find it somewhat amusing that you are here haranguing Dobbin for transcripts while making crazy accusations on other threads that you can't back... that is all.

I find it even more amusing you thinking I am making accusations about someone I couldn;t even bother to poop about.

But please feel free to refresh my memory...


If it is a choice between them and us, I choose us

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I find it even more amusing you thinking I am making accusations about someone I couldn;t even bother to poop about.

But please feel free to refresh my memory...

Not worth it... I know you were just feeling angry the day you said it.

"They muddy the water, to make it seem deep." - Friedrich Nietzsche

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Not worth it... I know you were just feeling angry the day you said it.

No it's worth it...especially 'cause you are flat out wrong. I just made a search for my posts concerning Stronach...there are I believe 9 in total. Some are to do with lazy immigrants (i defended the immigrants) some are to do with Mckay. Some are to do with sexism.

None are to do with bribery or anything like that.

Okay, now that I have firmly established you are blowing hot air our your ass...lets get back to the topic.

It was on Hannity last week where he blamed Obama for the escalation in pirate attacks and for leaving the American ship without escort.

Transcript please.


If it is a choice between them and us, I choose us

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I haven't seen anyone put it up yet, so if you haven't heard yet, the Navy Seals have rescued the captain who was taken hostage by Somali pirates. This is good news for everyone except the right wing fascists and fanatics like Glenn Beck & Co. who have some deranged dreams of starting an insurrection with their stupid tea party protests!

BTW how is FoxNews spinning this story today? If it hadn't been a successful operation, they would have gone into default soft on terrorism mode!

WASHINGTON — An American sea captain was freed unharmed Sunday in a U.S. navy operation that killed three of the four Somali pirates who had been holding him for days in a lifeboat off the coast of Africa, a senior U.S. intelligence official said.

The official said a pirate who had been involved in negotiations to free the American but who was not on the lifeboat where the captain was being held was taken into custody.

Capt. Richard Phillips, 53, of Underhill, Vt., was safely transported to a navy warship nearby.

The official was not authorized to discuss the matter publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.

Link http://www.edmontonsun.com/News/World/2009...12/9093541.html

The Navy SEALs just rescued American sailors from "African community organizers" (pirates, in oldspeak).

And looking through the various news articles on the topic I am not fully surprised that no one picked up on the true significance of this event:

While everything is crumbling around us due to subprime, affirmative action Prez, and the weakening of educational standards, there still are some AMERICAN institutions that recognize true greatness.

The SEALs are the farthest organization from affirmative action socialism in the world: physically they would all be called poster boys for Hitler's Youth: White, high intelligence, highly fit, and with a firm contempt of death. They are trained to be elite warriors. They are a living embodiment of true excellence.

They are the last remnant of Old America, and all that it represents - what is here now all around us, and what is coming has a terrible smell. Its democratic, socialist, brown, and angry.

If Obama had created the SEALs its obvious that it would be a multicultural heap of crap with such low standards for admittance combined with racial quotas, that those sailors would all be dead right now.

So three cheers for the SEALs and three cheers and a last hurrah from Old America and Her commitment to excellence. Lets savor one last drop of it's sweet-tasting brandy as the rest of America goes to hell all around us.

- taken from Navy Seals up, Socialism down- http://cordeliaforlear.blogspot.com/

Edited by lictor616

-Magna Europa Est Patria Nostra-

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The SEALs are the farthest organization from affirmative action socialism in the world: physically they would all be called poster boys for Hitler's Youth: White, high intelligence, highly fit, and with a firm contempt of death. They are trained to be elite warriors. They are a living embodiment of true excellence.

No black SEALs eh?



If it is a choice between them and us, I choose us

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The Navy SEALs just rescued American sailors from "African community organizers" (pirates, in oldspeak).

And looking through the various news articles on the topic I am not fully surprised that no one picked up on the true significance of this event:

While everything is crumbling around us due to subprime, affirmative action Prez, and the weakening of educational standards, there still are some AMERICAN institutions that recognize true greatness.

The SEALs are the farthest organization from affirmative action socialism in the world: physically they would all be called poster boys for Hitler's Youth: White, high intelligence, highly fit, and with a firm contempt of death. They are trained to be elite warriors. They are a living embodiment of true excellence.

They are the last remnant of Old America, and all that it represents - what is here now all around us, and what is coming has a terrible smell. Its democratic, socialist, brown, and angry.

If Obama had created the SEALs its obvious that it would be a multicultural heap of crap with such low standards for admittance combined with racial quotas, that those sailors would all be dead right now.

So three cheers for the SEALs and three cheers and a last hurrah from Old America and Her commitment to excellence. Lets savor one last drop of it's sweet-tasting brandy as the rest of America goes to hell all around us.

Cross post or plagiarism...your choice



If it is a choice between them and us, I choose us

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my blog... can't plagiarize yourself now can you?

Good, now that we have established it's a cross post...go read the rules.


If it is a choice between them and us, I choose us

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I am blowing hot air... I was mistaken, I had you confused with jbg.. My most sincere apologies.

Thank you.

We look nothing alike...


If it is a choice between them and us, I choose us

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However, do news organizations organize anti-government protests and then try to say they are only reporting the news? That is exactly what is happening with Fox and it is tea party rallies.

Wow. Have you proof that Fox has organized, paid for the porta potties, refreshments, advertising, set up their PA systems and all? Please provide proof of this. I thought it was the same tea party grup that did the anti iBush ones last year but you seem to have the inside track so pony up with some proof please.

We're Paratroopers Lieutenant. We're supposed to be surrounded - CPT Richard Winters

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Here is another example of fox's news making up the news.

Fox News host Neil Cavuto talking with a producer at 12:10PM, recorded on a live mic (update: Cavuto was in Sacramento):

CAVUTO: Any estimates on how many people are here?

PRODUCER: No, we're trying to get...

CAVUTO: There's gotta' be 5,000.

PRODUCER: Oh, at least. You know, I mean the cops aren't going to tell us, and we've been trying to get ahold of the PR person to give us their number, but I think 5,000. You can say it's starting at 5,000 [unintelligble, but sounds like "and maybe it's more."].

And here's Cavuto less than ten minutes later, tripling his crowd estimate during his on-air broadcast:

CAVUTO: I know you cover a lot of these things Shep, so you're probably better at estimating crowd sizes than I am. They were expecting 5,000 here, it's got to be easily double, if not triple that.

To recap: off-air, Cavuto is recorded estimating the crowd at 5,000, perhaps slightly more. On-air, Cavuto says the crowd is "easily" double or triple that.

Fox News, they report...you decide.

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Wow. Have you proof that Fox has organized, paid for the porta potties, refreshments, advertising, set up their PA systems and all? Please provide proof of this. I thought it was the same tea party grup that did the anti iBush ones last year but you seem to have the inside track so pony up with some proof please.

Here is the advertising part.


Despite its repeated insistence that its coverage is "fair and balanced" and its invitation to viewers to "say 'no' to biased media," in recent weeks, Fox News has frequently aired segments encouraging viewers to get involved with "tea party" protests across the country, which the channel has often described as primarily a response to President Obama's fiscal policies. Specifically, Fox News has in dozens of instances provided attendance and organizing information for future protests, such as protest dates, locations and website URLs. Fox News websites have also posted information and publicity material for protests.
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Here is another example of fox's news making up the news.

Fox News host Neil Cavuto talking with a producer at 12:10PM, recorded on a live mic (update: Cavuto was in Sacramento):

CAVUTO: Any estimates on how many people are here?

PRODUCER: No, we're trying to get...

CAVUTO: There's gotta' be 5,000.

PRODUCER: Oh, at least. You know, I mean the cops aren't going to tell us, and we've been trying to get ahold of the PR person to give us their number, but I think 5,000. You can say it's starting at 5,000 [unintelligble, but sounds like "and maybe it's more."].

And here's Cavuto less than ten minutes later, tripling his crowd estimate during his on-air broadcast:

CAVUTO: I know you cover a lot of these things Shep, so you're probably better at estimating crowd sizes than I am. They were expecting 5,000 here, it's got to be easily double, if not triple that.

To recap: off-air, Cavuto is recorded estimating the crowd at 5,000, perhaps slightly more. On-air, Cavuto says the crowd is "easily" double or triple that.

Fox News, they report...you decide.

Since when are guesstimates facts. Yes, you must decide or continue listening until they get the numbers.

I would guess that you'll hear the guesstimate as less than 5000 on the MM tonight and you'll still be in the dark.

Fox at least offers air time to the left. A courtesy the left seems to forget in the MM.

...and I don't mean Colmes. O'Reilly, has Code Pink on as guests, Gay groups. They all have an opportunity to present a point of view. The left would rather just tell you how bad things are over there.

I don't fully get why you think editorial political commentary and criticism is news. It is mostly opinion of the news.

They do get the news right. The left often presents their opinions as the news.

I want to be in the class that ensures the classless society remains classless.

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Since when are guesstimates facts. Yes, you must decide or continue listening until they get the numbers.

I would guess that you'll hear the guesstimate as less than 5000 on the MM tonight and you'll still be in the dark.

Fox at least offers air time to the left. A courtesy the left seems to forget in the MM.

...and I don't mean Colmes. O'Reilly, has Code Pink on as guests, Gay groups. They all have an opportunity to present a point of view. The left would rather just tell you how bad things are over there.

I don't fully get why you think editorial political commentary and criticism is news. It is mostly opinion of the news.

They do get the news right. The left often presents their opinions as the news.

He looks at his producer off camera and says "Probably 5000 people here" then turns to the camera and says "There is at least 10000-150000 people here". That is a LIE.

BTW he was "REPORTING" when he LIED to everyones face

Watch the video


Edited by punked
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Still no transcript yet? (credit to M.Dancer)

We're all still waiting! It's time to finally come clean and admit you're a liar. And not just a regular liar, but a pathological one. I've listened to several Hannity podcasts from the week you site, and have not heard one utterance of what you claim he said.

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I'm not sure whom you're addressing. Are you talking about this transcript of Rush Limbaugh whining about how Obama ordered the "muslim kids" to be shot just because they put a gun to the captain's back?


"I think it's fun watching the waldick get all excited/knickers in a knot over something." -scribblet
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We're all still waiting! It's time to finally come clean and admit you're a liar. And not just a regular liar, but a pathological one. I've listened to several Hannity podcasts from the week you site, and have not heard one utterance of what you claim he said.

Try Friday and get back to me.

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Are you serious....."race wars"....how quaint. There is plenty of "real violence" even in the best of times.

In case you're afraid to read your own news lately, you may be only a couple of years away from "real violence."

(CNN) -- Right-wing extremist groups may be using the recession and the election of the nation's first African-American president to recruit members, a Department of Homeland Security report contends.

The Department of Homeland Security says membership in extremist groups like this may be increasing.

Though the nine-page report said it has "no specific information that domestic right-wing terrorists are currently planning acts of violence," it said real-estate foreclosures, unemployment and tight credit "could create a fertile recruiting environment for right-wing extremists and even result in confrontations between such groups and government authorities similar to those in the past."

The report, prepared in coordination with the FBI and published April 7, was distributed to federal, state and local law enforcement officials under the title "Right-wing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment."

It compares the current climate to the 1990s, "when right-wing extremism experienced a resurgence fueled largely by an economic recession, criticism about the outsourcing of jobs, and the perceived threat to U.S. power and sovereignty by other foreign powers."

Then "we" bombed the shit out of them..."white people" no less....it was a one sided turkey shoot.

Great! So the only thing you learned during the breakup of Yugoslavia was Kosovo and the bombing of Serbia. That all came later. I was referring to the breakup of the Yugoslav Confederacy, which had been considered inevitable for many years, but lumbered along until economic collapse brought all of the ethnic hostilities to the surface.

What part of free speech and US of A do you not understand? Stay in Canada if you are afraid of a bit of action after dark.

Yeah right! Five large media corporations get to do most of that free speech because they own the TV and radio stations. So Murdoch's FoxNews can create a fictional mass movement with the help of astroturf lobbyists - Freedomworks and Americans United for Change.

Anybody who believers exponential growth can go on forever in a finite world is either a madman or an economist.

-- Kenneth Boulding,


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In case you're afraid to read your own news lately, you may be only a couple of years away from "real violence."

Were you alive in 1960's? In America? In Detroit....or Philadelphia...or LA? Now tell me about the "real violence" again.

Great! So the only thing you learned during the breakup of Yugoslavia was Kosovo and the bombing of Serbia. That all came later. I was referring to the breakup of the Yugoslav Confederacy, which had been considered inevitable for many years, but lumbered along until economic collapse brought all of the ethnic hostilities to the surface.

There are ethnic "hostilities" even at the best of times....be afraid if you must...across the border no less.

Yeah right! Five large media corporations get to do most of that free speech because they own the TV and radio stations. So Murdoch's FoxNews can create a fictional mass movement with the help of astroturf lobbyists - Freedomworks and Americans United for Change.

Ever heard of the I-N-T-E-R-N-E-T ?

Economics trumps Virtue. 


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